import logger from '../logger'; import * as WebSocket from 'ws'; import { Block, TransactionExtended, WebsocketResponse, MempoolBlock, OptimizedStatistic } from '../interfaces'; import blocks from './blocks'; import memPool from './mempool'; import backendInfo from './backend-info'; import mempoolBlocks from './mempool-blocks'; import fiatConversion from './fiat-conversion'; import { Common } from './common'; class WebsocketHandler { private static INITIAL_BLOCK_AMOUNT = 8; private wss: WebSocket.Server | undefined; private nativeAssetId = '6f0279e9ed041c3d710a9f57d0c02928416460c4b722ae3457a11eec381c526d'; private extraInitProperties = {}; constructor() { } setWebsocketServer(wss: WebSocket.Server) { this.wss = wss; } setExtraInitProperties(property: string, value: any) { this.extraInitProperties[property] = value; } setupConnectionHandling() { if (!this.wss) { throw new Error('WebSocket.Server is not set'); } this.wss.on('connection', (client: WebSocket) => { client.on('message', (message: string) => { try { const parsedMessage: WebsocketResponse = JSON.parse(message); const response = {}; if (parsedMessage.action === 'want') { client['want-blocks'] ='blocks') > -1; client['want-mempool-blocks'] ='mempool-blocks') > -1; client['want-live-2h-chart'] ='live-2h-chart') > -1; client['want-stats'] ='stats') > -1; } if (parsedMessage && parsedMessage['track-tx']) { if (/^[a-fA-F0-9]{64}$/.test(parsedMessage['track-tx'])) { client['track-tx'] = parsedMessage['track-tx']; // Client is telling the transaction wasn't found but it might have appeared before we had the time to start watching for it if (parsedMessage['watch-mempool']) { const tx = memPool.getMempool()[client['track-tx']]; if (tx) { response['tx'] = tx; } else { client['track-mempool-tx'] = parsedMessage['track-tx']; } } } else { client['track-tx'] = null; } } if (parsedMessage && parsedMessage['track-address']) { if (/^([a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{26,35}|[a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{80}|[a-z]{2,5}1[ac-hj-np-z02-9]{8,87})$/ .test(parsedMessage['track-address'])) { client['track-address'] = parsedMessage['track-address']; } else { client['track-address'] = null; } } if (parsedMessage && parsedMessage['track-asset']) { if (/^[a-fA-F0-9]{64}$/.test(parsedMessage['track-asset'])) { client['track-asset'] = parsedMessage['track-asset']; } else { client['track-asset'] = null; } } if (parsedMessage.action === 'init') { const _blocks = blocks.getBlocks(); if (!_blocks) { return; } client.send(JSON.stringify({ 'mempoolInfo': memPool.getMempoolInfo(), 'vBytesPerSecond': memPool.getVBytesPerSecond(), 'lastDifficultyAdjustment': blocks.getLastDifficultyAdjustmentTime(), 'blocks': _blocks.slice(Math.max(_blocks.length - WebsocketHandler.INITIAL_BLOCK_AMOUNT, 0)), 'conversions': fiatConversion.getTickers()['BTCUSD'], 'mempool-blocks': mempoolBlocks.getMempoolBlocks(), 'transactions': memPool.getLatestTransactions(), 'git-commit': backendInfo.gitCommitHash, 'hostname': backendInfo.hostname, ...this.extraInitProperties })); } if (parsedMessage.action === 'ping') { response['pong'] = true; } if (parsedMessage['track-donation'] && parsedMessage['track-donation'].length === 22) { client['track-donation'] = parsedMessage['track-donation']; } if (Object.keys(response).length) { client.send(JSON.stringify(response)); } } catch (e) { logger.err('Error parsing websocket message: ' + e); } }); }); } handleNewDonation(id: string) { if (!this.wss) { throw new Error('WebSocket.Server is not set'); } this.wss.clients.forEach((client: WebSocket) => { if (client.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) { return; } if (client['track-donation'] === id) { client.send(JSON.stringify({ donationConfirmed: true })); } }); } handleNewStatistic(stats: OptimizedStatistic) { if (!this.wss) { throw new Error('WebSocket.Server is not set'); } this.wss.clients.forEach((client: WebSocket) => { if (client.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) { return; } if (!client['want-live-2h-chart']) { return; } client.send(JSON.stringify({ 'live-2h-chart': stats })); }); } handleMempoolChange(newMempool: { [txid: string]: TransactionExtended }, newTransactions: TransactionExtended[], deletedTransactions: TransactionExtended[]) { if (!this.wss) { throw new Error('WebSocket.Server is not set'); } mempoolBlocks.updateMempoolBlocks(newMempool); const mBlocks = mempoolBlocks.getMempoolBlocks(); const mempoolInfo = memPool.getMempoolInfo(); const vBytesPerSecond = memPool.getVBytesPerSecond(); const rbfTransactions = Common.findRbfTransactions(newTransactions, deletedTransactions); this.wss.clients.forEach((client: WebSocket) => { if (client.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) { return; } const response = {}; if (client['want-stats']) { response['mempoolInfo'] = mempoolInfo; response['vBytesPerSecond'] = vBytesPerSecond; response['transactions'] = newTransactions.slice(0, 6).map((tx) => Common.stripTransaction(tx)); } if (client['want-mempool-blocks']) { response['mempool-blocks'] = mBlocks; } if (client['track-mempool-tx']) { const tx = newTransactions.find((t) => t.txid === client['track-mempool-tx']); if (tx) { response['tx'] = tx; client['track-mempool-tx'] = null; } } if (client['track-address']) { const foundTransactions: TransactionExtended[] = []; newTransactions.forEach((tx) => { const someVin = => !!vin.prevout && vin.prevout.scriptpubkey_address === client['track-address']); if (someVin) { foundTransactions.push(tx); return; } const someVout = tx.vout.some((vout) => vout.scriptpubkey_address === client['track-address']); if (someVout) { foundTransactions.push(tx); } }); if (foundTransactions.length) { response['address-transactions'] = foundTransactions; } } if (client['track-asset']) { const foundTransactions: TransactionExtended[] = []; newTransactions.forEach((tx) => { if (client['track-asset'] === this.nativeAssetId) { if ( => !!vin.is_pegin)) { foundTransactions.push(tx); return; } if (tx.vout.some((vout) => !!vout.pegout)) { foundTransactions.push(tx); } } else { if ( => !!vin.issuance && vin.issuance.asset_id === client['track-asset'])) { foundTransactions.push(tx); return; } if (tx.vout.some((vout) => !!vout.asset && vout.asset === client['track-asset'])) { foundTransactions.push(tx); } } }); if (foundTransactions.length) { response['address-transactions'] = foundTransactions; } } if (client['track-tx'] && rbfTransactions[client['track-tx']]) { for (const rbfTransaction in rbfTransactions) { if (client['track-tx'] === rbfTransaction) { response['rbfTransaction'] = rbfTransactions[rbfTransaction]; break; } } } if (Object.keys(response).length) { client.send(JSON.stringify(response)); } }); } handleNewBlock(block: Block, txIds: string[], transactions: TransactionExtended[]) { if (!this.wss) { throw new Error('WebSocket.Server is not set'); } // Check how many transactions in the new block matches the latest projected mempool block // If it's more than 0, recalculate the mempool blocks and send to client in the same update let mBlocks: undefined | MempoolBlock[]; let matchRate = 0; const _mempoolBlocks = mempoolBlocks.getMempoolBlocksWithTransactions(); if (_mempoolBlocks[0]) { const matches: string[] = []; for (const txId of txIds) { if (_mempoolBlocks[0].transactionIds.indexOf(txId) > -1) { matches.push(txId); } } matchRate = Math.round((matches.length / (txIds.length - 1)) * 100); if (matchRate > 0) { const currentMemPool = memPool.getMempool(); for (const txId of matches) { delete currentMemPool[txId]; } mempoolBlocks.updateMempoolBlocks(currentMemPool); mBlocks = mempoolBlocks.getMempoolBlocks(); } } block.matchRate = matchRate; this.wss.clients.forEach((client) => { if (client.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) { return; } if (!client['want-blocks']) { return; } const response = { 'block': block, 'mempoolInfo': memPool.getMempoolInfo(), 'lastDifficultyAdjustment': blocks.getLastDifficultyAdjustmentTime(), }; if (mBlocks && client['want-mempool-blocks']) { response['mempool-blocks'] = mBlocks; } if (client['track-tx'] && txIds.indexOf(client['track-tx']) > -1) { client['track-tx'] = null; response['txConfirmed'] = true; } if (client['track-address']) { const foundTransactions: TransactionExtended[] = []; transactions.forEach((tx) => { if ( && => !!vin.prevout && vin.prevout.scriptpubkey_address === client['track-address'])) { foundTransactions.push(tx); return; } if (tx.vout && tx.vout.some((vout) => vout.scriptpubkey_address === client['track-address'])) { foundTransactions.push(tx); } }); if (foundTransactions.length) { foundTransactions.forEach((tx) => { tx.status = { confirmed: true, block_height: block.height, block_hash:, block_time: block.timestamp, }; }); response['block-transactions'] = foundTransactions; } } if (client['track-asset']) { const foundTransactions: TransactionExtended[] = []; transactions.forEach((tx) => { if (client['track-asset'] === this.nativeAssetId) { if ( && => !!vin.is_pegin)) { foundTransactions.push(tx); return; } if (tx.vout && tx.vout.some((vout) => !!vout.pegout)) { foundTransactions.push(tx); } } else { if ( && => !!vin.issuance && vin.issuance.asset_id === client['track-asset'])) { foundTransactions.push(tx); return; } if (tx.vout && tx.vout.some((vout) => !!vout.asset && vout.asset === client['track-asset'])) { foundTransactions.push(tx); } } }); if (foundTransactions.length) { foundTransactions.forEach((tx) => { tx.status = { confirmed: true, block_height: block.height, block_hash:, block_time: block.timestamp, }; }); response['block-transactions'] = foundTransactions; } } client.send(JSON.stringify(response)); }); } } export default new WebsocketHandler();