import { Component, Inject, Input, LOCALE_ID, OnInit, HostBinding } from '@angular/core'; import { EChartsOption, graphic } from 'echarts'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { startWith, switchMap, tap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { SeoService } from 'src/app/services/seo.service'; import { formatNumber } from '@angular/common'; import { FormBuilder, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms'; import { StorageService } from 'src/app/services/storage.service'; import { MiningService } from 'src/app/services/mining.service'; import { download } from 'src/app/shared/graphs.utils'; import { LightningApiService } from '../lightning-api.service'; @Component({ selector: 'app-lightning-statistics-chart', templateUrl: './lightning-statistics-chart.component.html', styleUrls: ['./lightning-statistics-chart.component.scss'], styles: [` .loadingGraphs { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: calc(50% - 15px); z-index: 100; } `], }) export class LightningStatisticsChartComponent implements OnInit { @Input() right: number | string = 65; @Input() left: number | string = 55; @Input() widget = false; miningWindowPreference: string; radioGroupForm: FormGroup; chartOptions: EChartsOption = {}; chartInitOptions = { renderer: 'svg', }; @HostBinding('attr.dir') dir = 'ltr'; blockSizesWeightsObservable$: Observable; isLoading = true; formatNumber = formatNumber; timespan = ''; chartInstance: any = undefined; constructor( @Inject(LOCALE_ID) public locale: string, private seoService: SeoService, private lightningApiService: LightningApiService, private formBuilder: FormBuilder, private storageService: StorageService, private miningService: MiningService, ) { } ngOnInit(): void { let firstRun = true; this.seoService.setTitle($localize`:@@mining.hashrate-difficulty:Hashrate and Weight`); this.miningWindowPreference = this.miningService.getDefaultTimespan('24h'); this.radioGroupForm ={ dateSpan: this.miningWindowPreference }); this.radioGroupForm.controls.dateSpan.setValue(this.miningWindowPreference); this.radioGroupForm.get('dateSpan').valueChanges .pipe( startWith(this.miningWindowPreference), switchMap((timespan) => { this.timespan = timespan; if (!firstRun) { this.storageService.setValue('miningWindowPreference', timespan); } firstRun = false; this.miningWindowPreference = timespan; this.isLoading = true; return this.lightningApiService.listStatistics$() .pipe( tap((data) => { this.prepareChartOptions({ nodes: => [val.added * 1000, val.node_count]), capacity: => [val.added * 1000, val.total_capacity]), }); this.isLoading = false; }), ); }), ).subscribe(() => { }); } prepareChartOptions(data) { let title: object; if (data.nodes.length === 0) { title = { textStyle: { color: 'grey', fontSize: 15 }, text: `Indexing in progess`, left: 'center', top: 'center' }; } this.chartOptions = { title: title, animation: false, color: [ '#FDD835', '#D81B60', ], grid: { top: 30, bottom: 70, right: this.right, left: this.left, }, tooltip: { show: !this.isMobile(), trigger: 'axis', axisPointer: { type: 'line' }, backgroundColor: 'rgba(17, 19, 31, 1)', borderRadius: 4, shadowColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)', textStyle: { color: '#b1b1b1', align: 'left', }, borderColor: '#000', formatter: (ticks) => { let sizeString = ''; let weightString = ''; for (const tick of ticks) { if (tick.seriesIndex === 0) { // Nodes sizeString = `${tick.marker} ${tick.seriesName}: ${formatNumber([1], this.locale, '1.2-2')}`; } else if (tick.seriesIndex === 1) { // Capacity weightString = `${tick.marker} ${tick.seriesName}: ${formatNumber([1] / 100000000, this.locale, '1.0-0')} BTC`; } } const date = new Date(ticks[0].data[0]).toLocaleDateString(this.locale, { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }); let tooltip = `${date}
${weightString}`; return tooltip; } }, xAxis: data.nodes.length === 0 ? undefined : { type: 'time', splitNumber: this.isMobile() ? 5 : 10, axisLabel: { hideOverlap: true, } }, legend: data.nodes.length === 0 ? undefined : { padding: 10, data: [ { name: 'Nodes', inactiveColor: 'rgb(110, 112, 121)', textStyle: { color: 'white', }, icon: 'roundRect', }, { name: 'Capacity', inactiveColor: 'rgb(110, 112, 121)', textStyle: { color: 'white', }, icon: 'roundRect', }, ], selected: JSON.parse(this.storageService.getValue('sizes_ln_legend')) ?? { 'Nodes': true, 'Capacity': true, } }, yAxis: data.nodes.length === 0 ? undefined : [ { min: (value) => { return value.min * 0.9; }, type: 'value', axisLabel: { color: 'rgb(110, 112, 121)', formatter: (val) => { return `${Math.round(val)}`; } }, splitLine: { lineStyle: { type: 'dotted', color: '#ffffff66', opacity: 0.25, } }, }, { min: (value) => { return value.min * 0.9; }, type: 'value', position: 'right', axisLabel: { color: 'rgb(110, 112, 121)', formatter: (val) => { return `${val / 100000000} BTC`; } }, splitLine: { show: false, } } ], series: data.nodes.length === 0 ? [] : [ { zlevel: 0, name: 'Nodes', showSymbol: false, symbol: 'none', data: data.nodes, type: 'line', lineStyle: { width: 2, }, markLine: { silent: true, symbol: 'none', lineStyle: { type: 'solid', color: '#ffffff66', opacity: 1, width: 1, }, data: [{ yAxis: 1, label: { position: 'end', show: true, color: '#ffffff', formatter: `1 MB` } }], } }, { zlevel: 1, yAxisIndex: 1, name: 'Capacity', showSymbol: false, symbol: 'none', data: data.capacity, type: 'line', lineStyle: { width: 2, } } ], }; } onChartInit(ec) { if (this.chartInstance !== undefined) { return; } this.chartInstance = ec; this.chartInstance.on('legendselectchanged', (e) => { this.storageService.setValue('sizes_ln_legend', JSON.stringify(e.selected)); }); } isMobile() { return (window.innerWidth <= 767.98); } onSaveChart() { // @ts-ignore const prevBottom = this.chartOptions.grid.bottom; const now = new Date(); // @ts-ignore this.chartOptions.grid.bottom = 40; this.chartOptions.backgroundColor = '#11131f'; this.chartInstance.setOption(this.chartOptions); download(this.chartInstance.getDataURL({ pixelRatio: 2, }), `block-sizes-weights-${this.timespan}-${Math.round(now.getTime() / 1000)}.svg`); // @ts-ignore this.chartOptions.grid.bottom = prevBottom; this.chartOptions.backgroundColor = 'none'; this.chartInstance.setOption(this.chartOptions); } }