2021-08-04 00:18:30 +02:00
# keeps the password in memory between restarts: /dev/shm/.${netprefix}cln.pw
# see the reasoning: https://github.com/ElementsProject/lightning#hd-wallet-encryption
# does not store the password on disk unless auto-unlock is enabled
# autounlock password is in /root/.${netprefix}cln.pw
# command info
if [ $# -lt 1 ] || [ " $1 " = "-h" ] || [ " $1 " = "-help" ] || \
! echo " $@ " | grep -Eq "new|seed|unlock|lock|encrypt|decrypt|autounlock-on|autounlock-off|change-password" ; then
echo "# create new wallet or import seed"
echo "# unlock/lock, encrypt, decrypt, set autounlock or change password for the hsm_secret"
echo "# usage:"
echo "# Create new wallet"
echo "# cln.hsmtool.sh [new] [mainnet|testnet|signet] [?seedPassword]"
echo "# cln.hsmtool.sh [new-force] [mainnet|testnet|signet] [?seedPassword]"
echo "# There will be no seedPassword(passphrase) used by default"
echo "# new-force will delete any old wallet and will work without dialog"
echo "# cln.hsmtool.sh [seed] [mainnet|testnet|signet] [\"space-separated-seed-words\"] [?seedPassword]"
echo "# cln.hsmtool.sh [seed-force] [mainnet|testnet|signet] [\"space-separated-seed-words\"] [?seedPassword]"
echo "# the new hsm_secret will be not encrypted if no NewPassword is given"
echo "# seed-force will delete any old wallet and will work without dialog"
echo "# cln.hsmtool.sh [unlock|lock] <mainnet|testnet|signet>"
echo "# cln.hsmtool.sh [encrypt|decrypt] <mainnet|testnet|signet>"
echo "# cln.hsmtool.sh [autounlock-on|autounlock-off] <mainnet|testnet|signet>"
echo "# cln.hsmtool.sh [change-password] <mainnet|testnet|signet> <NewPassword>"
exit 1
source /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf
source <( /home/admin/config.scripts/network.aliases.sh getvars cln $2 )
hsmSecretPath = " /home/bitcoin/.lightning/ ${ CLNETWORK } /hsm_secret "
# password file is on the disk if encrypted and auto-unlock is enabled
passwordFile = /dev/shm/.${ netprefix } cln.pw
if grep -Eq " ${ netprefix } clnEncryptedHSM=on " /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf; then
if grep -Eq " ${ netprefix } clnAutoUnlock=on " /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf; then
passwordFile = /root/${ netprefix } cln.pw
# add default value to raspi config if needed
if ! grep -Eq " ^ ${ netprefix } clnEncryptedHSM= " /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf; then
echo " ${ netprefix } clnEncryptedHSM=off " >> /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf
# add default value to raspi config if needed
if ! grep -Eq " ^ ${ netprefix } clnAutoUnlock= " /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf; then
echo " ${ netprefix } clnAutoUnlock=off " >> /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf
# Functions #
function passwordToFile( ) {
if [ $# -gt 0 ] ; then
text = " $1 "
text = " Type or paste the decryption password for the $CHAIN C-lightning wallet "
# write password into a file in memory
2021-09-02 11:34:30 +01:00
# trap to delete on any exit
trap 'rm -f $data' EXIT
2021-08-04 00:18:30 +02:00
# get password
data = $( mktemp -p /dev/shm/)
2021-09-02 11:34:30 +01:00
2021-08-04 00:18:30 +02:00
dialog --clear \
--backtitle "Enter password" \
--title "Enter password" \
--insecure \
--passwordbox " $text " 8 52 2> " $data "
# make decison
pressed = $?
case $pressed in
sudo touch $passwordFile
sudo chmod 600 $passwordFile
sudo chown bitcoin:bitcoin $passwordFile
sudo tee $passwordFile 1>/dev/null < " $data "
shred " $data " ; ;
shred " $data "
shred -uvz $passwordFile
echo "# Cancelled"
exit 1; ;
shred " $data "
shred -uvz $passwordFile
[ -s " $data " ] && cat " $data " || echo "# ESC pressed."
exit 1; ;
function shredPasswordFile( ) {
echo "# Shredding the passwordFile"
sudo shred -uvz $passwordFile
function encryptHSMsecret( ) {
walletPassword = $3
if [ ${# walletPassword } -eq 0 ] ; then
# ask for password in dialog if $walletPassword is not given in $3
sudo /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.setpassword.sh x \
"Enter the password to encrypt the C-lightning wallet file (hsm_secret)" \
" $passwordFile "
2021-08-31 13:51:53 +01:00
sudo chown bitcoin:bitcoin $passwordFile
2021-08-04 00:18:30 +02:00
sudo chmod 600 $passwordFile
walletPassword = $( sudo cat $passwordFile )
( echo $walletPassword ; echo $walletPassword ) | sudo -u bitcoin \
/home/bitcoin/lightning/tools/hsmtool encrypt \
$hsmSecretPath || exit 1
# setting value in raspiblitz config
sudo sed -i \
" s/^ ${ netprefix } clnEncryptedHSM=.*/ ${ netprefix } clnEncryptedHSM=on/g " \
echo " # Encrypted the hsm_secret for C-lightning $CHAIN "
function decryptHSMsecret( ) {
if [ ! -f $passwordFile ] ; then
echo " # Getting the password from $passwordFile "
sudo cat $passwordFile | sudo -u bitcoin \
/home/bitcoin/lightning/tools/hsmtool decrypt \
$hsmSecretPath || exit 1
# setting value in raspiblitz config
sudo sed -i \
" s/^ ${ netprefix } clnEncryptedHSM=.*/ ${ netprefix } clnEncryptedHSM=off/g " \
echo " # Decrypted the hsm_secret for C-lightning $CHAIN "
# Options #
if [ " $1 " = "new" ] || [ " $1 " = "new-force" ] || [ " $1 " = "seed" ] || [ " $1 " = "seed-force" ] ; then
# make sure /home/bitcoin/.lightning/bitcoin exists (when lightningd was not run yet)
if ! sudo ls /home/bitcoin/.lightning/bitcoin; then
sudo -u bitcoin mkdir -p /home/bitcoin/.lightning/bitcoin/
# check/delete existing wallet
if [ " $1 " = "new-force" ] || [ " $1 " = "seed-force" ] ; then
echo "# deleting any old wallet ..."
sudo rm $hsmSecretPath 2>/dev/null
if sudo ls $hsmSecretPath 2>1 1>/dev/null; then
echo " # The hsm_secret is already present at $hsmSecretPath . "
exit 0
# check for https://github.com/trezor/python-mnemonic
if [ $( pip list | grep -c mnemonic) -eq 0 ] ; then
pip install mnemonic = = 0.19 1>/dev/null
if [ " $1 " = "new" ] ; then
seedPassword = " $3 "
# get 24 words
source <( python /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.mnemonic.py generate)
#TODO seedwords to cln.backup.sh seed-export-gui
/home/admin/config.scripts/cln.backup.sh seed-export-gui " ${ seedwords6x4 } "
elif [ " $1 " = "new-force" ] ; then
# get 24 words
source <( python /home/admin/config.scripts/blitz.mnemonic.py generate)
echo " seedwords=' ${ seedwords } ' "
echo " seedwords6x4=' ${ seedwords6x4 } ' "
elif [ " $1 " = "seed" ] || [ " $1 " = "seed-force" ] ; then
#TODO get seedwords from cln.backup.sh seed-import-gui [$RESULTFILE]
seedwords = " $3 "
seedpassword = " $4 "
2021-08-31 14:26:49 +01:00
# place the seedwords to /home/bitcoin/.lightning/${CLNETWORK}/seedwords.info
sudo touch /home/bitcoin/.lightning/${ CLNETWORK } /seedwords.info
sudo chown bitcoin:bitcoin /home/bitcoin/.lightning/${ CLNETWORK } /seedwords.info
sudo chmod 600 /home/bitcoin/.lightning/${ CLNETWORK } /seedwords.info
echo "
2021-08-31 14:54:33 +01:00
# This file was placed by cln.hsmtool.sh .
# Contains the seed words from which the hsm_secret in the same directory was generated
2021-08-31 14:26:49 +01:00
seedwords = '${seedwords}'
seedwords6x4 = '${seedwords6x4}'
2021-08-31 14:54:33 +01:00
# Will be removed safely when the hsm_secret is encrypted.
2021-08-31 14:26:49 +01:00
" | sudo -u bitcoin tee /home/bitcoin/.lightning/ ${ CLNETWORK } /seedwords.info
2021-08-04 00:18:30 +02:00
# pass to 'hsmtool generatehsm hsm_secret'
if [ ${# seedpassword } -eq 0 ] ; then
( echo "0" ; echo " ${ seedwords } " ; echo ) | sudo -u bitcoin /home/bitcoin/lightning/tools/hsmtool "generatehsm" $hsmSecretPath 1>& 2
# pass to 'hsmtool generatehsm hsm_secret' - confirm seedPassword
( echo "0" ; echo " ${ seedwords } " ; echo " $seedpassword " ; echo " $seedpassword " ) | sudo -u bitcoin /home/bitcoin/lightning/tools/hsmtool "generatehsm" $hsmSecretPath 1>& 2
echo "# Re-init the backup plugin with the new wallet"
/home/admin/config.scripts/cln-plugin.backup.sh on $CHAIN
exit 0
elif [ " $1 " = "unlock" ] ; then
# getpassword
if [ $( sudo journalctl -n5 -u ${ netprefix } lightningd | \
grep -c 'encrypted-hsm: Could not read pass from stdin.' ) -gt 0 ] ; then
if [ -f $passwordFile ] ; then
echo "# Wrong passwordFile is present"
echo "# No passwordFile is present"
sudo systemctl restart ${ netprefix } lightningd
# configure --encrypted-hsm
elif [ $( sudo journalctl -n5 -u ${ netprefix } lightningd | \
grep -c 'hsm_secret is encrypted, you need to pass the \--encrypted-hsm startup option.' ) -gt 0 ] ; then
echo "# The hsm_secret encrypted, but unlock is not configured"
# setting value in raspiblitz config
sudo sed -i \
" s/^ ${ netprefix } clnEncryptedHSM=.*/ ${ netprefix } clnEncryptedHSM=on/g " \
/home/admin/config.scripts/cln.install-service.sh $CHAIN
# check if unlocked
attempt = 0
while [ $( $lightningcli_alias getinfo | grep -c '"id":' ) -eq 0 ] ; do
if [ $( sudo journalctl -n5 -u ${ netprefix } lightningd | \
grep -c 'Wrong password for encrypted hsm_secret.' ) -gt 0 ] ; then
echo "# Wrong password"
sudo rm -f $passwordFile
passwordToFile " Wrong password - type the decryption password for the $CHAIN C-lightning wallet "
sudo systemctl restart ${ netprefix } lightningd
elif [ $attempt -eq 12 ] ; then
echo " # Failed to unlock the ${ netprefix } lightningd wallet - giving up after 1 minute "
echo " # Check: sudo journalctl -u ${ netprefix } lightningd "
exit 1
echo "# Waiting to unlock wallet ... "
sleep 5
attempt = $(( attempt+1))
echo " # Ok the ${ netprefix } lightningd wallet is unlocked "
exit 0
elif [ " $1 " = "lock" ] ; then
sudo systemctl restart ${ netprefix } lightningd
exit 0
elif [ " $1 " = "encrypt" ] ; then
2021-08-31 14:54:33 +01:00
if [ -f /home/bitcoin/.lightning/${ CLNETWORK } /seedwords.info ] ; then
source <( sudo -u bitcoin cat /home/bitcoin/.lightning/${ CLNETWORK } /seedwords.info)
2021-08-31 20:41:04 +01:00
if [ ${# seedwords6x4 } -gt 0 ] ; then
# show the words one last time
ack = 0
while [ ${ ack } -eq 0 ]
whiptail --title "IMPORTANT SEED WORDS - PLEASE WRITE DOWN" --msgbox " The backup of seedwords will be deleted, make sure you wrote them down. Store these numbered 24 words in a safe location:\n\n ${ seedwords6x4 } " 13 76
whiptail --title "Please Confirm" --yes-button "Show Again" --no-button "CONTINUE" --yesno " Are you sure that you wrote down the word list?" 8 55
if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then
ack = 1
deletedWhen = "deleted when the hsm_secret was encrypted"
deletedWhen = "not available any more"
2021-08-31 14:54:33 +01:00
# delete seedwords.info
sudo -u bitcoin shred /home/bitcoin/.lightning/${ CLNETWORK } /seedwords.info
2021-08-31 14:26:49 +01:00
echo "
2021-08-31 14:54:33 +01:00
# This file is placed by cln.hsmtool.sh .
# The seed words from which the hsm_secret in the same directory was generated
# were $deletedWhen.
# The words cannot be generated from the hsm_secret (one way function).
2021-08-31 14:26:49 +01:00
# If you don't have the words the hsm_secret can be still backed up in hex:
# https://lightning.readthedocs.io/BACKUP.html#hsm-secret
" | sudo -u bitcoin tee /home/bitcoin/.lightning/ ${ CLNETWORK } /seedwords.info
# encrypt
2021-08-04 00:18:30 +02:00
walletPassword = $3
encryptHSMsecret $walletPassword
elif [ " $1 " = "decrypt" ] ; then
elif [ " $1 " = "autounlock-on" ] ; then
if grep -Eq " ${ netprefix } clnEncryptedHSM=on " /mnt/hdd/raspiblitz.conf; then
echo " # Moving the password from $passwordFile "
sudo -u bitcoin mv /dev/shm/.${ netprefix } cln.pw /root/.${ netprefix } cln.pw
passwordFile = /root/.${ netprefix } cln.pw
# setting value in raspiblitz config
sudo sed -i \
" s/^ ${ netprefix } clnAutoUnlock=.*/ ${ netprefix } clnEncryptedHSM=on/g " \
echo " # Autounlock is on for C-lightning $CHAIN "
elif [ " $1 " = "autounlock-off" ] ; then
sudo -u bitcoin mv /root/.${ netprefix } cln.pw /dev/shm/.${ netprefix } cln.pw
# setting value in raspiblitz config
sudo sed -i \
" s/^ ${ netprefix } clnAutoUnlock=.*/ ${ netprefix } clnEncryptedHSM=off/g " \
echo " # Autounlock is off for C-lightning $CHAIN "
elif [ " $1 " = "change-password" ] ; then
decryptHSMsecret || exit 1
walletPassword = $3
if ! encryptHSMsecret " $walletPassword " ; then
echo "# Warning: the hsm_secret is left unencrypted."
echo "# To fix run:"
echo " /home/admin/config.scripts/cln.hsmtool encrypt $2 "
exit 1
exit 0
elif [ " $1 " = "check" ] ; then
# dumponchaindescriptors <path/to/hsm_secret> [network]
# get current descriptors
sudo -u bitcoin /home/bitcoin/lightning/tools/hsmtool dumponchaindescriptors \
/home/bitcoin/.lightning/${ CLNETWORK } /hsm_secret $CLNETWORK
# get seed to compare
echo "# Unknown option - exiting script"
exit 1
# set the lightnind service file after all choices unless exited before
/home/admin/config.scripts/cln.install-service.sh $CHAIN