#!/bin/bash # command info if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "-help" ]; then echo "small config script to install angular CLI" echo "bonus.angular_cli.sh [on|off]" exit 1 fi source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf # add default value to raspi config if needed if ! grep -Eq "^angular_cli=" /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf; then echo "angular_cli=off" >> /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf fi # switch on if [ "$1" = "1" ] || [ "$1" = "on" ]; then # check if angular_cli was installed angularcliInstalled=$(ng help 2>/dev/null | grep -c "Available Commands:") if ! [ ${angularcliInstalled} -eq 0 ]; then echo "angular/cli is already installed" else # install nodeJS /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.nodejs.sh on # determine nodeJS VERSION and DISTRO echo "Detect CPU architecture ..." isARM=$(uname -m | grep -c 'arm') isAARCH64=$(uname -m | grep -c 'aarch64') isX86_64=$(uname -m | grep -c 'x86_64') VERSION="v12.16.3" if [ ${isARM} -eq 1 ] ; then DISTRO="linux-armv7l" elif [ ${isAARCH64} -eq 1 ] ; then DISTRO="linux-arm64" elif [ ${isX86_64} -eq 1 ] ; then DISTRO="linux-x64" elif [ ${#DISTRO} -eq 0 ]; then echo "FAIL: Was not able to determine architecture" exit 1 fi # install echo "# try to suppress question on statistics report" export NG_CLI_ANALYTICS=ci NG_CLI_ANALYTICS=ci echo "# install angular CLI" sudo apt install -y yes yes | npm install -g @angular/cli echo "# link ng" sudo ln -sf /usr/local/lib/nodejs/node-$VERSION-$DISTRO/bin/ng /usr/bin/ng echo "# explicit trun off statistics report" ng analytics off # check if nodeJS was installed angularcliInstalled=$(ng help | grep -c "Available Commands:") if [ ${angularcliInstalled} -eq 0 ]; then echo "FAIL - Was not able to install angular_cli" echo "ABORT - angular_cli install" exit 1 fi fi # setting value in raspi blitz config sudo sed -i "s/^angular_cli=.*/angular_cli=on/g" /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf echo "Installed angular_cli $(node -v)" exit 0 fi # switch off if [ "$1" = "0" ] || [ "$1" = "off" ]; then # setting value in raspiblitz config sudo sed -i "s/^angular_cli=.*/angular_cli=off/g" /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf echo "*** REMOVING angular_cli ***" npm uninstall @angular/cli -g echo "OK angular_cli removed." exit 0 fi echo "FAIL - Unknown Parameter $1" exit 1