#!/bin/bash # location of lnd.conf lnd_config=/home/bitcoin/.lnd/lnd.conf # allow in firewall sudo ufw allow from to any port 10009 comment 'allow LND grpc' # delete certificates as they need to be recreated with correct settings sudo rm /home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.* # copy over certificates to admin sudo cp /home/bitcoin/.lnd/tls.cert /home/admin/.lnd # enable fw sudo ufw enable # restart lnd sudo systemctl restart lnd # unlock wallet lncli unlock # add qrcode-encoder to pass info sudo apt-get install qrencode -y cd /home/admin/.lnd # save LAN IP myip="ifconfig | sed -En 's/;s/.*inet (addr:)?(([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*).*/\2/p'" # display qr code echo -e "${myip},\n$(xxd -p -c2000 admin.macaroon)," > qr.txt && cat tls.cert >>qr.txt && qrencode -t ANSIUTF8 < qr.txt