#!/bin/bash # command info if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "-help" ]; then echo "monitor and troubleshot the lnd network" echo "lnd.monitor.sh [mainnet|testnet|signet] status" echo "lnd.monitor.sh [mainnet|testnet|signet] config" echo "lnd.monitor.sh [mainnet|testnet|signet] info" echo "lnd.monitor.sh [mainnet|testnet|signet] wallet" echo "lnd.monitor.sh [mainnet|testnet|signet] channels" echo "lnd.monitor.sh [mainnet|testnet|signet] fees" exit 1 fi # check if started with sudo if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then echo "error='run as root'" exit 1 fi # base directory of lnd lndHomeDir="/home/bitcoin/.lnd" # set based on network type (using own mapping to be able to run without calling sudo -u bitcoin) if [ "$1" == "mainnet" ]; then lndcli_alias="/usr/local/bin/lncli -n=mainnet --rpcserver=localhost:10009 --macaroonpath=${lndHomeDir}/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/readonly.macaroon --tlscertpath=${lndHomeDir}/tls.cert" netprefix="" elif [ "$1" == "testnet" ]; then lndcli_alias="/usr/local/bin/lncli -n=testnet --rpcserver=localhost:11009 --macaroonpath=${lndHomeDir}/data/chain/bitcoin/testnet/readonly.macaroon --tlscertpath=${lndHomeDir}/tls.cert" netprefix="t" elif [ "$1" == "signet" ]; then lndcli_alias="/usr/local/bin/lncli -n=signet --rpcserver=localhost:13009 --macaroonpath=${lndHomeDir}/data/chain/bitcoin/signet/readonly.macaroon --tlscertpath=${lndHomeDir}/tls.cert" netprefix="s" else echo "error='not supported net'" exit 1 fi ###################################################### # STATUS # check general status info ###################################################### if [ "$2" = "status" ]; then lnd_version=$($lndcli_alias --version 2>/dev/null | cut -d ' ' -f3) lnd_running=$(systemctl status ${netprefix}lnd 2>/dev/null | grep -c "active (running)") lnd_ready="0" lnd_online="0" lnd_locked="0" lnd_error_short="" lnd_error_full="" if [ "${lnd_running}" != "0" ]; then lnd_running="1" # test connection - record win & fail info randStr=$(echo "$RANDOM") rm /var/cache/raspiblitz/.lnd-${randStr}.out 2>/dev/null rm /var/cache/raspiblitz/.lnd-${randStr}.error 2>/dev/null touch /var/cache/raspiblitz/.lnd-${randStr}.out touch /var/cache/raspiblitz/.lnd-${randStr}.error echo "# $lndcli_alias getinfo" $lndcli_alias getinfo 1>/var/cache/raspiblitz/.lnd-${randStr}.out 2>/var/cache/raspiblitz/.lnd-${randStr}.error winData=$(cat /var/cache/raspiblitz/.lnd-${randStr}.out 2>/dev/null) failData=$(cat /var/cache/raspiblitz/.lnd-${randStr}.error 2>/dev/null) rm /var/cache/raspiblitz/.lnd-${randStr}.out rm /var/cache/raspiblitz/.lnd-${randStr}.error # check for errors if [ "${failData}" != "" ]; then lnd_ready="0" # store error messages lnd_error_short="" lnd_error_full=$(echo ${failData} | tr -d "'" | tr -d '"') # check if error because wallet is locked if [ $(echo "${failData}" | grep -c "wallet locked") -gt 0 ]; then # signal wallet locked lnd_locked="1" # dont report it as error lnd_error_short="" lnd_error_full="" fi # check results if proof for online else lnd_ready="1" connections=$( echo "${winData}" | grep "num_peers\"" | tr -cd '[[:digit:]]') if [ "${connections}" != "" ] && [ "${connections}" != "0" ]; then lnd_online="1" fi fi fi # print results echo "ln_lnd_version='${lnd_version}'" echo "ln_lnd_running='${lnd_running}'" echo "ln_lnd_ready='${lnd_ready}'" echo "ln_lnd_online='${lnd_online}'" echo "ln_lnd_locked='${lnd_locked}'" echo "ln_lnd_error_short='${lnd_error_short}'" echo "ln_lnd_error_full='${lnd_error_full}'" exit 0 fi ###################################################### # CONFIG ###################################################### if [ "$2" = "config" ]; then # get data lndConfigData=$(cat "${lndHomeDir}/${netprefix}lnd.conf") if [ "${lndConfigData}" == "" ]; then echo "error='no config'" exit 1 fi # parse data lnd_alias=$( echo "${lndConfigData}" | grep "^alias=*" | cut -f2 -d=) # print data echo "ln_lnd_alias='${lnd_alias}'" exit 0 fi ###################################################### # INFO ###################################################### if [ "$2" = "info" ]; then # raw data demo: # sudo /usr/local/bin/lncli -n=mainnet --rpcserver=localhost:10009 --macaroonpath=/home/bitcoin/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/readonly.macaroon --tlscertpath=/home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.cert getinfo # get data ln_getInfo=$($lndcli_alias getinfo 2>/dev/null) if [ $? != 0 ] || [ "${ln_getInfo}" == "" ]; then echo "command='$lndcli_alias getinfo'" echo "error='no data'" exit 1 fi # parse data lnd_address=$(echo "${ln_getInfo}" | grep "uris" -A 1 | tr -d '\n' | cut -d '"' -f4) lnd_tor=$(echo "${lnd_address}" | grep -c ".onion") lnd_sync_chain=$(echo "${ln_getInfo}" | grep "synced_to_chain" | grep "true" -c) lnd_sync_graph=$(echo "${ln_getInfo}" | grep "synced_to_graph" | grep "true" -c) lnd_channels_pending=$(echo "${ln_getInfo}" | jq -r '.num_pending_channels') lnd_channels_active=$(echo "${ln_getInfo}" | jq -r '.num_active_channels') lnd_channels_inactive=$(echo "${ln_getInfo}" | jq -r '.num_inactive_channels') lnd_channels_total=$(( lnd_channels_pending + lnd_channels_active + lnd_channels_inactive )) lnd_peers=$(echo "${ln_getInfo}" | jq -r '.num_peers') # calculate the sync/scan progress lnd_sync_progress="" scanTimestamp=$(echo "${ln_getInfo}" | jq -r '.best_header_timestamp') nowTimestamp=$(date +%s) if [ "${scanTimestamp}" != "" ] && [ ${scanTimestamp} -gt ${nowTimestamp} ]; then scanTimestamp=${nowTimestamp} fi if [ "${scanTimestamp}" != "" ]; then # calculate LND scan progress by seconds since Genesis block echo "#scanTimestamp=${scanTimestamp}" genesisTimestamp=1230940800 totalSeconds=$(echo "${nowTimestamp}-${genesisTimestamp}" | bc) scannedSeconds=$(echo "${scanTimestamp}-${genesisTimestamp}" | bc) lnd_sync_progress=$(echo "scale=2; $scannedSeconds*100/$totalSeconds" | bc) if [ "${lnd_sync_progress}" == "99.99" ]; then lnd_sync_progress="100.00" fi fi # recovery info source <(/home/admin/config.scripts/lnd.backup.sh $1 recoverymode status) lnd_recovery_mode="${recoverymode}" lnd_recovery_done="0" if [ "${lnd_recovery_mode}" == "1" ]; then ln_getrecoveryinfo=$($lndcli_alias getrecoveryinfo 2>/dev/null) activated=$(echo "${ln_getrecoveryinfo}" | grep "recovery_mode" | grep "true" -c) finished=$(echo "${ln_getrecoveryinfo}" | grep "recovery_finished" | grep "true" -c) if [ "${activated}" == "1" ] && [ "${finished}" == "1" ]; then lnd_recovery_done="1" fi fi # print data echo "ln_lnd_address='${lnd_address}'" echo "ln_lnd_tor='${lnd_tor}'" echo "ln_lnd_sync_chain='${lnd_sync_chain}'" echo "ln_lnd_sync_progress='${lnd_sync_progress}'" echo "ln_lnd_sync_graph='${lnd_sync_graph}'" echo "ln_lnd_channels_pending='${lnd_channels_pending}'" echo "ln_lnd_channels_active='${lnd_channels_active}'" echo "ln_lnd_channels_inactive='${lnd_channels_inactive}'" echo "ln_lnd_channels_total='${lnd_channels_total}'" echo "ln_lnd_peers='${lnd_peers}'" echo "ln_lnd_recovery_mode='${lnd_recovery_mode}'" echo "ln_lnd_recovery_done='${lnd_recovery_done}'" exit 0 fi ###################################################### # WALLETS ###################################################### if [ "$2" = "wallet" ]; then # raw data demo: # /usr/local/bin/lncli -n=mainnet --rpcserver=localhost:10009 --macaroonpath=/home/bitcoin/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/readonly.macaroon --tlscertpath=/home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.cert walletbalance # /usr/local/bin/lncli -n=mainnet --rpcserver=localhost:10009 --macaroonpath=/home/bitcoin/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/readonly.macaroon --tlscertpath=/home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.cert channelbalance # get data ln_walletbalance=$($lndcli_alias walletbalance 2>/dev/null) if [ "${ln_walletbalance}" == "" ]; then echo "error='no data'" exit 1 fi # parse data lnd_wallet_onchain_balance=$(echo "$ln_walletbalance" | jq -r '.confirmed_balance') lnd_wallet_onchain_pending=$(echo "$ln_walletbalance" | jq -r '.unconfirmed_balance') ln_channelbalance=$($lndcli_alias channelbalance 2>/dev/null) if [ "${ln_channelbalance}" == "" ]; then echo "error='no data'" exit 1 fi # parse data lnd_wallet_channels_balance=$(echo "$ln_channelbalance" | jq -r '.balance') lnd_wallet_channels_pending=$(echo "$ln_channelbalance" | jq -r '.pending_open_balance') # print data echo "ln_lnd_wallet_onchain_balance='${lnd_wallet_onchain_balance}'" echo "ln_lnd_wallet_onchain_pending='${lnd_wallet_onchain_pending}'" echo "ln_lnd_wallet_channels_balance='${lnd_wallet_channels_balance}'" echo "ln_lnd_wallet_channels_pending='${lnd_wallet_channels_pending}'" exit 0 fi ###################################################### # CHANNELS ###################################################### if [ "$2" = "channels" ]; then # raw data demo: # sudo /usr/local/bin/lncli -n=mainnet --rpcserver=localhost:10009 --macaroonpath=/home/bitcoin/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/readonly.macaroon --tlscertpath=/home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.cert listchannels # get data ln_channels=$($lndcli_alias listchannels 2>/dev/null) if [ "${ln_channels}" == "" ]; then echo "error='no data'" exit 1 fi # parse data lnd_channels_total=$(echo "$ln_channels" | jq '.[] | length') # print data echo "ln_lnd_channels_total='${lnd_channels_total}'" exit 0 fi ###################################################### # FEES ###################################################### if [ "$2" = "fees" ]; then # raw data demo: # sudo /usr/local/bin/lncli -n=mainnet --rpcserver=localhost:10009 --macaroonpath=/home/bitcoin/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/readonly.macaroon --tlscertpath=/home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.cert feereport # get data ln_feereport=$($lndcli_alias feereport 2>/dev/null) if [ "${ln_feereport}" == "" ]; then echo "error='no data'" exit 1 fi # parse data lnd_fees_daily=$(echo "$ln_feereport" | jq -r '.day_fee_sum') lnd_fees_weekly=$(echo "$ln_feereport" | jq -r '.week_fee_sum') lnd_fees_month=$(echo "$ln_feereport" | jq -r '.month_fee_sum') lnd_fees_total=$((${lnd_fees_daily} + ${lnd_fees_weekly} + ${lnd_fees_month})) # print data echo "ln_lnd_fees_daily='${lnd_fees_daily}'" echo "ln_lnd_fees_weekly='${lnd_fees_weekly}'" echo "ln_lnd_fees_month='${lnd_fees_month}'" echo "ln_lnd_fees_total='${lnd_fees_total}'" exit 0 fi echo "FAIL - Unknown Parameter $2" exit 1