#!/bin/bash if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "-help" ]; then echo "# managing the copy of blockchain data over LAN" echo "# blitz.copychain.sh [status|target|source]" echo "error='missing parameters'" exit 1 fi # load basic system settings source /home/admin/raspiblitz.info 2>/dev/null source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf 2>/dev/null # check that blockchain is set & supported if [ "${network}" != "bitcoin" ]; then echo "blockchain='${network}'" echo "error='blockchain type missing or not supported'" exit 1 fi # check that HDD is available isMounted=$(sudo df | grep -c /mnt/hdd) if [ "${isMounted}" != "1" ]; then echo "error='no datadrive is mounted'" exit 1 fi ################### # STATUS ################### # get values from cache source <(/home/admin/_cache.sh get internet_localip) # check if copy is in progress copyBeginTime=$(cat /mnt/hdd/${network}/copy_begin.time 2>/dev/null | tr -cd '[[:digit:]]') if [ ${#copyBeginTime} -eq 0 ]; then copyBeginTime=0 fi copyEndTime=$(cat /mnt/hdd/${network}/copy_end.time 2>/dev/null | tr -cd '[[:digit:]]') if [ ${#copyEndTime} -eq 0 ]; then copyEndTime=0 fi copyInProgress=0 if [ ${copyBeginTime} -gt ${copyEndTime} ]; then copyInProgress=1 fi # output status data & exit if [ "$1" = "status" ]; then echo "# blitz.copychain.sh" echo "copyInProgress=${copyInProgress}" echo "copyBeginTime=${copyBeginTime}" echo "copyEndTime=${copyEndTime}" exit 1 fi ################### # COPYTARGET ################### # output status data & exit if [ "$1" = "target" ]; then # Basic Options OPTIONS=(WINDOWS "Windows" \ MACOS "Apple MacOSX" \ LINUX "Linux" \ BLITZ "RaspiBlitz" ) CHOICE=$(dialog --clear --title " Copy Blockchain from another laptop/node over LAN " --menu "\nWhich system is running on the other laptop/node you want to copy the blockchain from?\n " 14 60 9 "${OPTIONS[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) clear case $CHOICE in MACOS) echo "Steve";; LINUX) echo "Linus";; WINDOWS) echo "Bill";; BLITZ) echo "Satoshi";; *) exit 1;; esac # setting copy state /home/admin/_cache.sh set state "copytarget" /home/admin/_cache.sh set message "Receiving Blockchain over LAN" echo "stopping services ..." sudo systemctl stop lnd 2>/dev/null sudo systemctl stop lightningd 2>/dev/null sudo systemctl stop bitcoind 2>/dev/null sudo systemctl disable bitcoind 2>/dev/null # check if old blockchain data exists (1 Block is 1KB) deleteOldBlockchain=0 sizeBlocks=$(sudo du -s /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/blocks 2>/dev/null | tr -dc '[0-9]') if [ "${sizeBlocks}" == "" ] || [ ${sizeBlocks} -lt 250000 ]; then # blockchain block data is below 250MB ... assume just to be deleted and start copy fresh deleteOldBlockchain=1 else # ask if existing blockchain data should be deleted for not before copy start dialog --title " Old Blockchain Data Found " --yesno "\nDo you want to delete the existing blockchain data now?" 7 60 response=$? clear echo "response(${response})" if [ "${response}" = "1" ]; then echo "OK - keep old blockchain - just try to repair by copying over it" sleep 3 else echo "OK - mark old blockchain to be deleted" deleteOldBlockchain=1 fi fi # delete ald blockchain data if [ "${deleteOldBlockchain}" == "1" ]; then sudo rm -rfv /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/blocks/* 2>/dev/null sudo rm -rfv /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/chainstate/* 2>/dev/null sleep 3 fi # make sure /mnt/hdd/bitcoin exists sudo mkdir /mnt/hdd/bitcoin 2>/dev/null # allow all users write to it sudo chmod 777 /mnt/hdd/bitcoin echo clear if [ "${CHOICE}" = "WINDOWS" ]; then echo "****************************************************************************" echo "Instructions to COPY/TRANSFER SYNCED BLOCKCHAIN from a WINDOWS computer" echo "****************************************************************************" echo "" echo "ON YOUR WINDOWS COMPUTER download and validate the blockchain with the Bitcoin" echo "Core wallet software (>=0.17.1) from: bitcoincore.org/en/download" echo "If the Bitcoin Blockchain is synced up - make sure that your Windows computer &" echo "your RaspiBlitz are in the same local network." echo "" echo "Open a fresh terminal on your Windows computer & change into the directory that" echo "contains the blockchain data - should see folders named 'blocks' & 'chainstate'" echo "there. Normally on Windows thats: C:\Users\YourUserName\Appdata\Roaming\Bitcoin" echo "Make sure that the Bitcoin Core Wallet is not running in the background anymore." echo "" echo "COPY, PASTE & EXECUTE the following command on your Windows computer terminal:" echo "sftp -r ./chainstate ./blocks bitcoin@${internet_localip}:/mnt/hdd/bitcoin" echo "" echo "If asked for a password use PASSWORD A (or 'raspiblitz')." fi if [ "${CHOICE}" = "MACOS" ]; then echo "****************************************************************************" echo "Instructions to COPY/TRANSFER SYNCED BLOCKCHAIN from a MacOSX computer" echo "****************************************************************************" echo "" echo "ON YOUR MacOSX COMPUTER download and validate the blockchain with the Bitcoin" echo "Core wallet software (>=0.17.1) from: bitcoincore.org/en/download" echo "If the Bitcoin Blockchain is synced up - make sure that your MacOSX computer &" echo "your RaspiBlitz are in the same local network." echo "" echo "Open a fresh terminal on your MacOSX computer and change into the directory that" echo "contains the blockchain data - should see folders named 'blocks' & 'chainstate'" echo "there. Normally on MacOSX thats: cd ~/Library/Application Support/Bitcoin/" echo "Make sure that the Bitcoin Core Wallet is not running in the background anymore." echo "" echo "COPY, PASTE & EXECUTE the following command on your MacOSX terminal:" echo "sudo rsync -avhW --progress ./chainstate ./blocks bitcoin@${internet_localip}:/mnt/hdd/bitcoin" echo "" echo "You will be asked for passwords. First can be the user password of your MacOSX" echo "computer and the last is the PASSWORD A (or 'raspiblitz') of this RaspiBlitz." fi if [ "${CHOICE}" = "LINUX" ]; then echo "****************************************************************************" echo "Instructions to COPY/TRANSFER SYNCED BLOCKCHAIN from a LINUX computer" echo "****************************************************************************" echo "" echo "ON YOUR LINUX COMPUTER download and validate the blockchain with the Bitcoin" echo "Core wallet software (>=0.17.1) from: bitcoincore.org/en/download" echo "If the Bitcoin Blockchain is synced up - make sure that your Linux computer &" echo "your RaspiBlitz are in the same local network." echo "" echo "Open a fresh terminal on your Linux computer and change into the directory that" echo "contains the blockchain data - should see folders named 'blocks' & 'chainstate'" echo "there. Normally on Linux thats: cd ~/.bitcoin/" echo "Make sure that the Bitcoin Core Wallet is not running in the background anymore." echo "" echo "COPY, PASTE & EXECUTE the following command on your Linux terminal:" echo "sudo rsync -avhW --progress ./chainstate ./blocks bitcoin@${internet_localip}:/mnt/hdd/bitcoin" echo "" echo "You will be asked for passwords. First can be the user password of your Linux" echo "computer and the last is the PASSWORD A (or 'raspiblitz') of this RaspiBlitz." fi if [ "${CHOICE}" = "BLITZ" ]; then echo "****************************************************************************" echo "Instructions to COPY/TRANSFER SYNCED BLOCKCHAIN from another RaspiBlitz" echo "****************************************************************************" echo "" echo "The other RaspiBlitz needs a minimum version of 1.6 (if lower, update first)." echo "Make sure that the other RaspiBlitz is on the same local network." echo "" echo "Open a fresh terminal and login per SSH into that other RaspiBlitz." echo "Once in the main menu go: MAINMENU > REPAIR > COPY-SOURCE" echo "Follow the given instructions ..." echo "" echo "The LOCAL IP of this target RaspiBlitz is: ${internet_localip}" fi echo "" echo "It can take multiple hours until transfer is complete - be patient." echo "****************************************************************************" echo "PRESS ENTER if transfers is done OR if you want to choose another option." sleep 2 read key # make quick check if data is there anyDataAtAll=0 quickCheckOK=1 count=$(sudo find /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/ -iname *.dat -type f | wc -l) if [ ${count} -gt 0 ]; then echo "Found data in /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/blocks" anyDataAtAll=1 fi if [ ${count} -lt 300 ]; then echo "FAIL: transfer seems invalid - less then 300 .dat files (${count})" quickCheckOK=0 fi count=$(sudo find /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/ -iname *.ldb -type f | wc -l) if [ ${count} -gt 0 ]; then echo "Found data in /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/chainstate" anyDataAtAll=1 fi if [ ${count} -lt 700 ]; then echo "FAIL: transfer seems invalid - less then 700 .ldb files (${count})" quickCheckOK=0 fi echo "*********************************************" echo "QUICK CHECK RESULT" echo "*********************************************" # just if any data transferred .. if [ ${anyDataAtAll} -eq 1 ]; then # data was invalid - ask user to keep? if [ ${quickCheckOK} -eq 0 ]; then echo "FAIL -> DATA seems incomplete." else echo "OK -> DATA LOOKS GOOD :D" sudo rm /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/debug.log 2>/dev/null fi else echo "CANCEL -> NO DATA was copied." quickCheckOK=0 fi echo "*********************************************" # REACT ON QUICK CHECK DURING INITAL SETUP if [ ${quickCheckOK} -eq 0 ]; then echo "*********************************************" echo "There seems to be an invalid transfer." echo "Wait 5 secs ..." sleep 5 dialog --title " INVALID TRANSFER - TRY AGAIN?" --yesno "Quickcheck shows the data you transferred is invalid/incomplete. Maybe transfere was interrupted and not completed.\n\nDo you want retry/proceed the copy process?" 8 70 response=$? echo "response(${response})" if [ "${response}" == "0" ]; then /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.copychain.sh target exit 0 fi dialog --title " INVALID TRANSFER - DELETE DATA?" --yesno "Quickcheck shows the data you transferred is invalid/incomplete. This can lead further RaspiBlitz setup to get stuck in error state.\nDo you want to reset/delete data?" 8 60 response=$? echo "response(${response})" case $response in 1) quickCheckOK=1 ;; esac fi if [ ${quickCheckOK} -eq 0 ]; then echo "Deleting invalid Data ... " sudo rm -rf /mnt/hdd/bitcoin sleep 2 fi # setting copy state /home/admin/_cache.sh set state "ready" /home/admin/_cache.sh set message "Node Running" echo "restarting services ... (please wait)" sudo systemctl enable bitcoind clear echo "****************************************************************************" echo "OK your RaspiBlitz will now go into reboot and try to sync the blockchain" echo "by itself. If you run into troubles you can always cut power and restart" echo "setup with a fresh flashed sd card." echo "****************************************************************************" echo "PRESS ENTER to trigger reboot." sleep 1 read key echo "rebooting" /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.shutdown.sh reboot exit fi ################### # COPYSOURCE ################### if [ "$1" = "source" ]; then clear echo echo "# *** Copy Blockchain Source Modus ***" echo "# get IP of RaspiBlitz to copy to ..." targetIP=$(whiptail --inputbox "\nPlease enter the LOCAL IP of the\nRaspiBlitz to copy Blockchain to:" 10 38 "" --title " Target IP " --backtitle "RaspiBlitz - Copy Blockchain" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) targetIP=$(echo "${targetIP[0]}") if [ ${#targetIP} -eq 0 ]; then exit 1 fi if [ "${internet_localip}" == "${targetIP}" ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Dont type in the local IP of this RaspiBlitz,\nthe LOCAL IP of the other RaspiBlitz is needed." 8 54 "" --title " Testing Target IP " --backtitle "RaspiBlitz - Copy Blockchain" exit 1 fi canPingIP=$(ping ${targetIP} -c 1 | grep -c "1 received") if [ ${canPingIP} -eq 0 ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Was not able to contact/ping: ${targetIP}\n\n- check if IP of target RaspiBlitz is correct.\n- check to be on the same local network.\n- try again ..." 11 58 "" --title " Testing Target IP " --backtitle "RaspiBlitz - Copy Blockchain" exit 1 fi echo "# get Password of RaspiBlitz to copy to ..." targetPassword=$(whiptail --passwordbox "\nPlease enter the PASSWORD A of the\nRaspiBlitz to copy Blockchain to:" 10 38 "" --title "Target Password" --backtitle "RaspiBlitz - Copy Blockchain" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ ${#targetPassword} -eq 0 ]; then exit 1 fi sudo rm /root/.ssh/known_hosts 2>/dev/null canLogin=$(sudo sshpass -p "${targetPassword}" ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no bitcoin@${targetIP} "echo 'working'" 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'working') if [ ${canLogin} -eq 0 ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Password was not working for IP: ${targetIP}\n\n- check thats the correct IP for correct RaspiBlitz\n- check that you used PASSWORD A and had no typo\n- If you tried too often, wait 1h try again" 11 58 "" --title " Testing Target Password " --backtitle "RaspiBlitz - Copy Blockchain" exit 1 fi echo "# stopping services ..." sudo systemctl stop lnd 2>/dev/null sudo systemctl stop lightningd 2>/dev/null sudo systemctl stop ${network}d sudo systemctl disable ${network}d sleep 5 clear echo echo "# Starting copy over LAN (around 4-6 hours) ..." sed -i "s/^state=.*/state=copysource/g" /home/admin/raspiblitz.info cd /mnt/hdd/${network} # transfere beginning flag date +%s > /home/admin/copy_begin.time sudo sshpass -p "${targetPassword}" rsync -avhW -e 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 22' /home/admin/copy_begin.time bitcoin@${targetIP}:/mnt/hdd/bitcoin sudo rm -f /home/admin/copy_begin.time # repeat the syncing of directories until # a) there are no files left to transfere (be robust against failing connections, etc) # b) the user hits a key to break loop after report while : do # transfere blockchain data sudo rm -f ./transferred.rsync sudo sshpass -p "${targetPassword}" rsync -avhW -e 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 22' --info=progress2 --log-file=./transferred.rsync ./chainstate ./blocks bitcoin@${targetIP}:/mnt/hdd/bitcoin # check result # the idea is even after successfull transfer the loop will run a second time # but on the second time there will be no files transfered (log lines are below 4) # thats the signal that its done linesInLogFile=$(wc -l ./transferred.rsync | cut -d " " -f 1) if [ ${linesInLogFile} -lt 4 ]; then echo "" echo "OK all files transfered. DONE" sleep 2 break fi # wait 20 seconds for user exiting loop echo "" echo -en "OK one sync loop done ... will test in next loop if all was transferred." echo -en "PRESS X TO MANUALLY FINISH SYNCING" read -n 1 -t 6 keyPressed if [ "${keyPressed}" = "x" ]; then echo "" echo "Ending Sync ..." sleep 2 break fi done # transfere end flag sed -i "s/^state=.*/state=ready/g" /home/admin/raspiblitz.info date +%s > /home/admin/copy_end.time sudo sshpass -p "${targetPassword}" rsync -avhW -e 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 22' /home/admin/copy_end.time bitcoin@${targetIP}:/mnt/hdd/bitcoin sudo rm -f /home/admin/copy_end.time echo "# start services again ..." sudo systemctl enable ${network}d sudo systemctl start ${network}d sudo systemctl start lnd 2>/dev/null sudo systemctl start lightningd 2>/dev/null echo "# show final message" whiptail --msgbox "OK - Copy Process Finished.\n\nNow check on the target RaspiBlitz if it was sucessful." 10 40 "" --title " DONE " --backtitle "RaspiBlitz - Copy Blockchain" fi