// *********************************************** // This example namespace declaration will help // with Intellisense and code completion in your // IDE or Text Editor. // *********************************************** // declare namespace Cypress { // interface Chainable { // customCommand(param: any): typeof customCommand; // } // } // // function customCommand(param: any): void { // console.warn(param); // } // // NOTE: You can use it like so: // Cypress.Commands.add('customCommand', customCommand); // // *********************************************** // This example commands.js shows you how to // create various custom commands and overwrite // existing commands. // // For more comprehensive examples of custom // commands please read more here: // https://on.cypress.io/custom-commands // *********************************************** // // // -- This is a parent command -- // Cypress.Commands.add("login", (email, password) => { ... }) // // // -- This is a child command -- // Cypress.Commands.add("drag", { prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, options) => { ... }) // // // -- This is a dual command -- // Cypress.Commands.add("dismiss", { prevSubject: 'optional'}, (subject, options) => { ... }) // // // -- This will overwrite an existing command -- // Cypress.Commands.overwrite("visit", (originalFn, url, options) => { ... }) import { PageIdleDetector } from './PageIdleDetector'; import { mockWebSocket } from './websocket'; /* global Cypress */ const codes = { ArrowLeft: 37, ArrowUp: 38, ArrowRight: 39, ArrowDown: 40 } Cypress.Commands.add('waitForSkeletonGone', () => { cy.waitUntil(() => { return Cypress.$('.skeleton-loader').length === 0; }, { verbose: true, description: "waitForSkeletonGone", errorMsg: "skeleton loaders never went away", timeout: 15000, interval: 50 }); }); Cypress.Commands.add( "waitForPageIdle", () => { console.warn("Waiting for page idle state"); const pageIdleDetector = new PageIdleDetector(); pageIdleDetector.WaitForPageToBeIdle(); } ); Cypress.Commands.add('mockMempoolSocket', () => { mockWebSocket(); }); Cypress.Commands.add('changeNetwork', (network: "testnet" | "testnet4" | "signet" | "liquid" | "mainnet") => { cy.get('.dropdown-toggle').click().then(() => { cy.get(`a.${network}`).click().then(() => { cy.waitForPageIdle(); cy.waitForSkeletonGone(); }); }); }); // https://github.com/bahmutov/cypress-arrows/blob/8f0303842a343550fbeaf01528d01d1ff213b70c/src/index.js function keydownCommand($el, key) { const message = `sending the "${key}" keydown event` const log = Cypress.log({ name: `keydown: ${key}`, message: message, consoleProps: function () { return { Subject: $el } } }) const e = $el.createEvent('KeyboardEvent') Object.defineProperty(e, 'key', { get: function () { return key } }) Object.defineProperty(e, 'keyCode', { get: function () { return this.keyCodeVal } }) Object.defineProperty(e, 'which', { get: function () { return this.keyCodeVal } }) var metaKey = false Object.defineProperty(e, 'metaKey', { get: function () { return metaKey } }) Object.defineProperty(e, 'shiftKey', { get: function () { return false } }) e.keyCodeVal = codes[key] e.initKeyboardEvent('keydown', true, true, $el.defaultView, false, false, false, false, e.keyCodeVal, e.keyCodeVal) $el.dispatchEvent(e) log.snapshot().end() return $el } Cypress.Commands.add('keydown', { prevSubject: "dom" }, keydownCommand) Cypress.Commands.add('left', { prevSubject: "dom" }, $el => keydownCommand($el, 'ArrowLeft')) Cypress.Commands.add('right', { prevSubject: "dom" }, $el => keydownCommand($el, 'ArrowRight')) Cypress.Commands.add('up', { prevSubject: "dom" }, $el => keydownCommand($el, 'ArrowUp')) Cypress.Commands.add('down', { prevSubject: "dom" }, $el => keydownCommand($el, 'ArrowDown'))