# The Mempool Open Source Projectâ„¢ Mempool is the fully featured visualizer, explorer, and API service running on [mempool.space](https://mempool.space/), an open source project developed and operated for the benefit of the Bitcoin community, with a focus on the emerging transaction fee market to help our transition into a multi-layer ecosystem. ![mempool](https://mempool.space/resources/screenshots/v2.3.0-dashboard.png) ## Installation Methods Mempool can be self-hosted on a wide variety of your own hardware, ranging from a simple one-click installation on a Raspberry Pi distro, all the way to an advanced high availability cluster of powerful servers for a production instance. We support the following installation methods, ranked in order from simple to advanced: 1) One-click installation on: [Umbrel](https://github.com/getumbrel/umbrel), [RaspiBlitz](https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz), [RoninDojo](https://code.samourai.io/ronindojo/RoninDojo), or [MyNode](https://github.com/mynodebtc/mynode). 2) [Docker installation on Linux using docker-compose](https://github.com/mempool/mempool/tree/master/docker) 3) [Manual installation on Linux or FreeBSD](https://github.com/mempool/mempool#manual-installation) 4) [Production installation on a powerful FreeBSD server](https://github.com/mempool/mempool/tree/master/production) 5) [High Availability cluster using powerful FreeBSD servers](https://github.com/mempool/mempool/tree/master/production#high-availability) # Manual Installation The following instructions are for a manual installation on Linux or FreeBSD. The file and directory paths may need to be changed to match your OS. ## Dependencies * [Bitcoin](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin) * [Electrum](https://github.com/romanz/electrs) * [NodeJS](https://github.com/nodejs/node) * [MariaDB](https://github.com/mariadb/server) * [Nginx](https://github.com/nginx/nginx) ## Mempool Clone the mempool repo, and checkout the latest release tag: ```bash git clone https://github.com/mempool/mempool cd mempool latestrelease=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/mempool/mempool/releases/latest|grep tag_name|head -1|cut -d '"' -f4) git checkout $latestrelease ``` ## Bitcoin Core (bitcoind) Enable RPC and txindex in `bitcoin.conf`: ```bash rpcuser=mempool rpcpassword=mempool txindex=1 ``` ## MySQL Install MariaDB from OS package manager: ```bash # Linux apt-get install mariadb-server mariadb-client # macOS brew install mariadb mysql.server start ``` Create database and grant privileges: ```bash MariaDB [(none)]> drop database mempool; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> create database mempool; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> grant all privileges on mempool.* to 'mempool'@'%' identified by 'mempool'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) ``` From the mempool repo's top-level folder, import the database structure: ```bash mysql -u mempool -p mempool < mariadb-structure.sql ``` ## Mempool Backend Install mempool dependencies from npm and build the backend: ```bash # backend cd backend npm install --prod npm run build ``` In the `backend` folder, make a copy of the sample config and modify it to fit your settings. ```bash cp mempool-config.sample.json mempool-config.json ``` Edit `mempool-config.json` to add your Bitcoin Core node RPC credentials: ```bash { "MEMPOOL": { "NETWORK": "mainnet", "BACKEND": "electrum", "HTTP_PORT": 8999 }, "CORE_RPC": { "HOST": "", "PORT": 8332, "USERNAME": "mempool", "PASSWORD": "mempool" }, "ELECTRUM": { "HOST": "", "PORT": 50002, "TLS_ENABLED": true }, "DATABASE": { "ENABLED": true, "HOST": "", "PORT": 3306, "USERNAME": "mempool", "PASSWORD": "mempool", "DATABASE": "mempool" } } ``` Start the backend: ```bash npm run start ``` When it's running you should see output like this: ```bash Mempool updated in 0.189 seconds Updating mempool Mempool updated in 0.096 seconds Updating mempool Mempool updated in 0.099 seconds Updating mempool Calculated fee for transaction 1 / 10 Calculated fee for transaction 2 / 10 Calculated fee for transaction 3 / 10 Calculated fee for transaction 4 / 10 Calculated fee for transaction 5 / 10 Calculated fee for transaction 6 / 10 Calculated fee for transaction 7 / 10 Calculated fee for transaction 8 / 10 Calculated fee for transaction 9 / 10 Calculated fee for transaction 10 / 10 Mempool updated in 0.243 seconds Updating mempool ``` ## Mempool Frontend Install mempool dependencies from npm and build the frontend static HTML/CSS/JS: ```bash # frontend cd frontend npm install --prod npm run build ``` Install the output into nginx webroot folder: ```bash sudo rsync -av --delete dist/mempool/ /var/www/ ``` ## nginx + certbot Install the supplied nginx.conf and nginx-mempool.conf in /etc/nginx ```bash # install nginx and certbot apt-get install -y nginx python3-certbot-nginx # install the mempool configuration for nginx cp nginx.conf nginx-mempool.conf /etc/nginx/ # replace example.com with your domain name certbot --nginx -d example.com ``` If everything went okay you should see the beautiful mempool :grin: If you get stuck on "loading blocks", this means the websocket can't connect. Check your nginx proxy setup, firewalls, etc. and open an issue if you need help.