#!/bin/bash clear # load raspiblitz config data source /home/admin/raspiblitz.info source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf # default host to local IP & port 10009 local=1 host=$(ip addr | grep 'state UP' -A2 | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/') port="10009" # change host to dynDNS if set if [ ${#dynDomain} -gt 0 ]; then local=0 host="${dynDomain}" echo "port 10009 forwarding from dynDomain ${host}" fi # check if port 10009 is forwarded if [ ${#sshtunnel} -gt 0 ]; then isForwarded=$(echo ${sshtunnel} | grep -c "10009<") if [ ${isForwarded} -gt 0 ]; then local=0 host=$(echo $sshtunnel | cut -d '@' -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f1 | cut -d ':' -f1) port=$(echo $sshtunnel | awk '{split($0,a,"10009<"); print a[2]}' | cut -d ' ' -f1 | sed 's/[^0-9]//g') echo "port 10009 forwarding from port ${port} from server ${host}" else echo "port 10009 is not part of the ssh forwarding - keep default port 10009" fi fi # write qr code data to text file echo -e "${host}:${port},\n$(xxd -p -c2000 ./.lnd/data/chain/${network}/${chain}net/admin.macaroon),\n$(openssl x509 -sha256 -fingerprint -in ./.lnd/tls.cert -noout)" > qr.txt # display qr code on LCD ./XXdisplayQRlcd.sh # show pairing info clear msg="" if [ ${local} -eq 1 ]; then msg="Once you have the app running make sure you are on the same local network (WLAN same as LAN).\n\n" fi msg="You should now see the pairing QR code on the RaspiBlitz LCD.\n\n${msg}On Setup Step 'Choose LND Server Type' connect to 'DIY SELF HOSTED'\n\n(Or in the App go to --> 'Settings' > 'Connect to your LND Server') \n\nThere you see three 3 form fields to fill out. Skip those and go right to the buttons below.\n\nClick on the 'Scan QR' button. Scan the QR on the LCD and or to see it in this window." whiptail --backtitle "Connecting Shango Mobile Wallet" \ --title "Setup Shango Step 1" \ --yes-button "continue" \ --no-button "show QR code" \ --yesno "${msg}" 20 70 if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then /home/admin/XXdisplayQR.sh fi # clean up ./XXdisplayQRlcd_hide.sh shred qr.png 2> /dev/null rm -f qr.png 2> /dev/null shred qr.txt 2> /dev/null rm -f qr.txt 2> /dev/null # follow up dialog whiptail --backtitle "Connecting Shango Mobile Wallet" \ --title "Press Connect on Shango" \ --msgbox "Now press 'Connect' within the Shango Wallet.\n\nIf its not working - check issues on GitHub:\n\nhttps://github.com/neogeno/shango-lightning-wallet/issues" 15 65