#!/bin/bash # command info if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ] || [ "$1" = "-help" ]; then echo "config script to install or remove the Let's Encrypt Client (ACME.SH)" echo "bonus.letsencrypt.sh [on|off]" echo "bonus.letsencrypt.sh issue-cert DNSSERVICE FULLDOMAINNAME APITOKEN ip|tor|ip&tor" echo "bonus.letsencrypt.sh remove-cert FULLDOMAINNAME ip|tor|ip&tor" echo "bonus.letsencrypt.sh refresh-ngnix-certs" exit 1 fi source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf ACME_LOAD_BASE_URL="https://codeload.github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/tar.gz" ACME_VERSION="2.8.6" ACME_INSTALL_HOME="/home/admin/.acme.sh" ACME_CONFIG_HOME="/mnt/hdd/app-data/letsencrypt" ACME_CERT_HOME="${ACME_CONFIG_HOME}/certs" ACME_IS_INSTALLED=0 ################### # FUNCTIONS ################### function menu_enter_email() { HEIGHT=18 WIDTH=56 BACKTITLE="Manage TLS certificates" TITLE="Let's Encrypt - eMail" INPUTBOX="\n You can *optionally* enter an eMail address.\n \n The address will not be included in the generated certificates.\n \n It will be used to e.g. notify you about certificate expiries and changes to the Terms of Service of Let's Encrypt.\n \n Feel free to leave empty." ADDRESS=$(dialog --clear \ --backtitle "${BACKTITLE}" \ --title "${TITLE}" \ --inputbox "${INPUTBOX}" ${HEIGHT} ${WIDTH} 2>&1 >/dev/tty) echo "${ADDRESS}" } function acme_status() { # check if acme is installed (either directory or cronjob) cron_count=$(crontab -l | grep "acme.sh" -c) if [ -f "${ACME_INSTALL_HOME}/acme.sh" ] || [ "${cron_count}" = "1" ]; then ACME_IS_INSTALLED=1 else ACME_IS_INSTALLED=0 fi } function acme_install() { email="${1}" # ensure socat if ! command -v socat >/dev/null; then echo "# installing socat..." sudo apt-get update >/dev/null 2>&1 sudo apt-get install -y socat >/dev/null 2>&1 fi if ! [ -d $ACME_CONFIG_HOME ]; then sudo mkdir -p $ACME_CONFIG_HOME fi sudo chown admin:admin $ACME_CONFIG_HOME rm -f "/tmp/acme.sh_${ACME_VERSION}.tar.gz" if ! curl --silent --fail -o "/tmp/acme.sh_${ACME_VERSION}.tar.gz" "${ACME_LOAD_BASE_URL}/${ACME_VERSION}" 2>&1; then echo "Error ($?): Download failed from: ${ACME_LOAD_BASE_URL}/${ACME_VERSION}" rm -f "/tmp/acme.sh_${ACME_VERSION}.tar.gz" exit 1 fi if tar xzf "/tmp/acme.sh_${ACME_VERSION}.tar.gz" -C /tmp/; then cd "/tmp/acme.sh-${ACME_VERSION}" || exit if [ -n "${email}" ]; then ./acme.sh --install \ --noprofile \ --home "${ACME_INSTALL_HOME}" \ --config-home "${ACME_CONFIG_HOME}" \ --cert-home "${ACME_CERT_HOME}" \ --accountemail "${email}" else ./acme.sh --install \ --noprofile \ --home "${ACME_INSTALL_HOME}" \ --config-home "${ACME_CONFIG_HOME}" \ --cert-home "${ACME_CERT_HOME}" fi fi rm -f "/tmp/acme.sh_${ACME_VERSION}.tar.gz" rm -Rf "/tmp/acme.sh_${ACME_VERSION}" } function refresh_certs_with_nginx() { # FIRST: SET ALL TO DEFAULT SELF SIGNED echo "# default IP certs" sudo rm /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tls.cert sudo rm /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tls.key sudo ln -sf /mnt/hdd/lnd/tls.cert /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tls.cert sudo ln -sf /mnt/hdd/lnd/tls.key /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tls.key echo "# default TOR certs" sudo rm /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tor_tls.cert sudo rm /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tor_tls.key sudo ln -sf /mnt/hdd/lnd/tls.cert /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tor_tls.cert sudo ln -sf /mnt/hdd/lnd/tls.key /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tor_tls.key # SECOND: SET LETSENCRPYT CERTS FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS if [ "${letsencrypt}" != "on" ]; then echo "# lets encrypt is off - so no certs replacements" return fi certsDirectories=$(sudo ls ${ACME_CERT_HOME}) directoryArray=(`echo "${certsDirectories}" | tr ' ' ' '`) for i in "${directoryArray[@]}"; do FQDN=$(echo "${i}" | cut -d "_" -f1) # check if there is a LetsEncrypt Subscription for this domain details=$(/home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.subscriptions.letsencrypt.py subscription-detail $FQDN) if [ ${#details} -gt 10 ]; then # get target for that domain options=$(echo "${details}" | jq -r ".target") # replace certs for clearnet if [ "${options}" == "ip" ] || [ "${options}" == "ip&tor" ]; then echo "# replacing IP certs for ${FQDN}" sudo rm /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tls.cert sudo rm /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tls.key sudo ln -s ${ACME_CERT_HOME}/${FQDN}_ecc/fullchain.cer /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tls.cert sudo ln -s ${ACME_CERT_HOME}/${FQDN}_ecc/${FQDN}.key /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tls.key fi # repleace certs for tor if [ "${options}" == "tor" ] || [ "${options}" == "ip&tor" ]; then echo "# replacing TOR certs for ${FQDN}" sudo rm /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tor_tls.cert sudo rm /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tor_tls.key sudo ln -s ${ACME_CERT_HOME}/${FQDN}_ecc/fullchain.cer /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tor_tls.cert sudo ln -s ${ACME_CERT_HOME}/${FQDN}_ecc/${FQDN}.key /mnt/hdd/app-data/nginx/tor_tls.key fi # todo maybe allow certs for single services later (dont forget that these also need to be replaced in 'on' then) if [ "${options}" != "tor" ] && [ "${options}" != "ip" ] && [ "${options}" != "ip&tor" ]; then echo "# FAIL target '${options}' not supported yet'" fi fi done } ################### # running as admin ################### adminUserId=$(id -u admin) if [ "${EUID}" != "${adminUserId}" ]; then echo "error='please run as admin user'" exit 1 fi # add default value to RaspiBlitz config if needed if ! grep -Eq "^letsencrypt" /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf; then echo "letsencrypt=off" >> /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf fi ################### # update status ################### acme_status ################### # ON ################### if [ "$1" = "1" ] || [ "$1" = "on" ]; then if [ ${ACME_IS_INSTALLED} -eq 0 ]; then echo "*** INSTALLING Let's Encrypt Client 'acme.sh' ***" # setting value in RaspiBlitz config sudo sed -i "s/^letsencrypt=.*/letsencrypt=on/g" /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf address="$2" if [ "$2" == "enter-email" ]; then address=$(menu_enter_email) echo "" fi # make sure storage directory exist sudo mkdir -p $ACME_CERT_HOME 2>/dev/null sudo chown -R admin:admin $ACME_CONFIG_HOME sudo chmod -R 733 $ACME_CONFIG_HOME # install the acme script acme_install "${address}" echo "" # make sure already existing certs get refreshed in to nginx refresh_certs_with_nginx echo "# restarting nginx" sudo systemctl restart nginx 2>&1 exit 0 else echo "# *** Let's Encrypt Client 'acme.sh' appears to be installed already ***" exit 1 fi ################### # ISSUE-CERT ################### elif [ "$1" = "issue-cert" ]; then # check if letsencrypt is on if [ "${letsencrypt}" != "on" ]; then echo "error='letsenscrypt is not on'" exit 1 fi # make sure storage directory exist sudo mkdir -p $ACME_CERT_HOME 2>/dev/null sudo chown -R admin:admin $ACME_CONFIG_HOME sudo chmod -R 733 $ACME_CONFIG_HOME # get and check parameters dnsservice=$2 FQDN=$3 apitoken=$4 options=$5 if [ ${#dnsservice} -eq 0 ] || [ ${#FQDN} -eq 0 ] || [ ${#apitoken} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='invalid parameters'" exit 1 fi if [ ${#options} -eq 0 ]; then options="ip&tor" fi # prepare values and exports based on dnsservice if [ "${dnsservice}" == "duckdns" ]; then echo "# preparing DUCKDNS" dnsservice="dns_duckdns" export DuckDNS_Token=${apitoken} elif [ "${dnsservice}" == "dynu" ]; then echo "# preparing DYNYU" dnsservice="dns_dynu" clientid=$(echo "${apitoken}" | cut -d ':' -f 1) secret=$(echo "${apitoken}" | cut -d ':' -f 2) export Dynu_ClientId="${clientid}" export Dynu_Secret="${secret}" else echo "error='not supported dnsservice'" exit 1 fi # create certicicates echo "# creating certs for ${FQDN}" $ACME_INSTALL_HOME/acme.sh --home "${ACME_INSTALL_HOME}" --config-home "${ACME_CONFIG_HOME}" --cert-home "${ACME_CERT_HOME}" --issue --dns ${dnsservice} -d ${FQDN} --keylength ec-256 2>&1 success1=$($ACME_INSTALL_HOME/acme.sh --list --home "${ACME_INSTALL_HOME}" --config-home "${ACME_CONFIG_HOME}" --cert-home "${ACME_CERT_HOME}" | grep -c "${FQDN}") success2=$(sudo ls ${ACME_CERT_HOME}/${FQDN}_ecc//fullchain.cer | grep -c "/fullchain.cer") if [ ${success1} -eq 0 ] || [ ${success2} -eq 0 ]; then sleep 6 echo "error='acme failed'" exit 1 fi # test nginx config refresh_certs_with_nginx syntaxOK=$(sudo nginx -t 2>&1 | grep -c "syntax is ok") testOK=$(sudo nginx -t 2>&1 | grep -c "test is successful") if [ ${syntaxOK} -eq 0 ] || [ ${testOK} -eq 0 ]; then echo "# to check details on nginx config use: sudo nginx -t" echo "error='nginx config failed'" exit 1 fi # restart nginx echo "# restarting nginx" sudo systemctl restart nginx 2>&1 exit 0 ################### # REMOVE-CERT ################### elif [ "$1" = "remove-cert" ]; then # check if letsencrypt is on if [ "${letsencrypt}" != "on" ]; then echo "error='letsenscrypt is not on'" exit 1 fi # make sure storage directory exist sudo mkdir -p $ACME_CERT_HOME 2>/dev/null sudo chown -R admin:admin $ACME_CONFIG_HOME sudo chmod -R 733 $ACME_CONFIG_HOME # get and check parameters FQDN=$2 options=$3 if [ ${#FQDN} -eq 0 ]; then echo "error='invalid parameters'" exit 1 fi if [ ${#options} -eq 0 ]; then options="ip&tor" fi # remove cert from renewal $ACME_INSTALL_HOME/acme.sh --remove -d "${FQDN}" --ecc --home "${ACME_INSTALL_HOME}" --config-home "${ACME_CONFIG_HOME}" --cert-home "${ACME_CERT_HOME}" 2>&1 # delete cert files sudo rm -r ${ACME_CERT_HOME}/${FQDN}_ecc # test nginx config refresh_certs_with_nginx syntaxOK=$(sudo nginx -t 2>&1 | grep -c "syntax is ok") testOK=$(sudo nginx -t 2>&1 | grep -c "test is successful") if [ ${syntaxOK} -eq 0 ] || [ ${testOK} -eq 0 ]; then echo "# to check details on nginx config use: sudo nginx -t" echo "error='nginx config failed'" exit 1 fi # restart nginx echo "# restarting nginx" sudo systemctl restart nginx 2>&1 exit 0 ################### # REFRESH NGINX CERTS ################### elif [ "$1" = "refresh-ngnix-certs" ]; then # refresh nginx refresh_certs_with_nginx syntaxOK=$(sudo nginx -t 2>&1 | grep -c "syntax is ok") testOK=$(sudo nginx -t 2>&1 | grep -c "test is successful") if [ ${syntaxOK} -eq 0 ] || [ ${testOK} -eq 0 ]; then echo "# to check details on nginx config use: sudo nginx -t" echo "error='nginx config failed'" exit 1 fi echo "# restarting nginx" sudo systemctl restart nginx 2>&1 ################### # OFF ################### elif [ "$1" = "0" ] || [ "$1" = "off" ]; then if [ ${ACME_IS_INSTALLED} -eq 1 ]; then echo "*** UNINSTALLING Let's Encrypt Client 'acme.sh' ***" # setting value in RaspiBlitz config sudo sed -i "s/^letsencrypt=.*/letsencrypt=off/g" /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf "${ACME_INSTALL_HOME}/acme.sh" --uninstall \ --home "${ACME_INSTALL_HOME}" \ --config-home "${ACME_CONFIG_HOME}" \ --cert-home "${ACME_CERT_HOME}" # refresh nginx refresh_certs_with_nginx echo "# restarting nginx" sudo systemctl restart nginx 2>&1 # remove old script install sudo rm -r ${ACME_INSTALL_HOME} sudo rm -r ${ACME_CONFIG_HOME} exit 0 else echo "# *** Let's Encrypt Client 'acme.sh' not installed ***" exit 1 fi else echo "# FAIL: parameter not known - run with -h for help" exit 1 fi