#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys, subprocess from pathlib import Path # display config script info if len(sys.argv) <= 1 or sys.argv[1] == "-h" or sys.argv[1] == "help": print("forward ports from another server to raspiblitz with reverse SSH tunnel") print("internet.sshtunnel.py [on|off] [USER]@[SERVER] [INTERNAL-PORT]:[EXTERNAL-PORT]") print("note that [INTERNAL-PORT]:[EXTERNAL-PORT] can one or multiple forwardings") sys.exit(1) # # CONSTANTS # SERVICENAME="autossh-tunnel.service" SERVICEFILE="/etc/systemd/system/"+SERVICENAME SERVICETEMPLATE="""# see config script internet.sshtunnel.py [Unit] Description=AutoSSH tunnel service After=network.target [Service] User=root Group=root Environment="AUTOSSH_GATETIME=0" ExecStart=/usr/bin/autossh -M 0 -N -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o "ServerAliveInterval 30" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" [PLACEHOLDER] StandardOutput=journal [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target """ # # SWITCHING ON # if sys.argv[1] == "on": # check if already running try: subprocess.call("systemctl is-enabled %s" % (SERVICENAME) ,shell=True, universal_newlines=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("already ON - run 'internet.sshtunnel.py off' first") sys.exit(1) # check server address if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("[USER]@[SERVER] missing - use 'internet.sshtunnel.py -h' for help") sys.exit(1) if sys.argv[2].count("@") != 1: print("[USER]@[SERVER] wrong - use 'internet.sshtunnel.py -h' for help") sys.exit(1) ssh_server = sys.argv[2] # genenate additional parameter for autossh (forwarding ports) if len(sys.argv) < 4: print("[INTERNAL-PORT]:[EXTERNAL-PORT] missing - run 'internet.sshtunnel.py off' first") sys.exit(1) additional_parameters="" i = 3 while i < len(sys.argv): # check forwarding format if sys.argv[i].count(":") != 1: print("[INTERNAL-PORT]:[EXTERNAL-PORT] wrong format '%s'" % (sys.argv[i])) sys.exit(1) # get ports ports = sys.argv[i].split(":") port_internal = ports[0] port_external = ports[1] if port_internal.isdigit() == False: print("[INTERNAL-PORT]:[EXTERNAL-PORT] internal not number '%s'" % (sys.argv[i])) sys.exit(1) if port_external.isdigit() == False: print("[INTERNAL-PORT]:[EXTERNAL-PORT] external not number '%s'" % (sys.argv[i])) sys.exit(1) additional_parameters= additional_parameters + "-R %s:localhost:%s " % (port_external,port_internal) i=i+1 # genenate additional parameter for autossh (server) additional_parameters= additional_parameters + ssh_server # generate custom service config service_data = SERVICETEMPLATE.replace("[PLACEHOLDER]", additional_parameters) # DEBUG exit print() print("*** New systemd service: %s" % (SERVICENAME)) print(service_data) # write service file service_file = open("./temp.service", "w") service_file.write(service_data) service_file.close() subprocess.call("sudo mv ./temp.service SERVICEFILE", shell=True) # check if SSH keys for root user need to be created print() print("*** Checking root SSH keys") if Path("/home/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub").exists() == False: print("Generating root SSH keys ...") subprocess.call("sudo -u root ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -q -N """, shell=True) print("DONE") else: print("OK - root id_rsa.pub file exists") ssh_pubkey="" with open('/home/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub', 'r') as file: ssh_pubkey = file.read().replace('\n', '') # make sure autossh is installed # https://www.everythingcli.org/ssh-tunnelling-for-fun-and-profit-autossh/ print() print("*** Install autossh") subprocess.call("sudo apt-get install -y autossh", shell=True) # enable service print() print("*** Enabling systemd service: %s" % (SERVICENAME)) subprocess.call("sudo systemctl daemon-reload", shell=True) subprocess.call("sudo systemctl enable %s" % (SERVICENAME), shell=True) # final info (can be ignored if run by other script) print() print("*** OK - SSH TUNNEL SERVICE DONE SETUP ***") print("For details see chapter '' in:") print("https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/blob/master/FAQ.md") print("- Tunnel service needs final reboot to start.") print("- After reboot check logs: sudo journalctl -f -u %s" % (SERVICENAME)) print("- Make sure the SSH pub key of this RaspiBlitz is in 'authorized_keys' of %s :" % (ssh_server)) print(ssh_pubkey) print() # # SWITCHING OFF # elif sys.argv[1] == "off": # check if already disabled try: subprocess.call("systemctl is-disabled %s" % (SERVICENAME) ,shell=True, universal_newlines=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("Was already OFF") sys.exit(0) print("*** Disabling systemd service: %s" % (SERVICENAME)) subprocess.call("sudo systemctl stop %s" % (SERVICENAME), shell=True) subprocess.call("sudo systemctl disable %s" % (SERVICENAME), shell=True) subprocess.call("sudo rm %s" % (SERVICEFILE), shell=True) subprocess.call("sudo systemctl daemon-reload", shell=True) print("OK Done") print() # # UNKOWN PARAMETER # else: print ("unkown parameter - use 'internet.sshtunnel.py -h' for help")