#!/bin/bash # get basic system information # these are the same set of infos the WebGUI dialog/controler has source /home/admin/raspiblitz.info # SETUPFILE # this key/value file contains the state during the setup process SETUPFILE="/var/cache/raspiblitz/temp/raspiblitz.setup" source ${SETUPFILE} ############################################ # SHOW SEED WORDS AFTER SETUP if [ "${setupPhase}" == "setup" ]; then clear echo "Write down your seedwords:" echo "${seedwords6x4NEW}" echo "PRESS ENTER" read key fi ############################################ # SETUP DONE CONFIRMATION (Konfetti Moment) # when coming from fresh setup if [ "${setupPhase}" == "setup" ]; clear echo "Hooray :) Everything is Setup!" echo "PRESS ENTER" read key # when coming from migration from other node elif [ "${setupPhase}" == "migration" ]; then clear echo "Hooray :) Your Migration to RaspiBlitz is Done!" echo "PRESS ENTER" read key # just in case then from another phase else clear echo "Missing Final Done Dialog for: ${setupPhase}" echo "PRESS ENTER" read key fi