import logger from '../logger'; import * as WebSocket from 'ws'; import { BlockExtended, TransactionExtended, MempoolTransactionExtended, WebsocketResponse, OptimizedStatistic, ILoadingIndicators } from '../mempool.interfaces'; import blocks from './blocks'; import memPool from './mempool'; import backendInfo from './backend-info'; import mempoolBlocks from './mempool-blocks'; import { Common } from './common'; import loadingIndicators from './loading-indicators'; import config from '../config'; import transactionUtils from './transaction-utils'; import rbfCache, { ReplacementInfo } from './rbf-cache'; import difficultyAdjustment from './difficulty-adjustment'; import feeApi from './fee-api'; import BlocksAuditsRepository from '../repositories/BlocksAuditsRepository'; import BlocksSummariesRepository from '../repositories/BlocksSummariesRepository'; import Audit from './audit'; import { deepClone } from '../utils/clone'; import priceUpdater from '../tasks/price-updater'; import { ApiPrice } from '../repositories/PricesRepository'; // valid 'want' subscriptions const wantable = [ 'blocks', 'mempool-blocks', 'live-2h-chart', 'stats', ]; class WebsocketHandler { private wss: WebSocket.Server | undefined; private extraInitProperties = {}; private numClients = 0; private numConnected = 0; private numDisconnected = 0; private socketData: { [key: string]: string } = {}; private serializedInitData: string = '{}'; private lastRbfSummary: ReplacementInfo | null = null; constructor() { } setWebsocketServer(wss: WebSocket.Server) { this.wss = wss; } setExtraInitData(property: string, value: any) { this.extraInitProperties[property] = value; this.updateSocketDataFields(this.extraInitProperties); } private updateSocketDataFields(data: { [property: string]: any }): void { for (const property of Object.keys(data)) { if (data[property] != null) { this.socketData[property] = JSON.stringify(data[property]); } else { delete this.socketData[property]; } } this.serializedInitData = '{' + Object.keys(this.socketData).map(key => `"${key}": ${this.socketData[key]}`).join(', ') + '}'; } private updateSocketData(): void { const _blocks = blocks.getBlocks().slice(-config.MEMPOOL.INITIAL_BLOCKS_AMOUNT); const da = difficultyAdjustment.getDifficultyAdjustment(); this.updateSocketDataFields({ 'mempoolInfo': memPool.getMempoolInfo(), 'vBytesPerSecond': memPool.getVBytesPerSecond(), 'blocks': _blocks, 'conversions': priceUpdater.getLatestPrices(), 'mempool-blocks': mempoolBlocks.getMempoolBlocks(), 'transactions': memPool.getLatestTransactions(), 'backendInfo': backendInfo.getBackendInfo(), 'loadingIndicators': loadingIndicators.getLoadingIndicators(), 'da': da?.previousTime ? da : undefined, 'fees': feeApi.getRecommendedFee(), }); } public getSerializedInitData(): string { return this.serializedInitData; } setupConnectionHandling() { if (!this.wss) { throw new Error('WebSocket.Server is not set'); } this.wss.on('connection', (client: WebSocket) => { this.numConnected++; client.on('error',; client.on('close', () => { this.numDisconnected++; }); client.on('message', async (message: string) => { try { const parsedMessage: WebsocketResponse = JSON.parse(message); const response = {}; const wantNow = {}; if (parsedMessage && parsedMessage.action === 'want' && Array.isArray( { for (const sub of wantable) { const key = `want-${sub}`; const wants =; if (wants && client['wants'] && !client[key]) { wantNow[key] = true; } client[key] = wants; } client['wants'] = true; } // send initial data when a client first starts a subscription if (wantNow['want-blocks'] || (parsedMessage && parsedMessage['refresh-blocks'])) { response['blocks'] = this.socketData['blocks']; } if (wantNow['want-mempool-blocks']) { response['mempool-blocks'] = this.socketData['mempool-blocks']; } if (wantNow['want-stats']) { response['mempoolInfo'] = this.socketData['mempoolInfo']; response['vBytesPerSecond'] = this.socketData['vBytesPerSecond']; response['fees'] = this.socketData['fees']; response['da'] = this.socketData['da']; } if (parsedMessage && parsedMessage['track-tx']) { if (/^[a-fA-F0-9]{64}$/.test(parsedMessage['track-tx'])) { client['track-tx'] = parsedMessage['track-tx']; const trackTxid = client['track-tx']; // Client is telling the transaction wasn't found if (parsedMessage['watch-mempool']) { const rbfCacheTxid = rbfCache.getReplacedBy(trackTxid); if (rbfCacheTxid) { response['txReplaced'] = JSON.stringify({ txid: rbfCacheTxid, }); client['track-tx'] = null; } else { // It might have appeared before we had the time to start watching for it const tx = memPool.getMempool()[trackTxid]; if (tx) { if (config.MEMPOOL.BACKEND === 'esplora') { response['tx'] = JSON.stringify(tx); } else { // tx.prevout is missing from transactions when in bitcoind mode try { const fullTx = await transactionUtils.$getMempoolTransactionExtended(tx.txid, true); response['tx'] = JSON.stringify(fullTx); } catch (e) { logger.debug('Error finding transaction: ' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); } } } else { try { const fullTx = await transactionUtils.$getMempoolTransactionExtended(client['track-tx'], true); response['tx'] = JSON.stringify(fullTx); } catch (e) { logger.debug('Error finding transaction. ' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); client['track-mempool-tx'] = parsedMessage['track-tx']; } } } } const tx = memPool.getMempool()[trackTxid]; if (tx && tx.position) { response['txPosition'] = JSON.stringify({ txid: trackTxid, position: tx.position, }); } } else { client['track-tx'] = null; } } if (parsedMessage && parsedMessage['track-address']) { if (/^([a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{26,35}|[a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{80}|[a-z]{2,5}1[ac-hj-np-z02-9]{8,100}|[A-Z]{2,5}1[AC-HJ-NP-Z02-9]{8,100}|04[a-fA-F0-9]{128}|(02|03)[a-fA-F0-9]{64})$/ .test(parsedMessage['track-address'])) { let matchedAddress = parsedMessage['track-address']; if (/^[A-Z]{2,5}1[AC-HJ-NP-Z02-9]{8,100}$/.test(parsedMessage['track-address'])) { matchedAddress = matchedAddress.toLowerCase(); } if (/^04[a-fA-F0-9]{128}$/.test(parsedMessage['track-address'])) { client['track-address'] = null; client['track-scriptpubkey'] = '41' + matchedAddress + 'ac'; } else if (/^|(02|03)[a-fA-F0-9]{64}$/.test(parsedMessage['track-address'])) { client['track-address'] = null; client['track-scriptpubkey'] = '21' + matchedAddress + 'ac'; } else { client['track-address'] = matchedAddress; client['track-scriptpubkey'] = null; } } else { client['track-address'] = null; client['track-scriptpubkey'] = null; } } if (parsedMessage && parsedMessage['track-asset']) { if (/^[a-fA-F0-9]{64}$/.test(parsedMessage['track-asset'])) { client['track-asset'] = parsedMessage['track-asset']; } else { client['track-asset'] = null; } } if (parsedMessage && parsedMessage['track-mempool-block'] !== undefined) { if (Number.isInteger(parsedMessage['track-mempool-block']) && parsedMessage['track-mempool-block'] >= 0) { const index = parsedMessage['track-mempool-block']; client['track-mempool-block'] = index; const mBlocksWithTransactions = mempoolBlocks.getMempoolBlocksWithTransactions(); response['projected-block-transactions'] = JSON.stringify({ index: index, blockTransactions: mBlocksWithTransactions[index]?.transactions || [], }); } else { client['track-mempool-block'] = null; } } if (parsedMessage && parsedMessage['track-rbf'] !== undefined) { if (['all', 'fullRbf'].includes(parsedMessage['track-rbf'])) { client['track-rbf'] = parsedMessage['track-rbf']; response['rbfLatest'] = JSON.stringify(rbfCache.getRbfTrees(parsedMessage['track-rbf'] === 'fullRbf')); } else { client['track-rbf'] = false; } } if (parsedMessage && parsedMessage['track-rbf-summary'] != null) { if (parsedMessage['track-rbf-summary']) { client['track-rbf-summary'] = true; if (this.socketData['rbfSummary'] != null) { response['rbfLatestSummary'] = this.socketData['rbfSummary']; } } else { client['track-rbf-summary'] = false; } } if (parsedMessage.action === 'init') { if (!this.socketData['blocks']?.length || !this.socketData['da'] || !this.socketData['backendInfo'] || !this.socketData['conversions']) { this.updateSocketData(); } if (!this.socketData['blocks']?.length) { return; } client.send(this.serializedInitData); } if (parsedMessage.action === 'ping') { response['pong'] = JSON.stringify(true); } if (parsedMessage['track-donation'] && parsedMessage['track-donation'].length === 22) { client['track-donation'] = parsedMessage['track-donation']; } if (parsedMessage['track-bisq-market']) { if (/^[a-z]{3}_[a-z]{3}$/.test(parsedMessage['track-bisq-market'])) { client['track-bisq-market'] = parsedMessage['track-bisq-market']; } else { client['track-bisq-market'] = null; } } if (Object.keys(response).length) { const serializedResponse = this.serializeResponse(response); client.send(serializedResponse); } } catch (e) { logger.debug('Error parsing websocket message: ' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); } }); }); } handleNewDonation(id: string) { if (!this.wss) { throw new Error('WebSocket.Server is not set'); } this.wss.clients.forEach((client) => { if (client.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) { return; } if (client['track-donation'] === id) { client.send(JSON.stringify({ donationConfirmed: true })); } }); } handleLoadingChanged(indicators: ILoadingIndicators) { if (!this.wss) { throw new Error('WebSocket.Server is not set'); } this.updateSocketDataFields({ 'loadingIndicators': indicators }); const response = JSON.stringify({ loadingIndicators: indicators }); this.wss.clients.forEach((client) => { if (client.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) { return; } client.send(response); }); } handleNewConversionRates(conversionRates: ApiPrice) { if (!this.wss) { throw new Error('WebSocket.Server is not set'); } this.updateSocketDataFields({ 'conversions': conversionRates }); const response = JSON.stringify({ conversions: conversionRates }); this.wss.clients.forEach((client) => { if (client.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) { return; } client.send(response); }); } handleNewStatistic(stats: OptimizedStatistic) { if (!this.wss) { throw new Error('WebSocket.Server is not set'); } this.printLogs(); const response = JSON.stringify({ 'live-2h-chart': stats }); this.wss.clients.forEach((client) => { if (client.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) { return; } if (!client['want-live-2h-chart']) { return; } client.send(response); }); } handleReorg(): void { if (!this.wss) { throw new Error('WebSocket.Server is not set'); } const da = difficultyAdjustment.getDifficultyAdjustment(); // update init data this.updateSocketDataFields({ 'blocks': blocks.getBlocks(), 'da': da?.previousTime ? da : undefined, }); this.wss.clients.forEach((client) => { if (client.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) { return; } const response = {}; if (client['want-blocks']) { response['blocks'] = this.socketData['blocks']; } if (client['want-stats']) { response['da'] = this.socketData['da']; } if (Object.keys(response).length) { const serializedResponse = this.serializeResponse(response); client.send(serializedResponse); } }); } async $handleMempoolChange(newMempool: { [txid: string]: MempoolTransactionExtended }, mempoolSize: number, newTransactions: MempoolTransactionExtended[], deletedTransactions: MempoolTransactionExtended[]): Promise { if (!this.wss) { throw new Error('WebSocket.Server is not set'); } this.printLogs(); if (config.MEMPOOL.ADVANCED_GBT_MEMPOOL) { if (config.MEMPOOL.RUST_GBT) { await mempoolBlocks.$rustUpdateBlockTemplates(newMempool, mempoolSize, newTransactions, deletedTransactions); } else { await mempoolBlocks.$updateBlockTemplates(newMempool, newTransactions, deletedTransactions, true); } } else { mempoolBlocks.updateMempoolBlocks(newMempool, true); } const mBlocks = mempoolBlocks.getMempoolBlocks(); const mBlockDeltas = mempoolBlocks.getMempoolBlockDeltas(); const mempoolInfo = memPool.getMempoolInfo(); const vBytesPerSecond = memPool.getVBytesPerSecond(); const rbfTransactions = Common.findRbfTransactions(newTransactions, deletedTransactions); const da = difficultyAdjustment.getDifficultyAdjustment(); memPool.handleRbfTransactions(rbfTransactions); const rbfChanges = rbfCache.getRbfChanges(); let rbfReplacements; let fullRbfReplacements; let rbfSummary; if (Object.keys(rbfChanges.trees).length) { rbfReplacements = rbfCache.getRbfTrees(false); fullRbfReplacements = rbfCache.getRbfTrees(true); rbfSummary = rbfCache.getLatestRbfSummary(); } for (const deletedTx of deletedTransactions) { rbfCache.evict(deletedTx.txid); } memPool.removeFromSpendMap(deletedTransactions); memPool.addToSpendMap(newTransactions); const recommendedFees = feeApi.getRecommendedFee(); const latestTransactions = memPool.getLatestTransactions(); // update init data const socketDataFields = { 'mempoolInfo': mempoolInfo, 'vBytesPerSecond': vBytesPerSecond, 'mempool-blocks': mBlocks, 'transactions': latestTransactions, 'loadingIndicators': loadingIndicators.getLoadingIndicators(), 'da': da?.previousTime ? da : undefined, 'fees': recommendedFees, }; if (rbfSummary) { socketDataFields['rbfSummary'] = rbfSummary; } this.updateSocketDataFields(socketDataFields); // cache serialized objects to avoid stringify-ing the same thing for every client const responseCache = { ...this.socketData }; function getCachedResponse(key: string, data): string { if (!responseCache[key]) { responseCache[key] = JSON.stringify(data); } return responseCache[key]; } // pre-compute new tracked outspends const outspendCache: { [txid: string]: { [vout: number]: { vin: number, txid: string } } } = {}; const trackedTxs = new Set(); this.wss.clients.forEach((client) => { if (client['track-tx']) { trackedTxs.add(client['track-tx']); } }); if (trackedTxs.size > 0) { for (const tx of newTransactions) { for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { const vin =[i]; if (trackedTxs.has(vin.txid)) { if (!outspendCache[vin.txid]) { outspendCache[vin.txid] = { [vin.vout]: { vin: i, txid: tx.txid }}; } else { outspendCache[vin.txid][vin.vout] = { vin: i, txid: tx.txid }; } } } } } this.wss.clients.forEach(async (client) => { if (client.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) { return; } const response = {}; if (client['want-stats']) { response['mempoolInfo'] = getCachedResponse('mempoolInfo', mempoolInfo); response['vBytesPerSecond'] = getCachedResponse('vBytesPerSecond', vBytesPerSecond); response['transactions'] = getCachedResponse('transactions', latestTransactions); if (da?.previousTime) { response['da'] = getCachedResponse('da', da); } response['fees'] = getCachedResponse('fees', recommendedFees); } if (client['want-mempool-blocks']) { response['mempool-blocks'] = getCachedResponse('mempool-blocks', mBlocks); } if (client['track-mempool-tx']) { const tx = newTransactions.find((t) => t.txid === client['track-mempool-tx']); if (tx) { if (config.MEMPOOL.BACKEND !== 'esplora') { try { const fullTx = await transactionUtils.$getMempoolTransactionExtended(tx.txid, true); response['tx'] = JSON.stringify(fullTx); } catch (e) { logger.debug('Error finding transaction in mempool: ' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); } } else { response['tx'] = JSON.stringify(tx); } client['track-mempool-tx'] = null; } } if (client['track-address']) { const foundTransactions: TransactionExtended[] = []; for (const tx of newTransactions) { const someVin = => !!vin.prevout && vin.prevout.scriptpubkey_address === client['track-address']); if (someVin) { if (config.MEMPOOL.BACKEND !== 'esplora') { try { const fullTx = await transactionUtils.$getMempoolTransactionExtended(tx.txid, true); foundTransactions.push(fullTx); } catch (e) { logger.debug('Error finding transaction in mempool: ' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); } } else { foundTransactions.push(tx); } return; } const someVout = tx.vout.some((vout) => vout.scriptpubkey_address === client['track-address']); if (someVout) { if (config.MEMPOOL.BACKEND !== 'esplora') { try { const fullTx = await transactionUtils.$getMempoolTransactionExtended(tx.txid, true); foundTransactions.push(fullTx); } catch (e) { logger.debug('Error finding transaction in mempool: ' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); } } else { foundTransactions.push(tx); } } } if (foundTransactions.length) { response['address-transactions'] = JSON.stringify(foundTransactions); } } if (client['track-scriptpubkey']) { const foundTransactions: TransactionExtended[] = []; for (const tx of newTransactions) { const someVin = => !!vin.prevout && vin.prevout.scriptpubkey_type === 'p2pk' && vin.prevout.scriptpubkey === client['track-scriptpubkey']); if (someVin) { if (config.MEMPOOL.BACKEND !== 'esplora') { try { const fullTx = await transactionUtils.$getMempoolTransactionExtended(tx.txid, true); foundTransactions.push(fullTx); } catch (e) { logger.debug('Error finding transaction in mempool: ' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); } } else { foundTransactions.push(tx); } return; } const someVout = tx.vout.some((vout) => vout.scriptpubkey_type === 'p2pk' && vout.scriptpubkey === client['track-scriptpubkey']); if (someVout) { if (config.MEMPOOL.BACKEND !== 'esplora') { try { const fullTx = await transactionUtils.$getMempoolTransactionExtended(tx.txid, true); foundTransactions.push(fullTx); } catch (e) { logger.debug('Error finding transaction in mempool: ' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); } } else { foundTransactions.push(tx); } } } if (foundTransactions.length) { response['address-transactions'] = JSON.stringify(foundTransactions); } } if (client['track-asset']) { const foundTransactions: TransactionExtended[] = []; newTransactions.forEach((tx) => { if (client['track-asset'] === Common.nativeAssetId) { if ( => !!vin.is_pegin)) { foundTransactions.push(tx); return; } if (tx.vout.some((vout) => !!vout.pegout)) { foundTransactions.push(tx); } } else { if ( => !!vin.issuance && vin.issuance.asset_id === client['track-asset'])) { foundTransactions.push(tx); return; } if (tx.vout.some((vout) => !!vout.asset && vout.asset === client['track-asset'])) { foundTransactions.push(tx); } } }); if (foundTransactions.length) { response['address-transactions'] = JSON.stringify(foundTransactions); } } if (client['track-tx']) { const trackTxid = client['track-tx']; const outspends = outspendCache[trackTxid]; if (outspends && Object.keys(outspends).length) { response['utxoSpent'] = JSON.stringify(outspends); } const rbfReplacedBy = rbfCache.getReplacedBy(client['track-tx']); if (rbfReplacedBy) { response['rbfTransaction'] = JSON.stringify({ txid: rbfReplacedBy, }); } const rbfChange =[client['track-tx']]; if (rbfChange) { response['rbfInfo'] = JSON.stringify(rbfChanges.trees[rbfChange]); } const mempoolTx = newMempool[trackTxid]; if (mempoolTx && mempoolTx.position) { response['txPosition'] = JSON.stringify({ txid: trackTxid, position: mempoolTx.position, }); } } if (client['track-mempool-block'] >= 0 && memPool.isInSync()) { const index = client['track-mempool-block']; if (mBlockDeltas[index]) { response['projected-block-transactions'] = getCachedResponse(`projected-block-transactions-${index}`, { index: index, delta: mBlockDeltas[index], }); } } if (client['track-rbf'] === 'all' && rbfReplacements) { response['rbfLatest'] = getCachedResponse('rbfLatest', rbfReplacements); } else if (client['track-rbf'] === 'fullRbf' && fullRbfReplacements) { response['rbfLatest'] = getCachedResponse('fullrbfLatest', fullRbfReplacements); } if (client['track-rbf-summary'] && rbfSummary) { response['rbfLatestSummary'] = getCachedResponse('rbfLatestSummary', rbfSummary); } if (Object.keys(response).length) { const serializedResponse = this.serializeResponse(response); client.send(serializedResponse); } }); } async handleNewBlock(block: BlockExtended, txIds: string[], transactions: MempoolTransactionExtended[]): Promise { if (!this.wss) { throw new Error('WebSocket.Server is not set'); } this.printLogs(); const _memPool = memPool.getMempool(); const rbfTransactions = Common.findMinedRbfTransactions(transactions, memPool.getSpendMap()); memPool.handleMinedRbfTransactions(rbfTransactions); memPool.removeFromSpendMap(transactions); if (config.MEMPOOL.AUDIT && memPool.isInSync()) { let projectedBlocks; let auditMempool = _memPool; // template calculation functions have mempool side effects, so calculate audits using // a cloned copy of the mempool if we're running a different algorithm for mempool updates const separateAudit = config.MEMPOOL.ADVANCED_GBT_AUDIT !== config.MEMPOOL.ADVANCED_GBT_MEMPOOL; if (separateAudit) { auditMempool = deepClone(_memPool); if (config.MEMPOOL.ADVANCED_GBT_AUDIT) { if (config.MEMPOOL.RUST_GBT) { projectedBlocks = await mempoolBlocks.$oneOffRustBlockTemplates(auditMempool); } else { projectedBlocks = await mempoolBlocks.$makeBlockTemplates(auditMempool, false); } } else { projectedBlocks = mempoolBlocks.updateMempoolBlocks(auditMempool, false); } } else { projectedBlocks = mempoolBlocks.getMempoolBlocksWithTransactions(); } if (Common.indexingEnabled()) { const { censored, added, fresh, sigop, fullrbf, score, similarity } = Audit.auditBlock(transactions, projectedBlocks, auditMempool); const matchRate = Math.round(score * 100 * 100) / 100; const stripped = projectedBlocks[0]?.transactions ? projectedBlocks[0].transactions : []; let totalFees = 0; let totalWeight = 0; for (const tx of stripped) { totalFees += tx.fee; totalWeight += (tx.vsize * 4); } BlocksSummariesRepository.$saveTemplate({ height: block.height, template: { id:, transactions: stripped, } }); BlocksAuditsRepository.$saveAudit({ time: block.timestamp, height: block.height, hash:, addedTxs: added, missingTxs: censored, freshTxs: fresh, sigopTxs: sigop, fullrbfTxs: fullrbf, matchRate: matchRate, expectedFees: totalFees, expectedWeight: totalWeight, }); if (block.extras) { block.extras.matchRate = matchRate; block.extras.expectedFees = totalFees; block.extras.expectedWeight = totalWeight; block.extras.similarity = similarity; } } } else if (block.extras) { const mBlocks = mempoolBlocks.getMempoolBlocksWithTransactions(); if (mBlocks?.length && mBlocks[0].transactions) { block.extras.similarity = Common.getSimilarity(mBlocks[0], transactions); } } // Update mempool to remove transactions included in the new block for (const txId of txIds) { delete _memPool[txId]; rbfCache.mined(txId); } if (config.MEMPOOL.ADVANCED_GBT_MEMPOOL) { if (config.MEMPOOL.RUST_GBT) { await mempoolBlocks.$rustUpdateBlockTemplates(_memPool, Object.keys(_memPool).length, [], transactions); } else { await mempoolBlocks.$makeBlockTemplates(_memPool, true); } } else { mempoolBlocks.updateMempoolBlocks(_memPool, true); } const mBlocks = mempoolBlocks.getMempoolBlocks(); const mBlockDeltas = mempoolBlocks.getMempoolBlockDeltas(); const da = difficultyAdjustment.getDifficultyAdjustment(); const fees = feeApi.getRecommendedFee(); const mempoolInfo = memPool.getMempoolInfo(); // update init data this.updateSocketDataFields({ 'mempoolInfo': mempoolInfo, 'blocks': [...blocks.getBlocks(), block].slice(-config.MEMPOOL.INITIAL_BLOCKS_AMOUNT), 'mempool-blocks': mBlocks, 'loadingIndicators': loadingIndicators.getLoadingIndicators(), 'da': da?.previousTime ? da : undefined, 'fees': fees, }); const responseCache = { ...this.socketData }; function getCachedResponse(key, data): string { if (!responseCache[key]) { responseCache[key] = JSON.stringify(data); } return responseCache[key]; } this.wss.clients.forEach((client) => { if (client.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) { return; } const response = {}; if (client['want-blocks']) { response['block'] = getCachedResponse('block', block); } if (client['want-stats']) { response['mempoolInfo'] = getCachedResponse('mempoolInfo', mempoolInfo); response['vBytesPerSecond'] = getCachedResponse('vBytesPerSecond', memPool.getVBytesPerSecond()); response['fees'] = getCachedResponse('fees', fees); if (da?.previousTime) { response['da'] = getCachedResponse('da', da); } } if (mBlocks && client['want-mempool-blocks']) { response['mempool-blocks'] = getCachedResponse('mempool-blocks', mBlocks); } if (client['track-tx']) { const trackTxid = client['track-tx']; if (trackTxid && txIds.indexOf(trackTxid) > -1) { response['txConfirmed'] = JSON.stringify(trackTxid); } else { const mempoolTx = _memPool[trackTxid]; if (mempoolTx && mempoolTx.position) { response['txPosition'] = JSON.stringify({ txid: trackTxid, position: mempoolTx.position, }); } } } if (client['track-address']) { const foundTransactions: TransactionExtended[] = []; transactions.forEach((tx) => { if ( && => !!vin.prevout && vin.prevout.scriptpubkey_address === client['track-address'])) { foundTransactions.push(tx); return; } if (tx.vout && tx.vout.some((vout) => vout.scriptpubkey_address === client['track-address'])) { foundTransactions.push(tx); } }); if (foundTransactions.length) { foundTransactions.forEach((tx) => { tx.status = { confirmed: true, block_height: block.height, block_hash:, block_time: block.timestamp, }; }); response['block-transactions'] = JSON.stringify(foundTransactions); } } if (client['track-scriptpubkey']) { const foundTransactions: TransactionExtended[] = []; transactions.forEach((tx) => { if ( && => !!vin.prevout && vin.prevout.scriptpubkey_type === 'p2pk' && vin.prevout.scriptpubkey === client['track-scriptpubkey'])) { foundTransactions.push(tx); return; } if (tx.vout && tx.vout.some((vout) => vout.scriptpubkey_type === 'p2pk' && vout.scriptpubkey === client['track-scriptpubkey'])) { foundTransactions.push(tx); } }); if (foundTransactions.length) { foundTransactions.forEach((tx) => { tx.status = { confirmed: true, block_height: block.height, block_hash:, block_time: block.timestamp, }; }); response['block-transactions'] = JSON.stringify(foundTransactions); } } if (client['track-asset']) { const foundTransactions: TransactionExtended[] = []; transactions.forEach((tx) => { if (client['track-asset'] === Common.nativeAssetId) { if ( && => !!vin.is_pegin)) { foundTransactions.push(tx); return; } if (tx.vout && tx.vout.some((vout) => !!vout.pegout)) { foundTransactions.push(tx); } } else { if ( && => !!vin.issuance && vin.issuance.asset_id === client['track-asset'])) { foundTransactions.push(tx); return; } if (tx.vout && tx.vout.some((vout) => !!vout.asset && vout.asset === client['track-asset'])) { foundTransactions.push(tx); } } }); if (foundTransactions.length) { foundTransactions.forEach((tx) => { tx.status = { confirmed: true, block_height: block.height, block_hash:, block_time: block.timestamp, }; }); response['block-transactions'] = JSON.stringify(foundTransactions); } } if (client['track-mempool-block'] >= 0 && memPool.isInSync()) { const index = client['track-mempool-block']; if (mBlockDeltas && mBlockDeltas[index]) { response['projected-block-transactions'] = getCachedResponse(`projected-block-transactions-${index}`, { index: index, delta: mBlockDeltas[index], }); } } if (Object.keys(response).length) { const serializedResponse = this.serializeResponse(response); client.send(serializedResponse); } }); } // takes a dictionary of JSON serialized values // and zips it together into a valid JSON object private serializeResponse(response): string { return '{' + Object.keys(response).map(key => `"${key}": ${response[key]}`).join(', ') + '}'; } private printLogs(): void { if (this.wss) { const count = this.wss?.clients?.size || 0; const diff = count - this.numClients; this.numClients = count; logger.debug(`${count} websocket clients | ${this.numConnected} connected | ${this.numDisconnected} disconnected | (${diff >= 0 ? '+' : ''}${diff})`); this.numConnected = 0; this.numDisconnected = 0; } } } export default new WebsocketHandler();