#!/bin/bash # get raspiblitz config echo "get raspiblitz config" source /home/admin/raspiblitz.info source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf source <(/home/admin/_cache.sh get internet_localip internet_localiprange) localIP="${internet_localip}" localIPrange="${internet_localiprange}" # BASIC MENU INFO WIDTH=64 BACKTITLE="RaspiBlitz" TITLE="Connect Options" MENU="" OPTIONS=() OPTIONS+=(MOBILE "Connect Mobile Wallet") if [ "${ElectRS}" == "on" ]; then OPTIONS+=(ELECTRS "Electrum Rust Server") fi if [ "${BTCPayServer}" == "on" ] && [ "${lnd}" = "on" ]; then OPTIONS+=(BTCPAY-LND "Show LND connection string") fi if [ "${BTCPayServer}" == "on" ] && [ "${cl}" = "on" ]; then OPTIONS+=(BTCPAY-CLN "Show CLN connection string") fi OPTIONS+=(${network}RPC "Connect Specter Desktop or JoinMarket") OPTIONS+=(BISQ "Connect Bisq to this node") if [ "${lightning}" == "lnd" ] || [ "${lnd}" == "on" ]; then OPTIONS+=(ALBY "Connect Alby to this node") OPTIONS+=(EXPORT "Get Macaroons and TLS.cert") OPTIONS+=(RESET "Recreate LND Macaroons & tls.cert") OPTIONS+=(SYNC "Sync Macaroons & tls.cert with Apps/Users") fi if [ -f /mnt/hdd/app-data/selfsignedcert/selfsigned.cert ]; then OPTIONS+=(RESET-TLS "Reset the self-signed TLS certificate") fi CHOICE_HEIGHT=$(("${#OPTIONS[@]}/2+1")) HEIGHT=$((CHOICE_HEIGHT+6)) CHOICE=$(dialog --clear \ --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" \ --title "$TITLE" \ --ok-label "Select" \ --cancel-label "Main menu" \ --menu "$MENU" \ $HEIGHT $WIDTH $CHOICE_HEIGHT \ "${OPTIONS[@]}" \ 2>&1 >/dev/tty) case $CHOICE in MOBILE) /home/admin/97addMobileWallet.sh;; ELECTRS) /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.electrs.sh menu;; BTCPAY-LND) /home/admin/config.scripts/lnd.export.sh btcpay echo "Press ENTER to return to main menu." read key exit 0;; BTCPAY-CLN) /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.btcpayserver.sh cln-lightning-rpc-access echo "Press ENTER to return to main menu." read key exit 0;; RESET) sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/lnd.credentials.sh reset "${chain:-main}net" sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.shutdown.sh reboot exit 0;; SYNC) sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/lnd.credentials.sh sync "${chain:-main}net" echo "Press ENTER to return to main menu." read key exit 0;; EXPORT) sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/lnd.export.sh exit 0;; RESET-TLS) sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/internetselfsignedcert.sh reset exit 0;; ALBY) /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.alby.sh exit 0; ;; BISQ) OPTIONS=() if [ $(grep -c "peerbloomfilters=1" < /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf) -eq 0 ]||\ [ $(grep -c Bisq < /etc/tor/torrc) -eq 0 ];then OPTIONS+=(ADDBISQ "Add a Hidden Service for Bisq") fi if [ $(grep -c "peerbloomfilters=1" < /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf) -gt 0 ]&&\ [ $(grep -c Bisq < /etc/tor/torrc) -gt 0 ];then OPTIONS+=(SHOWBISQ "Show the Hidden Service to connect Bisq") OPTIONS+=(REMOVEBISQ "Remove the Hidden Service for Bisq") fi CHOICE=$(dialog --clear \ --backtitle "" \ --title "Connect Bisq" \ --ok-label "Select" \ --cancel-label "Cancel" \ --menu "" \ 8 64 2 \ "${OPTIONS[@]}" \ 2>&1 >/dev/tty) case $CHOICE in ADDBISQ) clear if [ $(grep -c "peerbloomfilters=1" < /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf) -eq 0 ] then echo "peerbloomfilters=1" | sudo tee -a /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf echo "# Restarting bitcoind" sudo systemctl restart bitcoind else echo "# bitcoind is already configured with peerbloomfilters=1" fi if [ $(grep -c Bisq < /etc/tor/torrc) -eq 0 ];then echo "# Creating the Hidden Service for Bisq" echo " # Hidden Service for Bisq (bitcoin P2P v3) HiddenServiceDir /mnt/hdd/tor/bisq HiddenServiceVersion 3 HiddenServicePort 8333" | sudo tee -a /etc/tor/torrc echo "# Reloading Tor" sudo systemctl reload tor@default sleep 10 TOR_ADDRESS=$(sudo cat /mnt/hdd/tor/bisq/hostname) if [ -z "$TOR_ADDRESS" ]; then echo "Waiting for the Hidden Service" sleep 10 TOR_ADDRESS=$(sudo cat /mnt/hdd/tor/bisq/hostname) if [ -z "$TOR_ADDRESS" ]; then echo "# FAIL - The Hidden Service address could not be found - Tor error?" exit 1 fi fi else echo "# The Hidden Service for Bisq is already configured" fi echo echo "Install from https://bisq.network/downloads/" echo "Go to Bisq Settings -> Network Info -> 'Custom Bitcoin Node'." echo echo "Enter: ${TOR_ADDRESS}:8333 to connect to this node." echo echo "Press ENTER to return to the menu." read key exit 0;; REMOVEBISQ) sudo sed -i '/Bisq/{N;N;N;d}' /etc/tor/torrc echo "# Restarting Tor" sudo systemctl reload tor@default;; SHOWBISQ) clear TOR_ADDRESS=$(sudo cat /mnt/hdd/tor/bisq/hostname) echo echo "Install from https://bisq.network/downloads/" echo "Go to Bisq Settings -> Network Info -> 'Custom Bitcoin Node'." echo echo "Enter: ${TOR_ADDRESS}:8333 to connect to this node." echo echo "Press ENTER to return to the menu." read key;; esac ;; ${network}RPC) # vars if [ "${chain}net" == "mainnet" ]; then BITCOINRPCPORT=8332 elif [ "${chain}net" == "testnet" ]; then BITCOINRPCPORT=18332 elif [ "${chain}net" == "signet" ]; then BITCOINRPCPORT=38332 else # have this to signal that selection went wrong BITCOINRPCPORT=0 fi echo "# Running on ${chain:-main}net" echo allowIPrange=$(grep -c "rpcallowip=$localIPrange" < /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf) bindIP=$(grep -c "${chain:-main}.rpcbind=$localIP" < /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf) rpcTorService=$(grep -c "HiddenServicePort ${BITCOINRPCPORT}${BITCOINRPCPORT}" < /etc/tor/torrc) TorRPCaddress=$(sudo cat /mnt/hdd/tor/bitcoin${BITCOINRPCPORT}/hostname) function showRPCcredentials() { RPCUSER=$(sudo cat /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf | grep rpcuser | cut -c 9-) RPCPSW=$(sudo cat /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf | grep rpcpassword | cut -c 13-) echo echo "RPC username:" echo "$RPCUSER" echo echo "RPC password:" echo "$RPCPSW" if [ $allowIPrange -gt 0 ]&&[ $bindIP -gt 0 ];then echo echo "Host on the local network (make sure to connect from the same network):" echo $localIP fi if [ $rpcTorService -gt 0 ];then echo echo "Host via Tor (Tor needs to run on the client connecting as well):" echo $TorRPCaddress fi echo echo "Port:" echo "${BITCOINRPCPORT}" echo echo "More documentation at:" echo "https://github.com/openoms/joininbox/blob/master/prepare_remote_node.md" } # menu OPTIONS=() if [ $allowIPrange -eq 0 ]&&\ [ $bindIP -eq 0 ]&&\ [ $rpcTorService -eq 0 ];then OPTIONS+=(ADDRPCLAN "Accept local connections to ${network} RPC") OPTIONS+=(ADDRPCTOR "Add a Hidden Service to connect to ${network} RPC") else OPTIONS+=(CREDENTIALS "Show how to connect to ${network} RPC") OPTIONS+=(REMOVERPC "Close all connections to ${network} RPC") if [ $allowIPrange -eq 0 ]||[ $bindIP -eq 0 ];then OPTIONS+=(ADDRPCLAN "Accept local connections to ${network} RPC") fi if [ $rpcTorService -eq 0 ];then OPTIONS+=(ADDRPCTOR "Add a Hidden Service to connect to ${network} RPC") fi fi CHOICE=$(dialog --clear \ --backtitle "" \ --title "${network} RPC" \ --ok-label "Select" \ --cancel-label "Cancel" \ --menu "" 9 66 3 \ "${OPTIONS[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) case $CHOICE in ADDRPCLAN) clear echo "# Make sure the bitcoind wallet is on" /home/admin/config.scripts/network.wallet.sh on restartCore=0 if [ $allowIPrange -eq 0 ]; then echo "rpcallowip=$localIPrange" | sudo tee -a /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf restartCore=1 fi if [ $bindIP -eq 0 ]; then echo "${chain}.rpcbind=$localIP" | sudo tee -a /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf restartCore=1 fi if [ $restartCore = 1 ];then echo "# Restarting ${network}d" sudo systemctl restart ${network}d fi echo "# ufw allow from $localIPrange to any port ${BITCOINRPCPORT}" sudo ufw allow from $localIPrange to any port ${BITCOINRPCPORT} echo showRPCcredentials echo "Press ENTER to return to the menu." read key ;; ADDRPCTOR) clear echo "# Make sure the bitcoind wallet is on" /home/admin/config.scripts/network.wallet.sh on /home/admin/config.scripts/tor.onion-service.sh bitcoin${BITCOINRPCPORT} ${BITCOINRPCPORT} ${BITCOINRPCPORT} echo echo "The address of the local node is: $TorRPCaddress" echo showRPCcredentials echo echo "Press ENTER to return to the menu." read key ;; CREDENTIALS) clear showRPCcredentials echo echo "Press ENTER to return to the menu." read key ;; REMOVERPC) # remove old entry sudo sed -i "/# Hidden Service for BITCOIN RPC (mainnet, testnet, signet)/,/^\s*$/{d}" /etc/tor/torrc # remove Hidden Service /home/admin/config.scripts/tor.onion-service.sh off bitcoin${BITCOINRPCPORT} sudo ufw deny from $localIPrange to any port ${BITCOINRPCPORT} restartCore=0 if [ $allowIPrange -gt 0 ]; then sudo sed -i "/^rpcallowip=.*/d" /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf restartCore=1 fi if [ $bindIP -gt 0 ]; then sudo sed -i "/^${chain}.rpcbind=$localIP/d" /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf restartCore=1 fi if [ $restartCore = 1 ];then echo "# Restarting ${network}d" sudo systemctl restart ${network}d fi ;; esac ;; esac