#!/bin/bash # help if [ "$1" = "-h" ]||[ "$1" = "--help" ];then echo echo "Script to set up or update the Core Lightning systemd service" echo "Usage:" echo "/home/admin/config.scripts/cl.install-service.sh " echo exit 1 fi # source <(/home/admin/config.scripts/network.aliases.sh getvars cl ) source <(/home/admin/config.scripts/network.aliases.sh getvars cl $1) if [ $(sudo -u bitcoin cat ${CLCONF} | grep -c "^sparko") -gt 0 ];then if [ ! -f /home/bitcoin/${netprefix}cl-plugins-enabled/sparko ];then echo "# The Sparko plugin is not present but in config" /home/admin/config.scripts/cl-plugin.sparko.sh on $CHAIN norestart fi fi if [ $(sudo -u bitcoin cat ${CLCONF} | grep -c "^http-pass") -gt 0 ];then if [ ! -f /home/bitcoin/cl-plugins-enabled/c-lightning-http-plugin ]; then echo "# The clHTTPplugin is not present but in config" /home/admin/config.scripts/cl-plugin.http.sh on norestart fi fi if [ $(sudo -u bitcoin cat ${CLCONF} | grep -c "^feeadjuster") -gt 0 ];then if [ ! -f /home/bitcoin/${netprefix}cl-plugins-enabled/feeadjuster.py ];then echo "# The feeadjuster plugin is not present but in config" /home/admin/config.scripts/cl-plugin.feeadjuster.sh on $CHAIN norestart fi fi if grep -Eq "${netprefix}clEncryptedHSM=on" /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf;then if grep -Eq "${netprefix}clAutoUnlock=on" /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf;then passwordFile=/home/bitcoin/.${netprefix}cl.pw else passwordFile=/dev/shm/.${netprefix}cl.pw fi passwordInput="(cat $passwordFile;echo;cat $passwordFile) | " encryptedHSMoption="--encrypted-hsm" else passwordInput="" encryptedHSMoption="" fi sudo systemctl stop ${netprefix}lightningd sudo systemctl disable ${netprefix}lightningd # based on https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning/blob/master/contrib/init/lightningd.service echo "# Create /etc/systemd/system/${netprefix}lightningd.service" echo " [Unit] Description=c-lightning daemon on $CHAIN Requires=${netprefix}bitcoind.service After=${netprefix}bitcoind.service Wants=network-online.target After=network-online.target [Service] ExecStartPre=-/home/admin/config.scripts/cl.check.sh prestart $CHAIN ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '${passwordInput}/usr/local/bin/lightningd --conf=${CLCONF} ${encryptedHSMoption} --pid-file=/run/lightningd/${netprefix}lightningd.pid --rpc-file-mode 0660' ExecStartPost=-/home/admin/config.scripts/cl.check.sh poststart $CHAIN # Creates /run/lightningd owned by bitcoin RuntimeDirectory=lightningd User=bitcoin Group=bitcoin # Type=forking hangs on restart Type=simple PIDFile=/run/lightningd/${netprefix}lightningd.pid Restart=on-failure TimeoutSec=240 RestartSec=30 StandardOutput=null StandardError=journal # Hardening measures #################### # Provide a private /tmp and /var/tmp. PrivateTmp=true # Mount /usr, /boot/ and /etc read-only for the process. ProtectSystem=full # Disallow the process and all of its children to gain # new privileges through execve(). NoNewPrivileges=true # Use a new /dev namespace only populated with API pseudo devices # such as /dev/null, /dev/zero and /dev/random. PrivateDevices=true # Deny the creation of writable and executable memory mappings. MemoryDenyWriteExecute=true [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target " | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/${netprefix}lightningd.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable ${netprefix}lightningd echo "# Enabled the ${netprefix}lightningd.service" source <(/home/admin/_cache.sh get state) if [ "${state}" == "ready" ]; then sudo systemctl start ${netprefix}lightningd echo "# Started the ${netprefix}lightningd.service" fi