2022-02-10 22:01:26 +01:00

115 lines
3.2 KiB

# command info
if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "-help" ]; then
echo "# config script to download and run from your Raspiblitz the BitcoinMinds.org website"
echo "# on: installs BitcoinMinds.org and runs a local server"
echo "# off: removes all the code"
echo "# bonus.bitcoinminds.sh [on|off|menu]"
echo "# BitcoinMinds.org installation script $BitcoinMindsVersion"
exit 1
source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf
# show info menu
if [ "$1" = "menu" ]; then
dialog --title " BitcoinMinds.org Info" --msgbox "
This service downloads the full BitcoinMinds.org website in your Raspiblitz, so you can access its interface and Bitcoin resources from your local network, regardless of the internet connection.
Use the command 'bm' from the console to start the server.
" 11 78
exit 0
# switch on
if [ "$1" = "1" ] || [ "$1" = "on" ]; then
# check and install NodeJS
/home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.nodejs.sh on
echo ""
echo "# ***"
echo "# Installing BitcoinMinds.org in your Raspiblitz ..."
echo "# ***"
echo ""
# create user
sudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" bitcoinminds 2>/dev/null
# add local directory to path and set PATH for the user
sudo bash -c "echo 'PATH=\$PATH:/home/bitcoinminds/.local/bin' >> /home/bitcoinminds/.profile"
sudo bash -c "echo 'PATH=\$PATH:/home/bitcoinminds/.local/share/composer' >> /home/bitcoinminds/.profile"
cd /home/bitcoinminds
echo ""
echo "# ***"
echo "# Downloading BitcoinMinds.org from GitHub ..."
echo "# ***"
echo ""
sudo -u bitcoinminds git clone https://github.com/raulcano/bitcoinminds.git 2>/dev/null
echo ""
echo "# ***"
echo "# Installing packages ..."
echo "# ***"
echo ""
cd /home/bitcoinminds/bitcoinminds/bitcoinminds-ui
sudo -u bitcoinminds npm install
echo ""
echo "# ***"
echo "# Setting the autostart script for user bitcoinminds"
echo "# ***"
echo "
cd /home/bitcoinminds/bitcoinminds/bitcoinminds-ui
npm run serve -- --port 11026
" | sudo -u bitcoinminds tee -a /home/bitcoinminds/.bashrc
# setting value in raspi blitz config
sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.conf.sh set bitcoinminds on
# add a firewall entry so the web UI is accessible from the local network
sudo ufw allow 11026 comment 'bitcoinminds'
echo ""
echo "# ***"
echo "# OK - BitcoinMinds installed. Type 'bm' in the console to start the environment."
echo "# ***"
echo ""
exit 0
# switch off
if [ "$1" = "0" ] || [ "$1" = "off" ]; then
if [ ${isInstalled} -eq 1 ]; then
echo ""
echo "# ***"
echo "# Removing BitcoinMinds..."
echo "# ***"
echo ""
# setting value in raspi blitz config
sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.conf.sh set bitcoinminds off
# Remove user and stuff here
sudo userdel -rf bitcoinminds 2>/dev/null
# delete firewall entry
sudo ufw delete allow 11026 comment 'bitcoinminds'
echo ""
echo "# ***"
echo "# OK - BitcoinMinds removed."
echo "# ***"
echo ""
echo "# BitcoinMinds has not been installed yet."
exit 0