#!/bin/bash # command info if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "-help" ]; then echo echo "Install the cln-grpc plugin for CLN" echo "Usage:" echo "cl-plugin.cln-grpc.sh install - called by build_sdcard.sh" echo "cl-plugin.cln-grpc.sh on " echo "cl-plugin.cln-grpc.sh off " echo "cl-plugin.cln-grpc.sh status " echo "cl-plugin.cln-grpc.sh update " echo exit 1 fi echo "# cl-plugin.cln-grpc.sh $*" if [ "$2" = testnet ] || [ "$2" = signet ]; then NETWORK=$2 else NETWORK=mainnet fi source <(/home/admin/config.scripts/network.aliases.sh getvars cl $NETWORK) # netprefix is: "" | t | s # portprefix is: "" | 1 | 3 PORT="${portprefix}4772" function buildGRPCplugin() { echo "# - Build the cln-grpc plugin" if [ ! -f /home/bitcoin/cl-plugins-available/cln-grpc ]; then # check if the source code is present if [ ! -d /home/bitcoin/lightning/plugins/grpc-plugin ]; then echo "# - install Core Lightning ..." /home/admin/config.scripts/cl.install.sh install || exit 1 fi echo "# install dependencies" sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler -y echo "# rust for cln-grpc, includes rustfmt" sudo -u bitcoin curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sudo -u bitcoin sh -s -- -y cd /home/bitcoin/lightning/plugins/grpc-plugin || exit 1 echo "# build" sudo -u bitcoin /home/bitcoin/.cargo/bin/cargo build --target-dir /home/bitcoin/cln-grpc-build echo "# delete old dir or binary" sudo rm -rf /home/bitcoin/cl-plugins-available/cln-grpc echo "# move to /home/bitcoin/cl-plugins-available/" sudo mkdir -p /home/bitcoin/cl-plugins-available sudo -u bitcoin mv /home/bitcoin/cln-grpc-build/debug/cln-grpc /home/bitcoin/cl-plugins-available/ else echo "# - cln-grpc plugin was already built/installed" fi echo "# Cleaning" sudo rm -rf /home/bitcoin/.rustup sudo rm -rf /home/bitcoin/.cargo/ sudo rm -rf /home/bitcoin/.cache sudo rm -rf /home/bitcoin/cln-grpc-build } function switchOn() { if ! $lightningcli_alias plugin list | grep "/home/bitcoin/${netprefix}cl-plugins-enabled/cln-grpc"; then buildGRPCplugin # symlink to plugin directory echo "# symlink cln-grpc to /home/bitcoin/${netprefix}cl-plugins-enabled/" # delete old symlink sudo rm -f /home/bitcoin/${netprefix}cl-plugins-enabled/cln-grpc sudo ln -s /home/bitcoin/cl-plugins-available/cln-grpc /home/bitcoin/${netprefix}cl-plugins-enabled/ # blitz.conf.sh set [key] [value] [?conffile] /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.conf.sh set "grpc-port" "${PORT}" "${CLCONF}" "noquotes" /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.conf.sh set "${netprefix}clnGRPCport" "${PORT}" # firewall sudo ufw allow "${PORT}" comment "${netprefix}clnGRPCport" # Tor /home/admin/config.scripts/tor.onion-service.sh "${netprefix}clnGRPCport" "${PORT}" "${PORT}" source <(/home/admin/_cache.sh get state) if [ "${state}" == "ready" ]; then sudo systemctl restart ${netprefix}lightningd fi echo "# cl-plugin.cln-grpc.sh on --> done" else echo "# cl-plugin.cln-grpc.sh on --> already installed and running" fi exit 0 } if [ "$1" = install ]; then buildGRPCplugin echo "# cl-plugin.cln-grpc.sh install --> done" exit 0 elif [ "$1" = status ]; then portActive=$(nc -vz $PORT 2>&1 | grep -c "succeeded") echo "port=${PORT}" echo "portActive=${portActive}" exit 0 elif [ "$1" = on ]; then switchOn elif [ "$1" = off ]; then sed -i "/^grpc-port/d" "${CLCONF}" sudo rm -rf /home/bitcoin/${netprefix}cl-plugins-enabled/cln-grpc if [ "$(echo "$@" | grep -c purge)" -gt 0 ]; then sudo rm -rf /home/bitcoin/cl-plugins-available/cln-grpc fi /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.conf.sh set "${netprefix}clnGRPCport" "off" # firewall sudo ufw deny "${PORT}" comment "${netprefix}clnGRPCport" # Tor /home/admin/config.scripts/tor.onion-service.sh off "${netprefix}clnGRPCport" exit 0 elif [ "$1" = update ]; then if [ "$(echo "$@" | grep -c source)" -gt 0 ]; then cd /home/bitcoin/lightning/ || exit 1 sudo -u bitcoin git pull fi sudo rm -rf /home/bitcoin/cl-plugins-available/cln-grpc buildGRPCplugin sudo systemctl stop ${netprefix}lightningd switchOn echo "# cl-plugin.cln-grpc.sh update --> done" else echo "FAIL - Unknown Parameter $1" exit 1 fi