2020-12-03 18:34:19 +07:00

8 lines
1.6 KiB

<span *ngIf="segwitGains.realizedGains && !segwitGains.potentialBech32Gains; else segwitTwo" class="badge badge-success mr-1" i18n-ngbTooltip="ngbTooltip about segwit gains" ngbTooltip="This transaction saved {{ segwitGains.realizedGains * 100 | number: '1.0-0' }}% on fees by using native SegWit-Bech32" placement="bottom" i18n="tx-features.tag.segwit|SegWit">SegWit</span>
<ng-template #segwitTwo>
<span *ngIf="segwitGains.realizedGains && segwitGains.potentialBech32Gains else potentialP2shGains" class="badge badge-warning mr-1" i18n-ngbTooltip="ngbTooltip about double segwit gains" ngbTooltip="This transaction saved {{ segwitGains.realizedGains * 100 | number: '1.0-0' }}% on fees by using SegWit and could save {{ segwitGains.potentialBech32Gains * 100 | number : '1.0-0' }}% more by fully upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32" placement="bottom" i18n="tx-features.tag.segwit|SegWit">SegWit</span>
<ng-template #potentialP2shGains>
<span *ngIf="segwitGains.potentialP2shGains" class="badge badge-danger mr-1" i18n-ngbTooltip="ngbTooltip about missed out gains" ngbTooltip="This transaction could save {{ segwitGains.potentialBech32Gains * 100 | number : '1.0-0' }}% on fees by upgrading to native SegWit-Bech32 or {{ segwitGains.potentialP2shGains * 100 | number: '1.0-0' }}% by upgrading to SegWit-P2SH" placement="bottom"><del i18n="tx-features.tag.segwit|SegWit">SegWit</del></span>
<span *ngIf="isRbfTransaction" class="badge badge-success" i18n-ngbTooltip="RBF tooltip" ngbTooltip="This transaction support Replace-By-Fee (RBF) allowing fee bumping" placement="bottom" i18n="tx-features.tag.rbf|RBF">RBF</span>