#!/bin/bash # ############################################################################### # File: bonus.telegraf.sh # Date: 2020-10-03 ############################################################################### # command info if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "-help" ]; then echo "config script to switch the telegraf metric collection on or off" echo "bonus.telegraf.sh [on|off|status]" exit 1 fi # at this point the config file exists and can be sourced source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf # this variables is used repeatedly in this script resources_dir=/home/admin/assets/telegraf/etc-telegraf ############################### # give status if [ "$1" = "status" ]; then echo "##### STATUS TELEGRAF SERVICE" # check if "telegrafMonitoring" is enabled ("1"|"on") in raspiblitz.conf if [ "${telegrafMonitoring}" = "1" ] || [ "${telegrafMonitoring}" = "on" ]; then echo "configured=1" else echo "configured=0" fi serviceInstalled=$(sudo systemctl status telegraf --no-page 2>/dev/null | grep -c "telegraf.service - The plugin-driven") echo "serviceInstalled=${serviceInstalled}" if [ ${serviceInstalled} -eq 0 ]; then echo "infoMessage='Telegraf service not installed'" fi serviceRunning=$(sudo systemctl status telegraf --no-page 2>/dev/null | grep -c "active (running)") echo "serviceRunning=${serviceRunning}" if [ ${serviceRunning} -eq 1 ]; then echo "infoMessage='Telegraf service is running'" else echo "infoMessage='Not running - check: sudo journalctl -u telegraf'" fi exit 0 fi ############################### # switch on if [ "$1" = "1" ] || [ "$1" = "on" ]; then echo "*** INSTALL TELEGRAF ***" # source and target dir for copy operation telegraf_source_dir=${resources_dir} telegraf_target_dir=/etc/telegraf # # full path to telegraf config file for sed-replace operation telegraf_conf_file=${telegraf_target_dir}/telegraf.conf echo "*** telegraf installation: apt-get part" # get the repository public key for apt-get curl -sL https://repos.influxdata.com/influxdb.key | sudo apt-key add - DISTRIB_ID=$(lsb_release -c -s) # # changed according suggestion from @frennkie in #1501 echo "deb https://repos.influxdata.com/debian ${DISTRIB_ID} stable" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdb.list >/dev/null # # as the key is untrusted, this is a dirty fix sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys D8FF8E1F7DF8B07E sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y telegraf echo "*** telegraf installation: usermod part" # enable telegraf user to call "/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd" for frequency and temperatures measurements sudo usermod -aG video telegraf # # enable telegraf as admin for lnd sudo usermod telegraf -a -G lndadmin # # add telegraf to sudoers (for later application with smartmontools) sudo usermod telegraf -a -G sudo # stop telegraf service sudo systemctl stop telegraf.service echo "*** telegraf installation: copying telegraf config templates" # copy custom "telegraf.conf" template to the telegraf target dir # the telegraf inputs part goes into telegraf.d subdir # this split into "telegraf.conf" and "telegraf.d/telegraf_inputs.conf" is necessary # as the the [[inputs.***]] part contains lines with the keywords # "urls", "database", "username" "password" # so the sed-replacement-part would get confused # # Note: the apt-get install should have already created the path /etc/telegraf and /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d # sudo cp -v ${telegraf_source_dir}/telegraf.conf ${telegraf_target_dir}/telegraf.conf sudo cp -v ${telegraf_source_dir}/telegraf.d/telegraf_inputs.conf ${telegraf_target_dir}/telegraf.d/telegraf_inputs.conf # # copy shell script for service uptime metrics sudo cp -v ${telegraf_source_dir}/getserviceuptime.sh ${telegraf_target_dir}/getserviceuptime.sh sudo chmod 755 ${telegraf_target_dir}/getserviceuptime.sh # # copy shell script for IP address tracking sudo cp -v ${telegraf_source_dir}/getraspiblitzipinfo.sh ${telegraf_target_dir}/getraspiblitzipinfo.sh sudo chmod 755 ${telegraf_target_dir}/getraspiblitzipinfo.sh echo "*** telegraf installation: replace influxDB url and creds" # here comes the sed-replace-part # # make sure that raspiblitz.conf has the telegraf-variables properly set # telegrafInfluxUrl # telegrafInfluxDatabase # telegrafInfluxUsername # telegrafInfluxPassword # echo "*** telegraf installation: telegrafInfluxUrl = '${telegrafInfluxUrl}'" # due to the occurrence of '/' in the ${telegrafInfluxUrl} we need to switch to '#' as the sed-separator sudo sed -i "s#^urls = .*#urls = \[\"${telegrafInfluxUrl}\"\]#g" ${telegraf_conf_file} # # the other replacements work with the std separator '/' # # CAUTION: make sure that *none* of the following variables (especially "password") contains a '/' # this would break the sed-replacement # echo "*** telegraf installation: telegrafInfluxDatabase = '${telegrafInfluxDatabase}'" sudo sed -i "s/^database = .*/database = \"${telegrafInfluxDatabase}\"/g" ${telegraf_conf_file} # echo "*** telegraf installation: telegrafInfluxUsername = '${telegrafInfluxUsername}'" sudo sed -i "s/^username = .*/username = \"${telegrafInfluxUsername}\"/g" ${telegraf_conf_file} # echo "*** telegraf installation: telegrafInfluxPassword = '${telegrafInfluxPassword}'" sudo sed -i "s/^password = .*/password = \"${telegrafInfluxPassword}\"/g" ${telegraf_conf_file} echo "*** telegraf installation: restart telegraf service with updated config files" # restart telegraf service sudo systemctl start telegraf.service # ...and push some status into the logfile sleep 2 sudo systemctl status telegraf.service --no-page 2>/dev/null echo "*** telegraf installation: set 'telegrafMonitoring=on' in config file 'raspiblitz.conf'" /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.conf.sh set telegrafMonitoring "on" echo "*** install telegraf done ***" exit 0 fi ############################### # switch off if [ "$1" = "0" ] || [ "$1" = "off" ]; then echo "*** REMOVE TELEGRAF ***" # let apt-get remove the package sudo apt-get remove -y telegraf echo "*** telegraf remove: set 'telegrafMonitoring=off' in config file 'raspiblitz.conf'" /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.conf.sh set telegrafMonitoring "off" echo "*** remove telegraf done ***" exit 0 fi echo "FAIL - Unknown Parameter $1" exit 1