#!/bin/bash # get raspiblitz config source /home/admin/raspiblitz.info source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf justLocal=1 # if dynDomain is set connect from outside is possible (no notice) if [ ${#dynDomain} -gt 0 ]; then justLocal=0 fi # if sshtunnel to 10009/8080 then outside reach is possible (no notice) isForwarded=$(echo ${sshtunnel} | grep -c "10009<") if [ ${isForwarded} -gt 0 ]; then justLocal=0 fi isForwarded=$(echo ${sshtunnel} | grep -c "8080<") if [ ${isForwarded} -gt 0 ]; then justLocal=0 fi # check if dynamic domain is set if [ ${justLocal} -eq 1 ]; then whiptail --title " Just Local Network? " --yesno "If you want to connect with your RaspiBlitz also from outside your local network you need to activate 'Services' -> 'DynamicDNS' FIRST. Or use SSH tunnel forwarding for port 10009. For more details see chapter in GitHub README on the service 'DynamicDNS'. Do you JUST want to connect with your mobile when your are on the same LOCAL NETWORK? " 15 54 response=$? case $response in 1) exit ;; esac fi # Basic Options OPTIONS=(ZAP_IOS "Zap Wallet (iOS)" \ ZAP_ANDROID "Zap Wallet (Android)" \ SHANGO_IOS "Shango Wallet (iOS)" \ SHANGO_ANDROID "Shango Wallet (Android)" \ ZEUS_IOS "Zeus Wallet (iOS)" \ ZEUS_ANDROID "Zeus Wallet (Android)" ) CHOICE=$(whiptail --clear --title "Choose Mobile Wallet" --menu "" 13 50 7 "${OPTIONS[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) ./XXdisplayQRlcd_hide.sh clear echo "creating install info ..." case $CHOICE in CLOSE) exit 1; ;; SHANGO_IOS) echo "https://testflight.apple.com/join/WwCjFnS8" > qr.txt ./XXdisplayLCD.sh /home/admin/assets/install_shango.jpg whiptail --title "Install Testflight and Shango on your iOS device" \ --yes-button "continue" \ --no-button "link as QR code" \ --yesno "At the moment this app is in public beta testing:\n\nhttps://testflight.apple.com/join/WwCjFnS8\n\nJoin testing and follow ALL instructions.\n\nWhen installed and started -> continue" 10 60 if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then /home/admin/XXdisplayQR.sh fi shred qr.txt rm -f qr.txt /home/admin/XXdisplayQRlcd_hide.sh ./97addMobileWalletShango.sh exit 1; ;; SHANGO_ANDROID) echo "market://details?id=com.shango" > qr.txt ./XXdisplayQRlcd.sh whiptail --title "Install Shango on your Android Phone" \ --yes-button "continue" \ --no-button "link as QR code" \ --yesno "At the moment this app is in public beta testing:\n\nhttps://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.shango\n\nEasiest way to install scan QR code on LCD with phone.\n\nWhen installed and started -> continue" 10 60 if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then /home/admin/XXdisplayQR.sh fi shred qr.txt rm -f qr.txt /home/admin/XXdisplayQRlcd_hide.sh ./97addMobileWalletShango.sh exit 1; ;; ZAP_IOS) echo "https://testflight.apple.com/join/P32C380R" > qr.txt ./XXdisplayQRlcd.sh whiptail --title "Install Testflight and Zap on your iOS device" \ --yes-button "continue" \ --no-button "link as QR code" \ --yesno "At the moment this app is in public beta testing:\n\nhttps://testflight.apple.com/join/P32C380R\n\nJoin testing and follow ALL instructions.\n\nWhen installed and started -> continue" 10 60 if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then /home/admin/XXdisplayQR.sh fi shred qr.txt rm -f qr.txt /home/admin/XXdisplayQRlcd_hide.sh ./97addMobileWalletLNDconnect.sh RPC exit 1; ;; ZAP_ANDROID) echo "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=zapsolutions.zap" > qr.txt ./XXdisplayQRlcd.sh whiptail --title "Install Zap from PlayStore on your Android device" \ --yes-button "continue" \ --no-button "link as QR code" \ --yesno "Find & install the Zap Wallet on the Android Play Store:\n\nhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=zapsolutions.zap\n\nEasiest way to install scan QR code on LCD with phone.\n\nWhen installed and started -> continue." 10 60 if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then /home/admin/XXdisplayQR.sh fi shred qr.txt rm -f qr.txt /home/admin/XXdisplayQRlcd_hide.sh ./97addMobileWalletLNDconnect.sh RPC exit 1; ;; ZEUS_IOS) echo "https://testflight.apple.com/join/gpVFzEHN" > qr.txt ./XXdisplayQRlcd.sh whiptail --title "Install Testflight and Zeus on your iOS device" \ --yes-button "continue" \ --no-button "link as QR code" \ --yesno "At the moment this app is in public beta testing:\n\nhttps://testflight.apple.com/join/gpVFzEHN\n\nJoin testing and follow ALL instructions.\n\nWhen installed and started -> continue" 10 60 if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then /home/admin/XXdisplayQR.sh fi shred qr.txt rm -f qr.txt /home/admin/XXdisplayQRlcd_hide.sh ./97addMobileWalletLNDconnect.sh REST exit 1; ;; ZEUS_ANDROID) echo "market://details?id=com.zeusln.zeus" > qr.txt ./XXdisplayQRlcd.sh whiptail --title "Install Shango on your Android Phone" \ --yes-button "continue" \ --no-button "link as QR code" \ --yesno "Find and install the Zeus Wallet on the Android Play Store:\n\nhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zeusln.zeus\n\nEasiest way to install scan QR code on LCD with phone.\n\nWhen installed and started -> continue." 10 60 if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then /home/admin/XXdisplayQR.sh fi shred qr.txt rm -f qr.txt /home/admin/XXdisplayQRlcd_hide.sh ./97addMobileWalletLNDconnect.sh REST exit 1; ;; esac