#!/bin/bash # https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer # ~/.config/btc-rpc-explorer.env # https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer/blob/master/.env-sample VERSION="v3.3.0" # command info if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "-help" ]; then echo "# small config script to switch BTC-RPC-explorer on or off" echo "# bonus.btc-rpc-explorer.sh [install|uninstall]" echo "# bonus.btc-rpc-explorer.sh [status|on|off]" echo "# bonus.btc-rpc-explorer.sh prestart" exit 1 fi PGPsigner="janoside" PGPpubkeyLink="https://github.com/janoside.gpg" PGPpubkeyFingerprint="70C0B166321C0AF8" source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf 2>/dev/null ########################## # MENU ######################### # show info menu if [ "$1" = "menu" ]; then # get status echo "# collecting status info ... (please wait)" source <(sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.btc-rpc-explorer.sh status) # check if index is ready if [ "${isIndexed}" == "0" ]; then dialog --title " Blockchain Index Not Ready " --msgbox " The Blockchain Index is still getting built. ${indexInfo} This can take multiple hours. " 9 48 exit 0 fi # check if password protected isBitcoinWalletOff=$(sudo cat /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf | grep -c "^disablewallet=1") passwordInfo="" if [ "${isBitcoinWalletOff}" != "1" ]; then passwordInfo="Login is 'admin' with your Password B" fi if [ "${runBehindTor}" = "on" ] && [ ${#toraddress} -gt 0 ]; then # TOR sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.display.sh qr "${toraddress}" whiptail --title " BTC-RPC-Explorer " --msgbox "Open in your local web browser: http://${localIP}:3020\n https://${localIP}:3021 with Fingerprint: ${fingerprint}\n ${passwordInfo}\n Hidden Service address for TOR Browser (QR see LCD): ${toraddress} " 16 67 sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.display.sh hide else # IP + Domain whiptail --title " BTC-RPC-Explorer " --msgbox "Open in your local web browser: http://${localIP}:3020\n https://${localIP}:3021 with Fingerprint: ${fingerprint}\n ${passwordInfo}\n Activate TOR to access the web block explorer from outside your local network. " 16 54 fi echo "please wait ..." exit 0 fi # status if [ "$1" = "status" ]; then echo "version='${VERSION}'" if [ "${BTCRPCexplorer}" = "on" ]; then echo "configured=1" installed=$(sudo ls /etc/systemd/system/btc-rpc-explorer.service 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'btc-rpc-explorer.service') echo "installed=${installed}" # get network info localIP=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}') toraddress=$(sudo cat /mnt/hdd/tor/btc-rpc-explorer/hostname 2>/dev/null) fingerprint=$(openssl x509 -in /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tls.cert -fingerprint -noout | cut -d"=" -f2) authMethod="user_admin_password_b" isBitcoinWalletOff=$(cat /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf | grep -c "^disablewallet=1") if [ "${isBitcoinWalletOff}" == "1" ]; then authMethod="none" fi echo "localIP='${localIP}'" echo "httpPort='3020'" echo "httpsPort='3021'" echo "httpsForced='0'" echo "httpsSelfsigned='1'" echo "authMethod='${authMethod}'" echo "toraddress='${toraddress}'" echo "fingerprint='${fingerprint}'" # check indexing source <(sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/network.txindex.sh status) echo "isIndexed=${isIndexed}" echo "indexInfo='${indexInfo}'" # check for error isDead=$(sudo systemctl status btc-rpc-explorer | grep -c 'inactive (dead)') if [ ${isDead} -eq 1 ]; then echo "error='Service Failed'" exit 1 fi else echo "configured=0" echo "installed=0" fi exit 0 fi ########################## # PRESTART # - will be called as prestart by systemd service (as user btcrpcexplorer) ######################### if [ "$1" = "prestart" ]; then # users need to be `btcrpcexplorer` so that it can be run by systemd as prestart (no SUDO available) if [ "$USER" != "btcrpcexplorer" ]; then echo "# FAIL: run as user btcrpcexplorer" exit 1 fi echo "## btc-rpc-explorer.service PRESTART CONFIG" echo "# --> /home/btcrpcexplorer/.config/btc-rpc-explorer.env" # check if electrs is installed & running if [ "${ElectRS}" == "on" ]; then # CHECK THAT ELECTRS INDEX IS BUILD (WAITLOOP) # electrs listening in port 50001 means index is build # Use flags: t = tcp protocol only / a = list all connection states (includes LISTEN) / n = don't resolve names => no dns spam isElectrumReady=$(netstat -tan | grep -c "50001") if [ "${isElectrumReady}" == "0" ]; then echo "# electrs is ON but not ready .. might still building index - kick systemd service into fail/wait/restart" exit 1 fi echo "# electrs is ON .. and ready (${isElectrumReady})" # CHECK THAT ELECTRS IS PART OF CONFIG echo "# updating BTCEXP_ADDRESS_API=electrumx" sed -i 's/^BTCEXP_ADDRESS_API=.*/BTCEXP_ADDRESS_API=electrumx/g' /home/btcrpcexplorer/.config/btc-rpc-explorer.env else # ELECTRS=OFF --> MAKE SURE IT IS NOT CONNECTED echo "# updating BTCEXP_ADDRESS_API=none" sed -i 's/^BTCEXP_ADDRESS_API=.*/BTCEXP_ADDRESS_API=none/g' /home/btcrpcexplorer/.config/btc-rpc-explorer.env fi # UPDATE RPC PASSWORD RPCPASSWORD=$(cat /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf | grep "^rpcpassword=" | cut -d "=" -f2) echo "# updating BTCEXP_BITCOIND_PASS=${RPCPASSWORD}" sed -i "s/^BTCEXP_BITCOIND_PASS=.*/BTCEXP_BITCOIND_PASS=${RPCPASSWORD}/g" /home/btcrpcexplorer/.config/btc-rpc-explorer.env # WALLET PROTECTION (only if Bitcoin has wallet active protect BTC-RPC-Explorer with additional passwordB) isBitcoinWalletOff=$(cat /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf | grep -c "^disablewallet=1") if [ "${isBitcoinWalletOff}" == "1" ]; then echo "# updating BTCEXP_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD= --> no password needed because wallet is disabled" sed -i "s/^BTCEXP_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=.*/BTCEXP_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=/g" /home/btcrpcexplorer/.config/btc-rpc-explorer.env else echo "# updating BTCEXP_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=${RPCPASSWORD} --> enable password to protect wallet" sed -i "s/^BTCEXP_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=.*/BTCEXP_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=${RPCPASSWORD}/g" /home/btcrpcexplorer/.config/btc-rpc-explorer.env fi exit 0 # exit with clean code fi # stop service (for all calls below) echo "# making sure services are not running" sudo systemctl stop btc-rpc-explorer 2>/dev/null # install (code & compile) if [ "$1" = "install" ]; then # check if already installed isInstalled=$(compgen -u | grep -c btcrpcexplorer) if [ "${isInstalled}" != "0" ]; then echo "result='already installed'" exit 0 fi echo "# *** INSTALL BTC-RPC-EXPLORER ***" # install nodeJS /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.nodejs.sh on # add btcrpcexplorer user sudo adduser --system --group --home /home/btcrpcexplorer btcrpcexplorer # install btc-rpc-explorer cd /home/btcrpcexplorer sudo -u btcrpcexplorer git clone https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer.git cd btc-rpc-explorer sudo -u btcrpcexplorer git reset --hard ${VERSION} sudo -u btcrpcexplorer /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.git-verify.sh "${PGPsigner}" "${PGPpubkeyLink}" "${PGPpubkeyFingerprint}" || exit 1 sudo -u btcrpcexplorer npm install if ! [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "FAIL - npm install did not run correctly, aborting" echo "result='fail npm install'" exit 1 fi exit 0 fi # remove from system if [ "$1" = "uninstall" ]; then # check if still active isActive=$(sudo ls /etc/systemd/system/btc-rpc-explorer.service 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'btc-rpc-explorer.service') if [ "${isActive}" != "0" ]; then echo "result='still in use'" exit 1 fi echo "# *** UNINSTALL BTC-RPC-EXPLORER ***" # always delete user and home directory sudo userdel -rf btcrpcexplorer exit 0 fi ########################## # ON ######################### # switch on if [ "$1" = "1" ] || [ "$1" = "on" ]; then # check if code is already installed isInstalled=$(compgen -u | grep -c btcrpcexplorer) if [ "${isInstalled}" == "0" ]; then echo "# Installing code base & dependencies first .." /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.btc-rpc-explorer.sh install || exit 1 fi echo "# *** ACTIVATE BTC-RPC-EXPLORER ***" isInstalled=$(sudo ls /etc/systemd/system/btc-rpc-explorer.service 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'btc-rpc-explorer.service') if [ ${isInstalled} -eq 0 ]; then # make sure that txindex of blockchain is switched on /home/admin/config.scripts/network.txindex.sh on # prepare .env file echo "# getting RPC credentials from the ${network}.conf" RPC_USER=$(sudo cat /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf | grep rpcuser | cut -c 9-) PASSWORD_B=$(sudo cat /mnt/hdd/${network}/${network}.conf | grep rpcpassword | cut -c 13-) touch /var/cache/raspiblitz/btc-rpc-explorer.env chmod 600 /var/cache/raspiblitz/btc-rpc-explorer.env || exit 1 cat > /var/cache/raspiblitz/btc-rpc-explorer.env < /var/cache/raspiblitz/btc-rpc-explorer.service <