#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys import locale import requests import json import math # display config script info if len(sys.argv) <= 1 or sys.argv[1] == "-h" or sys.argv[1] == "help": print("# manage ip2tor subscriptions for raspiblitz") print("# blitz.ip2tor.py menu") sys.exit(1) # basic settings locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') # TODO: use TOR proxy session # TODO: check is still works when shopurl is an onion address def apiGetHosts(shopurl): print("# apiGetHosts") hosts=[] # make HTTP request try: response = requests.get("https://"+shopurl+"/api/v1/public/hosts/") except Exception as e: print("error='FAILED HTTP REQUEST'") return if response.status_code != 200: print("error='FAILED HTTP CODE ({0})'".format(response.status_code)) return # parse & validate data try: jData = json.loads(response.content) except Exception as e: print("error='FAILED JSON PARSING'") return if not isinstance(jData, list): print("error='NOT A JSON LIST'") return for idx, hostEntry in enumerate(jData): try: # ignore if not offering tor bridge if not hostEntry['offers_tor_bridges']: continue # ignore if duration is less than an hour if hostEntry['tor_bridge_duration'] < 3600: continue # add duration per hour value hostEntry['tor_bridge_duration_hours'] = math.floor(hostEntry['tor_bridge_duration']/3600) # ignore if prices are negative or below one sat (maybe msats later) if hostEntry['tor_bridge_price_initial'] < 1000: continue if hostEntry['tor_bridge_price_extension'] < 1000: continue # add price in sats hostEntry['tor_bridge_price_initial_sats'] = math.ceil(hostEntry['tor_bridge_price_initial']/1000) hostEntry['tor_bridge_price_extension_sats'] = math.ceil(hostEntry['tor_bridge_price_extension']/1000) # ignore name is less then 3 chars if len(hostEntry['name']) < 3: continue # ignore id with zero value if len(hostEntry['id']) < 1: continue # shorten names to 20 chars max hostEntry['name'] = hostEntry['name'][:20] except Exception as e: print("error='PARSING HOST ENTRY'") return print("({0}) {1} ({2} hours, first: {3} sats, next: {4} sats)".format(idx, hostEntry['name'].ljust(20), hostEntry['tor_bridge_duration_hours'], hostEntry['tor_bridge_price_initial_sats'], hostEntry['tor_bridge_price_extension_sats'])) #print(hostEntry) hosts.append(hostEntry) print("# found {0} valid torbridge hosts".format(len(hosts))) return hosts # TODO: use TOR proxy session def apiPlaceOrder(shopurl, hostid, toraddressWithPort): print("# apiPlaceOrder") postData={ 'product': "tor_bridge", 'host_id': hostid, 'tos_accepted': True, 'comment': 'test', 'target': toraddressWithPort, 'public_key': '' } try: response = requests.post("https://"+shopurl+"/api/v1/public/order/", data=postData) except Exception as e: print("error='FAILED HTTP REQUEST'") return if response.status_code != 201: print("error='FAILED HTTP CODE ({0})'".format(response.status_code)) return # parse & validate data try: jData = json.loads(response.content) except Exception as e: print("error='FAILED JSON PARSING'") return print(jData) apiGetHosts("shop.ip2t.org") #apiPlaceOrder("shop.ip2t.org", "fc747bae-6dbb-498d-89c2-f2445210c8f8", "facebookcorewwwi.onion:80") if False: ''' ############### # MENU ############### if sys.argv[1] == "menu": from dialog import Dialog d = Dialog(dialog="dialog",autowidgetsize=True) d.set_background_title("IP2TOR Subscription Service") code, tag = d.menu("OK, then you have two options:", choices=[("(1)", "Test HTTP REQUEST thru TOR PROXY"), ("(2)", "Make REST API - JSON request"), ("(3)", "TOML test"), ("(4)", "Working with .conf files")]) if code == d.OK: if tag == "(1)": print("Needs: pip3 install pysocks\n") session = requests.session() session.proxies = {'http': 'socks5://', 'https': 'socks5://'} print("Call 'http://httpbin.org/ip' thru TOR proxy:\n") print(session.get("http://httpbin.org/ip").text) print("Call 'http://httpbin.org/ip' normal:\n") print(requests.get("http://httpbin.org/ip").text) print("Call 'https://shop.ip2t.org/api/v1/public/hosts/' thru TOR:\n") print(session.get("https://shop.ip2t.org/api/v1/public/hosts/").text) if tag == "(2)": if tag == "(3)": print ("Needs: pip3 install toml") import toml toml_string = """ """ if tag == "(4)": with open('/mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf', 'r') as myfile: data=myfile.read() print(data) import toml parsed_toml = toml.loads(data) print(parsed_toml) else: print("Cancel") '''