#!/bin/bash # RaspiBolt channel overview display, by robclark56 # make executable & copy to # /usr/local/bin/lnchannels # current user must be able to execute bitcoin-cli and lncli # Usage # $ lnchannels to display lnd mainnet channels # $ lnchannels --testnet to display lnd testnet channels # Set default (mainnet) lncli='/usr/local/bin/lncli' lnd_pid=$(systemctl show -p MainPID lnd | awk -F"=" '{print $2}') chain='main' # read cli args for i in "$@" do case $i in --testnet*) lncli="${lncli} --network=testnet" lnd_pid=$(systemctl show -p MainPID lnd | awk -F"=" '{print $2}') chain='test' shift # past argument=value ;; *) lncli="/usr/local/bin/lncli --chain=$i" ;; esac done if [ "$lnd_pid" -eq "0" ]; then echo lnd not runnning. exit fi # set colors color_red='\033[0;31m' color_green='\033[0;32m' color_yellow='\033[0;33m' color_gray='\033[0;37m' # gather values a_active=( $(${lncli} listchannels | jq -r ' .channels[].active')) a_remote_pubkey=( $(${lncli} listchannels | jq -r ' .channels[].remote_pubkey')) a_capacity=( $(${lncli} listchannels | jq -r ' .channels[].capacity')) a_local_balance=( $(${lncli} listchannels | jq -r ' .channels[].local_balance')) a_remote_balance=( $(${lncli} listchannels | jq -r ' .channels[].remote_balance')) a_commit_fee=( $(${lncli} listchannels | jq -r ' .channels[].commit_fee')) a_channel_point=( $(${lncli} listchannels | jq -r ' .channels[].channel_point')) total=${#a_active[*]} total_capacity=0 total_fee=0 total_local=0 total_remote=0 #display printf "\n${color_yellow}%-7s%60s %11s\n" "${chain}net" 'Commit ------- Balance ---------' '--- Fee ----' printf "%-21s %12s %5s %12s %12s %6s %5s\n" 'Alias or Pubkey' 'Capacity' 'Fee' 'Local' 'Remote' 'Base' 'PerMil' horiz_line="-------------------- ------------- ------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------" echo $horiz_line for (( i=0; i<=$(( $total -1 )); i++ ));do addr_port=$(${lncli} getnodeinfo ${a_remote_pubkey[$i]} | jq -r .node.addresses[0].addr) addr=${addr_port/:/ } if [ ${a_active[$i]} == 'true' ]; then color_line=${color_gray} public_check='' else color_line=${color_red} public_check='0'; if [ "$addr" != 'null' ]; then public_check=$(timeout 2s nc -z ${addr}; echo $?);fi if [ "${public_check}" == '0' ];then public_check='';else public_check='X';fi fi alias=$(${lncli} getnodeinfo ${a_remote_pubkey[$i]} | jq -r .node.alias) if [ "${alias}" == "" ] ; then alias_short=$(echo ${a_remote_pubkey[$i]} | cut -c-17)... else alias_short=$(echo ${alias} | cut -c-20) fi active_short=$(echo ${a_active[$i]} | cut -c1) # get fee report details base_fee_msat=$(${lncli} feereport | jq -r ".channel_fees[] | select(.channel_point | test(\"${a_channel_point[$i]}\")) | .base_fee_msat") fee_per_mil=$(${lncli} feereport | jq -r ".channel_fees[] | select(.channel_point | test(\"${a_channel_point[$i]}\")) | .fee_per_mil") # Display line printf "${color_line}%-21s %12s %6s %12s %12s %5s %6s\r%-21s\n" \ "" "${a_capacity[$i]}" "${a_commit_fee[$i]}" "${a_local_balance[$i]}" \ "${a_remote_balance[$i]}" "${base_fee_msat}" "${fee_per_mil}" "${alias_short}" total_capacity=$(( ${total_capacity} + ${a_capacity[$i]} )) total_fee=$(( ${total_fee} + ${a_commit_fee[$i]} )) total_local=$(( ${total_local} + ${a_local_balance[$i]} )) total_remote=$(( ${total_remote} + ${a_remote_balance[$i]} )) if [ ${#public_check} != 0 ] ; then echo " > No response from Addr:Port ${addr_port}";fi done printf "${color_yellow}%s\n" "${horiz_line}" printf "Totals%14s %13s %6s %12s %12s Day: %7s\n" \ "${total} ch" "${total_capacity}" "${total_fee}" \ "${total_local}" "${total_remote}" \ "$(${lncli} feereport |jq -r ".day_fee_sum" )" printf "%74s %5s\n" 'Week: ' "$(${lncli} feereport |jq -r ".week_fee_sum" )" printf "%74s %5s\n" 'Month:' "$(${lncli} feereport |jq -r ".month_fee_sum" )" echo "$(tput -T xterm sgr0)"