#!/bin/bash # get raspiblitz config echo "# get raspiblitz config" source /home/admin/raspiblitz.info source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf source <(/home/admin/config.scripts/network.aliases.sh getvars cl $1) # get the local network IP to be displayed on the LCD source <(/home/admin/config.scripts/internet.sh status local) # BASIC MENU INFO WIDTH=64 BACKTITLE="RaspiBlitz" TITLE=" C-Lightning Options (${CHAIN})" MENU="" OPTIONS=() OPTIONS+=(FUNDING "Fund the C-lightning wallet onchain") OPTIONS+=(PEERING "Connect to a peer") OPTIONS+=(CHANNEL "Open a channel with peer") OPTIONS+=(SEND "Pay an invoice / payment request") OPTIONS+=(RECEIVE "Create an invoice / payment request") OPTIONS+=(SUMMARY "Information about this node") OPTIONS+=(NAME "Change the name / alias of the node") ln_getInfo=$($lightningcli_alias getinfo 2>/dev/null) ln_channels_online="$(echo "${ln_getInfo}" | jq -r '.num_active_channels')" 2>/dev/null cl_num_inactive_channels="$(echo "${ln_getInfo}" | jq -r '.num_inactive_channels')" 2>/dev/null openChannels=$((ln_channels_online+cl_num_inactive_channels)) if [ ${#openChannels} -gt 0 ] && [ ${openChannels} -gt 0 ]; then OPTIONS+=(SUEZ "Visualize channels") OPTIONS+=(CLOSEALL "Close all open channels on $CHAIN") fi OPTIONS+=(CASHOUT "Withdraw all funds onchain ($CHAIN)") OPTIONS+=(SEED "Show Wallet Seed Words") OPTIONS+=(REPAIR-CL "Repair options for C-lightning") if [ "${lightning}" != "cl" ] && [ "${CHAIN}" == "mainnet" ]; then OPTIONS+=(SWITCHLN "Use C-lightning as default") fi CHOICE_HEIGHT=$(("${#OPTIONS[@]}/2+1")) HEIGHT=$((CHOICE_HEIGHT+6)) CHOICE=$(dialog --clear \ --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" \ --title "$TITLE" \ --ok-label "Select" \ --cancel-label "Main menu" \ --menu "$MENU" \ $HEIGHT $WIDTH $CHOICE_HEIGHT \ "${OPTIONS[@]}" \ 2>&1 >/dev/tty) case $CHOICE in SUMMARY) clear /home/admin/config.scripts/cl-plugin.summary.sh $CHAIN echo "Press ENTER to return to main menu." read key ;; PEERING) /home/admin/BBconnectPeer.sh cl $CHAIN ;; FUNDING) /home/admin/BBfundWallet.sh cl $CHAIN ;; CASHOUT) /home/admin/BBcashoutWallet.sh cl $CHAIN ;; CHANNEL) /home/admin/BBopenChannel.sh cl $CHAIN ;; SEND) /home/admin/BBpayInvoice.sh cl $CHAIN ;; RECEIVE) /home/admin/BBcreateInvoice.sh cl $CHAIN ;; SEED) sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/cl.install.sh display-seed $CHAIN ;; NAME) sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/cl.setname.sh $CHAIN ;; SUEZ) clear if [ ! -f /home/bitcoin/suez/suez ];then /home/admin/config.scripts/bonus.suez.sh on fi cd /home/bitcoin/suez || exit 0 command="sudo -u bitcoin /home/bitcoin/.local/bin/poetry run ./suez --client=c-lightning --client-args=--conf=${CLCONF}" echo "# Running the command:" echo "${command}" echo $command echo echo "Press ENTER to return to main menu." read key ;; CLOSEALL) /home/admin/BBcloseAllChannels.sh cl $CHAIN echo "Press ENTER to return to main menu." read key ;; REPAIR-CL) /home/admin/99clRepairMenu.sh $CHAIN ;; SWITCHLN) clear echo # setting value in the raspiblitz.conf sudo sed -i "s/^lightning=.*/lightning=cl/g" /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf echo "# OK - lightning=cl is set in /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf" echo echo "Press ENTER to return to main menu." read key ;; esac exit 0