#!/bin/bash # This is for developing on your RaspiBlitz. # THIS IS NOT THE REGULAR UPDATE MECHANISM # and can lead to dirty state of your scripts. # IF YOU WANT TO UPDATE YOUR RASPIBLITZ: # https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/blob/dev/FAQ.md#how-to-update-my-raspiblitz-after-version-098 # command info if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ] || [ "$1" = "-help" ]; then echo "FOR DEVELOPMENT USE ONLY!" echo "RaspiBlitz Sync Scripts" echo "blitz.github.sh info" echo "blitz.github.sh [-run|-clean|-install|-justinstall] branch [repo]" exit 1 fi source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf 2>/dev/null cd /home/admin/raspiblitz # gather info activeGitHubUser=$(sudo -u admin cat /home/admin/raspiblitz/.git/config 2>/dev/null | grep "url = " | cut -d "=" -f2 | cut -d "/" -f4) activeBranch=$(git branch 2>/dev/null | grep \* | cut -d ' ' -f2) commitHashLong=$(git log -n1 --format=format:"%H") commitHashShort=${commitHashLong:0:7} # if parameter is "info" just give back basic info about sync if [ "$1" == "info" ]; then echo "activeGitHubUser='${activeGitHubUser}'" echo "activeBranch='${activeBranch}'" echo "commitHashLong='${commitHashLong}'" echo "commitHashShort='${commitHashShort}'" exit 1 fi # change branch if set as parameter vagrant=0 clean=0 install=0 wantedBranch="$1" wantedGitHubUser="$2" if [ "${wantedBranch}" = "-run" ]; then # "-run" its just used by "patch" command and will ignore all further parameter wantedBranch="${activeBranch}" wantedGitHubUser="${activeGitHubUser}" # detect if running in vagrant VM vagrant=$(df | grep -c "/vagrant") if [ "$2" = "git" ]; then echo "# forcing github over vagrant sync" vagrant=0 fi fi if [ "${wantedBranch}" = "-clean" ]; then clean=1 wantedBranch="$2" wantedGitHubUser="$3" fi if [ "${wantedBranch}" = "-install" ]; then install=1 wantedBranch="$2" wantedGitHubUser="$3" fi if [ "${wantedBranch}" = "-justinstall" ]; then clean=1 install=1 wantedBranch="" wantedGitHubUser="" fi # set to another GutHub repo as origin if [ ${#wantedGitHubUser} -gt 0 ] && [ ${vagrant} -eq 0 ]; then echo "# your active GitHubUser is: ${activeGitHubUser}" echo "# your wanted GitHubUser is: ${wantedGitHubUser}" if [ "${activeGitHubUser}" = "${wantedGitHubUser}" ]; then echo "# OK" else echo "# checking repo exists .." repoExists=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/${wantedGitHubUser}/raspiblitz | jq -r '.name' | grep -c 'raspiblitz') if [ ${repoExists} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='repo not found'" exit 1 fi echo "# try changing github origin .." git remote set-url origin https://github.com/${wantedGitHubUser}/raspiblitz.git activeGitHubUser=$(sudo -u admin cat /home/admin/raspiblitz/.git/config | grep "url = " | cut -d "=" -f2 | cut -d "/" -f4) fi fi if [ ${#wantedBranch} -gt 0 ] && [ ${vagrant} -eq 0 ]; then echo "# your active branch is: ${activeBranch}" echo "# your wanted branch is: ${wantedBranch}" if [ "${wantedBranch}" = "${activeBranch}" ]; then echo "# OK" else # always clean & install fresh on branch change clean=1 install=1 echo "# checking if branch is locally available" localBranch=$(git branch | grep -c "${wantedBranch}") if [ ${localBranch} -eq 0 ]; then echo "# checking branch exists .." branchExists=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/${activeGitHubUser}/raspiblitz/branches/${wantedBranch} | jq -r '.name' | grep -c ${wantedBranch}) if [ ${branchExists} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='branch not found'" exit 1 fi echo "# checkout/changing branch .." git fetch git checkout -b ${wantedBranch} origin/${wantedBranch} else echo "# changing branch .." git checkout ${wantedBranch} fi activeBranch=$(git branch | grep \* | cut -d ' ' -f2) fi fi checkSumBlitzPyBefore=$(find /home/admin/raspiblitz/home.admin/BlitzPy -type f -exec md5sum {} \; | md5sum) checkSumBlitzTUIBefore=$(find /home/admin/raspiblitz/home.admin/BlitzTUI -type f -exec md5sum {} \; | md5sum) if [ ${vagrant} -eq 0 ]; then origin=$(git remote -v | grep 'origin' | tail -n1) echo "# *** SYNCING RASPIBLITZ CODE WITH GITHUB ***" echo "# This is for developing on your RaspiBlitz." echo "# THIS IS NOT THE REGULAR UPDATE MECHANISM" echo "# and can lead to dirty state of your scripts." echo "# REPO ----> ${origin}" echo "# BRANCH --> ${activeBranch}" echo "# ******************************************" git pull 1>&2 cd .. else cd .. echo "# --> VAGRANT IS ACTIVE" echo "# *** SYNCING RASPIBLITZ CODE WITH VAGRANT LINKED DIRECTORY ***" echo "# This is for developing on your RaspiBlitz with a VM." echo "# - delete /home/admin/raspiblitz" sudo rm -r /home/admin/raspiblitz sudo mkdir /home/admin/raspiblitz echo "# - copy from vagrant new raspiblitz files (ignore hidden dirs)" sudo cp -r /vagrant/* /home/admin/raspiblitz echo "# - set admin as owner of files" sudo chown admin:admin -R /home/admin/raspiblitz fi if [ ${clean} -eq 1 ]; then echo "# Cleaning assets .. " sudo rm -f *.sh sudo rm -rf assets sudo -u admin mkdir assets else echo "# ******************************************" echo "# NOT cleaning/deleting old files" echo "# use parameter '-clean' if you want that next time" echo "# ******************************************" fi echo "# COPYING from GIT-Directory to /home/admin/" sudo rm -r /home/admin/config.scripts sudo -u admin cp -r -f /home/admin/raspiblitz/home.admin/* /home/admin sudo -u admin chmod -R +x /home/admin/config.scripts sudo -u admin chmod -R +x /home/admin/setup.scripts sudo -u admin chmod +x /home/admin/*.sh echo "# ******************************************" echo "# Syncing Webcontent .." if [ -d /var/www/public ]; then sudo cp -a /home/admin/assets/nginx/www_public/* /var/www/public sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/public fi echo "# Checking if the content of BlitzPy changed .." checkSumBlitzPyAfter=$(find /home/admin/raspiblitz/home.admin/BlitzPy -type f -exec md5sum {} \; | md5sum) echo "# checkSumBlitzPyBefore = ${checkSumBlitzPyBefore}" echo "# checkSumBlitzPyAfter = ${checkSumBlitzPyAfter}" if [ "${checkSumBlitzPyBefore}" = "${checkSumBlitzPyAfter}" ] && [ ${install} -eq 0 ]; then echo "# BlitzPy did not changed." else blitzpy_wheel=$(ls -trR /home/admin/raspiblitz/home.admin/BlitzPy/dist | grep -E "*any.whl" | tail -n 1) blitzpy_version=$(echo ${blitzpy_wheel} | grep -oE "([0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9])") echo "# BlitzPy changed --> UPDATING to Version ${blitzpy_version}" sudo -H /usr/bin/python -m pip install "/home/admin/raspiblitz/home.admin/BlitzPy/dist/${blitzpy_wheel}" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ "${touchscreen}" = "1" ]; then echo "# Checking if the content of BlitzTUI changed .." checkSumBlitzTUIAfter=$(find /home/admin/raspiblitz/home.admin/BlitzTUI -type f -exec md5sum {} \; | md5sum) echo "# checkSumBlitzTUIBefore = ${checkSumBlitzTUIBefore}" echo "# checkSumBlitzTUIAfter = ${checkSumBlitzTUIAfter}" if [ "${checkSumBlitzTUIBefore}" = "${checkSumBlitzTUIAfter}" ] && [ ${install} -eq 0 ] && [ ${clean} -eq 0 ]; then echo "# BlitzTUI did not changed." else echo "# BlitzTUI changed --> UPDATING TOUCHSCREEN INSTALL ..." sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.touchscreen.sh update fi fi echo "# ******************************************" echo "# OK - shell scripts and assets are synced" echo "# Reboot recommended"