#!/bin/bash if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "-help" ]; then >&2 echo "# managing the data drive(s) with old EXT4 or new BTRFS" >&2 echo "# blitz.datadrive.sh [status|tempmount|format|fstab|raid|link|swap|clean|snapshot]" echo "error='missing parameters'" exit 1 fi ################### # BASICS ################### # TO UNDERSTAND THE BTFS HDD LAYOUT: #################################### # 1) BLITZDATA - a BTRFS partion for all RaspiBlitz data - 30GB # here put all files of LND, app, etc that need backup # 2) BLITZSTORE - a BTFRS partion for mostly Blockchain data # all data here can get lost and rebuild if needed (Blockchain, Indexes, etc) # 3) BLITZTEMP - a FAT partition just for SWAP & Exchange - 34GB # used for SWAP file and easy to read from Win32/MacOS for exchange # this directory should get cleaned on every start (except from swap) # check if started with sudo if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then echo "error='missing sudo'" exit 1 fi # install BTRFS if needed btrfsInstalled=$(btrfs --version 2>/dev/null | grep -c "btrfs-progs") if [ ${btrfsInstalled} -eq 0 ]; then >&2 echo "# Installing BTRFS ..." sudo apt-get install -y btrfs-tools 1>/dev/null fi btrfsInstalled=$(btrfs --version 2>/dev/null | grep -c "btrfs-progs") if [ ${btrfsInstalled} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='missing btrfs package'" exit 1 fi ################### # STATUS ################### # gathering system info # is global so that also other parts of this script can use this # basics isMounted=$(sudo df | grep -c /mnt/hdd) isBTRFS=$(sudo btrfs filesystem show 2>/dev/null| grep -c 'BLITZSTORAGE') isRaid=$(btrfs filesystem df /mnt/hdd 2>/dev/null | grep -c "Data, RAID1") isSSD=$(sudo cat /sys/block/sda/queue/rotational 2>/dev/null | grep -c 0) # determine if swap is external on or not externalSwapPath="/mnt/hdd/swapfile" if [ ${isBTRFS} -eq 1 ]; then externalSwapPath="/mnt/temp/swapfile" fi isSwapExternal=$(swapon -s | grep -c "${externalSwapPath}") # output and exit if just status action if [ "$1" = "status" ]; then # optional second parameter can be 'bitcoin' or 'litecoin' blockchainType=$2 echo "# RASPIBLITZ DATA DRIVE Status" echo echo "# BASICS" echo "isMounted=${isMounted}" echo "isBTRFS=${isBTRFS}" echo "isSSD=${isBTRFS}" # if HDD is not mounted system is in the pre-setup phase # deliver all the detailes needed about the data drive # and it content for the setup dialogs if [ ${isMounted} -eq 0 ]; then echo echo "# SETUP INFO" # find the HDD (biggest single device) size=0 lsblk -o NAME | grep "^sd" | while read -r usbdevice ; do testsize=$(lsblk -o NAME,SIZE -b | grep "^${usbdevice}" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 2) if [ ${testsize} -gt ${size} ]; then size=${testsize} echo "${usbdevice}" > .hdd.tmp fi done hdd=$(cat .hdd.tmp 2>/dev/null) rm -f .hdd.tmp 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null echo "hddCandidate='${hdd}'" if [ ${#hdd} -gt 0 ]; then # check size in bytes and GBs size=$(lsblk -o NAME,SIZE -b | grep "^${hdd}" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 2) echo "hddBytes=${size}" hddGigaBytes=$(echo "scale=0; ${size}/1024/1024/1024" | bc -l) echo "hddGigaBytes=${hddGigaBytes}" # check if single drive with that size hddCount=$(lsblk -o NAME,SIZE -b | grep "^sd" | grep -c ${size}) echo "hddCount=${hddCount}" # check format of devices first partition hddFormat=$(lsblk -o FSTYPE,NAME,TYPE | grep part | grep "${hdd}1" | cut -d " " -f 1) echo "hddFormat='${hddFormat}'" # if 'ext4' or 'btrfs' then temp mount and investigate content if [ "${hddFormat}" = "ext4" ] || [ "${hddFormat}" = "btrfs" ]; then # BTRFS is working with subvolumnes for snapshots / ext4 has no SubVolumes subVolumeDir="" if [ "${hddFormat}" = "btrfs" ]; then subVolumeDir="/WORKINGDIR" fi # temp mount data drive mountError="" sudo mkdir -p /mnt/hdd if [ "${hddFormat}" = "ext4" ]; then mountError=$(sudo mount /dev/${hdd}1 /mnt/hdd 2>&1) fi if [ "${hddFormat}" = "btrfs" ]; then mountError=$(sudo mount -o degraded /dev/${hdd}1 /mnt/hdd 2>&1) fi isTempMounted=$(df | grep /mnt/hdd | grep -c ${hdd}) # check for mount error if [ ${#mountError} -gt 0 ] || [ ${isTempMounted} -eq 0 ]; then echo "hddError='data mount failed'" # check for recoverable RaspiBlitz data (if config file exists) and raid else hddRaspiData=$(sudo ls -l /mnt/hdd${subVolumeDir} | grep -c raspiblitz.conf) isRaid=$(btrfs filesystem df /mnt/hdd 2>/dev/null | grep -c "Data, RAID1") echo "hddRaspiData=${hddRaspiData}" sudo umount /mnt/hdd fi # temp storage data drive sudo mkdir -p /mnt/storage if [ "${hddFormat}" = "btrfs" ]; then # in btrfs setup the second partition is storage partition sudo mount /dev/${hdd}2 /mnt/storage 2>/dev/null else # in ext4 setup the first partition is also the storage partition sudo mount /dev/${hdd}1 /mnt/storage 2>/dev/null fi isTempMounted=$(df | grep /mnt/storage | grep -c ${hdd}) if [ ${isTempMounted} -eq 0 ]; then echo "hddError='storage mount failed'" else # check for blockchain data on storage hddBlocksBitcoin=$(sudo ls /mnt/storage${subVolumeDir}/bitcoin/blocks/blk00000.dat 2>/dev/null | grep -c '.dat') echo "hddBlocksBitcoin=${hddBlocksBitcoin}" hddBlocksLitecoin=$(sudo ls /mnt/storage${subVolumeDir}/litecoin/blocks/blk00000.dat 2>/dev/null | grep -c '.dat') echo "hddBlocksLitecoin=${hddBlocksLitecoin}" sudo umount /mnt/storage if [ "${blockchainType}" = "bitcoin" ] && [ ${hddBlocksBitcoin} -eq 1 ]; then echo "hddGotBlockchain=1" elif [ "${blockchainType}" = "litecoin" ] && [ ${hddBlocksLitecoin} -eq 1 ]; then echo "hddGotBlockchain=1" elif [ ${#blockchainType} -gt 0 ]; then echo "hddGotBlockchain=0" fi fi else # if not ext4 or btrfs - there is no usable data echo "hddRaspiData=0" echo "hddBlocksBitcoin=0" echo "hddBlocksLitecoin=0" echo "hddGotBlockchain=0" fi fi else # STATUS INFO WHEN MOUNTED # output data drive hdd=$(df | grep "/mnt/hdd" | cut -d " " -f 1 | cut -d "/" -f 3 | sed 's/[0-9]*//g') echo "datadisk='${hdd}'" # check if blockchain data is available hddBlocksBitcoin=$(sudo ls /mnt/hdd/bitcoin/blocks/blk00000.dat 2>/dev/null | grep -c '.dat') echo "hddBlocksBitcoin=${hddBlocksBitcoin}" hddBlocksLitecoin=$(sudo ls /mnt/hdd/litecoin/blocks/blk00000.dat 2>/dev/null | grep -c '.dat') echo "hddBlocksLitecoin=${hddBlocksLitecoin}" if [ "${blockchainType}" = "bitcoin" ] && [ ${hddBlocksBitcoin} -eq 1 ]; then echo "hddGotBlockchain=1" elif [ "${blockchainType}" = "litecoin" ] && [ ${hddBlocksLitecoin} -eq 1 ]; then echo "hddGotBlockchain=1" elif [ ${#blockchainType} -gt 0 ]; then echo "hddGotBlockchain=0" fi # check size in bytes and GBs size=$(lsblk -o NAME,SIZE -b | grep "^${hdd}" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 2) echo "hddBytes=${size}" hddGigaBytes=$(echo "scale=0; ${size}/1024/1024/1024" | bc -l) echo "hddGigaBytes=${hddGigaBytes}" # used space - at the moment just string info to display if [ ${isBTRFS} -eq 0 ]; then # EXT4 calculations hdd_used_space=$(df -h | grep "/dev/${hdd}" | sed -e's/ */ /g' | cut -d" " -f 3 2>/dev/null) hdd_used_ratio=$(df -h | grep "/dev/${hdd}" | sed -e's/ */ /g' | cut -d" " -f 5 | tr -dc '0-9' 2>/dev/null) hddUsedInfo="${hdd_used_space} (${hdd_used_ratio}%)" else # BRTS calculations # TODO: this is the final/correct way - make better later # https://askubuntu.com/questions/170044/btrfs-and-missing-free-space datadrive=$(df -h | grep "/dev/${hdd}1" | sed -e's/ */ /g' | cut -d" " -f 5) storageDrive=$(df -h | grep "/dev/${hdd}2" | sed -e's/ */ /g' | cut -d" " -f 5) hddUsedInfo="${datadrive} & ${storageDrive}" fi echo "hddUsedInfo='${hddUsedInfo}'" fi echo echo "# RAID" echo "isRaid=${isRaid}" if [ ${isRaid} -eq 1 ] && [ ${isMounted} -eq 1 ] && [ ${isBTRFS} -eq 1 ]; then # RAID is ON - give information about running raid setup # show devices used for raid raidHddDev=$(lsblk -o NAME,MOUNTPOINT | grep "/mnt/hdd" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 1 | sed 's/[^0-9a-z]*//g') raidUsbDev=$(sudo btrfs filesystem show /mnt/hdd | grep -F -v "${raidHddDev}" | grep "/dev/" | cut -d "/" --f 3) echo "raidHddDev='${raidHddDev}'" echo "raidUsbDev='${raidUsbDev}'" else # RAID is OFF - give information about possible drives to activate # find the possible drives that can be used as drivecounter=0 for disk in $(lsblk -o NAME,TYPE | grep "disk" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 1) do devMounted=$(lsblk -o MOUNTPOINT,NAME | grep "$disk" | grep -c "^/") # is raid candidate when not mounted and not the data drive cadidate (hdd/ssd) if [ ${devMounted} -eq 0 ] && [ "${disk}" != "${hdd}" ]; then sizeBytes=$(lsblk -o NAME,SIZE -b | grep "^${disk}" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 2) sizeGigaBytes=$(echo "scale=0; ${sizeBytes}/1024/1024/1024" | bc -l) vedorname=$(lsblk -o NAME,VENDOR | grep "^${disk}" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 2) mountoption="${disk} ${sizeGigaBytes} GB ${vedorname}" echo "raidCandidate[${drivecounter}]='${mountoption}'" drivecounter=$(($drivecounter +1)) fi done echo "raidCandidates=${drivecounter}" fi echo echo "# SWAP" echo "isSwapExternal=${isSwapExternal}" if [ ${isSwapExternal} -eq 1 ]; then echo "SwapExternalPath='${externalSwapPath}'" fi echo exit 1 fi ###################### # FORMAT EXT4 or BTRFS ###################### # check basics for formating if [ "$1" = "format" ]; then # check valid format if [ "$2" = "btrfs" ]; then >&2 echo "# DATA DRIVE - FORMATTING to new BTRFS layout (new)" elif [ "$2" = "ext4" ]; then >&2 echo "# DATA DRIVE - FORMATTING to new EXT4 layout (old)" else >&2 echo "# missing valid second parameter: 'btrfs' or 'ext4'" echo "error='missing parameter'" exit 1 fi # get device name to format hdd=$3 if [ ${#hdd} -eq 0 ]; then >&2 echo "# missing valid third parameter as the device (like 'sda')" >&2 echo "# run 'status' to see cadidate devices" echo "error='missing parameter'" exit 1 fi # check if device is existing and a disk (not a partition) isValid=$(lsblk -o NAME,TYPE | grep disk | grep -c "${hdd}") if [ ${isValid} -eq 0 ]; then >&2 echo "# either given device was not found" >&2 echo "# or is not of type disk - see 'lsblk'" echo "error='device not valid'" exit 1 fi # get basic info on data drives source <(sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.datadrive.sh status) if [ ${isSwapExternal} -eq 1 ] && [ "${hdd}" == "${datadisk}" ]; then >&2 echo "# Switching off external SWAP of system drive" sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff 1>/dev/null sudo dphys-swapfile uninstall 1>/dev/null fi >&2 echo "# Unmounting all partitions of this device" # remove device from all system mounts (also fstab) lsblk -o NAME,UUID | grep "${hdd}" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 2 | grep "-" | while read -r uuid ; do >&2 echo "# Cleaning /etc/fstab from ${uuid}" sudo sed -i "/UUID=${uuid}/d" /etc/fstab sync done sudo mount -a if [ "${hdd}" == "${datadisk}" ]; then >&2 echo "# Make sure system drives are unmounted .." sudo umount /mnt/hdd 2>/dev/null sudo umount /mnt/temp 2>/dev/null sudo umount /mnt/storage 2>/dev/null unmounted1=$(df | grep -c "/mnt/hdd") if [ ${unmounted1} -gt 0 ]; then echo "error='failed to unmount /mnt/hdd'" exit 1 fi unmounted2=$(df | grep -c "/mnt/temp") if [ ${unmounted2} -gt 0 ]; then echo "error='failed to unmount /mnt/temp'" exit 1 fi unmounted3=$(df | grep -c "/mnt/storage") if [ ${unmounted3} -gt 0 ]; then echo "error='failed to unmount /mnt/storage'" exit 1 fi fi # wipe all partitions and write fresh GPT >&2 echo "# Wiping all partitions" for v_partition in $(parted -s /dev/${hdd} print|awk '/^ / {print $1}') do sudo parted -s /dev/${hdd} rm ${v_partition} sleep 2 done partitions=$(lsblk | grep -c "─${hdd}") if [ ${partitions} -gt 0 ]; then echo "error='partition cleaning failed'" exit 1 fi sudo parted -s /dev/${hdd} mklabel gpt 1>/dev/null sleep 2 sync fi # formatting old: EXT4 if [ "$1" = "format" ] && [ "$2" = "ext4" ]; then # prepare temp mount point sudo mkdir -p /tmp/ext4 1>/dev/null # write new EXT4 partition >&2 echo "# Creating the one big partition" sudo parted /dev/${hdd} mkpart primary ext4 0% 100% 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null sleep 6 sync # loop until the partion gets available done=0 loopcount=0 while [ ${done} -eq 0 ] do >&2 echo "# waiting until the partion gets available" sleep 2 sync done=$(lsblk -o NAME | grep -c ${hdd}1) loopcount=$(($loopcount +1)) if [ ${loopcount} -gt 10 ]; then echo "error='partition failed'" exit 1 fi done # make sure /mnt/hdd is unmounted before formatting sudo umount -f /tmp/ext4 2>/dev/null unmounted=$(df | grep -c "/tmp/ext4") if [ ${unmounted} -gt 0 ]; then echo "error='failed to unmount /tmp/ext4'" exit 1 fi >&2 echo "# Formatting" sudo mkfs.ext4 -F -L BLOCKCHAIN /dev/${hdd}1 1>/dev/null done=0 loopcount=0 while [ ${done} -eq 0 ] do >&2 echo "# waiting until formatted drives gets available" sleep 2 sync done=$(lsblk -o NAME,LABEL | grep -c BLOCKCHAIN) loopcount=$(($loopcount +1)) if [ ${loopcount} -gt 10 ]; then echo "error='formatting ext4 failed'" exit 1 fi done # setting fsk check intervall to 1 # see https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/issues/360#issuecomment-467567572 sudo tune2fs -c 1 /dev/${hdd}1 >&2 echo "# OK EXT 4 format done" exit 0 fi # formatting new: BTRFS layout - this consists of 3 volmunes: if [ "$1" = "format" ] && [ "$2" = "btrfs" ]; then # prepare temo mount point sudo mkdir -p /tmp/btrfs 1>/dev/null >&2 echo "# Creating BLITZDATA" sudo parted -s -a optimal -- /dev/${hdd} mkpart primary btrfs 0% 30GiB 1>/dev/null sync && sleep 3 win=$(lsblk -o NAME | grep -c ${hdd}1) if [ ${win} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='partition failed'" exit 1 fi sudo mkfs.btrfs -f -L BLITZDATA /dev/${hdd}1 1>/dev/null sync && sleep 3 win=$(lsblk -o NAME,LABEL | grep -c BLITZDATA) if [ ${win} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='formatting failed'" exit 1 fi >&2 echo "# OK BLITZDATA exists now" >&2 echo "# Creating SubVolume for Snapshots" sudo mount /dev/${hdd}1 /tmp/btrfs 1>/dev/null if [ $(df | grep -c "/tmp/btrfs") -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='mount ${hdd}1 failed'" exit 1 fi cd /tmp/btrfs sudo btrfs subvolume create WORKINGDIR subVolDATA=$(sudo btrfs subvolume show /tmp/btrfs/WORKINGDIR | grep "Subvolume ID:" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 3) cd && sudo umount /tmp/btrfs >&2 echo "# Creating BLITZSTORAGE" sudo parted -s -a optimal -- /dev/${hdd} mkpart primary btrfs 30GiB -34GiB 1>/dev/null sync && sleep 3 win=$(lsblk -o NAME | grep -c ${hdd}2) if [ ${win} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='partition failed'" exit 1 fi sudo mkfs.btrfs -f -L BLITZSTORAGE /dev/${hdd}2 1>/dev/null sync && sleep 3 win=$(lsblk -o NAME,LABEL | grep -c BLITZSTORAGE) if [ ${win} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='formatting failed'" exit 1 fi >&2 echo "# OK BLITZSTORAGE exists now" >&2 echo "# Creating SubVolume for Snapshots" sudo mount /dev/${hdd}2 /tmp/btrfs 1>/dev/null if [ $(df | grep -c "/tmp/btrfs") -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='mount ${hdd}2 failed'" exit 1 fi cd /tmp/btrfs sudo btrfs subvolume create WORKINGDIR cd && sudo umount /tmp/btrfs >&2 echo "# Creating the FAT32 partion" sudo parted -s -a optimal -- /dev/${hdd} mkpart primary fat32 -34GiB 100% 1>/dev/null sync && sleep 3 win=$(lsblk -o NAME | grep -c ${hdd}3) if [ ${win} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='partition failed'" exit 1 fi >&2 echo "# Creating Volume BLITZTEMP (format)" sudo mkfs -t vfat -n BLITZTEMP /dev/${hdd}3 1>/dev/null sync && sleep 3 win=$(lsblk -o NAME,LABEL | grep -c BLITZTEMP) if [ ${win} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='formatting failed'" exit 1 fi >&2 echo "# OK BLITZTEMP exists now" >&2 echo "# OK BTRFS format done" exit 0 fi ######################################## # Refresh FSTAB for permanent mount ######################################## if [ "$1" = "fstab" ]; then # get device to temp mount hdd=$2 if [ ${#hdd} -eq 0 ]; then >&2 echo "# FAIL which device should be temp mounted (e.g. sda)" >&2 echo "# run 'status' to see device candidates" echo "error='missing second parameter'" exit 1 fi # check is exist and which format hddFormat=$(lsblk -o FSTYPE,NAME | grep ${hdd}1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1) if [ ${#hddFormat} -eq 0 ]; then >&2 echo "# FAIL given device not found" echo "error='device not found'" exit 1 fi # unmount if [ ${isMounted} -eq 1 ]; then >&2 echo "# unmounting all drives" sudo umount /mnt/hdd 2>/dev/null sudo umount /mnt/storage 2>/dev/null sudo umount /mnt/temp 2>/dev/null fi if [ "${hddFormat}" = "ext4" ]; then ### EXT4 ### # loop until the uuids are available uuid1="" loopcount=0 while [ ${#uuid1} -eq 0 ] do >&2 echo "# waiting until uuid gets available" sleep 2 sync uuid1=$(lsblk -o NAME,UUID | grep "${hdd}" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 2 | grep "-") loopcount=$(($loopcount +1)) if [ ${loopcount} -gt 10 ]; then echo "error='no uuid'" exit 1 fi done # write new /etc/fstab & mount >&2 echo "# updating /etc/fstab & mount" sudo mkdir -p /mnt/hdd 1>2& sudo sed "3 a UUID=${uuid1} /mnt/hdd ext4 noexec,defaults 0 2" -i /etc/fstab 1>/dev/null sync sudo mount -a 1>/dev/null # loop mounts are available mountactive1=0 loopcount=0 while [ ${mountactive1} -eq 0 ] do >&2 echo "# waiting until mounting is active" sleep 2 sync mountactive1=$(df | grep -c /mnt/hdd) loopcount=$(($loopcount +1)) if [ ${loopcount} -gt 10 ]; then >&2 echo "# WARNING was not able freshly mount new devives - might need reboot or check /etc/fstab" echo "needsReboot=1" exit 0 fi done >&2 echo "# OK - fstab updated for EXT4 layout" exit 1 elif [ "${hddFormat}" = "btrfs" ]; then ### BTRFS ### >&2 echo "# BTRFS: Updating /etc/fstab & mount" # get info on: Data Drive uuidDATA=$(lsblk -o UUID,NAME,LABEL | grep "${hdd}" | grep "BLITZDATA" | cut -d " " -f 1 | grep "-") sudo mkdir -p /tmp/btrfs sudo mount /dev/${hdd}1 /tmp/btrfs 1>/dev/null if [ $(df | grep -c "/tmp/btrfs") -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='mount ${hdd}1 failed'" exit 1 fi cd /tmp/btrfs subVolDATA=$(sudo btrfs subvolume show /tmp/btrfs/WORKINGDIR | grep "Subvolume ID:" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 3) cd && sudo umount /tmp/btrfs echo "uuidDATA='${uuidDATA}'" echo "subVolDATA='${subVolDATA}'" if [ ${#uuidDATA} -eq 0 ] || [ ${#subVolDATA} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='no datadrive uuids'" exit 1 fi # get info on: Storage Drive uuidSTORAGE=$(lsblk -o UUID,NAME,LABEL | grep "${hdd}" | grep "BLITZSTORAGE" | cut -d " " -f 1 | grep "-") sudo mount /dev/${hdd}2 /tmp/btrfs 1>/dev/null if [ $(df | grep -c "/tmp/btrfs") -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='mount ${hdd}2 failed'" exit 1 fi cd /tmp/btrfs subVolSTORAGE=$(sudo btrfs subvolume show /tmp/btrfs/WORKINGDIR | grep "Subvolume ID:" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 3) cd && sudo umount /tmp/btrfs echo "uuidSTORAGE='${uuidSTORAGE}'" echo "subVolSTORAGE='${subVolSTORAGE}'" if [ ${#uuidSTORAGE} -eq 0 ] || [ ${#subVolSTORAGE} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='no storagedrive uuids'" exit 1 fi # get info on: Temp Drive uuidTEMP=$(lsblk -o LABEL,UUID | grep "BLITZTEMP" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 2 | grep "-") echo "uuidTEMP='${uuidTEMP}'" if [ ${#uuidTEMP} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='no tempdrive uuids'" exit 1 fi # remove old entries from fstab lsblk -o NAME,UUID | grep "${hdd}" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 2 | grep "-" | while read -r uuid ; do >&2 echo "# Cleaning /etc/fstab from ${uuid}" sudo sed -i "/UUID=${uuid}/d" /etc/fstab sync done # get user and grouid if usr/group bitcoin bitcoinUID=$(id -u bitcoin) bitcoinGID=$(id -g bitcoin) # modifying /etc/fstab & mount sudo mkdir -p /mnt/hdd 1>/dev/null fstabAdd1="UUID=${uuidDATA} /mnt/hdd btrfs noexec,defaults,subvolid=${subVolDATA} 0 2" sudo sed "3 a ${fstabAdd1}" -i /etc/fstab 1>/dev/null sudo mkdir -p /mnt/storage 1>/dev/null fstabAdd2="UUID=${uuidSTORAGE} /mnt/storage btrfs noexec,defaults,subvolid=${subVolSTORAGE} 0 2" sudo sed "4 a ${fstabAdd2}" -i /etc/fstab 1>/dev/null sudo mkdir -p /mnt/temp 1>/dev/null fstabAdd3="UUID=${uuidTEMP} /mnt/temp vfat noexec,defaults,uid=${bitcoinUID},gid=${bitcoinGID} 0 2" sudo sed "5 a ${fstabAdd3}" -i /etc/fstab 1>/dev/null sync && sudo mount -a 1>/dev/null # test mount mountactive1=0 mountactive2=0 mountactive3=0 loopcount=0 while [ ${mountactive1} -eq 0 ] || [ ${mountactive2} -eq 0 ] || [ ${mountactive3} -eq 0 ] do >&2 echo "# waiting until mountings are active" sleep 2 sync mountactive1=$(df | grep -c /mnt/hdd) mountactive2=$(df | grep -c /mnt/temp) mountactive3=$(df | grep -c /mnt/storage) loopcount=$(($loopcount +1)) if [ ${loopcount} -gt 10 ]; then >&2 echo "# WARNING was not able freshly mount new devives - might need reboot or check /etc/fstab" echo "needsReboot=1" exit 1 fi done >&2 echo "# OK - fstab updated for BTRFS layout" exit 1 else echo "error='wrong hdd format'" exit 1 fi fi ######################################## # RAID with USB Stick for data partition ######################################## if [ "$1" = "raid" ]; then # checking if BTRFS mode if [ ${isBTRFS} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='raid only BTRFS'" exit 1 fi # checking parameter if [ "$2" = "on" ]; then if [ ${isRaid} -eq 1 ]; then >&2 echo "# OK - already ON" exit fi >&2 echo "# RAID - Adding raid drive to RaspiBlitz data drive" elif [ "$2" = "off" ]; then >&2 echo "# RAID - Removing raid drive to RaspiBlitz data drive" else >&2 echo "# possible 2nd parameter is 'on' or 'off'" echo "error='unkown parameter'" exit 1 fi fi # RAID --> ON if [ "$1" = "raid" ] && [ "$2" = "on" ]; then # todo - how to determine which device is the usb raid to add # maybe give all options with "status" and have this as # second parameter - like its named: lsblk usbdev=$3 if [ ${#usbdev} -eq 0 ]; then >&2 echo "# FAIL third parameter is missing with the name of the usb device to add" echo "error='missing parameter'" exit 1 fi # check that dev exists and is unique usbdevexists=$(lsblk -o NAME,UUID | grep -c "^${usbdev}") if [ ${usbdevexists} -eq 0 ]; then >&2 echo "# FAIL not found: ${usbdev}" echo "error='dev not found'" exit 1 fi if [ ${usbdevexists} -gt 1 ]; then >&2 echo "# FAIL multiple matches: ${usbdev}" echo "error='dev not unique'" exit 1 fi # check that device is a disk and not a partition isDisk=$(lsblk -o NAME,TYPE | grep "^${usbdev}" | grep -c disk) if [ ${isDisk} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='dev is not disk'" exit 1 fi # check that device is not mounted if [ $(df | cut -d " " -f 1 | grep -c "/${usbdev}") -gt 0 ]; then echo "error='dev is in use'" exit 1 fi # check if old BTRFS filesystem usbdevBTRFS=$(lsblk -o NAME,UUID,FSTYPE | grep "^${usbdev}" | grep -c "btrfs") if [ ${usbdevBTRFS} -eq 1 ]; then # edge case: already contains BTRFS data # TODO: once implemented -> also make sure that dev1 is named "DATASTORE" and if 2nd is other -> format and add as raid >&2 echo "# ERROR: !! NOT IMPLEMENTED YET -> devices seem contain old data" >&2 echo "# if you dont care about that data: format on other computer with FAT" echo "error='old data on dev'" exit 1 fi # remove all partions from device for v_partition in $(parted -s /dev/${usbdev} print|awk '/^ / {print $1}') do sudo parted -s /dev/${usbdev} rm ${v_partition} done # check if usb device is at least 30GB groß usbdevsize=$(lsblk -o NAME,SIZE -b | grep "^${usbdev}" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 2) if [ ${usbdevsize} -lt 30000000000 ]; then >&2 echo "# FAIL ${usbdev} is smaller then the minumum 30GB" echo "error='dev too small'" exit 1 fi # add usb device as raid for data >&2 echo "# adding ${usbdev} as BTRFS raid1 for /mnt/hdd" sudo btrfs device add -f /dev/${usbdev} /mnt/hdd 1>/dev/null sudo btrfs filesystem balance start -dconvert=raid1 -mconvert=raid1 /mnt/hdd 1>/dev/null >&2 echo "# OK - ${usbdev} is now part of a RAID1 for your RaspiBlitz data" exit 0 fi # RAID --> OFF if [ "$1" = "raid" ] && [ "$2" = "off" ]; then # checking if BTRFS mode isBTRFS=$(sudo btrfs filesystem show 2>/dev/null| grep -c 'BLITZSTORAGE') if [ ${isBTRFS} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='raid only BTRFS'" exit 1 fi deviceToBeRemoved="/dev/${raidUsbDev}" # just in case be able to remove missing drive if [ ${#raidUsbDev} -eq 0 ]; then deviceToBeRemoved="missing" fi >&2 echo "# removing USB DEV from RAID" sudo btrfs balance start -mconvert=dup -dconvert=single /mnt/hdd 1>/dev/null sudo btrfs device remove ${deviceToBeRemoved} /mnt/hdd 1>/dev/null isRaid=$(btrfs filesystem df /mnt/hdd 2>/dev/null | grep -c "Data, RAID1") if [ ${isRaid} -eq 0 ]; then >&2 echo "# OK - RaspiBlitz data is not running in RAID1 anymore" exit 0 else >&2 echo "# FAIL - was not able to remove RAID device" echo "error='fail'" exit 1 fi fi ######################################## # SNAPSHOTS - make and replay ######################################## if [ "$1" = "snapshot" ]; then # check if data drive is mounted if [ ${isMounted} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='no data drive mounted'" exit 1 fi # check if BTRFS if [ ${isBTRFS} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='no BTRFS'" exit 1 fi # SECOND PARAMETER: 'data' or 'storage' if [ "$2" = "data" ]; then subvolume="/mnt/hdd" subvolumeESC="\/mnt\/hdd" uuid=$(lsblk -o LABEL,UUID | grep "BLITZDATA" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 2 | grep "-") elif [ "$2" = "storage" ]; then subvolume="/mnt/storage" subvolumeESC="\/mnt\/storage" uuid=$(lsblk -o LABEL,UUID | grep "BLITZSTORAGE" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 2 | grep "-") else >&2 echo "# second parameter needs to be 'data' or 'storage'" echo "error='unknown parameter'" exit 1 fi >&2 echo "# RASPIBLITZ SNAPSHOTS" partition=$(df | grep "${subvolume}" | cut -d " " -f 1) echo "subvolume='${subvolume}'" echo "partition='${partition}'" if [ "$3" = "create" ]; then >&2 echo "# Preparing Snapshot ..." # make sure backup folder exists sudo mkdir -p ${subvolume}/snapshots # delete old backup if existing oldBackupExists=$(sudo ls ${subvolume}/snapshots | grep -c backup) if [ ${oldBackupExists} -gt 0 ]; then >&2 echo "# Deleting old snapshot" sudo btrfs subvolume delete ${subvolume}/snapshots/backup 1>/dev/null fi >&2 echo "# Creating Snapshot ..." sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot ${subvolume} ${subvolume}/snapshots/backup 1>/dev/null if [ $(sudo btrfs subvolume list ${subvolume} | grep -c snapshots/backup) -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='not created'" exit 1 else >&2 echo "# OK - Snapshot created" exit 0 fi elif [ "$3" = "rollback" ]; then # check if an old snapshot exists oldBackupExists=$(sudo ls ${subvolume}/snapshots | grep -c backup) if [ ${oldBackupExists} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='no old snapshot found'" exit 1 fi >&2 echo "# Resetting state to old Snapshot ..." sudo umount ${subvolume} sudo mkdir -p /tmp/btrfs 1>/dev/null sudo mount ${partition} /tmp/btrfs sudo mv /tmp/btrfs/WORKINGDIR/snapshots/backup /tmp/btrfs/backup sudo btrfs subvolume delete /tmp/btrfs/WORKINGDIR sudo mv /tmp/btrfs/backup /tmp/btrfs/WORKINGDIR subVolID=$(sudo btrfs subvolume show /tmp/btrfs/WORKINGDIR | grep "Subvolume ID:" | awk '$1=$1' | cut -d " " -f 3) sudo sed -i "/${subvolumeESC}/d" /etc/fstab fstabAdd="UUID=${uuid} ${subvolume} btrfs noexec,defaults,subvolid=${subVolID} 0 2" sudo sed "4 a ${fstabAdd}" -i /etc/fstab 1>/dev/null sudo umount /tmp/btrfs sudo mount -a sync if [ $(df | grep -c "${subvolume}") -eq 0 ]; then >&2 echo "# check drive setting ... rollback seemed to " echo "error='failed rollback'" exit 1 fi echo "OK - Rollback done" exit 0 else >&2 echo "# third parameter needs to be 'create' or 'rollback'" echo "error='unknown parameter'" exit 1 fi fi ################### # TEMP MOUNT ################### if [ "$1" = "tempmount" ]; then if [ ${isMounted} -eq 1 ]; then echo "error='already mounted'" exit 1 fi # get device to temp mount hdd=$2 if [ ${#hdd} -eq 0 ]; then >&2 echo "# FAIL which device should be temp mounted (e.g. sda)" >&2 echo "# run 'status' to see device candidates" echo "error='missing second parameter'" exit 1 fi hddFormat=$(lsblk -o FSTYPE,NAME | grep ${hdd}1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1) if [ ${#hddFormat} -eq 0 ]; then >&2 echo "# FAIL given device not found" echo "error='device not found'" exit 1 fi if [ "${hddFormat}" = "ext4" ]; then # do EXT4 temp mount sudo mkdir -p /mnt/hdd 1>/dev/null sudo mount /dev/${hdd}1 /mnt/hdd # check result isMounted=$(df | grep -c "/mnt/hdd") if [ ${isMounted} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='temp mount failed'" exit 1 else isMounted=1 isBTRFS=0 fi elif [ "${hddFormat}" = "btrfs" ]; then # get user and grouid if usr/group bitcoin bitcoinUID=$(id -u bitcoin) bitcoinGID=$(id -g bitcoin) # do BTRFS temp mount sudo mkdir -p /mnt/hdd 1>/dev/null sudo mkdir -p /mnt/storage 1>/dev/null sudo mkdir -p /mnt/temp 1>/dev/null sudo mount -t btrfs -o degraded -o subvol=WORKINGDIR /dev/${hdd}1 /mnt/hdd sudo mount -t btrfs -o subvol=WORKINGDIR /dev/${hdd}2 /mnt/storage sudo mount -o uid=${bitcoinUID},gid=${bitcoinGID} /dev/${hdd}3 /mnt/temp # check result isMountedA=$(df | grep -c "/mnt/hdd") isMountedB=$(df | grep -c "/mnt/storage") isMountedC=$(df | grep -c "/mnt/temp") if [ ${isMountedA} -eq 0 ] && [ ${isMountedB} -eq 0 ] && [ ${isMountedC} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='temp mount failed'" exit 1 else isMounted=1 isBTRFS=1 fi else echo "error='no supported hdd format'" exit 1 fi # outputting change state echo "isMounted=${isMounted}" echo "isBTRFS=${isBTRFS}" exit 1 fi ######################################## # LINKING all directories with ln ######################################## if [ "$1" = "link" ]; then if [ ${isMounted} -eq 0 ] ; then echo "error='no data drive mounted'" exit 1 fi # cleanups if [ $(sudo ls -la /home/bitcoin/ | grep -c "bitcoin ->") -eq 0 ]; then >&2 echo "# - /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin -> is not a link, cleaning" sudo rm -r /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin 2>/dev/null else sudo rm /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin 2>/dev/null fi if [ $(sudo ls -la /home/bitcoin/ | grep -c "litecoin ->") -eq 0 ]; then >&2 echo "# - /home/bitcoin/.litecoin -> is not a link, cleaning" sudo rm -r /home/bitcoin/.litecoin 2>/dev/null else sudo rm /home/bitcoin/.litecoin 2>/dev/null fi # make sure common base directory exits sudo mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/lnd sudo mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/app-data if [ ${isBTRFS} -eq 1 ]; then >&2 echo "# Creating BTRFS setup links" >&2 echo "# - linking blockchains into /mnt/hdd" if [ $(ls /mnt/hdd/bitcoin 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'bitcoin') -eq 0 ]; then sudo mkdir -p /mnt/storage/bitcoin sudo chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/storage/bitcoin sudo ln -s /mnt/storage/bitcoin /mnt/hdd/bitcoin sudo rm /mnt/storage/bitcoin/bitcoin 2>/dev/null fi if [ $(ls /mnt/hdd/litecoin 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'litecoin') -eq 0 ]; then sudo mkdir -p /mnt/storage/litecoin sudo chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/storage/litecoin sudo ln -s /mnt/storage/litecoin /mnt/hdd/litecoin sudo rm /mnt/storage/litecoin/litecoin 2>/dev/null fi >&2 echo "# linking lnd for user bitcoin" sudo rm /home/bitcoin/.lnd 2>/dev/null sudo ln -s /mnt/hdd/lnd /home/bitcoin/.lnd >&2 echo "# - linking blockchain for user bitcoin" sudo ln -s /mnt/storage/bitcoin /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin sudo ln -s /mnt/storage/litecoin /home/bitcoin/.litecoin >&2 echo "# - linking storage into /mnt/hdd" sudo mkdir -p /mnt/storage/app-storage sudo chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/storage/app-storage sudo rm /mnt/hdd/app-storage 2>/dev/null sudo ln -s /mnt/storage/app-storage /mnt/hdd/app-storage >&2 echo "# - linking temp into /mnt/hdd" sudo rm /mnt/hdd/temp 2>/dev/null sudo ln -s /mnt/temp /mnt/hdd/temp sudo chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/temp >&2 echo "# - creating snapshots folder" sudo mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/snapshots sudo mkdir -p /mnt/storage/snapshots else >&2 echo "# Creating EXT4 setup links" >&2 echo "# opening blockchain into /mnt/hdd" sudo mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/bitcoin sudo mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/litecoin >&2 echo "# linking blockchain for user bitcoin" sudo rm /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin 2>/dev/null sudo ln -s /mnt/hdd/bitcoin /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin sudo rm /home/bitcoin/.litecoin 2>/dev/null sudo ln -s /mnt/hdd/litecoin /home/bitcoin/.litecoin >&2 echo "# linking lnd for user bitcoin" sudo rm /home/bitcoin/.lnd 2>/dev/null sudo ln -s /mnt/hdd/lnd /home/bitcoin/.lnd >&2 echo "# creating default storage & temp folders" sudo mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/app-storage sudo mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/temp fi # fix ownership of linked files sudo chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/bitcoin sudo chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/litecoin sudo chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/lnd sudo chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /home/bitcoin/.lnd sudo chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /home/bitcoin/.litecoin sudo chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin sudo chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/app-storage sudo chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/app-data sudo chown -R bitcoin:bitcoin /mnt/hdd/temp sudo chmod -R 766 /mnt/hdd/temp # write info files about what directories are for echo "The /mnt/hdd/temp directrory is for short time data and will get cleaned up on very start. Dont work with data here thats bigger then 25GB - because on BTRFS hdd layout this is a own partition with limited space. Also on BTRFS hdd layout the temp partition is an FAT format - so it can be easily mounted on Windows and OSx laptops by just connecting it to such laptops. Use this for easy export data. To import data make sure to work with the data before bootstrap is deleting the directory on startup." > ./README.txt sudo mv ./README.txt /mnt/hdd/temp/README.txt 2>/dev/null echo "The /mnt/hdd/app-data directrory should be used by additional/optinal apps and services installed to the RaspiBlitz for their data that should survive an import/export/backup. Data that can be reproduced (indexes, etc.) should be stored in app-storage." > ./README.txt sudo mv ./README.txt /mnt/hdd/app-data/README.txt 2>/dev/null echo "The /mnt/hdd/app-storage directrory should be used by additional/optinal apps and services installed to the RaspiBlitz for their non-critical and reproducable data (indexes, public blockchain, etc.) that does not need to survive an an import/export/backup. Data is critical should be in app-data." > ./README.txt sudo mv ./README.txt /mnt/hdd/app-storage/README.txt 2>/dev/null >&2 echo "# OK - all symbolic links build" exit 0 fi ######################################## # SWAP on data drive ######################################## if [ "$1" = "swap" ]; then >&2 echo "# RASPIBLITZ DATA DRIVES - SWAP FILE" if [ ${isMounted} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='no data drive mounted'" exit 1 fi if [ "$2" = "on" ]; then if [ ${isSwapExternal} -eq 1 ]; then >&2 echo "# OK - already ON" exit 1 fi >&2 echo "# Switch off/uninstall old SWAP" sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff 1>/dev/null sudo dphys-swapfile uninstall 1>/dev/null if [ ${isBTRFS} -eq 1 ]; then >&2 echo "# Rewrite external SWAP config for BTRFS setup" sudo sed -i "12s/.*/CONF_SWAPFILE=\/mnt\/temp\/swapfile/" /etc/dphys-swapfile sudo sed -i "16s/.*/#CONF_SWAPSIZE=/" /etc/dphys-swapfile else >&2 echo "# Rewrite external SWAP config for EXT4 setup" sudo sed -i "12s/.*/CONF_SWAPFILE=\/mnt\/hdd\/swapfile/" /etc/dphys-swapfile sudo sed -i "16s/.*/#CONF_SWAPSIZE=/" /etc/dphys-swapfile fi >&2 echo "# Creating SWAP file .." sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=$externalSwapPath count=2048 bs=1MiB 1>/dev/null sudo chmod 0600 $externalSwapPath 1>/dev/null >&2 echo "# Activating new SWAP" sudo mkswap $externalSwapPath sudo dphys-swapfile setup sudo dphys-swapfile swapon >&2 echo "# OK - Swap is now ON external" exit 0 elif [ "$2" = "off" ]; then if [ ${isSwapExternal} -eq 0 ]; then >&2 echo "# OK - already OFF" exit 1 fi >&2 echo "# Switch off/uninstall old SWAP" sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff 1>/dev/null sudo dphys-swapfile uninstall 1>/dev/null >&2 echo "# Rewrite SWAP config" sudo sed -i "12s/.*/CONF_SWAPFILE=\/var\/swap/" /etc/dphys-swapfile sudo sed -i "16s/.*/#CONF_SWAPSIZE=/" /etc/dphys-swapfile sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap count=256 bs=1MiB 1>/dev/null sudo chmod 0600 /var/swap >&2 echo "# Create and switch on new SWAP" sudo mkswap /var/swap 1>/dev/null sudo dphys-swapfile setup 1>/dev/null sudo dphys-swapfile swapon 1>/dev/null >&2 echo "# OK - Swap is now OFF external" exit 0 else >&2 echo "# FAIL unkown second parameter - try 'on' or 'off'" echo "error='unkown parameter'" exit 1 fi fi ######################################## # CLEAN data drives ######################################## if [ "$1" = "clean" ]; then >&2 echo "# RASPIBLITZ DATA DRIVES - CLEANING" if [ ${isMounted} -eq 0 ]; then >&2 echo "# FAIL: cannot clean - the drive is not mounted'" echo "error='not mounted'" exit 1 fi >&2 echo "# Making sure 'secure-delete' is installed ..." sudo apt-get install -y secure-delete 1>/dev/null >&2 echo >&2 echo "# IMPORTANT: There is no 100% guarantee that sensitive data is completely deleted!" >&2 echo "# see: https://www.davescomputers.com/securely-deleting-files-solid-state-drive/" >&2 echo "# see: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/62345/securely-delete-files-on-btrfs-filesystem" >&2 echo "# --> Dont resell or gift data drive. Destroy physically if needed." >&2 echo # DELETE ALL DATA (with option to keep blockchain) if [ "$2" = "all" ]; then if [ "$3" = "-total" ] || [ "$3" = "-keepblockchain" ]; then >&2 echo "# Deleting personal Data .." # make sure swap is off sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff 1>/dev/null sudo dphys-swapfile uninstall 1>/dev/null sync # for all other data shred files selectivly for entry in $(ls -A1 /mnt/hdd) do delete=1 whenDeleteSchredd=1 # deactivate delete if a blockchain directory (if -keepblockchain) if [ "$3" = "-keepblockchain" ]; then if [ "${entry}" = "bitcoin" ] || [ "${entry}" = "litecoin" ]; then delete=0 fi fi # decide when to shredd or just delete - just delete unsensitive data if [ "${entry}" = "torrent" ] || [ "${entry}" = "app-storage" ]; then whenDeleteSchredd=0 fi if [ "${entry}" = "bitcoin" ] || [ "${entry}" = "litecoin" ]; then whenDeleteSchredd=0 fi # if BTRFS just shred stuff in /mnt/hdd/temp (because thats EXT4) if [ ${isBTRFS} -eq 1 ] && [ "${entry}" != "temp" ]; then whenDeleteSchredd=0 fi # on SSDs never shredd # https://www.davescomputers.com/securely-deleting-files-solid-state-drive/ if [ ${isSSD} -eq 1 ]; then whenDeleteSchredd=0 fi # delete or keep if [ ${delete} -eq 1 ]; then if [ -d "/mnt/hdd/$entry" ]; then if [ ${whenDeleteSchredd} -eq 1 ]; then >&2 echo "# shredding DIR : ${entry}" sudo srm -r /mnt/hdd/$entry else >&2 echo "# deleting DIR : ${entry}" sudo rm -r /mnt/hdd/$entry fi else if [ ${whenDeleteSchredd} -eq 1 ]; then >&2 echo "# shredding FILE : ${entry}" sudo srm /mnt/hdd/$entry else >&2 echo "# deleting FILE : ${entry}" sudo rm /mnt/hdd/$entry fi fi else >&2 echo "# keeping: ${entry}" fi done # KEEP BLOCKCHAIN means just blocks & chainstate - delete the rest if [ "$3" = "-keepblockchain" ]; then chains=(bitcoin litecoin) for chain in "${chains[@]}" do echo "Cleaning Blockchain: ${chain}" # take extra care if wallet.db exists sudo srm /mnt/hdd/${chain}/wallet.db 2>/dev/null # the rest just delete (keep blocks and chainstate) for entry in $(ls -A1 /mnt/hdd/${chain} 2>/dev/null) do # sorting file delete=1 if [ "${entry}" = "blocks" ] || [ "${entry}" = "chainstate" ]; then delete=0 fi # delete or keep if [ ${delete} -eq 1 ]; then if [ -d "/mnt/hdd/${chain}/$entry" ]; then >&2 echo "# Deleting DIR : /mnt/hdd/${chain}/${entry}" sudo rm -r /mnt/hdd/${chain}/$entry else >&2 echo "# deleting FILE : /mnt/hdd/${chain}/${entry}" sudo rm /mnt/hdd/${chain}/$entry fi else >&2 echo "# keeping: ${entry}" fi done done fi >&2 echo "# OK cleaning done." exit 1 else >&2 echo "# FAIL unkown third parameter try '-total' or '-keepblockchain'" echo "error='unkown parameter'" exit 1 fi # RESET BLOCKCHAIN (e.g to rebuilt blockchain ) elif [ "$2" = "blockchain" ]; then # here is no secure delete needed - because not sensitive data >&2 echo "# Deleting all Blockchain Data (blocks/chainstate) from storage .." # set path based on EXT4/BTRFS basePath="/mnt/hdd" if [ ${isBTRFS} -eq 1 ]; then basePath="/mnt/storage" fi # deleting the blocks and chainstate sudo rm -R ${basePath}/bitcoin/blocks 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null sudo rm -R ${basePath}/bitcoin/chainstate 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null sudo rm -R ${basePath}/litecoin/blocks 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null sudo rm -R ${basePath}/litecoin/chainstate 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null >&2 echo "# OK cleaning done." exit 1 # RESET TEMP (keep swapfile) elif [ "$2" = "temp" ]; then >&2 echo "# Deleting the temp folder/drive (keeping SWAP file) .." tempPath="/mnt/hdd/temp" # better do secure delete, because temp is used for backups # secure-delete works because - also in BTRFS setup, temp is EXT4 for entry in $(ls -A1 ${tempPath} 2>/dev/null) do # sorting file delete=1 if [ "${entry}" = "swapfile" ]; then delete=0 fi # delete or keep if [ ${delete} -eq 1 ]; then if [ -d "${tempPath}/$entry" ]; then >&2 echo "# shredding DIR : ${entry}" sudo srm -r ${tempPath}/$entry else >&2 echo "# shredding FILE : ${entry}" sudo srm ${tempPath}/$entry fi else >&2 echo "# keeping: ${entry}" fi done >&2 echo "# OK cleaning done." exit 1 else >&2 echo "# FAIL unkown second parameter - try 'all','blockchain' or 'temp'" echo "error='unkown parameter'" exit 1 fi fi echo "error='unkown command'" exit 1