#!/bin/bash # https://github.com/lnbits/lnbits # https://github.com/lnbits/lnbits/releases tag="0.10.9" VERSION="${tag}" # command info if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "-help" ]; then echo "Config script to switch LNbits on or off." echo "Installs the version ${VERSION} by default." echo "Usage:" echo "bonus.lnbits.sh [install|uninstall] [?GITHUBUSER] [?BRANCH|?TAG]" echo "bonus.lnbits.sh on [lnd|tlnd|slnd|cl|tcl|scl]" echo "bonus.lnbits.sh switch [lnd|tlnd|slnd|cl|tcl|scl]" echo "bonus.lnbits.sh off <--keep-data|--delete-data>" echo "bonus.lnbits.sh status" echo "bonus.lnbits.sh menu" echo "bonus.lnbits.sh prestart" echo "bonus.lnbits.sh repo [githubuser] [branch]" echo "bonus.lnbits.sh sync" echo "bonus.lnbits.sh backup" echo "bonus.lnbits.sh restore [?FILE]" echo "bonus.lnbits.sh migrate" exit 1 fi echo "# Running: 'bonus.lnbits.sh $*'" source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf function postgresConfig() { sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.postgresql.sh on || exit 1 echo "# Generate the database lnbits_db" # migrate clean up source <(/home/admin/_cache.sh get LNBitsMigrate) if [ "${LNBitsMigrate}" == "on" ]; then sudo -u postgres psql -c "drop database lnbits_db;" sudo -u postgres psql -c "drop user lnbits_user;" fi # create database for new installations and keep old sudo -u postgres psql -c "create database lnbits_db;" 2>/dev/null sudo -u postgres psql -c "create user lnbits_user with encrypted password 'raspiblitz';" 2>/dev/null sudo -u postgres psql -c "grant all privileges on database lnbits_db to lnbits_user;" 2>/dev/null # check check=$(sudo -u postgres psql -c "SELECT datname FROM pg_database;" | grep lnbits_db) if [ "$check" = "" ]; then echo "# postgresConfig failed -> SELECT datname FROM pg_database;" exit 1 else echo "# Setup PostgreSQL successful, new database found: $check" fi /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.conf.sh set LNBitsDB "PostgreSQL" } function migrateMsg() { source <(/home/admin/_cache.sh get LNBitsDB) if [ "${LNBitsDB}" == "PostgreSQL" ]; then if [ -e /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits_sqlitedb_backup.tar ]; then echo "SUCCESS - A backup file was found. The migrate progress will revert automatically on failure." echo "For yet unknown reasons, this could be done manually with unpacking the SQLite backup file." echo echo "/home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.lnbits.sh migrate revert" echo echo "********************************************************" echo "* *" echo "* Revert: /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits_sqlitedb_backup.tar *" echo "* *" echo "********************************************************" echo else echo "You dont have any migration backup files!" fi else echo "ABORT - Your LNBits is still running on old SQLite database." echo "Check for errors, '.dump' and fix your database manually and try again." fi } function revertMigration() { source <(/home/admin/_cache.sh get LNBitsMigrate) if [ "${LNBitsMigrate}" == "on" ]; then echo "# Revert migration, restore SQLite..." sudo systemctl stop lnbits # check current backup if [ -e /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits_sqlitedb_backup.tar ]; then echo "# Unpack Backup" cd /mnt/hdd/app-data/ sudo rm -R /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits sudo tar -xf /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits_sqlitedb_backup.tar sudo chown lnbits:lnbits -R /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits else echo "# No backup file found!" fi # update config echo "# Configure config .env" # clean up sudo sed -i "/^LNBITS_DATABASE_URL=/d" /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env sudo sed -i "/^LNBITS_DATA_FOLDER=/d" /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env sudo bash -c "echo 'LNBITS_DATA_FOLDER=/mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits' >> /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env" # start service echo "# Start LNBits" sudo systemctl start lnbits # set blitz config /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.conf.sh set LNBitsMigrate "off" /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.conf.sh set LNBitsDB "SQLite" echo "# OK revert migration done" else echo "# No migration started yet, nothing to do." fi } # show info menu if [ "$1" = "menu" ]; then # get LNbits status info echo "# collecting status info ... (please wait)" source <(sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.lnbits.sh status) # display possible problems with IP2TOR setup if [ ${#ip2torWarn} -gt 0 ]; then whiptail --title " Warning " \ --yes-button "Back" \ --no-button "Continue Anyway" \ --yesno "Your IP2TOR+LetsEncrypt may have problems:\n${ip2torWarn}\n\nCheck if locally responding: https://${localIP}:${httpsPort}\n\nCheck if service is reachable over Tor:\n${toraddress}" 14 72 if [ "$?" != "1" ]; then exit 0 fi fi # add info on funding source fundinginfo="" if [ "${LNBitsFunding}" == "lnd" ] || [ "${LNBitsFunding}" == "tlnd" ] || [ "${LNBitsFunding}" == "slnd" ]; then fundinginfo="on LND " elif [ "${LNBitsFunding}" == "cl" ] || [ "${LNBitsFunding}" == "tcl" ] || [ "${LNBitsFunding}" == "scl" ]; then fundinginfo="on CLN " fi text="https://${localIP}:${httpsPort}${authMethod}" if [ ${#publicDomain} -gt 0 ]; then text="${text} Public Domain: https://${publicDomain}:${httpsPort} port forwarding on router needs to be active & may change port" fi text="${text}\n You need to accept self-signed HTTPS cert with SHA1 Fingerprint: ${sslFingerprintIP}" if [ "${runBehindTor}" = "on" ] && [ ${#toraddress} -gt 0 ]; then sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.display.sh qr "${toraddress}" text="${text}\n TOR Browser Hidden Service address (QR see LCD): ${toraddress}" fi if [ ${#ip2torDomain} -gt 0 ]; then text="${text}\n IP2TOR+LetsEncrypt: https://${ip2torDomain}:${ip2torPort} SHA1 ${sslFingerprintTOR}\n https://${ip2torDomain}:${ip2torPort} ready for public use" elif [ ${#ip2torIP} -gt 0 ]; then text="${text}\n IP2TOR: https://${ip2torIP}:${ip2torPort} SHA1 ${sslFingerprintTOR}\n Consider adding a LetsEncrypt HTTPS Domain under OPTIONS." elif [ ${#publicDomain} -eq 0 ]; then text="${text}\n To enable easy reachability with normal browser from the outside Consider adding a IP2TOR Bridge under OPTIONS." fi whiptail --title " LNbits ${fundinginfo}" --yes-button "OK" --no-button "OPTIONS" --yesno "${text}" 18 78 result=$? sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.display.sh hide echo "option (${result}) - please wait ..." # exit when user presses OK to close menu if [ ${result} -eq 0 ]; then exit 0 fi # LNbits OPTIONS menu OPTIONS=() # IP2TOR options if [ "${ip2torDomain}" != "" ]; then # IP2TOR+LetsEncrypt active - offer cancel OPTIONS+=(IP2TOR-OFF "Cancel IP2Tor Subscription for LNbits") elif [ "${ip2torIP}" != "" ]; then # just IP2TOR active - offer cancel or Lets Encrypt OPTIONS+=(HTTPS-ON "Add free HTTPS-Certificate for LNbits") OPTIONS+=(IP2TOR-OFF "Cancel IP2Tor Subscription for LNbits") else OPTIONS+=(IP2TOR-ON "Make Public with IP2Tor Subscription") fi # Change Funding Source options (only if available) if [ "${LNBitsFunding}" == "lnd" ] && [ "${cl}" == "on" ]; then OPTIONS+=(SWITCH-CL "Switch: Use CLN as funding source") elif [ "${LNBitsFunding}" == "cl" ] && [ "${lnd}" == "on" ]; then OPTIONS+=(SWITCH-LND "Switch: Use LND as funding source") fi # Backup database OPTIONS+=(BACKUP "Backup database") if [ -d /mnt/hdd/app-data/backup ]; then OPTIONS+=(RESTORE "Restore database") fi # Migrate SQLite to PostgreSQL if [ -e /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits/database.sqlite3 ]; then OPTIONS+=(MIGRATE-DB "Migrate SQLite to PostgreSQL database") fi WIDTH=66 CHOICE_HEIGHT=$(("${#OPTIONS[@]}/2+1")) HEIGHT=$((CHOICE_HEIGHT+7)) CHOICE=$(dialog --clear \ --title " LNbits - Options" \ --ok-label "Select" \ --cancel-label "Back" \ --menu "Choose one of the following options:" \ $HEIGHT $WIDTH $CHOICE_HEIGHT \ "${OPTIONS[@]}" \ 2>&1 >/dev/tty) case $CHOICE in IP2TOR-ON) python /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.subscriptions.ip2tor.py create-ssh-dialog LNBITS ${toraddress} 443 exit 0 ;; IP2TOR-OFF) clear python /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.subscriptions.ip2tor.py subscription-cancel ${ip2torID} echo echo "OK - PRESS ENTER to continue" read key exit 0 ;; HTTPS-ON) python /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.subscriptions.letsencrypt.py create-ssh-dialog exit 0 ;; SWITCH-CL) clear /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.lnbits.sh switch cl echo "Restarting LNbits ..." sudo systemctl restart lnbits echo echo "OK new funding source for LNbits active." echo "PRESS ENTER to continue" read key exit 0 ;; SWITCH-LND) clear /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.lnbits.sh switch lnd echo "Restarting LNbits ..." sudo systemctl restart lnbits echo echo "OK new funding source for LNbits active." echo "PRESS ENTER to continue" read key exit 0 ;; BACKUP) clear /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.lnbits.sh backup echo echo "Backup done" echo "PRESS ENTER to continue" read key exit 0 ;; RESTORE) clear # check if backup exist source <(/home/admin/_cache.sh get LNBitsDB) if [ "${LNBitsDB}" == "PostgreSQL" ]; then backup_target="/mnt/hdd/app-data/backup/lnbits_db" backup_file=$(ls -t $backup_target/*.sql | head -n1) else backup_target="/mnt/hdd/app-data/backup/lnbits_sqlite" backup_file=$(ls -t $backup_target/*.tar | head -n1) fi if [ "$backup_file" = "" ]; then echo "ABORT - No Backup found to restore from" exit 1 else # build dialog to choose backup file from menu OPTIONS_RESTORE=() counter=0 cd $backup_target for f in `find *.* -maxdepth 1 -type f`; do [[ -f "$f" ]] || continue counter=$(($counter+1)) OPTIONS_RESTORE+=($counter "$f") done WIDTH_RESTORE=66 CHOICE_HEIGHT_RESTORE=$(("${#OPTIONS_RESTORE[@]}/2+1")) HEIGHT_RESTORE=$((CHOICE_HEIGHT_RESTORE+7)) CHOICE_RESTORE=$(dialog --clear \ --title " LNbits - Backup restore" \ --ok-label "Select" \ --cancel-label "Back" \ --menu "Choose one of the following backups:" \ $HEIGHT_RESTORE $WIDTH_RESTORE $CHOICE_HEIGHT_RESTORE \ "${OPTIONS_RESTORE[@]}" \ 2>&1 >/dev/tty) # start restore with selected backup clear if [ "$CHOICE_RESTORE" != "" ]; then backup_file=${backup_target}/${OPTIONS_RESTORE[$(($CHOICE_RESTORE*2-1))]} /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.lnbits.sh restore "${backup_file}" echo echo "Restore done" echo "PRESS ENTER to continue" read key fi exit 0 fi ;; MIGRATE-DB) clear dialog --title "MIGRATE LNBITS" --yesno " Do you want to proceed the migration? Try to migrate your LNBits SQLite database to PostgreSQL. This can fail for unknown circumstances. Revert of this process is possible afterwards, a backup will be saved. " 12 65 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then clear /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.lnbits.sh migrate echo migrateMsg echo echo "OK please test your LNBits installation." echo "PRESS ENTER to continue" read key fi exit 0 ;; *) clear exit 0 esac exit 0 fi # status if [ "$1" = "status" ]; then echo "version='${VERSION}'" if [ "${LNBits}" = "on" ]; then echo "installed=1" localIP=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}') echo "localIP='${localIP}'" echo "httpPort='5000'" echo "httpsPort='5001'" echo "httpsForced='1'" echo "httpsSelfsigned='1'" # TODO: change later if IP2Tor+LetsEncrypt is active echo "publicIP='${publicIP}'" # auth method is to call with a certain useer id admin_userid=$(sudo cat /home/lnbits/lnbits/.super_user) echo "authMethod='/wallet?usr=${admin_userid}'" # check funding source if [ "${LNBitsFunding}" == "" ]; then LNBitsFunding="lnd" fi echo "LNBitsFunding='${LNBitsFunding}'" # check for LetsEnryptDomain for DynDns error="" source <(sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.subscriptions.ip2tor.py ip-by-tor $publicIP 2>/dev/null) if [ ${#error} -eq 0 ]; then echo "publicDomain='${domain}'" fi sslFingerprintIP=$(openssl x509 -in /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tls.cert -fingerprint -noout 2>/dev/null | cut -d"=" -f2) echo "sslFingerprintIP='${sslFingerprintIP}'" toraddress=$(sudo cat /mnt/hdd/tor/lnbits/hostname 2>/dev/null) echo "toraddress='${toraddress}'" sslFingerprintTOR=$(openssl x509 -in /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tor_tls.cert -fingerprint -noout 2>/dev/null | cut -d"=" -f2) echo "sslFingerprintTOR='${sslFingerprintTOR}'" # check for IP2TOR error="" source <(sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.subscriptions.ip2tor.py ip-by-tor $toraddress) if [ ${#error} -eq 0 ]; then echo "ip2torType='${ip2tor-v1}'" echo "ip2torID='${id}'" echo "ip2torIP='${ip}'" echo "ip2torPort='${port}'" # check for LetsEnryptDomain on IP2TOR error="" source <(sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.subscriptions.letsencrypt.py domain-by-ip $ip) if [ ${#error} -eq 0 ]; then echo "ip2torDomain='${domain}'" domainWarning=$(sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.subscriptions.letsencrypt.py subscription-detail ${domain} ${port} | jq -r ".warning") if [ ${#domainWarning} -gt 0 ]; then echo "ip2torWarn='${domainWarning}'" fi fi fi # check for error isDead=$(sudo systemctl status lnbits | grep -c 'inactive (dead)') if [ ${isDead} -eq 1 ]; then echo "error='Service Failed'" exit 0 fi else echo "installed=0" fi exit 0 fi ########################## # PRESTART # - will be called as prestart by systemd service (as user lnbits) ######################### if [ "$1" = "prestart" ]; then # users need to be `lnbits` so that it can be run by systemd as prestart (no SUDO available) if [ "$USER" != "lnbits" ]; then echo "# FAIL: run as user lnbits" exit 1 fi # get if its for lnd or cl service echo "## lnbits.service PRESTART CONFIG" echo "# --> /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env" # set values based in funding source in raspiblitz config # portprefix is "" | 1 | 3 LNBitsNetwork="bitcoin" LNBitsChain="" LNBitsLightning="" if [ "${LNBitsFunding}" == "" ] || [ "${LNBitsFunding}" == "lnd" ]; then LNBitsFunding="lnd" LNBitsLightning="lnd" LNBitsChain="main" portprefix="" elif [ "${LNBitsFunding}" == "tlnd" ]; then LNBitsLightning="lnd" LNBitsChain="test" portprefix="1" elif [ "${LNBitsFunding}" == "slnd" ]; then LNBitsLightning="lnd" LNBitsChain="sig" portprefix="3" elif [ "${LNBitsFunding}" == "cl" ]; then LNBitsLightning="cl" LNBitsChain="main" elif [ "${LNBitsFunding}" == "tcl" ]; then LNBitsLightning="cl" LNBitsChain="test" elif [ "${LNBitsFunding}" == "scl" ]; then LNBitsLightning="cl" LNBitsChain="sig" else echo "# FAIL: Unknown LNBitsFunding=${LNBitsFunding}" exit 1 fi echo "# LNBitsFunding(${LNBitsFunding}) --> network(${LNBitsNetwork}) chain(${LNBitsChain}) lightning(${LNBitsLightning})" # set lnd config if [ "${LNBitsLightning}" == "lnd" ]; then echo "# setting lnd config fresh ..." # check if lnbits user has read access on lnd data files checkReadAccess=$(cat /mnt/hdd/app-data/lnd/data/chain/${LNBitsNetwork}/${LNBitsChain}net/admin.macaroon | grep -c "lnd") if [ "${checkReadAccess}" != "1" ]; then echo "# FAIL: missing lnd data in '/mnt/hdd/app-data/lnd' or missing access rights for lnbits user" exit 1 fi echo "# Updating LND TLS & macaroon data fresh for LNbits config ..." # set tls.cert path (use | as separator to avoid escaping file path slashes) sed -i "s|^LND_REST_CERT=.*|LND_REST_CERT=/mnt/hdd/app-data/lnd/tls.cert|g" /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env # set macaroon path info in .env - USING HEX IMPORT chmod 600 /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env macaroonAdminHex=$(xxd -ps -u -c 1000 /mnt/hdd/app-data/lnd/data/chain/${LNBitsNetwork}/${LNBitsChain}net/admin.macaroon) macaroonInvoiceHex=$(xxd -ps -u -c 1000 /mnt/hdd/app-data/lnd/data/chain/${LNBitsNetwork}/${LNBitsChain}net/invoice.macaroon) macaroonReadHex=$(xxd -ps -u -c 1000 /mnt/hdd/app-data/lnd/data/chain/${LNBitsNetwork}/${LNBitsChain}net/readonly.macaroon) sed -i "s/^LND_REST_ADMIN_MACAROON=.*/LND_REST_ADMIN_MACAROON=${macaroonAdminHex}/g" /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env sed -i "s/^LND_REST_INVOICE_MACAROON=.*/LND_REST_INVOICE_MACAROON=${macaroonInvoiceHex}/g" /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env sed -i "s/^LND_REST_READ_MACAROON=.*/LND_REST_READ_MACAROON=${macaroonReadHex}/g" /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env # set the REST endpoint (use | as separator to avoid escaping slashes) sed -i "s|^LND_REST_ENDPOINT=.*|LND_REST_ENDPOINT=${portprefix}8080|g" /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env elif [ "${LNBitsLightning}" == "cl" ]; then isUsingCL=$(cat /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env | grep -c "LNBITS_BACKEND_WALLET_CLASS=CLightningWallet") if [ "${isUsingCL}" != "1" ]; then echo "# FAIL: /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env not set to CLN" exit 1 fi echo "# everything looks OK for lnbits config on CLN on ${LNBitsChain}net" else echo "# FAIL: missing or not supported LNBitsLightning=${LNBitsLightning}" exit 1 fi # protect the admin user id if exists chmod 640 /home/lnbits/lnbits/.super_user 2>/dev/null echo "# OK: prestart finished" exit 0 # exit with clean code fi if [ "$1" = "repo" ]; then # get github parameters githubUser="$2" if [ ${#githubUser} -eq 0 ]; then echo "echo='missing parameter'" exit 1 fi githubBranch="$3" if [ ${#githubBranch} -eq 0 ]; then githubBranch="main" fi # check if repo exists githubRepo="https://github.com/${githubUser}/lnbits" httpcode=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" ${githubRepo}) if [ "${httpcode}" != "200" ]; then echo "# tested github repo: ${githubRepo}" echo "error='repo for user does not exist'" exit 1 fi # fix permissions sudo chown -R lnbits:lnbits /home/lnbits/lnbits # change origin repo of lnbits code echo "# changing LNbits github repo(${githubUser}) branch(${githubBranch})" cd /home/lnbits/lnbits || exit 1 sudo -u lnbits git remote remove origin sudo -u lnbits git remote add origin ${githubRepo} sudo -u lnbits git fetch sudo -u lnbits git checkout ${githubBranch} sudo -u lnbits git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/${githubBranch} ${githubBranch} fi if [ "$1" = "sync" ] || [ "$1" = "repo" ]; then echo "# pull all changes from github repo" # fix permissions sudo chown -R lnbits:lnbits /home/lnbits/lnbits # output basic info cd /home/lnbits/lnbits || exit 1 sudo -u lnbits git remote -v sudo -u lnbits git branch -v # pull latest code sudo -u lnbits git pull # check if poetry in installed, if not install it if ! sudo -u lnbits which poetry; then echo "# install poetry" sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip sudo pip3 install poetry fi # do install like this sudo -u lnbits poetry install # make sure default virtaulenv is used sudo apt-get remove -y python3-virtualenv 2>/dev/null sudo pip uninstall -y virtualenv 2>/dev/null sudo apt-get install -y python3-virtualenv # restart lnbits service sudo systemctl restart lnbits echo "# server is restarting ... maybe takes some seconds until available" exit 0 fi # stop service sudo systemctl stop lnbits 2>/dev/null # install (code & compile) if [ "$1" = "install" ]; then # check if already installed if compgen -u | grep -w lnbits; then echo "result='already installed'" exit 0 fi echo "# *** INSTALL LNBITS ${VERSION} ***" # add lnbits user echo "*** Add the 'lnbits' user ***" sudo adduser --system --group --home /home/lnbits lnbits # get optional github parameter githubUser="lnbits" if [ "$2" != "" ]; then githubUser="$2" fi if [ "$3" != "" ]; then tag="$3" fi # install from GitHub echo "# get the github code user(${githubUser}) branch(${tag})" sudo rm -r /home/lnbits/lnbits 2>/dev/null cd /home/lnbits || exit 1 sudo -u lnbits git clone https://github.com/${githubUser}/lnbits lnbits cd /home/lnbits/lnbits || exit 1 sudo -u lnbits git checkout ${tag} || exit 1 # to the install echo "# installing application dependencies" cd /home/lnbits/lnbits || exit 1 # check if poetry in installed, if not install it if ! sudo -u lnbits which poetry; then echo "# install poetry" sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip sudo pip3 install poetry fi # do install like this sudo -u lnbits poetry install # make sure default virtaulenv is used sudo apt-get remove -y python3-virtualenv 2>/dev/null sudo pip uninstall -y virtualenv 2>/dev/null sudo apt-get install -y python3-virtualenv exit 0 fi # remove from system if [ "$1" = "uninstall" ]; then # check if still active isActive=$(sudo ls /etc/systemd/system/lnbits.service 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'lnbits.service') if [ "${isActive}" != "0" ]; then echo "result='still in use'" exit 1 fi echo "# *** UNINSTALL LNBITS ***" # always delete user and home directory sudo userdel -rf lnbits exit 0 fi # on if [ "$1" = "1" ] || [ "$1" = "on" ]; then # check if already installed if compgen -u | grep -w lnbits; then # check poetry if the user exists if ! sudo -u lnbits which poetry; then echo "# Fix faulty installation" /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.lnbits.sh off --keep-data /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.lnbits.sh install || exit 1 fi else echo "# Installing code base & dependencies first .." /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.lnbits.sh install || exit 1 fi # check if already active isActive=$(sudo ls /etc/systemd/system/lnbits.service 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'lnbits.service') if [ "${isActive}" == "1" ]; then echo "# FAIL: already installed" exit 1 fi # get funding source and check that its available fundingsource="$2" # run with default funding source if not given as parameter if [ "${fundingsource}" == "" ]; then echo "# running with default lightning as funing source: ${lightning}" fundingsource="${lightning}" fi if [ "${fundingsource}" == "lnd" ]; then if [ "${lnd}" != "on" ]; then echo "# FAIL: lnd mainnet needs to be activated" exit 1 fi elif [ "${fundingsource}" == "tlnd" ]; then if [ "${tlnd}" != "on" ]; then echo "# FAIL: lnd testnet needs to be activated" exit 1 fi elif [ "${fundingsource}" == "slnd" ]; then if [ "${slnd}" != "on" ]; then echo "# FAIL: lnd signet needs to be activated" exit 1 fi elif [ "${fundingsource}" == "cl" ]; then if [ "${cl}" != "on" ]; then echo "# FAIL: CLN mainnet needs to be activated" exit 1 fi elif [ "${fundingsource}" == "tcl" ]; then if [ "${tcl}" != "on" ]; then echo "# FAIL: CLN testnet needs to be activated" exit 1 fi elif [ "${fundingsource}" == "scl" ]; then if [ "${scl}" != "on" ]; then echo "# FAIL: CLN signet needs to be activated" exit 1 fi else echo "# FAIL: invalid funding source parameter" exit 1 fi # prepare .env file echo "# preparing env file" sudo rm /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env 2>/dev/null sudo -u lnbits touch /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env # activate admin user sudo sed -i "/^LNBITS_ADMIN_UI=/d" /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env sudo bash -c "echo 'LNBITS_ADMIN_UI=true' >> /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env" if [ ! -e /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits/database.sqlite3 ]; then echo "# install database: PostgreSQL" # POSTGRES postgresConfig # new data directory sudo mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits/data # config update # example: postgres://:@/ sudo bash -c "echo 'LNBITS_DATABASE_URL=postgres://lnbits_user:raspiblitz@localhost:5432/lnbits_db' >> /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env" sudo bash -c "echo 'LNBITS_DATA_FOLDER=/mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits/data' >> /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env" else echo "# install database: SQLite" /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.conf.sh set LNBitsDB "SQLite" # new data directory sudo mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits # config update sudo bash -c "echo 'LNBITS_DATA_FOLDER=/mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits' >> /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env" fi sudo chown lnbits:lnbits -R /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits # let switch command part do the detail config /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.lnbits.sh switch ${fundingsource} cd /home/lnbits/lnbits || exit 1 # open firewall echo echo "*** Updating Firewall ***" sudo ufw allow 5000 comment 'lnbits HTTP' sudo ufw allow 5001 comment 'lnbits HTTPS' echo # install service echo "*** Install systemd ***" cat </dev/null # systemd unit for lnbits [Unit] Description=lnbits Wants=bitcoind.service After=bitcoind.service [Service] WorkingDirectory=/home/lnbits/lnbits ExecStartPre=/home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.lnbits.sh prestart ExecStart=/bin/sh -c 'cd /home/lnbits/lnbits && poetry run lnbits --port 5000 --host' User=lnbits Restart=always TimeoutSec=120 RestartSec=30 StandardOutput=journal StandardError=journal # Hardening measures PrivateTmp=true ProtectSystem=full NoNewPrivileges=true PrivateDevices=true [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF sudo systemctl enable lnbits source <(/home/admin/_cache.sh get state) if [ "${state}" == "ready" ]; then echo "# OK - lnbits service is enabled, system is on ready so starting lnbits service" sudo systemctl start lnbits else echo "# OK - lnbits service is enabled, but needs reboot or manual starting: sudo systemctl start lnbits" fi # setup nginx symlinks if ! [ -f /etc/nginx/sites-available/lnbits_ssl.conf ]; then sudo cp /home/admin/assets/nginx/sites-available/lnbits_ssl.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/lnbits_ssl.conf fi if ! [ -f /etc/nginx/sites-available/lnbits_tor.conf ]; then sudo cp /home/admin/assets/nginx/sites-available/lnbits_tor.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/lnbits_tor.conf fi if ! [ -f /etc/nginx/sites-available/lnbits_tor_ssl.conf ]; then sudo cp /home/admin/assets/nginx/sites-available/lnbits_tor_ssl.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/lnbits_tor_ssl.conf fi sudo ln -sf /etc/nginx/sites-available/lnbits_ssl.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ sudo ln -sf /etc/nginx/sites-available/lnbits_tor.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ sudo ln -sf /etc/nginx/sites-available/lnbits_tor_ssl.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ sudo nginx -t sudo systemctl reload nginx # setting value in raspi blitz config /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.conf.sh set LNBits "on" # Hidden Service if Tor is active source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf if [ "${runBehindTor}" = "on" ]; then # make sure to keep in sync with tor.network.sh script /home/admin/config.scripts/tor.onion-service.sh lnbits 80 5002 443 5003 fi echo "# OK install done ... might need to restart or call: sudo systemctl start lnbits" # needed for API/WebUI as signal that install ran thru echo "result='OK'" exit 0 fi # config for a special funding source (e.g lnd or CLN as backend) if [ "$1" = "switch" ]; then echo "## bonus.lnbits.sh switch $2" # get funding source and check that its available fundingsource="$2" clrpcsubdir="" if [ "${fundingsource}" == "lnd" ]; then if [ "${lnd}" != "on" ]; then echo "#FAIL: lnd mainnet not installed or running" exit 1 fi elif [ "${fundingsource}" == "tlnd" ]; then if [ "${tlnd}" != "on" ]; then echo "# FAIL: lnd testnet not installed or running" exit 1 fi elif [ "${fundingsource}" == "slnd" ]; then if [ "${slnd}" != "on" ]; then echo "# FAIL: lnd signet not installed or running" exit 1 fi elif [ "${fundingsource}" == "cl" ]; then if [ "${cl}" != "on" ]; then echo "# FAIL: CLN mainnet not installed or running" exit 1 fi elif [ "${fundingsource}" == "tcl" ]; then clrpcsubdir="/testnet" if [ "${tcl}" != "on" ]; then echo "# FAIL: CLN testnet not installed or running" exit 1 fi elif [ "${fundingsource}" == "scl" ]; then clrpcsubdir="/signet" if [ "${scl}" != "on" ]; then echo "# FAIL: CLN signet not installed or running" exit 1 fi else echo "# FAIL: unvalid fundig source parameter" exit 1 fi echo "##############" echo "# NOTE: If you switch the funding source of a running LNbits instance all sub account will keep balance." echo "# Make sure that the new funding source has enough sats to cover the LNbits bookeeping of sub accounts." echo "##############" # remove all old possible settings for former funding source (clean state) sudo sed -i "/^LNBITS_BACKEND_WALLET_CLASS=/d" /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env 2>/dev/null sudo sed -i "/^LND_REST_ENDPOINT=/d" /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env 2>/dev/null sudo sed -i "/^LND_REST_CERT=/d" /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env 2>/dev/null sudo sed -i "/^LND_REST_ADMIN_MACAROON=/d" /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env 2>/dev/null sudo sed -i "/^LND_REST_INVOICE_MACAROON=/d" /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env 2>/dev/null sudo sed -i "/^LND_REST_READ_MACAROON=/d" /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env 2>/dev/null sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -G lnbits lnbits sudo sed -i "/^CLIGHTNING_RPC=/d" /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env 2>/dev/null # LND CONFIG if [ "${fundingsource}" == "lnd" ] || [ "${fundingsource}" == "tlnd" ] || [ "${fundingsource}" == "slnd" ]; then # make sure lnbits user can access LND credentials echo "# adding lnbits user is member of lndreadonly, lndinvoice, lndadmin" sudo /usr/sbin/usermod --append --groups lndinvoice lnbits sudo /usr/sbin/usermod --append --groups lndreadonly lnbits sudo /usr/sbin/usermod --append --groups lndadmin lnbits # prepare config entries in lnbits config for lnd echo "# preparing lnbits config for lnd" sudo bash -c "echo 'LNBITS_BACKEND_WALLET_CLASS=LndRestWallet' >> /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env" sudo bash -c "echo 'LND_REST_ENDPOINT=' >> /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env" sudo bash -c "echo 'LND_REST_CERT=' >> /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env" sudo bash -c "echo 'LND_REST_ADMIN_MACAROON=' >> /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env" sudo bash -c "echo 'LND_REST_INVOICE_MACAROON=' >> /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env" sudo bash -c "echo 'LND_REST_READ_MACAROON=' >> /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env" fi if [ "${fundingsource}" == "cl" ] || [ "${fundingsource}" == "tcl" ] || [ "${fundingsource}" == "scl" ]; then echo "# add the 'lnbits' user to the 'bitcoin' group" sudo /usr/sbin/usermod --append --groups bitcoin lnbits echo "# check user" id lnbits echo "# allowing lnbits user as part of the bitcoin group to RW RPC hook" sudo chmod 770 /home/bitcoin/.lightning/bitcoin${clrpcsubdir} sudo chmod 660 /home/bitcoin/.lightning/bitcoin${clrpcsubdir}/lightning-rpc if [ "${fundingsource}" == "cl" ]; then CLCONF="/home/bitcoin/.lightning/config" else CLCONF="/home/bitcoin/.lightning${clrpcsubdir}/config" fi # https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/issues/3007 if [ "$(sudo cat ${CLCONF} | grep -c "^rpc-file-mode=0660")" -eq 0 ]; then echo "rpc-file-mode=0660" | sudo tee -a ${CLCONF} fi echo "# preparing lnbits config for CLN" sudo bash -c "echo 'LNBITS_BACKEND_WALLET_CLASS=CLightningWallet' >> /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env" sudo bash -c "echo 'CLIGHTNING_RPC=/home/bitcoin/.lightning/bitcoin${clrpcsubdir}/lightning-rpc' >> /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env" fi # set raspiblitz config value for funding /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.conf.sh set LNBitsFunding "${fundingsource}" echo "##############" echo "# OK new funding source set - does need restart or call: sudo systemctl restart lnbits" echo "##############" exit 0 fi # switch off if [ "$1" = "0" ] || [ "$1" = "off" ]; then # check for second parameter: should data be deleted? deleteData=0 if [ "$2" = "--delete-data" ]; then deleteData=1 elif [ "$2" = "--keep-data" ]; then deleteData=0 else if (whiptail --title " DELETE DATA? " --yesno "Do you want to delete\nthe LNbits Server Data?" 8 30); then deleteData=1 else deleteData=0 fi fi echo "# deleteData(${deleteData})" echo "*** REMOVING LNbits ***" isInstalled=$(sudo ls /etc/systemd/system/lnbits.service 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'lnbits.service') if [ ${isInstalled} -eq 1 ] || [ "${LNBits}" == "on" ]; then sudo systemctl stop lnbits sudo systemctl disable lnbits sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/lnbits.service echo "# OK lnbits.service removed." else echo "# lnbits.service is not installed." fi echo "# Cleaning up LNbits install ..." sudo ufw delete allow 5000 sudo ufw delete allow 5001 # remove nginx symlinks sudo rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/lnbits_ssl.conf sudo rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/lnbits_tor.conf sudo rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/lnbits_tor_ssl.conf sudo rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-available/lnbits_ssl.conf sudo rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-available/lnbits_tor.conf sudo rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-available/lnbits_tor_ssl.conf sudo nginx -t sudo systemctl reload nginx # Hidden Service if Tor is active if [ "${runBehindTor}" = "on" ]; then /home/admin/config.scripts/tor.onion-service.sh off lnbits fi if [ ${deleteData} -eq 1 ]; then echo "# deleting data" sudo -u postgres psql -c "drop database lnbits_db;" sudo -u postgres psql -c "drop user lnbits_user;" sudo rm -R /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits else echo "# keeping data" fi # setting value in raspi blitz config /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.conf.sh set LNBits "off" # needed for API/WebUI as signal that install ran thru echo "result='OK'" exit 0 fi # backup if [ "$1" = "backup" ]; then source <(/home/admin/_cache.sh get LNBitsDB) echo "# Start Backup LNBits ${LNBitsDB} database" if [ "${LNBitsDB}" == "PostgreSQL" ]; then # postgresql backup sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.postgresql.sh backup lnbits_db else # sqlite backup backup_target="/mnt/hdd/app-data/backup/lnbits_sqlite" backup_file="lnbits_sqlite_`date +%d`-`date +%m`-`date +%Y`_`date +%H`-`date +%M`_fs.tar" if [ ! -d $backup_target ]; then sudo mkdir -p $backup_target 1>&2 fi # Delete old backups (keep last 3 backups) sudo chown -R admin:admin $backup_target ls -tp $backup_target/*.tar | grep -v '/$' | tail -n +4 | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 rm -- 2>/dev/null cd $backup_target sudo tar -cf $backup_file -C "/mnt/hdd/app-data" LNBits/ echo "OK - Backup finished, file saved as ${backup_target}/${backup_file}" fi sudo systemctl start lnbits exit 0 fi # restore if [ "$1" = "restore" ]; then source <(/home/admin/_cache.sh get LNBitsDB) if [ "${LNBitsDB}" == "PostgreSQL" ]; then echo "# Restore PostgreSQL database" if [ "$2" != "" ]; then backup_file=$2 sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.postgresql.sh restore lnbits_db lnbits_user raspiblitz "${backup_file}" else sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.postgresql.sh restore lnbits_db lnbits_user raspiblitz fi else backup_target="/mnt/hdd/app-data/backup/lnbits_sqlite" if [ ! -d $backup_target ]; then echo "# ABORT - No backups found" exit 1 else echo "# Restore SQLite database" cd $backup_target if [ "$2" != "" ]; then if [ -e $2 ]; then backup_file=$2 else echo "ABORT - File not found (${2})" exit 1 fi else # find recent backup backup_file=$(ls -t $backup_target/*.tar | head -n1) fi echo "Start restore from backup ${backup_file}" # unpack backup file sudo tar -xf $backup_file || exit 1 echo "Unpack backup successful, backup current db now ..." # backup current db /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.lnbits.sh backup # apply backup data sudo rm -R /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits/ sudo chown -R lnbits:lnbits LNBits/ sudo mv LNBits/ /mnt/hdd/app-data/ echo "Remove restored backup file" sudo rm -f $backup_file echo "OK - Apply backup data successful" fi fi sudo systemctl start lnbits exit 0 fi # revert migrate to postgresql if [ "$1" = "migrate" ] && [ "$2" = "revert" ]; then /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.conf.sh set LNBitsMigrate "on" revertMigration exit 0 fi # migrate if [ "$1" = "migrate" ]; then if [ -e /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits/database.sqlite3 ]; then echo "# Backup SQLite database" # backup current database, but dont overwrite last backup if [ -e /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits_sqlitedb_backup.tar ]; then if [ -e /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits_sqlitedb_backup.tar.old ]; then echo "# Remove old backup file" sudo rm -f /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits_sqlitedb_backup.tar.old fi # keep the last backup as old backup sudo mv /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits_sqlitedb_backup.tar /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits_sqlitedb_backup.tar.old fi # create new backup sudo tar -cf /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits_sqlitedb_backup.tar -C /mnt/hdd/app-data LNBits/ # update to expected tag cd /home/lnbits/lnbits || exit 1 # remove existent config for database sudo sed -i "/^LNBITS_DATABASE_URL=/d" /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env 2>/dev/null sudo sed -i "/^LNBITS_DATA_FOLDER=/d" /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env 2>/dev/null # restore sqlite database config sudo bash -c "echo 'LNBITS_DATA_FOLDER=/mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits' >> /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env" #sudo -u lnbits git checkout ${tag} sudo -u lnbits git reset --hard 4f05c6c12e284d4a322a9041d19f66d01afa205b # good tested after BIGINT fix (#1135) /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.lnbits.sh sync || exit 1 # stop after sync was done sudo systemctl stop lnbits /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.conf.sh set LNBitsMigrate "on" # POSTGRES postgresConfig # example: postgres://:@/ # add new postgres config sudo bash -c "echo 'LNBITS_DATABASE_URL=postgres://lnbits_user:raspiblitz@localhost:5432/lnbits_db' >> /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env" # clean start on new postgres db prior migration echo "# LNBits first start with clean PostgreSQL" sudo systemctl start lnbits # execStartPre is not enough, wait for lnbits is finally running count=0 count_max=30 while ! nc -zv 5000 2>/dev/null; do count=`expr $count + 1` echo "wait for LNBIts to start (${count}s/${count_max}s)" sleep 1 if [ $count = $count_max ]; then sudo systemctl status lnbits echo "# FAIL - LNBits service was not able to start" revertMigration exit 1 fi done # wait a sec for "✔ All migrations done." (TODO make it pretty) sleep 5 echo "# LNBits service looks good" sudo systemctl stop lnbits echo "# Start convert old SQLite to new PostgreSQL" if ! sudo -u lnbits poetry run python tools/conv.py; then echo "FAIL - Convert failed, revert migration process" revertMigration exit 1 else echo "# OK - Convert successful" fi # cleanup old sqlite data directory echo "# Cleanup old data directory" sudo rm -R /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits/ # new data directory sudo mkdir -p /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits/data sudo chown lnbits:lnbits -R /mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits/ echo "# Configure .env" sudo sed -i "/^LNBITS_DATA_FOLDER=/d" /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env 2>/dev/null sudo bash -c "echo 'LNBITS_DATA_FOLDER=/mnt/hdd/app-data/LNBits/data' >> /home/lnbits/lnbits/.env" # setting value in raspi blitz config /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.conf.sh set LNBitsMigrate "off" echo "# OK - migration done" else echo "# ABORT - No SQLite data found to migrate from" fi sudo systemctl start lnbits exit 0 fi echo "FAIL - Unknown Parameter $1" exit 1