#!/bin/bash _temp="./download/dialog.$$" _error="./.error.out" # load raspiblitz config data (with backup from old config) source /home/admin/raspiblitz.info source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf if [ ${#network} -eq 0 ]; then network=`cat .network`; fi if [ ${#network} -eq 0 ]; then network="bitcoin"; fi if [ ${#chain} -eq 0 ]; then echo "gathering chain info ... please wait" chain=$(${network}-cli getblockchaininfo | jq -r '.chain') fi # let user enter a @host l1="Enter the number of days to query:" l2="e.g. '7' will query the last 7 days" dialog --title "Create a forwarding event report" \ --backtitle "Lightning ( ${network} | ${chain} )" \ --inputbox "$l1\n$l2" 10 60 7 2>$_temp _input=$(cat $_temp | xargs ) shred $_temp if [ ${#_input} -eq 0 ]; then exit 1 fi # build command command="lnfwdreport -n ${chain}net -c ${network} -- ${_input}" clear echo "Generating report..." # execute command result=$($command 2>$_error) echo "" echo "" echo "$result" echo ""