#!/bin/bash # this is an dialog that handles all UI events during setup that require a "info & wait" with no interaction # get basic system information # these are the same set of infos the WebGUI dialog/controller has source /home/admin/_version.info source /home/admin/raspiblitz.info source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf 2>/dev/null # 1st PARAMETER: ssh|lcd PRAMETER_LCD=0 if [ "$1" == "lcd" ]; then PRAMETER_LCD=1 fi # get data from cache source <(/home/admin/_cache.sh get \ btc_default_ready \ btc_default_sync_percentage \ btc_default_peers \ system_count_start_blockchain \ ) # display blockchain sync height=6 width=45 actionString="Please wait - this can take some time" # formatting BLOCKCHAIN SYNC PROGRESS if [ "${btc_default_ready}" == "0" ] || [ "${btc_default_peers}" == "" ]; then if [ ${system_count_start_blockchain} -gt 1 ]; then syncProgress="${system_count_start_blockchain} restarts" else syncProgress="waiting for start" fi elif [ "${btc_default_peers}" == "0" ]; then syncProgress="waiting for peers" elif [ ${#btc_default_sync_percentage} -lt 6 ]; then syncProgress=" ${btc_default_sync_percentage} % ${btc_default_peers} peers" else syncProgress="${btc_default_sync_percentage} % ${btc_default_peers} peers" fi # get data from cache source <(/home/admin/_cache.sh get \ lightning \ ln_default_ready \ ln_default_sync_progress \ ln_default_recovery_mode \ system_count_start_lightning \ ) # formatting LIGHTNING SCAN PROGRESS if [ "${lightning}" != "" ] && [ "${ln_default_sync_progress}" == "" ]; then # in case of LND RPC is not ready yet if [ "${ln_default_ready}" != "" ]; then scanProgress="prepare sync" # in case LND restarting >2 elif [ "${system_count_start_lightning}" != "" ] && [ ${system_count_start_lightning} -gt 2 ]; then scanProgress="${system_count_start_lightning} restarts" # unkown cases else scanProgress="waiting" fi elif [ "${ln_default_sync_progress}" == "100.00" ] && [ "${ln_default_recovery_mode}" == "1" ]; then scanProgress="recoverscan" elif [ ${#ln_default_sync_progress} -lt 6 ]; then scanProgress=" ${ln_default_sync_progress} %" else scanProgress="${ln_default_sync_progress} %" fi # setting info string infoStr=" Blockchain Progress : ${syncProgress}\n" if [ "${lightning}" == "lnd" ] || [ "${lightning}" == "cl" ]; then infoStr="${infoStr} Lightning Progress : ${scanProgress}\n ${actionString}" else # if lightning is deactivated (leave line clear) infoStr="${infoStr} \n ${actionString}" fi # get data from cache source <(/home/admin/_cache.sh get \ internet_localip \ codeVersion \ system_temp_celsius \ system_temp_fahrenheit \ hostname \ network \ ) # set admin string if [ ${PRAMETER_LCD} -eq 1 ]; then adminStr="ssh admin@${internet_localip} -> Password A" else adminStr="CTRL+C -> exit to terminal" fi # display info to user time=$(date '+%H:%M:%S') dialog --title " Node is Syncing (${time}) " --backtitle "RaspiBlitz ${codeVersion} / ${system_temp_celsius}°C / ${system_temp_fahrenheit}°F / ${hostname}" --infobox "${infoStr}\n ${adminStr}" ${height} ${width}