#!/bin/bash # command info if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ] || [ "$1" = "-help" ]; then echo "# script to check LND states" echo "# lnd.check.sh basic-setup [mainnet|testnet|signet]" echo "# lnd.check.sh prestart [mainnet|testnet|signet]" exit 1 fi # load raspiblitz conf source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf source <(/home/admin/config.scripts/network.aliases.sh getvars lnd $2) # config file echo "# checking lnd config for ${targetchain}" echo "# lndConfFile(${lndConfFile})" ###################################################################### # PRESTART # is executed by systemd lnd services everytime before lnd is started # so it tries to make sure the config is in valid shape ###################################################################### function setting() { # FILE LINENUMBER NAME VALUE FILE=$1 LINENUMBER=$2 NAME=$3 VALUE=$4 settingExists=$(cat ${FILE} | grep -c "^${NAME}=") echo "# setting ${FILE} ${LINENUMBER} ${NAME} ${VALUE}" echo "# ${NAME} exists->(${settingExists})" if [ "${settingExists}" == "0" ]; then echo "# adding setting (${NAME})" sed -i "${LINENUMBER}i${NAME}=" ${FILE} fi echo "# updating setting (${NAME}) with value(${VALUE})" sed -i "s/^${NAME}=.*/${NAME}=${VALUE}/g" ${FILE} } # check/repair lnd config before starting if [ "$1" == "prestart" ]; then echo "### RUNNING lnd.check.sh prestart" if [ "$USER" != "bitcoin" ]; then echo "# FAIL: run as user 'bitcoin'" exit 1 fi # set default chain parameter targetchain=$2 if [ "${targetchain}" == "" ]; then targetchain="mainnet" fi # restart counting if [ "${lightning}" == "lnd" ] && [ "${targetchain}" == "mainnet" ]; then # count start if that service is the main lightning client /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.systemd.sh log lightning STARTED fi ##### APPLICATION OPTIONS SECTION ##### # remove sync-freelist=1 (use =true is you want to overrule raspiblitz) # https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/issues/3251 sed -i "/^# Avoid slow startup time/d" ${lndConfFile} sed -i "/^sync-freelist=1/d" ${lndConfFile} # delete autounlock if passwordFile not present passwordFile="/mnt/hdd/lnd/data/chain/${network}/${CHAIN}/password.info" if ! ls ${passwordFile} &>/dev/null; then sed -i "/^wallet-unlock-password-file=/d" ${lndConfFile} fi ##### BITCOIN OPTIONS SECTION ##### # [bitcoin] sectionName="[Bb]itcoin" if [ "${network}" != "bitcoin" ] && [ "${network}" != "" ]; then sectionName="${network}" fi echo "# [${sectionName}] config ..." # make sure lnd config has a [bitcoind] section sectionExists=$(cat ${lndConfFile} | grep -c "^\[${sectionName}\]") echo "# sectionExists(${sectionExists})" if [ "${sectionExists}" == "0" ]; then echo "# adding section [${network}]" echo " [${network}] " | tee -a ${lndConfFile} fi # get line number of [bitcoin] section sectionLine=$(cat ${lndConfFile} | grep -n "^\[${sectionName}\]" | cut -d ":" -f1) echo "# sectionLine(${sectionLine})" insertLine=$(expr $sectionLine + 1) echo "# insertLine(${insertLine})" fileLines=$(wc -l ${lndConfFile} | cut -d " " -f1) echo "# fileLines(${fileLines})" if [ ${fileLines} -lt ${insertLine} ]; then echo "# adding new line for inserts" echo " " | tee -a ${lndConfFile} fi # SET/UPDATE bitcoin.active echo "# ${network}.active insert/update" setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "${network}\.active" "1" # SET/UPDATE bitcoin.mainnet echo "# ${network}.${targetchain} insert/update" setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "${network}\.${targetchain}" "1" # SET/UPDATE bitcoin.node echo "# ${network}.node insert/update" setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "${network}\.node" "${network}d" ##### BITCOIND OPTIONS SECTION ##### # [bitcoind] sectionName="[Bb]itcoind" if [ "${network}" != "bitcoin" ] && [ "${network}" != "" ]; then sectionName="${network}d" fi echo "# [${sectionName}] config ..." # make sure lnd config has a [bitcoind] section sectionExists=$(cat ${lndConfFile} | grep -c "^\[${sectionName}\]") echo "# sectionExists(${sectionExists})" if [ "${sectionExists}" == "0" ]; then echo "# adding section [${network}d]" echo " [${network}d] " | tee -a ${lndConfFile} fi # get line number of [bitcoind] section sectionLine=$(cat ${lndConfFile} | grep -n "^\[${sectionName}\]" | cut -d ":" -f1) echo "# sectionLine(${sectionLine})" insertLine=$(expr $sectionLine + 1) echo "# insertLine(${insertLine})" fileLines=$(wc -l ${lndConfFile} | cut -d " " -f1) echo "# fileLines(${fileLines})" if [ ${fileLines} -lt ${insertLine} ]; then echo "# adding new line for inserts" echo " " | tee -a ${lndConfFile} fi # SET/UPDATE zmqpubrawtx echo "# zmqpubrawtx insert/update" setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "${network}d\.zmqpubrawtx" "tcp\:\/\/127\.0\.0\.1\:${zmqprefix}333" # SET/UPDATE zmqpubrawblock setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "${network}d\.zmqpubrawblock" "tcp\:\/\/127\.0\.0\.1\:${zmqprefix}332" # SET/UPDATE rpcpass RPCPSW=$(cat /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf | grep "^rpcpassword=" | tail -1 | cut -d "=" -f2 | tail -n 1) if [ "${RPCPSW}" == "" ]; then RPCPSW=$(cat /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf | grep "^${network}d.rpcpassword=" | cut -d "=" -f2 | tail -n 1) fi if [ "${RPCPSW}" == "" ]; then echo 1>&2 "FAIL: 'rpcpassword' not found in /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf" exit 11 fi setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "${network}d\.rpcpass" "${RPCPSW}" # SET/UPDATE rpcuser RPCUSER=$(cat /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf | grep "^rpcuser=" | cut -d "=" -f2 | tail -n 1) if [ "${RPCUSER}" == "" ]; then RPCUSER=$(cat /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf | grep "^${network}d.rpcuser=" | cut -d "=" -f2 | tail -n 1) fi if [ "${RPCUSER}" == "" ]; then echo 1>&2 "FAIL: 'rpcuser' not found in /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf" exit 12 fi setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "${network}d\.rpcuser" "${RPCUSER}" # SET/UPDATE rpchost setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "${network}d\.rpchost" "127\.0\.0\.1\:${portprefix}8332" ##### APPLICATION OPTIONS SECTION ##### sectionLine=$(cat ${lndConfFile} | grep -n "^\[Application Options\]" | cut -d ":" -f1) echo "# sectionLine(${sectionLine})" insertLine=$(expr $sectionLine + 1) # make sure API ports are set to standard setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "rpclisten" "0\.0\.0\.0\:1${L2rpcportmod}009" setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "restlisten" "0\.0\.0\.0\:${portprefix}8080" # enforce LND port is set correctly (if set in raspiblitz.conf) if [ "${lndPort}" != "" ]; then setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "listen" "0\.0\.0\.0\:${portprefix}${lndPort}" else lndPort=9735 fi # enforce PublicIP if (if not running Tor) if [ "${runBehindTor}" != "on" ]; then setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "externalip" "${publicIP}:${lndPort}" else # when running Tor a public ip can make startup problems - so remove sed -i '/^externalip=*/d' ${lndConfFile} fi # enforce LND keysend (if set in raspiblitz.conf) if [ "${lndKeysend}" == "on" ]; then setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "accept-keysend" "true" fi ##### BOLT SECTION ##### # https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/blob/0aa0831619cb320dbb74883c37a80ccbdde7f320/sample-lnd.conf#L1205 sectionName="bolt" echo "# [${sectionName}] config ..." # make sure lnd config has a [bolt] section sectionExists=$(cat ${lndConfFile} | grep -c "^\[${sectionName}\]") echo "# sectionExists(${sectionExists})" if [ "${sectionExists}" == "0" ]; then echo "# adding section [${sectionName}]" echo " [${sectionName}] " | tee -a ${lndConfFile} fi sectionLine=$(cat ${lndConfFile} | grep -n "^\[bolt\]" | cut -d ":" -f1) echo "# sectionLine(${sectionLine})" insertLine=$(expr $sectionLine + 1) # make sure API ports are set to standard setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "db.bolt.auto-compact-min-age" "672h" setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "db.bolt.auto-compact" "true" ##### WORKERS SECTION ##### # https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/blob/5c36d96c9cbe8b27c29f9682dcbdab7928ae870f/sample-lnd.conf#L1131 cores=$(nproc) if [ "${cores}" -lt 8 ]; then sectionName="workers" echo "# [${sectionName}] config ..." # make sure lnd config has a [bolt] section sectionExists=$(cat ${lndConfFile} | grep -c "^\[${sectionName}\]") echo "# sectionExists(${sectionExists})" if [ "${sectionExists}" == "0" ]; then echo "# adding section [${sectionName}]" echo " [${sectionName}] " | tee -a ${lndConfFile} fi sectionLine=$(cat ${lndConfFile} | grep -n "^\[workers\]" | cut -d ":" -f1) echo "# sectionLine(${sectionLine})" insertLine=$(expr $sectionLine + 1) # limit workers to the number of cores setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "workers.write" "${cores}" setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "workers.sig" "${cores}" fi ##### TOR SECTION ##### if [ "${runBehindTor}" == "on" ]; then # make sure lnd config has a [tor] section echo "# [tor] config ..." sectionExists=$(cat ${lndConfFile} | grep -c "^\[[Tt]or\]") echo "# sectionExists(${sectionExists})" if [ "${sectionExists}" == "0" ]; then echo "# adding section [tor]" echo " [tor] " | tee -a ${lndConfFile} fi # get line number of [tor] section sectionLine=$(cat ${lndConfFile} | grep -n "^\[[Tt]or\]" | cut -d ":" -f1) echo "# sectionLine(${sectionLine})" insertLine=$(expr $sectionLine + 1) echo "# insertLine(${insertLine})" fileLines=$(wc -l ${lndConfFile} | cut -d " " -f1) echo "# fileLines(${fileLines})" if [ ${fileLines} -lt ${insertLine} ]; then echo "# adding new line for inserts" echo " " | tee -a ${lndConfFile} fi setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "tor.control" "9051" setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "tor.socks" "9050" setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "tor.privatekeypath" "\/mnt\/hdd\/lnd\/${netprefix}v3_onion_private_key" setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "tor.v3" "true" setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "tor.active" "true" # take care of incompatible settings https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/issues/2787#issuecomment-991245694 if [ $(cat ${lndConfFile} | grep -c "^tor.skip-proxy-for-clearnet-targets=true") -gt 0 ] || [ $(cat ${lndConfFile} | grep -c "^tor.skip-proxy-for-clearnet-targets=1") -gt 0 ]; then setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "tor.streamisolation" "false" fi # deprecate Tor password (remove if in lnd.conf) sed -i '/^tor.password=*/d' ${lndConfFile} fi ##### RPCMIDDLEWARE SECTION ##### # [rpcmiddleware] sectionName="rpcmiddleware" echo "# [${sectionName}] config ..." # make sure lnd config has a [rpcmiddleware] section sectionExists=$(cat ${lndConfFile} | grep -c "^\[${sectionName}\]") echo "# sectionExists(${sectionExists})" if [ "${sectionExists}" == "0" ]; then echo "# adding section [${sectionName}]" echo " [${sectionName}] " | tee -a ${lndConfFile} fi # get line number of [rpcmiddleware] section sectionLine=$(cat ${lndConfFile} | grep -n "^\[${sectionName}\]" | cut -d ":" -f1) echo "# sectionLine(${sectionLine})" insertLine=$(expr $sectionLine + 1) echo "# insertLine(${insertLine})" fileLines=$(wc -l ${lndConfFile} | cut -d " " -f1) echo "# fileLines(${fileLines})" if [ ${fileLines} -lt ${insertLine} ]; then echo "# adding new line for inserts" echo " " | tee -a ${lndConfFile} fi # remove erroneous entries sed -i '/^ \[rpcmiddleware\]/d' ${lndConfFile} sed -i '/^ \[\[Rr\]pcmiddleware\]/d' ${lndConfFile} # SET/UPDATE rpcmiddleware.enable setting ${lndConfFile} ${insertLine} "rpcmiddleware.enable" "true" echo "# OK PRESTART DONE" ###################################################################### # BASIC-SETUP # analyses if there are any possible problems with lnd setup ###################################################################### # check basic LND setup elif [ "$1" == "basic-setup" ]; then # check TLS exits tlsExists=$(sudo ls /mnt/hdd/lnd/tls.cert 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'tls.cert') if [ ${tlsExists} -gt 0 ]; then echo "tls=1" else echo "tls=0" echo "err='tls.cert is missing in /mnt/hdd/lnd'" fi # check TLS exits (on SD card for admin) tlsExists=$(sudo ls /home/admin/.lnd/tls.cert 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'tls.cert') if [ ${tlsExists} -gt 0 ]; then echo "tlsCopy=1" # check if the same orgChecksum=$(sudo shasum -a 256 /mnt/hdd/lnd/tls.cert 2>/dev/null | cut -d " " -f1) cpyChecksum=$(sudo shasum -a 256 /home/admin/.lnd/tls.cert 2>/dev/null | cut -d " " -f1) if [ "${orgChecksum}" == "${cpyChecksum}" ]; then echo "tlsMismatch=0" else echo "tlsMismatch=1" echo "err='tls.cert for user admin is old'" fi else echo "tlsCopy=0" echo "tlsMismatch=0" echo "err='tls.cert is missing for user admin'" fi # check lnd.conf exists lndConfExists=$(sudo ls ${lndConfFile} 2>/dev/null | grep -c "${netprefix}lnd.conf") if [ ${lndConfExists} -gt 0 ]; then echo "config=1" else echo "config=0" echo "err='${netprefix}lnd.conf is missing in ${lndConfFile}'" fi # check lnd.conf exits (on SD card for admin) lndConfExists=$(sudo ls /home/admin/.lnd/${netprefix}lnd.conf 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'lnd.conf') if [ ${lndConfExists} -gt 0 ]; then echo "configCopy=1" # check if the same orgChecksum=$(sudo shasum -a 256 ${lndConfFile} 2>/dev/null | cut -d " " -f1) cpyChecksum=$(sudo shasum -a 256 /home/admin/.lnd/${netprefix}lnd.conf 2>/dev/null | cut -d " " -f1) if [ "${orgChecksum}" == "${cpyChecksum}" ]; then echo "configMismatch=0" else echo "configMismatch=1" echo "err='${netprefix}lnd.conf for user admin is old'" fi else echo "configCopy=0" echo "configMismatch=0" echo "err='$(netprefix)lnd.conf is missing for user admin'" fi # get network from config (BLOCKCHAIN) lndNetwork="bitcoin" echo "network='${lndNetwork}'" # check if network is same the raspiblitz config if [ "${network}" != "${lndNetwork}" ]; then echo "err='$(netprefix)lnd.conf: blockchain network in $(netprefix)lnd.conf (${lndNetwork}) is different from raspiblitz.conf (${network})'" fi # # get chain from config (TESTNET / MAINNET) # lndChain="" # source <(sudo cat /mnt/hdd/lnd/lnd.conf 2>/dev/null | grep "${lndNetwork}.mainnet" | sed 's/^[a-z]*\.//g') # source <(sudo cat /mnt/hdd/lnd/lnd.conf 2>/dev/null | grep "${lndNetwork}.testnet" | sed 's/^[a-z]*\.//g') # if [ "${mainnet}" == "1" ] && [ "${testnet}" == "1" ]; then # echo "err='lnd.conf: mainnet and testnet are set active at the same time'" # elif [ "${mainnet}" == "1" ]; then # lndChain="main" # elif [ "${testnet}" == "1" ]; then # lndChain="test" # else # echo "err='lnd.conf: neither testnet or mainnet is set active (raspiblitz needs one of them active in lnd.conf)'" # fi # echo "chain='${lndChain}'" # # # check if chain is same the raspiblitz config # if [ "${chain}" != "${lndChain}" ]; then # echo "err='lnd.conf: testnet/mainnet in lnd.conf (${lndChain}) is different from raspiblitz.conf (${chain})'" # fi # check for admin macaroon exist (on HDD) adminMacaroonExists=$(sudo ls /mnt/hdd/lnd/data/chain/${network}/${chain}net/admin.macaroon 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'admin.macaroon') if [ ${adminMacaroonExists} -gt 0 ]; then echo "macaroon=1" else echo "macaroon=0" echo "err='admin.macaroon is missing in /mnt/hdd/lnd/data/chain/${network}/${chain}net'" fi # check for admin macaroon exist (on SD card for admin) adminMacaroonExists=$(sudo ls /home/admin/.lnd/data/chain/${network}/${chain}net/admin.macaroon 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'admin.macaroon') if [ ${adminMacaroonExists} -gt 0 ]; then echo "macaroonCopy=1" # check if the same orgChecksum=$(sudo shasum -a 256 /mnt/hdd/lnd/data/chain/${network}/${chain}net/admin.macaroon 2>/dev/null | cut -d " " -f1) cpyChecksum=$(sudo shasum -a 256 /home/admin/.lnd/data/chain/${network}/${chain}net/admin.macaroon 2>/dev/null | cut -d " " -f1) if [ "${orgChecksum}" == "${cpyChecksum}" ]; then echo "macaroonMismatch=0" else echo "macaroonMismatch=1" echo "err='admin.macaroon for user admin is old'" fi else echo "macaroonCopy=0" echo "macaroonMismatch=0" echo "err='admin.macaroon is missing for user admin'" fi # check for walletDB exist walletExists=$(sudo ls /mnt/hdd/lnd/data/chain/${network}/${chain}net/wallet.db 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'wallet.db') if [ ${walletExists} -gt 0 ]; then echo "wallet=1" else echo "wallet=0" fi # check basic LND logs torConnectionProblem=$(sudo journalctl -u lnd -b --no-pager -n14 | grep "lnd\[" | grep -c "dial tcp connect: connection refused") if [ ${torConnectionProblem} -gt 0 ]; then echo "err='Tor tcp connection refused'" fi else echo "# FAIL: parameter not known - run with -h for help" exit 1 fi