#!/usr/bin/env zsh PROTO=https HOSTNAME=mempool.ninja URL_BASE=${PROTO}://${HOSTNAME} curltest() { read output if [ "${output}" = "$1" ];then echo "PASS: |${output}|" else echo "FAIL: |${output}|" echo "WANT: |$1|" exit 1 fi } echo "Starting tests to ${URL_BASE}" echo "Test locale for / with no header or cookie" curl -s ${URL_BASE}/ | grep '<html lang' | tr -d '\r\n' | curltest '<html lang="en-US">' echo "Test locale for /ja with no header or cookie" curl -s ${URL_BASE}/ja | grep '<html lang' | tr -d '\r\n' | curltest '<html lang="ja">' #echo "Test locale for /ja with 'ja' lang header and 'en' lang cookie" #curl -s -H 'Accept-Language: ja' --cookie 'lang=en' ${URL_BASE}/ja | grep '<html lang' | tr -d '\r\n' | curltest '<html lang="en-US">' echo "Test redirect for / with 'ja' lang header and no cookie" curl -i -s -H 'Accept-Language: ja' ${URL_BASE}/ | grep '^location:' | tr -d '\r\n' | curltest "location: ${URL_BASE}/ja/" echo "Test locale for / with 'ja' lang header and 'en' lang cookie" curl -s -H 'Accept-Language: ja' --cookie 'lang=en' ${URL_BASE}/ | grep '<html lang' | tr -d '\r\n' | curltest '<html lang="en-US">' echo "Test redirect for / with 'ja' lang header and 'sv' lang cookie" curl -i -s -H 'Accept-Language: ja' --cookie 'lang=sv' ${URL_BASE}/ | grep '^location:' | tr -d '\r\n' | curltest "location: ${URL_BASE}/sv/" echo "Test redirect for / with 'ja' lang header and 'foo' lang cookie" curl -i -s -H 'Accept-Language: ja' --cookie 'lang=foo' ${URL_BASE}/ | grep '^location:' | tr -d '\r\n' | curltest "location: ${URL_BASE}/ja/" echo "Test rewrite for /resources/pools.json with no header and no cookie" curl -s -i ${URL_BASE}/resources/pools.json | grep -i content-type | tr -d '\r\n' | curltest 'content-type: application/json' echo "Test rewrite for /sv/resources/pools.json with no header and no cookie" curl -s -i ${URL_BASE}/sv/resources/pools.json | grep -i content-type | tr -d '\r\n' | curltest 'content-type: application/json' echo "Test rewrite for /resources/pools.json with 'ja' lang header and no cookie" curl -s -i -H 'Accept-Language: ja' ${URL_BASE}/resources/pools.json | grep -i content-type | tr -d '\r\n' | curltest 'content-type: application/json' echo "Test rewrite for /ja/resources/pools.json with 'ja' lang header and no cookie" curl -s -i -H 'Accept-Language: ja' ${URL_BASE}/ja/resources/pools.json | grep -i content-type | tr -d '\r\n' | curltest 'content-type: application/json' #curl -s -i -H 'Accept-Language: sv' ${URL_BASE}/ja/resources/pools.json | grep -i content-type #curl -s -i -H 'Accept-Language: foo' --cookie 'lang=sv' ${URL_BASE}/ja/resources/pools.json | grep -i content-type #curl -s -i -H 'Accept-Language: foo' --cookie 'lang=sv' ${URL_BASE}/sv/resources/pools.json | grep -i content-type