import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core'; import { ElectrsApiService } from '../../services/electrs-api.service'; import { ActivatedRoute, ParamMap } from '@angular/router'; import { switchMap, filter, catchError, retryWhen, delay, map } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { Transaction, Block } from '../../interfaces/electrs.interface'; import { of, merge, Subscription, Observable, Subject, timer, combineLatest, } from 'rxjs'; import { StateService } from '../../services/state.service'; import { WebsocketService } from '../../services/websocket.service'; import { AudioService } from 'src/app/services/audio.service'; import { ApiService } from 'src/app/services/api.service'; import { SeoService } from 'src/app/services/seo.service'; import { CpfpInfo } from 'src/app/interfaces/node-api.interface'; @Component({ selector: 'app-transaction', templateUrl: './transaction.component.html', styleUrls: ['./transaction.component.scss'], }) export class TransactionComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { network = ''; tx: Transaction; txId: string; txInBlockIndex: number; isLoadingTx = true; error: any = undefined; errorUnblinded: any = undefined; waitingForTransaction = false; latestBlock: Block; transactionTime = -1; subscription: Subscription; fetchCpfpSubscription: Subscription; rbfTransaction: undefined | Transaction; cpfpInfo: CpfpInfo | null; showCpfpDetails = false; fetchCpfp$ = new Subject(); commitments: Map; now = new Date().getTime(); timeAvg$: Observable; constructor( private route: ActivatedRoute, private electrsApiService: ElectrsApiService, private stateService: StateService, private websocketService: WebsocketService, private audioService: AudioService, private apiService: ApiService, private seoService: SeoService ) {} ngOnInit() { this.websocketService.want(['blocks', 'mempool-blocks']); this.stateService.networkChanged$.subscribe( (network) => ( = network) ); this.timeAvg$ = timer(0, 1000) .pipe( switchMap(() => combineLatest([ this.stateService.blocks$.pipe(map(([block]) => block)), this.stateService.lastDifficultyAdjustment$ ])), map(([block, DATime]) => { = new Date().getTime(); const now = new Date().getTime() / 1000; const diff = now - DATime; const blocksInEpoch = block.height % 2016; let difficultyChange = 0; if (blocksInEpoch > 0) { difficultyChange = (600 / (diff / blocksInEpoch ) - 1) * 100; } const timeAvgDiff = difficultyChange * 0.1; let timeAvgMins = 10; if (timeAvgDiff > 0 ){ timeAvgMins -= Math.abs(timeAvgDiff); } else { timeAvgMins += Math.abs(timeAvgDiff); } return timeAvgMins * 60 * 1000; }) ); this.fetchCpfpSubscription = this.fetchCpfp$ .pipe( switchMap((txId) => this.apiService .getCpfpinfo$(txId) .pipe(retryWhen((errors) => errors.pipe(delay(2000)))) ) ) .subscribe((cpfpInfo) => { if (!this.tx) { return; } const lowerFeeParents = cpfpInfo.ancestors.filter( (parent) => parent.fee / (parent.weight / 4) < this.tx.feePerVsize ); let totalWeight = this.tx.weight + lowerFeeParents.reduce((prev, val) => prev + val.weight, 0); let totalFees = this.tx.fee + lowerFeeParents.reduce((prev, val) => prev + val.fee, 0); if (cpfpInfo.bestDescendant) { totalWeight += cpfpInfo.bestDescendant.weight; totalFees += cpfpInfo.bestDescendant.fee; } this.tx.effectiveFeePerVsize = totalFees / (totalWeight / 4); this.stateService.markBlock$.next({ txFeePerVSize: this.tx.effectiveFeePerVsize, }); this.cpfpInfo = cpfpInfo; }); this.subscription = this.route.paramMap .pipe( switchMap(async (params: ParamMap) => { this.txId = params.get('id') || ''; await this.checkUnblindedTx(); this.seoService.setTitle( $localize`:@@bisq.transaction.browser-title:Transaction: ${this.txId}:INTERPOLATION:` ); this.resetTransaction(); return merge( of(true), this.stateService.connectionState$.pipe( filter( (state) => state === 2 && this.tx && !this.tx.status.confirmed ) ) ); }), switchMap(() => { let transactionObservable$: Observable; if ( { transactionObservable$ = of(; } else { transactionObservable$ = this.electrsApiService .getTransaction$(this.txId) .pipe( catchError(this.handleLoadElectrsTransactionError.bind(this)) ); } return merge( transactionObservable$, this.stateService.mempoolTransactions$ ); }) ) .subscribe( async (tx: Transaction) => { if (!tx) { return; } this.tx = tx; if (tx.fee === undefined) { this.tx.fee = 0; } this.tx.feePerVsize = tx.fee / (tx.weight / 4); this.isLoadingTx = false; this.error = undefined; this.waitingForTransaction = false; this.setMempoolBlocksSubscription(); if (!tx.status.confirmed) { this.websocketService.startTrackTransaction(tx.txid); if (tx.firstSeen) { this.transactionTime = tx.firstSeen; } else { this.getTransactionTime(); } } if (this.tx.status.confirmed) { this.stateService.markBlock$.next({ blockHeight: tx.status.block_height, }); } else { if (tx.cpfpChecked) { this.stateService.markBlock$.next({ txFeePerVSize: tx.effectiveFeePerVsize, }); this.cpfpInfo = { ancestors: tx.ancestors, bestDescendant: tx.bestDescendant, }; } else { this.fetchCpfp$.next(this.tx.txid); } } await this.checkUnblindedTx(); }, (error) => { this.error = error; this.isLoadingTx = false; } ); this.stateService.blocks$.subscribe(([block, txConfirmed]) => { this.latestBlock = block; if (txConfirmed && this.tx) { this.tx.status = { confirmed: true, block_height: block.height, block_hash:, block_time: block.timestamp, }; this.stateService.markBlock$.next({ blockHeight: block.height }); this.audioService.playSound('magic'); } }); this.stateService.txReplaced$.subscribe( (rbfTransaction) => (this.rbfTransaction = rbfTransaction) ); } handleLoadElectrsTransactionError(error: any): Observable { if (error.status === 404 && /^[a-fA-F0-9]{64}$/.test(this.txId)) { this.websocketService.startMultiTrackTransaction(this.txId); this.waitingForTransaction = true; } this.error = error; this.isLoadingTx = false; return of(false); } setMempoolBlocksSubscription() { this.stateService.mempoolBlocks$.subscribe((mempoolBlocks) => { if (!this.tx) { return; } const txFeePerVSize = this.tx.effectiveFeePerVsize || this.tx.fee / (this.tx.weight / 4); for (const block of mempoolBlocks) { for (let i = 0; i < block.feeRange.length - 1; i++) { if ( txFeePerVSize <= block.feeRange[i + 1] && txFeePerVSize >= block.feeRange[i] ) { this.txInBlockIndex = mempoolBlocks.indexOf(block); } } } }); } getTransactionTime() { this.apiService .getTransactionTimes$([this.tx.txid]) .subscribe((transactionTimes) => { this.transactionTime = transactionTimes[0]; }); } resetTransaction() { this.error = undefined; this.tx = null; this.waitingForTransaction = false; this.isLoadingTx = true; this.rbfTransaction = undefined; this.transactionTime = -1; this.cpfpInfo = null; this.showCpfpDetails = false; document.body.scrollTo(0, 0); this.leaveTransaction(); } leaveTransaction() { this.websocketService.stopTrackingTransaction(); this.stateService.markBlock$.next({}); } roundToOneDecimal(cpfpTx: any): number { return +(cpfpTx.fee / (cpfpTx.weight / 4)).toFixed(1); } ngOnDestroy() { this.subscription.unsubscribe(); this.fetchCpfpSubscription.unsubscribe(); this.leaveTransaction(); } // Parse the blinders data from a string encoded as a comma separated list, in the following format: // ,,, // This can be repeated with a comma separator to specify blinders for multiple outputs. parseBlinders(str: string) { const parts = str.split(','); const blinders = []; while (parts.length) { blinders.push({ value: this.verifyNum(parts.shift()), asset: this.verifyHex32(parts.shift()), value_blinder: this.verifyHex32(parts.shift()), asset_blinder: this.verifyHex32(parts.shift()), }); } return blinders; } verifyNum(num: string) { if (!+num) { throw new Error('Invalid blinding data (invalid number)'); } return +num; } verifyHex32(str: string) { if (!str || !/^[0-9a-f]{64}$/i.test(str)) { throw new Error('Invalid blinding data (invalid hex)'); } return str; } async makeCommitmentMap(blinders: any) { const libwally = await import('./libwally.js'); await libwally.load(); const commitments = new Map(); blinders.forEach(b => { const { asset_commitment, value_commitment } = libwally.generate_commitments(b.value, b.asset, b.value_blinder, b.asset_blinder); commitments.set(`${asset_commitment}:${value_commitment}`, { asset: b.asset, value: b.value, }); }); return commitments; } // Look for the given output, returning an { value, asset } object find(vout: any) { return vout.assetcommitment && vout.valuecommitment && this.commitments.get(`${vout.assetcommitment}:${vout.valuecommitment}`); } // Lookup all transaction inputs/outputs and attach the unblinded data tryUnblindTx(tx: any) { if (tx) { if (tx._unblinded) { return tx._unblinded; } let matched = 0; if (tx.vout !== undefined) { tx.vout.forEach(vout => matched += +this.tryUnblindOut(vout)); => vin.prevout).forEach(vin => matched += +this.tryUnblindOut(vin.prevout)); } if (this.commitments !== undefined) { tx._unblinded = { matched, total: this.commitments.size }; this.deduceBlinded(tx); if (matched < this.commitments.size) { this.errorUnblinded = `Error: Invalid blinding data.`; } tx._deduced = false; // invalidate cache so deduction is attempted again return tx._unblinded; } } } // Look the given output and attach the unblinded data tryUnblindOut(vout: any) { const unblinded = this.find(vout); if (unblinded) { Object.assign(vout, unblinded); } return !!unblinded; } // Attempt to deduce the blinded input/output based on the available information deduceBlinded(tx: any) { if (tx._deduced) { return; } tx._deduced = true; // Find ins/outs with unknown amounts (blinded ant not revealed via the `#blinded` hash fragment) const unknownIns = => vin.prevout && vin.prevout.value == null); const unknownOuts = tx.vout.filter(vout => vout.value == null); // If the transaction has a single unknown input/output, we can deduce its asset/amount // based on the other known inputs/outputs. if (unknownIns.length + unknownOuts.length === 1) { // Keep a per-asset tally of all known input amounts, minus all known output amounts const totals = new Map(); => vin.prevout && vin.prevout.value != null) .forEach(({ prevout }) => totals.set(prevout.asset, (totals.get(prevout.asset) || 0) + prevout.value)); tx.vout.filter(vout => vout.value != null) .forEach(vout => totals.set(vout.asset, (totals.get(vout.asset) || 0) - vout.value)); // There should only be a single asset where the inputs and outputs amounts mismatch, // which is the asset of the blinded input/output const remainder = Array.from(totals.entries()).filter(([ asset, value ]) => value !== 0); if (remainder.length !== 1) { throw new Error('unexpected remainder while deducing blinded tx'); } const [ blindedAsset, blindedValue ] = remainder[0]; // A positive remainder (when known in > known out) is the asset/amount of the unknown blinded output, // a negative one is the input. if (blindedValue > 0) { if (!unknownOuts.length) { throw new Error('expected unknown output'); } unknownOuts[0].asset = blindedAsset; unknownOuts[0].value = blindedValue; } else { if (!unknownIns.length) { throw new Error('expected unknown input'); } unknownIns[0].prevout.asset = blindedAsset; unknownIns[0].prevout.value = blindedValue * -1; } } } async checkUnblindedTx() { try { if ( === 'liquid') { const windowLocationHash = window.location.hash.substring('#blinded='.length); if (windowLocationHash.length > 0) { const blinders = this.parseBlinders(windowLocationHash); if (blinders) { this.commitments = await this.makeCommitmentMap(blinders); this.tryUnblindTx(this.tx); } } } } catch (error) { this.errorUnblinded = error; } } }