import memPool from './mempool'; import DB from '../database'; import logger from '../logger'; import { Statistic, TransactionExtended, OptimizedStatistic } from '../mempool.interfaces'; import config from '../config'; import { Common } from './common'; class Statistics { protected intervalTimer: NodeJS.Timer | undefined; protected newStatisticsEntryCallback: ((stats: OptimizedStatistic) => void) | undefined; protected queryTimeout = 120000; public setNewStatisticsEntryCallback(fn: (stats: OptimizedStatistic) => void) { this.newStatisticsEntryCallback = fn; } constructor() { } public startStatistics(): void {'Starting statistics service'); const now = new Date(); const nextInterval = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate(), now.getHours(), Math.floor(now.getMinutes() / 1) * 1 + 1, 0, 0); const difference = nextInterval.getTime() - now.getTime(); setTimeout(() => { this.runStatistics(); this.intervalTimer = setInterval(() => { this.runStatistics(); }, 1 * 60 * 1000); }, difference); } private async runStatistics(): Promise { if (!memPool.isInSync()) { return; } const currentMempool = memPool.getMempool(); const txPerSecond = memPool.getTxPerSecond(); const vBytesPerSecond = memPool.getVBytesPerSecond(); logger.debug('Running statistics'); let memPoolArray: TransactionExtended[] = []; for (const i in currentMempool) { if (currentMempool.hasOwnProperty(i)) { memPoolArray.push(currentMempool[i]); } } // Remove 0 and undefined memPoolArray = memPoolArray.filter((tx) => tx.effectiveFeePerVsize); if (!memPoolArray.length) { try { const insertIdZeroed = await this.$createZeroedStatistic(); if (this.newStatisticsEntryCallback && insertIdZeroed) { const newStats = await this.$get(insertIdZeroed); if (newStats) { this.newStatisticsEntryCallback(newStats); } } } catch (e) { logger.err('Unable to insert zeroed statistics. ' + e); } return; } memPoolArray.sort((a, b) => a.effectiveFeePerVsize - b.effectiveFeePerVsize); const totalWeight = => tx.vsize).reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr) * 4; const totalFee = => tx.fee).reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr); const logFees = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000]; const weightVsizeFees: { [feePerWU: number]: number } = {}; const lastItem = logFees.length - 1; memPoolArray.forEach((transaction) => { for (let i = 0; i < logFees.length; i++) { if ( (Common.isLiquid() && (i === lastItem || transaction.effectiveFeePerVsize * 10 < logFees[i + 1])) || (!Common.isLiquid() && (i === lastItem || transaction.effectiveFeePerVsize < logFees[i + 1])) ) { if (weightVsizeFees[logFees[i]]) { weightVsizeFees[logFees[i]] += transaction.vsize; } else { weightVsizeFees[logFees[i]] = transaction.vsize; } break; } } }); try { const insertId = await this.$create({ added: 'NOW()', unconfirmed_transactions: memPoolArray.length, tx_per_second: txPerSecond, vbytes_per_second: Math.round(vBytesPerSecond), mempool_byte_weight: totalWeight, total_fee: totalFee, fee_data: '', vsize_1: weightVsizeFees['1'] || 0, vsize_2: weightVsizeFees['2'] || 0, vsize_3: weightVsizeFees['3'] || 0, vsize_4: weightVsizeFees['4'] || 0, vsize_5: weightVsizeFees['5'] || 0, vsize_6: weightVsizeFees['6'] || 0, vsize_8: weightVsizeFees['8'] || 0, vsize_10: weightVsizeFees['10'] || 0, vsize_12: weightVsizeFees['12'] || 0, vsize_15: weightVsizeFees['15'] || 0, vsize_20: weightVsizeFees['20'] || 0, vsize_30: weightVsizeFees['30'] || 0, vsize_40: weightVsizeFees['40'] || 0, vsize_50: weightVsizeFees['50'] || 0, vsize_60: weightVsizeFees['60'] || 0, vsize_70: weightVsizeFees['70'] || 0, vsize_80: weightVsizeFees['80'] || 0, vsize_90: weightVsizeFees['90'] || 0, vsize_100: weightVsizeFees['100'] || 0, vsize_125: weightVsizeFees['125'] || 0, vsize_150: weightVsizeFees['150'] || 0, vsize_175: weightVsizeFees['175'] || 0, vsize_200: weightVsizeFees['200'] || 0, vsize_250: weightVsizeFees['250'] || 0, vsize_300: weightVsizeFees['300'] || 0, vsize_350: weightVsizeFees['350'] || 0, vsize_400: weightVsizeFees['400'] || 0, vsize_500: weightVsizeFees['500'] || 0, vsize_600: weightVsizeFees['600'] || 0, vsize_700: weightVsizeFees['700'] || 0, vsize_800: weightVsizeFees['800'] || 0, vsize_900: weightVsizeFees['900'] || 0, vsize_1000: weightVsizeFees['1000'] || 0, vsize_1200: weightVsizeFees['1200'] || 0, vsize_1400: weightVsizeFees['1400'] || 0, vsize_1600: weightVsizeFees['1600'] || 0, vsize_1800: weightVsizeFees['1800'] || 0, vsize_2000: weightVsizeFees['2000'] || 0, }); if (this.newStatisticsEntryCallback && insertId) { const newStats = await this.$get(insertId); if (newStats) { this.newStatisticsEntryCallback(newStats); } } } catch (e) { logger.err('Unable to insert statistics. ' + e); } } private async $createZeroedStatistic(): Promise { try { const query = `INSERT INTO statistics( added, unconfirmed_transactions, tx_per_second, vbytes_per_second, mempool_byte_weight, fee_data, total_fee, vsize_1, vsize_2, vsize_3, vsize_4, vsize_5, vsize_6, vsize_8, vsize_10, vsize_12, vsize_15, vsize_20, vsize_30, vsize_40, vsize_50, vsize_60, vsize_70, vsize_80, vsize_90, vsize_100, vsize_125, vsize_150, vsize_175, vsize_200, vsize_250, vsize_300, vsize_350, vsize_400, vsize_500, vsize_600, vsize_700, vsize_800, vsize_900, vsize_1000, vsize_1200, vsize_1400, vsize_1600, vsize_1800, vsize_2000 ) VALUES (NOW(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)`; const [result]: any = await DB.query(query); return result.insertId; } catch (e) { logger.err('$create() error' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); } } private async $create(statistics: Statistic): Promise { try { const query = `INSERT INTO statistics( added, unconfirmed_transactions, tx_per_second, vbytes_per_second, mempool_byte_weight, fee_data, total_fee, vsize_1, vsize_2, vsize_3, vsize_4, vsize_5, vsize_6, vsize_8, vsize_10, vsize_12, vsize_15, vsize_20, vsize_30, vsize_40, vsize_50, vsize_60, vsize_70, vsize_80, vsize_90, vsize_100, vsize_125, vsize_150, vsize_175, vsize_200, vsize_250, vsize_300, vsize_350, vsize_400, vsize_500, vsize_600, vsize_700, vsize_800, vsize_900, vsize_1000, vsize_1200, vsize_1400, vsize_1600, vsize_1800, vsize_2000 ) VALUES (${statistics.added}, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`; const params: (string | number)[] = [ statistics.unconfirmed_transactions, statistics.tx_per_second, statistics.vbytes_per_second, statistics.mempool_byte_weight, statistics.fee_data, statistics.total_fee, statistics.vsize_1, statistics.vsize_2, statistics.vsize_3, statistics.vsize_4, statistics.vsize_5, statistics.vsize_6, statistics.vsize_8, statistics.vsize_10, statistics.vsize_12, statistics.vsize_15, statistics.vsize_20, statistics.vsize_30, statistics.vsize_40, statistics.vsize_50, statistics.vsize_60, statistics.vsize_70, statistics.vsize_80, statistics.vsize_90, statistics.vsize_100, statistics.vsize_125, statistics.vsize_150, statistics.vsize_175, statistics.vsize_200, statistics.vsize_250, statistics.vsize_300, statistics.vsize_350, statistics.vsize_400, statistics.vsize_500, statistics.vsize_600, statistics.vsize_700, statistics.vsize_800, statistics.vsize_900, statistics.vsize_1000, statistics.vsize_1200, statistics.vsize_1400, statistics.vsize_1600, statistics.vsize_1800, statistics.vsize_2000, ]; const [result]: any = await DB.query(query, params); return result.insertId; } catch (e) { logger.err('$create() error' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); } } private getQueryForDaysAvg(div: number, interval: string) { return `SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(added) as added, CAST(avg(vbytes_per_second) as DOUBLE) as vbytes_per_second, CAST(avg(vsize_1) as DOUBLE) as vsize_1, CAST(avg(vsize_2) as DOUBLE) as vsize_2, CAST(avg(vsize_3) as DOUBLE) as vsize_3, CAST(avg(vsize_4) as DOUBLE) as vsize_4, CAST(avg(vsize_5) as DOUBLE) as vsize_5, CAST(avg(vsize_6) as DOUBLE) as vsize_6, CAST(avg(vsize_8) as DOUBLE) as vsize_8, CAST(avg(vsize_10) as DOUBLE) as vsize_10, CAST(avg(vsize_12) as DOUBLE) as vsize_12, CAST(avg(vsize_15) as DOUBLE) as vsize_15, CAST(avg(vsize_20) as DOUBLE) as vsize_20, CAST(avg(vsize_30) as DOUBLE) as vsize_30, CAST(avg(vsize_40) as DOUBLE) as vsize_40, CAST(avg(vsize_50) as DOUBLE) as vsize_50, CAST(avg(vsize_60) as DOUBLE) as vsize_60, CAST(avg(vsize_70) as DOUBLE) as vsize_70, CAST(avg(vsize_80) as DOUBLE) as vsize_80, CAST(avg(vsize_90) as DOUBLE) as vsize_90, CAST(avg(vsize_100) as DOUBLE) as vsize_100, CAST(avg(vsize_125) as DOUBLE) as vsize_125, CAST(avg(vsize_150) as DOUBLE) as vsize_150, CAST(avg(vsize_175) as DOUBLE) as vsize_175, CAST(avg(vsize_200) as DOUBLE) as vsize_200, CAST(avg(vsize_250) as DOUBLE) as vsize_250, CAST(avg(vsize_300) as DOUBLE) as vsize_300, CAST(avg(vsize_350) as DOUBLE) as vsize_350, CAST(avg(vsize_400) as DOUBLE) as vsize_400, CAST(avg(vsize_500) as DOUBLE) as vsize_500, CAST(avg(vsize_600) as DOUBLE) as vsize_600, CAST(avg(vsize_700) as DOUBLE) as vsize_700, CAST(avg(vsize_800) as DOUBLE) as vsize_800, CAST(avg(vsize_900) as DOUBLE) as vsize_900, CAST(avg(vsize_1000) as DOUBLE) as vsize_1000, CAST(avg(vsize_1200) as DOUBLE) as vsize_1200, CAST(avg(vsize_1400) as DOUBLE) as vsize_1400, CAST(avg(vsize_1600) as DOUBLE) as vsize_1600, CAST(avg(vsize_1800) as DOUBLE) as vsize_1800, CAST(avg(vsize_2000) as DOUBLE) as vsize_2000 \ FROM statistics \ WHERE added BETWEEN DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ${interval}) AND NOW() \ GROUP BY UNIX_TIMESTAMP(added) DIV ${div} \ ORDER BY statistics.added DESC;`; } private getQueryForDays(div: number, interval: string) { return `SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(added) as added, CAST(avg(vbytes_per_second) as DOUBLE) as vbytes_per_second, vsize_1, vsize_2, vsize_3, vsize_4, vsize_5, vsize_6, vsize_8, vsize_10, vsize_12, vsize_15, vsize_20, vsize_30, vsize_40, vsize_50, vsize_60, vsize_70, vsize_80, vsize_90, vsize_100, vsize_125, vsize_150, vsize_175, vsize_200, vsize_250, vsize_300, vsize_350, vsize_400, vsize_500, vsize_600, vsize_700, vsize_800, vsize_900, vsize_1000, vsize_1200, vsize_1400, vsize_1600, vsize_1800, vsize_2000 \ FROM statistics \ WHERE added BETWEEN DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ${interval}) AND NOW() \ GROUP BY UNIX_TIMESTAMP(added) DIV ${div} \ ORDER BY statistics.added DESC;`; } private async $get(id: number): Promise { try { const query = `SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(added) as added FROM statistics WHERE id = ?`; const [rows] = await DB.query(query, [id]); if (rows[0]) { return this.mapStatisticToOptimizedStatistic([rows[0]])[0]; } } catch (e) { logger.err('$list2H() error' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); } } public async $list2H(): Promise { try { const query = `SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(added) as added FROM statistics ORDER BY statistics.added DESC LIMIT 120`; const [rows] = await DB.query({ sql: query, timeout: this.queryTimeout }); return this.mapStatisticToOptimizedStatistic(rows as Statistic[]); } catch (e) { logger.err('$list2H() error' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); return []; } } public async $list24H(): Promise { try { const query = `SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(added) as added FROM statistics ORDER BY statistics.added DESC LIMIT 1440`; const [rows] = await DB.query({ sql: query, timeout: this.queryTimeout }); return this.mapStatisticToOptimizedStatistic(rows as Statistic[]); } catch (e) { logger.err('$list24h() error' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); return []; } } public async $list1W(): Promise { try { const query = this.getQueryForDaysAvg(300, '1 WEEK'); // 5m interval const [rows] = await DB.query({ sql: query, timeout: this.queryTimeout }); return this.mapStatisticToOptimizedStatistic(rows as Statistic[]); } catch (e) { logger.err('$list1W() error' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); return []; } } public async $list1M(): Promise { try { const query = this.getQueryForDaysAvg(1800, '1 MONTH'); // 30m interval const [rows] = await DB.query({ sql: query, timeout: this.queryTimeout }); return this.mapStatisticToOptimizedStatistic(rows as Statistic[]); } catch (e) { logger.err('$list1M() error' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); return []; } } public async $list3M(): Promise { try { const query = this.getQueryForDaysAvg(7200, '3 MONTH'); // 2h interval const [rows] = await DB.query({ sql: query, timeout: this.queryTimeout }); return this.mapStatisticToOptimizedStatistic(rows as Statistic[]); } catch (e) { logger.err('$list3M() error' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); return []; } } public async $list6M(): Promise { try { const query = this.getQueryForDaysAvg(10800, '6 MONTH'); // 3h interval const [rows] = await DB.query({ sql: query, timeout: this.queryTimeout }); return this.mapStatisticToOptimizedStatistic(rows as Statistic[]); } catch (e) { logger.err('$list6M() error' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); return []; } } public async $list1Y(): Promise { try { const query = this.getQueryForDays(28800, '1 YEAR'); // 8h interval const [rows] = await DB.query({ sql: query, timeout: this.queryTimeout }); return this.mapStatisticToOptimizedStatistic(rows as Statistic[]); } catch (e) { logger.err('$list1Y() error' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); return []; } } public async $list2Y(): Promise { try { const query = this.getQueryForDays(28800, '2 YEAR'); // 8h interval const [rows] = await DB.query({ sql: query, timeout: this.queryTimeout }); return this.mapStatisticToOptimizedStatistic(rows as Statistic[]); } catch (e) { logger.err('$list2Y() error' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); return []; } } public async $list3Y(): Promise { try { const query = this.getQueryForDays(43200, '3 YEAR'); // 12h interval const [rows] = await DB.query({ sql: query, timeout: this.queryTimeout }); return this.mapStatisticToOptimizedStatistic(rows as Statistic[]); } catch (e) { logger.err('$list3Y() error' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); return []; } } private mapStatisticToOptimizedStatistic(statistic: Statistic[]): OptimizedStatistic[] { return => { return { added: s.added, vbytes_per_second: s.vbytes_per_second, mempool_byte_weight: s.mempool_byte_weight, total_fee: s.total_fee, vsizes: [ s.vsize_1, s.vsize_2, s.vsize_3, s.vsize_4, s.vsize_5, s.vsize_6, s.vsize_8, s.vsize_10, s.vsize_12, s.vsize_15, s.vsize_20, s.vsize_30, s.vsize_40, s.vsize_50, s.vsize_60, s.vsize_70, s.vsize_80, s.vsize_90, s.vsize_100, s.vsize_125, s.vsize_150, s.vsize_175, s.vsize_200, s.vsize_250, s.vsize_300, s.vsize_350, s.vsize_400, s.vsize_500, s.vsize_600, s.vsize_700, s.vsize_800, s.vsize_900, s.vsize_1000, s.vsize_1200, s.vsize_1400, s.vsize_1600, s.vsize_1800, s.vsize_2000, ] }; }); } } export default new Statistics();