import { Component, OnInit, LOCALE_ID, Inject, ViewChild, ElementRef } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router'; import { UntypedFormGroup, UntypedFormBuilder } from '@angular/forms'; import { of, merge} from 'rxjs'; import { switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { OptimizedMempoolStats } from '../../interfaces/node-api.interface'; import { WebsocketService } from '../../services/websocket.service'; import { ApiService } from '../../services/api.service'; import { StateService } from '../../services/state.service'; import { SeoService } from '../../services/seo.service'; import { StorageService } from '../../services/storage.service'; import { feeLevels, chartColors } from '../../app.constants'; import { MempoolGraphComponent } from '../mempool-graph/mempool-graph.component'; import { IncomingTransactionsGraphComponent } from '../incoming-transactions-graph/incoming-transactions-graph.component'; @Component({ selector: 'app-statistics', templateUrl: './statistics.component.html', styleUrls: ['./statistics.component.scss'] }) export class StatisticsComponent implements OnInit { @ViewChild('mempoolgraph') mempoolGraph: MempoolGraphComponent; @ViewChild('incominggraph') incomingGraph: IncomingTransactionsGraphComponent; network = ''; loading = true; spinnerLoading = false; feeLevels = feeLevels; chartColors = chartColors; filterFeeIndex = 1; dropDownOpen = false; mempoolStats: OptimizedMempoolStats[] = []; mempoolVsizeFeesData: any; mempoolUnconfirmedTransactionsData: any; mempoolTransactionsWeightPerSecondData: any; radioGroupForm: UntypedFormGroup; graphWindowPreference: string; inverted: boolean; feeLevelDropdownData = []; timespan = ''; constructor( @Inject(LOCALE_ID) private locale: string, private formBuilder: UntypedFormBuilder, private route: ActivatedRoute, private websocketService: WebsocketService, private apiService: ApiService, public stateService: StateService, private seoService: SeoService, private storageService: StorageService, ) { } ngOnInit() { this.inverted = this.storageService.getValue('inverted-graph') === 'true'; this.setFeeLevelDropdownData(); this.seoService.setTitle($localize`:@@5d4f792f048fcaa6df5948575d7cb325c9393383:Graphs`); this.stateService.networkChanged$.subscribe((network) => = network); this.graphWindowPreference = this.storageService.getValue('graphWindowPreference') ? this.storageService.getValue('graphWindowPreference').trim() : '2h'; this.radioGroupForm ={ dateSpan: this.graphWindowPreference }); this.route .fragment .subscribe((fragment) => { if (['2h', '24h', '1w', '1m', '3m', '6m', '1y', '2y', '3y', '4y'].indexOf(fragment) > -1) { this.radioGroupForm.controls.dateSpan.setValue(fragment, { emitEvent: false }); } }); merge( of(''), this.radioGroupForm.controls.dateSpan.valueChanges ) .pipe( switchMap(() => { this.timespan = this.radioGroupForm.controls.dateSpan.value; this.spinnerLoading = true; if (this.radioGroupForm.controls.dateSpan.value === '2h') { this.websocketService.want(['blocks', 'live-2h-chart']); return this.apiService.list2HStatistics$(); } this.websocketService.want(['blocks']); if (this.radioGroupForm.controls.dateSpan.value === '24h') { return this.apiService.list24HStatistics$(); } if (this.radioGroupForm.controls.dateSpan.value === '1w') { return this.apiService.list1WStatistics$(); } if (this.radioGroupForm.controls.dateSpan.value === '1m') { return this.apiService.list1MStatistics$(); } if (this.radioGroupForm.controls.dateSpan.value === '3m') { return this.apiService.list3MStatistics$(); } if (this.radioGroupForm.controls.dateSpan.value === '6m') { return this.apiService.list6MStatistics$(); } if (this.radioGroupForm.controls.dateSpan.value === '1y') { return this.apiService.list1YStatistics$(); } if (this.radioGroupForm.controls.dateSpan.value === '2y') { return this.apiService.list2YStatistics$(); } if (this.radioGroupForm.controls.dateSpan.value === '3y') { return this.apiService.list3YStatistics$(); } return this.apiService.list4YStatistics$(); }) ) .subscribe((mempoolStats: any) => { this.mempoolStats = mempoolStats; this.handleNewMempoolData(this.mempoolStats.concat([])); this.loading = false; this.spinnerLoading = false; }); this.stateService.live2Chart$ .subscribe((mempoolStats) => { this.mempoolStats.unshift(mempoolStats); this.mempoolStats = this.mempoolStats.slice(0, this.mempoolStats.length - 1); this.handleNewMempoolData(this.mempoolStats.concat([])); }); } handleNewMempoolData(mempoolStats: OptimizedMempoolStats[]) { mempoolStats.reverse(); const labels = => stats.added); this.capExtremeVbytesValues(); this.mempoolTransactionsWeightPerSecondData = { labels: labels, series: [ => [stats.added * 1000, stats.vbytes_per_second])], }; } saveGraphPreference() { this.storageService.setValue('graphWindowPreference', this.radioGroupForm.controls.dateSpan.value); } invertGraph() { this.storageService.setValue('inverted-graph', !this.inverted); document.location.reload(); } setFeeLevelDropdownData() { let _feeLevels = feeLevels let _chartColors = chartColors; if (!this.inverted) { _feeLevels = [...feeLevels].reverse(); _chartColors = [...chartColors].reverse(); } _feeLevels.forEach((fee, i) => { if (this.inverted) { this.feeLevelDropdownData.push({ fee: fee, range: this.stateService.isLiquid() ? `${(_feeLevels[i] / 10).toFixed(1)} - ${(_feeLevels[i + 1] / 10).toFixed(1)}` : `${_feeLevels[i]} - ${_feeLevels[i + 1]}`, color: _chartColors[i], }); } else { this.feeLevelDropdownData.push({ fee: fee, range: this.stateService.isLiquid() ? `${(_feeLevels[i] / 10).toFixed(1)} - ${(_feeLevels[i - 1] / 10).toFixed(1)}` : `${_feeLevels[i]} - ${_feeLevels[i - 1]}`, color: _chartColors[i - 1], }); } }) } /** * All value higher that "median * capRatio" are capped */ capExtremeVbytesValues() { if ( !== 0) { return; // Only cap on Bitcoin mainnet } let capRatio = 10; if (['1m', '3m', '6m', '1y', '2y', '3y', '4y'].includes(this.graphWindowPreference)) { capRatio = 4; } // Find median value const vBytes: number[] = []; for (const stat of this.mempoolStats) { vBytes.push(stat.vbytes_per_second); } const sorted = vBytes.slice().sort((a, b) => a - b); const middle = Math.floor(sorted.length / 2); let median = sorted[middle]; if (sorted.length % 2 === 0) { median = (sorted[middle - 1] + sorted[middle]) / 2; } // Cap for (const stat of this.mempoolStats) { stat.vbytes_per_second = Math.min(median * capRatio, stat.vbytes_per_second); } } onSaveChart(name) { if (name === 'mempool') { this.mempoolGraph.onSaveChart(this.timespan); } else if (name === 'incoming') { this.incomingGraph.onSaveChart(this.timespan); } } isMobile() { return (window.innerWidth <= 767.98); } }