import { Component, OnDestroy, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { FormBuilder, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms'; import { EChartsOption } from 'echarts'; import { combineLatest, Observable, of } from 'rxjs'; import { catchError, map, skip, startWith, switchMap, tap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { SinglePoolStats } from 'src/app/interfaces/node-api.interface'; import { StorageService } from '../..//services/storage.service'; import { MiningService, MiningStats } from '../../services/mining.service'; import { StateService } from '../../services/state.service'; @Component({ selector: 'app-pool-ranking', templateUrl: './pool-ranking.component.html', styleUrls: ['./pool-ranking.component.scss'], styles: [` .loadingGraphs { position: absolute; top: 38%; left: calc(50% - 15px); z-index: 100; } `], }) export class PoolRankingComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { poolsWindowPreference: string; radioGroupForm: FormGroup; isLoading = true; chartOptions: EChartsOption = {}; chartInitOptions = { renderer: 'svg' }; miningStatsObservable$: Observable; constructor( private stateService: StateService, private storageService: StorageService, private formBuilder: FormBuilder, private miningService: MiningService, ) { this.poolsWindowPreference = this.storageService.getValue('poolsWindowPreference') ? this.storageService.getValue('poolsWindowPreference') : '1d'; this.radioGroupForm ={ dateSpan: this.poolsWindowPreference }); this.radioGroupForm.controls.dateSpan.setValue(this.poolsWindowPreference); } ngOnInit(): void { // When... this.miningStatsObservable$ = combineLatest([ // ...a new block is mined this.stateService.blocks$ .pipe( // (we always receives some blocks at start so only trigger for the last one) skip(this.stateService.env.MEMPOOL_BLOCKS_AMOUNT - 1), ), // ...or we change the timespan this.radioGroupForm.get('dateSpan').valueChanges .pipe( startWith(this.poolsWindowPreference), // (trigger when the page loads) tap((value) => { this.storageService.setValue('poolsWindowPreference', value); this.poolsWindowPreference = value; }) ) ]) // ...then refresh the mining stats .pipe( switchMap(() => { this.isLoading = true; return this.miningService.getMiningStats(this.getSQLInterval(this.poolsWindowPreference)) .pipe( catchError((e) => of(this.getEmptyMiningStat())) ); }), map(data => { data.pools = SinglePoolStats) => this.formatPoolUI(pool)); return data; }), tap(data => { this.isLoading = false; this.prepareChartOptions(data); }) ); } ngOnDestroy(): void { } formatPoolUI(pool: SinglePoolStats) { pool['blockText'] = pool.blockCount.toString() + ` (${pool.share}%)`; return pool; } isMobile() { return (window.innerWidth <= 767.98); } generatePoolsChartSerieData(miningStats) { const poolShareThreshold = this.isMobile() ? 1 : 0.5; // Do not draw pools which hashrate share is lower than that const data: object[] = []; miningStats.pools.forEach((pool) => { if (parseFloat(pool.share) < poolShareThreshold) { return; } data.push({ value: pool.share, name: + (this.isMobile() ? `` : ` (${pool.share}%)`), label: { color: '#FFFFFF', overflow: 'break', }, tooltip: { backgroundColor: "#282d47", textStyle: { color: "#FFFFFF", }, formatter: () => { if (this.poolsWindowPreference === '1d') { return `${} (${pool.share}%)
` + pool.lastEstimatedHashrate.toString() + ' PH/s' + `
` + pool.blockCount.toString() + ` blocks`; } else { return `${} (${pool.share}%)
` + pool.blockCount.toString() + ` blocks`; } } } }); }); return data; } prepareChartOptions(miningStats) { this.chartOptions = { title: { text: (this.poolsWindowPreference === '1d') ? 'Hashrate distribution' : 'Block distribution', subtext: (this.poolsWindowPreference === '1d') ? 'Estimated from the # of blocks mined' : null, left: 'center', textStyle: { color: '#FFF', }, subtextStyle: { color: '#CCC', fontStyle: 'italic', } }, tooltip: { trigger: 'item' }, series: [ { top: this.isMobile() ? '5%' : '20%', name: 'Mining pool', type: 'pie', radius: this.isMobile() ? ['10%', '50%'] : ['20%', '80%'], data: this.generatePoolsChartSerieData(miningStats), labelLine: { lineStyle: { width: 2, }, }, label: { fontSize: 14, }, itemStyle: { borderRadius: 2, borderWidth: 2, borderColor: '#000', }, emphasis: { itemStyle: { borderWidth: 2, borderColor: '#FFF', borderRadius: 2, shadowBlur: 80, shadowColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75)', }, labelLine: { lineStyle: { width: 3, } } } } ] }; } getSQLInterval(uiInterval: string) { switch (uiInterval) { case '1d': return '1 DAY'; case '3d': return '3 DAY'; case '1w': return '1 WEEK'; case '1m': return '1 MONTH'; case '3m': return '3 MONTH'; case '6m': return '6 MONTH'; case '1y': return '1 YEAR'; case '2y': return '2 YEAR'; case '3y': return '3 YEAR'; default: return '1000 YEAR'; } } /** * Default mining stats if something goes wrong */ getEmptyMiningStat() { return { lastEstimatedHashrate: 'Error', blockCount: 0, totalEmptyBlock: 0, totalEmptyBlockRatio: '', pools: [], miningUnits: { hashrateDivider: 1, hashrateUnit: '', }, }; } }