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updated documenation for v1.6 release

This commit is contained in:
rootzoll 2020-08-04 01:23:03 +02:00
parent 657b396f7e
commit 8c741b22f7
9 changed files with 175 additions and 127 deletions

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@ -55,12 +55,14 @@ If you start at home ordering the parts from Amazon (see shopping list below) th
## Hardware Needed
All parts together are at around 150-250 USD - based on shops and location.
All parts together are at around 180-250 USD - based on shops and location.
### Buy a ready-2-go RaspiBlitz (Germany, EU and International)
If you like to support the RaspiBlitz project you can order a ready-2-go RaspiBlitz or a all-you-need-hardware set for yourself or for your RaspiBlitz workshop from [raspiblitz.com](https://raspiblitz.com)
Find a list of other shops selling a Ready-2-Go RaspiBlitz in your area on [raspiblitz.org](https://raspiblitz.org/).
### Amazon Shopping List (buy parts & build it yourself)
The cheapest way is to buy and assemble the single parts yourself. There are two packages.
@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ When RaspberryPi 4 2GB --> add following parts:
When you have all parts you need to:
- Assemble the Heatsink-Case on the RaspberryPi (follow the intructions in package).
- Put the SSD/Hdd into the Case and connect it per USB to the RaspberryPi
- Put the SSD/HDD into the Case and connect it per USB to the RaspberryPi
- Add the display on top with the pins like in picture below.
- PlugIn the network cable.
@ -121,23 +123,19 @@ Your SD-card needs to contain the RaspiBlitz software. You can take the long roa
**Download SD-Card image - Version 1.6:**
Browser: https://raspiblitz.org/raspiblitz-v1.6rc3-2020-07-20.img.gz
Browser: https://raspiblitz.org/raspiblitz-v1.6-20200802.img.gz
Torrent: [TODO]
SHA-256: 13de2dbfd5d92e8daab8e814dc8c4a575da962a505ea5014904d89df042236ce or [SIGNATURE](https://todo)
SHA-256: 7b130b34a660b72aba12b304c371a13977ce2e6294a60873561fa0e71fd08d02 or [SIGNATURE](https://raspiblitz.org/raspiblitz-v1.6-20200802.img.gz.sig)
* [Whats new in Version 1.6 of RaspiBlitz?](FAQ.md#whats-new-in-version-16-of-raspiblitz)
* [Whats new in Version 1.6 of RaspiBlitz?](CHANGES.md#whats-new-in-version-16-of-raspiblitz)
* [How to update my RaspiBlitz?](README.md#updating-raspiblitz-to-new-version)
* [How to verify the sd card image after download?](FAQ.md#how-to-verify-the-sd-card-image-after-download)
## Write the SD-Card image to your SD Card
You need to write the downloaded sd card image (the img.gz-file) to your sd card (16GB minimum) - you can use the very easy tool Balena Etcher for this:
https://www.balena.io/etcher/ .. it's available for Win, Mac & Linux.
You need to write the downloaded sd card image (the img.gz-file) to your sd card (16GB minimum) - you can use the very easy tool Balena Etcher for this: https://www.balena.io/etcher/ .. it's available for Win, Mac & Linux.
## Boot your RaspiBlitz
@ -261,34 +259,18 @@ The options - and when to choose which - will be explained here shortly:
With the new RaspberryPi 4 (with SSD & min 2GB RAM) this is the best way to go. It will take around 2-3 days to sync & validate directly with the bitcoin network and then you have done it completely the original `don't trust, verify` way.
*For the old RaspberryPi 3 this is not recommended. A RaspberryPi 3 has a very low power CPU and syncing+validating the blockchain directly with the peer2peer network can take multiple weeks - that's why the other options above where invented.*
*For the old RaspberryPi 3 this is not recommended. A RaspberryPi 3 has a very low power CPU and syncing+validating the blockchain directly with the peer2peer network can take multiple weeks - thats why for a RP3 you should choose the COPY option .*
#### 2. COPY - Copy from Laptop or another RaspiBlitz over Local Network
If you have another computer available (laptop, desktop or another RaspiBlitz) that already runs a working blockchain you can use this option to copy it over to the RaspiBlitz. This will be done over the local network by SCP (SSH file transfer). Choose this option and follow the given instructions.
First you need to download & validate the blockchain on your own computer/laptop. Todo so install bitcoin-core (0.18.1 or higher) from [bitcoin.org](https://bitcoin.org/en/download) and keep it running until blockchain is synced (will need around 300 GB).
This is also the best option if you don't like to run your RaspberryPi 3 with a prepared blockchain by a third party. Then install bitcoin-core (0.18.1 or higher) on a more powerful computer, sync+validate the blockchain there by yourself and copy it over after that through the local network.
Then you can use the COPY option to copy the blockchain over to the RaspiBlitz. This will be done over the local network by SCP (SSH file transfer) - follow the instructions given during the dialog.
Its advised to keep the bitcoin-core & the blockchain data as a backup on the laptop incase you need to re-setup the RaspiBlitz.
More details: [I have the full blockchain on another computer. How do I copy it to the RaspiBlitz?](FAQ.md#i-have-the-full-blockchain-on-another-computer-how-do-i-copy-it-to-the-raspiblitz)
#### 3. Torrent Fallback (NOTE: to-be-deprecated in 1.6)
*This is recommended for old RaspberryPi 3s - for the newer RaspberryPi 4 you might consider the `SYNC` option.*
If you choose `TORRENT` it will show you the following screen:
*This can take a while - normally it should be done if you keep it running over night, but some users reported that it took up to 3 days. If it takes longer than that or you cannot see any progress (downloading starting) for over an hour after you started this option consider to cancel the download and go with the COPY option or retry fresh.*
It is safe to close the terminal window (and shutting down your laptop) while the RaspiBlitz is doing the torrent download. To check on progress and to continue the setup you need to ssh back in again.
You can cancel the torrent download by keeping the key `x` pressed. Then the download will stop and you will be asked if you want to keep the progress so far. This makes sense if you need to shutdown the RaspiBlitz and you want to continue later or when you want to try another download option but want to keep the option to continue on torrent if the other option is slower or not working.
* [I don't trust a torrent blockchain, how can I validate myself?](FAQ.md#how-can-i-avoid-using-a-prepared-blockchain-and-validate-myself)
* [Why is taking my torrent download of the blockchain so long?](FAQ.md#why-is-taking-my-torrent-download-of-the-blockchain-so-long)
### Setup Lightning
Lightning is installed and waiting for your setup if you see this screen.
@ -393,7 +375,7 @@ If you need an idea what the most basic next steps to experience Lightning would
* Open a channel
* Make a payment
If you like to do this all from a web browser with a dashboard UI instead from an SSH terminal, go to `SERVICES`, activate the `RTL Webinterface` and after the reboot open in your web browser: http://[LOCAL-IP-OF-YOU-NODE]:3000 (PASSWORD B is your RPC password).
If you like to do this all from a web browser with a dashboard UI instead from an SSH terminal, go to `SERVICES`, activate the `RTL Webinterface` and after the reboot you will see a new `RTL` option in the SSH main menu - it will give you all the information so that you can now open the RTL Webinterface in your browser.
Have fun riding the lightning :D
@ -477,57 +459,19 @@ Use if the want to remove all funds from the RaspiBlitz.
<img src="pictures/bonus-lnchannels.png" alt="bonus-lnchannels" width="600">
#### lnfwdreport: Report on your earned fees for Forwarding Payments
If you connected your node well within the Lightning Network you can become a "Routing Node" other users select your Node as part of a Lightnig Payment and will pay you the fee you set on those channels. This menu point gives you a detailed report over the amount of days you set.
Beware - earning fees as a routing node does not come automatic. Its a bit of hard work of building the right channels to be attractive for other people to route thru. Check the interet for tutorials or use tools like "lndmanage" (see under RaspiBlitz SERVICES) to help you analyse and optimize your channel management.
#### SERVICES: Activate/Deactivate Services
#### SETTINGS: Basic Settings of RaspiBlitz
The RaspiBlitz offers further Services, Apps and configuration (scroll down in the to see all in the RaspiBlitz):
Here you find basic settings for your RaspiBlitz:
Activate/Deactivate service selection with the space bar and then select OK to trigger Install/Uninstall. Here you find more details about those options (top to down):
##### Channel Autopilot
The autopilot is a feature of LND that you can switch on. It automatically uses around half of your your on-chain funds (if available) to open channels with other lightning nodes the autopilot thinks can be useful to improve your payment routes.
##### Accept Keysend
Keysend is a feature of LND that allows your node to accept payments without creating an invoice first. This is needs to be activated for example if you want to use your nodes for experimental messaging over the Lightning Network (see RaspiBlitz MOBILE apps like SendMany).
##### Loop
A Submarine Swaps Service by lighting labs. You call it from the RaspiBlitz terminal with the command 'loop' - if you have the RTL service installed (see below), then loop will also be available as part of the RTL web interface. You can use Loop for example to send satoshies from one of your channel to a on-chain bitcoin address without closing the channel for a fee. This can be use full to send earned satoshies to your hardware wallet while freeing up your inbound liquidity on your channels again.
[Details on Service](https://github.com/lightninglabs/loop)
##### Testnet
You can switch from mainnet to testnet of your blockchain if you want to try things out and play with free test coins.
Please beware that to might take some time to sync the test blockchain and you need to setup a new lnd testnet wallet during the process.
##### DynamicDNS
This is a way to make your RaspiBlitz publicly reachable from the internet so that other nodes can open channels with you and you can connect with your mobile wallet from outside your local network.
To do so you can register at an DynamicDomain service like freedns.afraid.org and forward the TCP ports ...
* 8333 (Bitcoin/mainnet)
* 9735 (LND Node)
* 10009 (LND RPC)
* 8080 (LND REST API)
... from your internet router to the local IP of your RaspiBlitz and then activate under "Services" the "DynamicDNS" option.
You will be asked for your dynamic domain name such like "mynode.crabdance.org" and you can also optionally set an URL that will be called regularly to update your routers IP with the dynamic domain service. At freedns.afraid.org this URL is called "Direct URL" under the menu "Dynamic DNS" once you added one.
*NOTE: DynamicDNS just works if you can forward ports on your router and you have a temporary public IP address (your ISP is not running you behind a NAT - like on most mobile connections). Another solution to make your ports reachable from the public internet is to use reverse ssh tunneling - see FAQ on ['How to setup port-forwarding with a SSH tunnel?'](FAQ.md#how-to-setup-port-forwarding-with-a-ssh-tunnel)*
Activate/Deactivate settings with the space bar and then select OK to activate changes. Here you find more details about those options (top to down):
##### Run behind Tor
@ -548,42 +492,6 @@ But this also comes with the following side effects:
To try it out just switch on the service - you can deactivate later on if it's not working for you.
##### RTL Webinterface
The RTL Webinterface is a LND Control Dashboard you can run in your browser with a nice GUI - it offers much more control over your Lightning node than the RaspiBlitz SSH menus. It's recommended to give it a try.
Read an Intro-Tutorial to RTL: https://medium.com/@suheb.khan/how-to-ride-the-lightning-447af999dcd2
Feedback is welcome by the RTL programmer: https://github.com/ShahanaFarooqui/RTL
##### BTC-RPC-Explorer
BTC-RPC-Explorer is a blockchain explorer webseite you can run on your own RaspiBlitz. See an example running on: https://btc-explorer.com
[Details on Service](https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer)
##### Cryptoadvance Specter
Bitcoin Core that you have running on the RaspiBlitz has a very powerful command line interface and a wonderful daemon. Using PSBT and HWI it can also work with hardware wallets, but at the moment it is too linux-way. The same applies to multisignature setups.
The goal of SpecterDesktop is to make a convenient and user-friendly GUI around Bitcoin Core with a focus on multisignature setup with airgapped hardware wallets like Trezor, Ledger, COLDCARD or the Specter-DIY.
##### LND Auto-Unlock
The RaspiBlitz will automatically unlock the LND wallet on every start.
This feature is based on https://github.com/Stadicus/guides/blob/master/raspibolt/raspibolt_6A_auto-unlock.md
It can be activated under "Services" -> "Auto-unlock LND". It's recommended to be turned on, when DynamicDNS is used. Because on a public IP change of your router, LND gets restarted automatically and without Auto-Unlock it will stay inactive/unreachable until you manually unlock it.
* [When using Auto-Unlock, how much security do I lose?](FAQ.md#when-using-auto-unlock-how-much-security-do-i-lose)
##### Touchscreen (experimental)
Your RaspiBlitz has an LCD that is touchscreen capable. You can switch on this new feature that is still in development.
@ -601,6 +509,90 @@ It will give you 4 buttons on the right side.
If you switch this on you can rotate the LCD of your RaspiBlitz 180 degrees. This can make sense if you want to use it in a special case or wall mount.
##### Channel Autopilot
The autopilot is a feature of LND that you can switch on. It automatically uses around half of your your on-chain funds (if available) to open channels with other lightning nodes the autopilot thinks can be useful to improve your payment routes.
##### Accept Keysend
Keysend is a feature of LND that allows your node to accept payments without creating an invoice first. This is needs to be activated for example if you want to use your nodes for experimental messaging over the Lightning Network (see RaspiBlitz MOBILE apps like SendMany).
##### Testnet
You can switch from mainnet to testnet of your blockchain if you want to try things out and play with free test coins.
Please beware that to might take some time to sync the test blockchain and you need to setup a new lnd testnet wallet during the process.
##### LND Auto-Unlock
The RaspiBlitz will automatically unlock the LND wallet on every start.
This feature is based on https://github.com/Stadicus/guides/blob/master/raspibolt/raspibolt_6A_auto-unlock.md
It can be activated under "Services" -> "Auto-unlock LND". It's recommended to be turned on, when DynamicDNS is used. Because on a public IP change of your router, LND gets restarted automatically and without Auto-Unlock it will stay inactive/unreachable until you manually unlock it.
* [When using Auto-Unlock, how much security do I lose?](FAQ.md#when-using-auto-unlock-how-much-security-do-i-lose)
##### StaticChannelBackup on DropBox
The [below on this README](README.md#backup-for-on-chain---channel-funds) for your Backup options to secure your funds against loss. Storing the encrypted Static Channel Backup file to your Dropbox account is an easy and secure way todo this.
##### StaticChannelBackup on USB Drive
You can connect a small extra USB drive to your RaspiBlitz (choose a small one up to 32GB - dont use second HDD or SSD here, that would drain too much power from the RaspiBlitz). On that USB drive your latest StaticChannelBackup will be stored - just in case your HDD gets an error.
##### ZeroTier
With ZeroTier you can add your RaspiBlitz to a software defined network - see for details: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZeroTier
#### SERVICES: Activate/Deactivate Services
The RaspiBlitz offers further Services, Apps and configuration (scroll down in the to see all in the RaspiBlitz):
Activate/Deactivate service selection with the space bar and then select OK to trigger Install/Uninstall. Here you find more details about those options (top to down):
##### Lightning Loop
A Submarine Swaps Service by lighting labs. You call it from the RaspiBlitz terminal with the command 'loop' - if you have the RTL service installed (see below), then loop will also be available as part of the RTL web interface. You can use Loop for example to send satoshies from one of your channel to a on-chain bitcoin address without closing the channel for a fee. This can be use full to send earned satoshies to your hardware wallet while freeing up your inbound liquidity on your channels again.
[Details on Service](https://github.com/lightninglabs/loop)
After install you will see a new `LOOP` option in the SSH main menu - it will give you all the information so that you can start using it.
##### RTL Webinterface
The RTL Webinterface is a LND Control Dashboard you can run in your browser with a nice GUI - it offers much more control over your Lightning node than the RaspiBlitz SSH menus. It's recommended to give it a try.
Read an Intro-Tutorial to RTL: https://medium.com/@suheb.khan/how-to-ride-the-lightning-447af999dcd2
Feedback is welcome by the RTL programmer: https://github.com/ShahanaFarooqui/RTL
After install you will see a new `RTL` option in the SSH main menu - it will give you all the information so that you can start using it.
##### BTC-RPC-Explorer
BTC-RPC-Explorer is a blockchain explorer webseite you can run on your own RaspiBlitz. See an example running on: https://btc-explorer.com
[Details on Service](https://github.com/janoside/btc-rpc-explorer)
After install you will see a new `EXPLORE` option in the SSH main menu - it will give you all the information so that you can start using it.
##### Cryptoadvance Specter
Bitcoin Core that you have running on the RaspiBlitz has a very powerful command line interface and a wonderful daemon. Using PSBT and HWI it can also work with hardware wallets, but at the moment it is too linux-way. The same applies to multisignature setups.
The goal of SpecterDesktop is to make a convenient and user-friendly GUI around Bitcoin Core with a focus on multisignature setup with airgapped hardware wallets like Trezor, Ledger, COLDCARD or the Specter-DIY.
After install you will see a new `SPECTER` option in the SSH main menu - it will give you all the information so that you can start using it.
##### Electrum Rust Server
Enable a user to run his own Electrum server on the RaspiBlitz. The server indexes the entire Bitcoin blockchain, and the resulting index enables fast queries for any given user wallet, allowing the user to keep real-time track of his balances and his transaction history using the [Electrum wallet](https://electrum.org).
@ -612,6 +604,8 @@ For example if you use your Trezor Hardware Wallet with the trezor.io wallet it
[YouTube: TOR and Electrum Server on Raspiblitz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiosKK_TA7w)
[More Details on Service](https://github.com/romanz/electrs)
After install you will see a new `ELECTRS` option in the SSH main menu - it will give you all the information so that you can start using it.
##### BTCPayServer
BTCPay Server is a self-hosted, open-source cryptocurrency payment processor. It's secure, private, censorship-resistant and free.
@ -622,6 +616,8 @@ BTCPay Server is a self-hosted, open-source cryptocurrency payment processor. It
[Details on Service](https://btcpayserver.org/)
After install you will see a new `BTCPAY` option in the SSH main menu - it will give you all the information so that you can start using it.
##### LNDmanage
lndmanage is a command line tool for advanced channel management of an node.
@ -645,6 +641,32 @@ To run it change to the RaspiBlitz terminal and type 'manage'. This starts the L
[Details on Service](https://github.com/bitromortac/lndmanage/blob/master/README.md)
After install you will see a new `LNDMANAGE` option in the SSH main menu - it will give you all the information so that you can start using it.
##### Faraday
Faraday is a Channel Analysis & Recommendations CLI that can help you on your channel management.
[Details on Service](https://github.com/lightninglabs/faraday/blob/master/README.md)
After install you will see a new `FARADAY` option in the SSH main menu - it will give you all the information so that you can start using it.
##### Balance of Satoshi
Balance of Satoshi gives you enhanced commands for working with LND balances.
[Details on Service](https://github.com/alexbosworth/balanceofsatoshis/blob/master/README.md)
After install you will see a new `BOS` option in the SSH main menu - it will give you all the information so that you can start using it.
##### ThunderHub
Is a Lightning Node Manager WebUI - similar to RTL.
[Details on Service](https://www.thunderhub.io)
After install you will see a new `THUB` option in the SSH main menu - it will give you all the information so that you can start using it.
##### LNbits
LNbits is a very simple server that sits on top of your Lightning Wallet
@ -660,9 +682,7 @@ You can also develop extensions on it.
[Details on Service](https://github.com/arcbtc/lnbits/blob/master/README.md)
##### StaticChannelBackup on DropBox
The [below on this README](README.md#backup-for-on-chain---channel-funds) for your Backup options to secure your funds against loss. Storing the encrypted Static Channel Backup file to your Dropbox account is an easy and secure way todo this.
After install you will see a new `LNBITS` option in the SSH main menu - it will give you all the information so that you can start using it.
##### JoinMarket
@ -672,6 +692,42 @@ A CoinJoin transaction requires other people to take part. The right resources (
Fore more details see [here](https://github.com/JoinMarket-Org/joinmarket-clientserver).
After install you will see a new `JMARKET` option in the SSH main menu - it will give you all the information so that you can start using it.
#### SUBSCRIBE: Subscription Services
The RaspiBlitz offers now also SubScriptions .. those are free or paid third-party services
Under `LIST my Subscriptions` you will always find the list of all your running subscriptions to get more details or to `CANCEL` them.
At the moment the following subscription services are available:
##### IP2TOR (paid)
IP2TOR is a tunnel service where you can run your RaspiBlitz anon behind TOR but you rent a port on a clearnet IP thru which you can make services of your RaspiBlitz easy reachable for everybody on the internet. You dont need to care about your local router or firewall settings. You can pay this service also anon directly thru Lightning from your RaspiBlitz as subscription.
At first you select what service of your RaspiBlitz you like to tunnel thru a IP2TOR brigde.
Then you choose the store that provides the IP2TOR bridges that you are interested in. This address can be changed or you just go with the default store that is presented to you.
Then you get a list of available IP2TOR bridge offerings. By selection `OK` on a IP2TOR bridge offering you can get more details on it and you will also see how many satoshis the subscription will cost you - your node should be funded and you should have channels open at this point.
If you choose `AGREE` on the details of a IP2TOR bridge offering the RaspiBlitz tries for you to setup the IP2TOR bridge. If everything worked you will find now the subscription under `MAINMENU` > `SUBSCRIBE` > `LIST My Subscriptions` where you can cancel it again.
To try out the IP2TOR tunnel choose in `MAINMENU` the extra menu point of the Service you choose the bridge for and it should give you now an updated URL or try calloing the API on the IP and Port that is displayed under the details of the subscription in the `LIST My Subscriptions` section.
##### HTTPS with LetsEncrypt (free)
If you want a Webservice like BTCPay Server or LNbits available to the outside internet (like with IP2TOR) people expect you to offer HTTPS address so that the communication between the client and your RaspiBlitz is encrypted. You could use the self-signed HTTPS certificate that RaspiBlitzis offering you, but this will give users Security Warnings in their browser and is not very user friendly. Thats were you can use a LetsEncrypt Subscription to get a free valid HTTPS certificate that is excepted without warning from almost all common browsers.
Because you also need a domain name for that - you will need to open a free account on [DuckDNS.org](https://www.duckdns.org) ... further options might be added in the future.
If you create a new LetsEncrypt subscription you will be asked for your subdomain on DuckDNS and the Auth-Token of your DuckDNS account. Then RaspiBlitz tries to setup everything for you. If everything worked you will find now the subscription under `MAINMENU` > `SUBSCRIBE` > `LIST My Subscriptions` where you can cancel it again.
To try out the IP2TOR tunnel choose in `MAINMENU` the extra menu point of the Service you choose the bridge for and it should give you now an updated URL to call your service.
#### MOBILE: Connect Mobile Wallet
This feature should support you in connecting your RaspiBlitz to a mobile wallet on your smartphone.
@ -681,19 +737,10 @@ This feature should support you in connecting your RaspiBlitz to a mobile wallet
At the moment the following mobile wallets are supported:
* [ZAP (iOS/Android)](https://github.com/LN-Zap/zap-iOS)
* [Shango (iOS/Android)](https://github.com/neogeno/shango-lightning-wallet)
* [Zeus (iOS/Android)](https://github.com/ZeusLN/zeus)
* [Fully Noded (iOS over Tor)](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fully-noded/id1436425586)
* [SendMany (Android)](https://github.com/fusion44/sendmany/blob/master/README.md)
Please keep in mind that if you also want to connect to your smartphone also from the outside (when you are outside of your local network) with your RaspiBlitz you might need to open/forward ports on your router and should look into the DynamicDNS features to handle changing IP of our Home-DSL.
This youtube video explains the "port forwarding" on your router in more detail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KESo7hHXQtg
When you have Tor activated you can also try to connect mobile wallets that support this. The Fully Noded Wallet can only connect over Tor.
If you run your node behind Tor the SendMany App will just offer to connect when your in the same local network ... for connection over Tor there is no support yet.
Basically those mobile wallets work as a remote control app for your RaspiBlitz. First you need to install the apps on your phone - a QR code with the links to the app stores are displayed. And then you need to `pair` them with your RaspiBlitz - also with a QR code displayed on the LCD. If you run your RaspiBlitz without a LCD there is the fallback option to display that QR code on the terminal as ASCII code (might involve lowering your terminal font size).
#### LNDCREDS: Macaroons and TLS.cert
@ -701,7 +748,6 @@ Basically those mobile wallets work as a remote control app for your RaspiBlitz.
If you want to access your LND APIs (to connect apps and additional services) you need credential files that grant to access (Macaroons & the TLS cert).
*Macaroons: Access Tokens that allow certain command executions on the LND node.*
*TLS: Certificate to secure/encrypt the communication with the LND node.*
In this menu you can reset and re-sync those or export them as a file or string so that you can import them to the apps and additional services. The following export options are available:
@ -728,10 +774,6 @@ Opens an ad-hoc webserver so that you can download the files in your local netwo
*This is a least secure way to transfer those file - everybody in your local network has access to those file during download. Remember with the Admin-Macaroon somebody could takeover your node and spend all your funds. Just use as last fallback.*
##### Renew Macaroons & TLS
Use if you want to invalidate earlier exported Macaroons & TLS files - e.g. lost mobile wallet.
#### NAME: Change Name/Alias of Node
Change the name of your node.
@ -772,6 +814,12 @@ This stops your RaspiBlitz and creates a Migration ZIP file you can download/exp
*NOTICE: If you start your RaspiBlitz after exporting the migration file again it is outdated and using it can risk loosing your channel funds.*
##### COPY-SOURCE: Offer your Blockchain to another RaspiBlitz for SetuUp
Basically you can connect another RaspiBlitz and copy over your blockchain to it for quicker setup. Your RaspiBlitz will be `offline` during that process that can take between 4 to 6 hours.
Make sure both RaspiBlitzes are connected to the same local network. During setup the new RaspiBlitz should choose the `COPY` option to get the blockchain and then choose as source computer `RASPIBLITZ`. Now you activate the `COPY-SOURCE` option and enter the given IP of the new RaspiBlitz and that ones Password A (not yours) .. then the process should start.
##### RESET-CHAIN: Delete Blockchain and Re-Download
Use this if your blockchain data got corrupted. It will keep your LND data. You can even keep your channels open. Just keep in mind that your node will be offline to the network until you re-downloaded the blockchain.

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(image error) Size: 48 KiB


(image error) Size: 48 KiB

pictures/subscriptions.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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