import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, HostListener, Input, NgZone, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { SeoService } from 'src/app/services/seo.service'; import { ApiService } from 'src/app/services/api.service'; import { Observable, switchMap, tap, zip } from 'rxjs'; import { AssetsService } from 'src/app/services/assets.service'; import { download } from 'src/app/shared/graphs.utils'; import { ActivatedRoute, ParamMap, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { RelativeUrlPipe } from 'src/app/shared/pipes/relative-url/relative-url.pipe'; import { StateService } from 'src/app/services/state.service'; import { EChartsOption, registerMap } from 'echarts'; import 'echarts-gl'; @Component({ selector: 'app-nodes-channels-map', templateUrl: './nodes-channels-map.component.html', styleUrls: ['./nodes-channels-map.component.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class NodesChannelsMap implements OnInit, OnDestroy { @Input() style: 'graph' | 'nodepage' | 'widget' = 'graph'; @Input() publicKey: string | undefined; observable$: Observable; chartInstance = undefined; chartOptions: EChartsOption = {}; chartInitOptions = { renderer: 'canvas', }; constructor( private seoService: SeoService, private apiService: ApiService, private stateService: StateService, private assetsService: AssetsService, private router: Router, private zone: NgZone, private activatedRoute: ActivatedRoute, ) { } ngOnDestroy(): void {} ngOnInit(): void { if ( === 'graph') { this.seoService.setTitle($localize`Lightning nodes channels world map`); } this.observable$ = this.activatedRoute.paramMap .pipe( switchMap((params: ParamMap) => { return zip( this.assetsService.getWorldMapJson$, this.apiService.getChannelsGeo$(params.get('public_key') ?? undefined), ).pipe(tap((data) => { registerMap('world', data[0]); const channelsLoc = []; const nodes = []; const nodesPubkeys = {}; for (const channel of data[1]) { channelsLoc.push([[channel[2], channel[3]], [channel[6], channel[7]]]); if (!nodesPubkeys[channel[0]]) { nodes.push({ publicKey: channel[0], name: channel[1], value: [channel[2], channel[3]], }); nodesPubkeys[channel[0]] = true; } if (!nodesPubkeys[channel[4]]) { nodes.push({ publicKey: channel[4], name: channel[5], value: [channel[6], channel[7]], }); nodesPubkeys[channel[4]] = true; } } this.prepareChartOptions(nodes, channelsLoc); })); }) ); } prepareChartOptions(nodes, channels) { let title: object; if (channels.length === 0) { title = { textStyle: { color: 'grey', fontSize: 15 }, text: $localize`No geolocation data available`, left: 'center', top: 'center' }; } this.chartOptions = { silent: === 'widget' ? true : false, title: title ?? undefined, geo3D: { map: 'world', shading: 'color', silent: true, postEffect: { enable: true, bloom: { intensity: 0.1, } }, viewControl: { center: === 'widget' ? [0, 0, -10] : undefined, minDistance: === 'widget' ? 22 : 0.1, maxDistance: === 'widget' ? 22 : 60, distance: === 'widget' ? 22 : 60, alpha: 90, panMouseButton: 'left', rotateMouseButton: undefined, zoomSensivity: 0.5, }, itemStyle: { color: 'white', opacity: 0.02, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: 'black', }, regionHeight: 0.01, }, series: [ { // @ts-ignore type: 'lines3D', coordinateSystem: 'geo3D', blendMode: 'lighter', lineStyle: { width: 1, opacity: ['widget', 'graph'].includes( ? 0.025 : 1, }, data: channels }, { // @ts-ignore type: 'scatter3D', symbol: 'circle', blendMode: 'lighter', coordinateSystem: 'geo3D', symbolSize: 3, itemStyle: { color: '#BBFFFF', opacity: 1, borderColor: '#FFFFFF00', }, data: nodes, emphasis: { label: { position: 'top', color: 'white', fontSize: 16, formatter: function(value) { return; }, show: true, } } }, ] }; } @HostListener('window:wheel', ['$event']) onWindowScroll(e): void { // Not very smooth when using the mouse if ( === 'widget' && === 'CANVAS') { window.scrollBy({left: 0, top: e.deltaY, behavior: 'auto'}); } } onChartInit(ec) { if (this.chartInstance !== undefined) { return; } this.chartInstance = ec; if ( === 'widget') { this.chartInstance.getZr().on('click', (e) => { => { const url = new RelativeUrlPipe(this.stateService).transform(`/graphs/lightning/nodes-channels-map`); this.router.navigate([url]); }); }); } this.chartInstance.on('click', (e) => { if ( && { => { const url = new RelativeUrlPipe(this.stateService).transform(`/lightning/node/${}`); this.router.navigate([url]); }); } }); } onSaveChart() { // @ts-ignore const prevBottom = this.chartOptions.grid.bottom; const now = new Date(); // @ts-ignore this.chartOptions.grid.bottom = 30; this.chartOptions.backgroundColor = '#11131f'; this.chartInstance.setOption(this.chartOptions); download(this.chartInstance.getDataURL({ pixelRatio: 2, excludeComponents: ['dataZoom'], }), `lightning-nodes-heatmap-clearnet-${Math.round(now.getTime() / 1000)}.svg`); // @ts-ignore this.chartOptions.grid.bottom = prevBottom; this.chartOptions.backgroundColor = 'none'; this.chartInstance.setOption(this.chartOptions); } }