import logger from '../../logger'; import DB from '../../database'; import { ResultSetHeader } from 'mysql2'; import { ILightningApi } from '../lightning/lightning-api.interface'; import { ITopNodesPerCapacity, ITopNodesPerChannels } from '../../mempool.interfaces'; class NodesApi { public async $getNode(public_key: string): Promise { try { // General info let query = ` SELECT public_key, alias, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(first_seen) AS first_seen, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated_at) AS updated_at, color, sockets as sockets, as_number, city_id, country_id, subdivision_id, longitude, latitude, geo_names_iso.names as iso_code, geo_names_as.names as as_organization, geo_names_city.names as city, geo_names_country.names as country, geo_names_subdivision.names as subdivision FROM nodes LEFT JOIN geo_names geo_names_as on = as_number LEFT JOIN geo_names geo_names_city on = city_id LEFT JOIN geo_names geo_names_subdivision on = subdivision_id LEFT JOIN geo_names geo_names_country on = country_id LEFT JOIN geo_names geo_names_iso ON = nodes.country_id AND geo_names_iso.type = 'country_iso_code' WHERE public_key = ? `; let [rows]: any[] = await DB.query(query, [public_key]); if (rows.length === 0) { throw new Error(`This node does not exist, or our node is not seeing it yet`); } const node = rows[0]; node.as_organization = JSON.parse(node.as_organization); node.subdivision = JSON.parse(node.subdivision); = JSON.parse(; = JSON.parse(; // Active channels and capacity const activeChannelsStats: any = await this.$getActiveChannelsStats(public_key); node.active_channel_count = activeChannelsStats.active_channel_count ?? 0; node.capacity = activeChannelsStats.capacity ?? 0; // Opened channels count query = ` SELECT count(short_id) as opened_channel_count FROM channels WHERE status != 2 AND (channels.node1_public_key = ? OR channels.node2_public_key = ?) `; [rows] = await DB.query(query, [public_key, public_key]); node.opened_channel_count = 0; if (rows.length > 0) { node.opened_channel_count = rows[0].opened_channel_count; } // Closed channels count query = ` SELECT count(short_id) as closed_channel_count FROM channels WHERE status = 2 AND (channels.node1_public_key = ? OR channels.node2_public_key = ?) `; [rows] = await DB.query(query, [public_key, public_key]); node.closed_channel_count = 0; if (rows.length > 0) { node.closed_channel_count = rows[0].closed_channel_count; } return node; } catch (e) { logger.err(`Cannot get node information for ${public_key}. Reason: ${(e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)}`); throw e; } } public async $getActiveChannelsStats(node_public_key: string): Promise { const query = ` SELECT count(short_id) as active_channel_count, sum(capacity) as capacity FROM channels WHERE status = 1 AND (channels.node1_public_key = ? OR channels.node2_public_key = ?) `; const [rows]: any[] = await DB.query(query, [node_public_key, node_public_key]); if (rows.length > 0) { return { active_channel_count: rows[0].active_channel_count, capacity: rows[0].capacity }; } else { return null; } } public async $getAllNodes(): Promise { try { const query = `SELECT * FROM nodes`; const [rows]: any = await DB.query(query); return rows; } catch (e) { logger.err('$getAllNodes error: ' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); throw e; } } public async $getNodeStats(public_key: string): Promise { try { const query = ` SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(added) AS added, capacity, channels FROM node_stats WHERE public_key = ? ORDER BY added DESC `; const [rows]: any = await DB.query(query, [public_key]); return rows; } catch (e) { logger.err('$getNodeStats error: ' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); throw e; } } public async $getTopCapacityNodes(full: boolean): Promise { try { let [rows]: any[] = await DB.query('SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MAX(added)) as maxAdded FROM node_stats'); const latestDate = rows[0].maxAdded; let query: string; if (full === false) { query = ` SELECT nodes.public_key AS publicKey, IF(nodes.alias = '', SUBSTRING(nodes.public_key, 1, 20), alias) as alias, node_stats.capacity FROM node_stats JOIN nodes ON nodes.public_key = node_stats.public_key WHERE added = FROM_UNIXTIME(${latestDate}) ORDER BY capacity DESC LIMIT 100 `; [rows] = await DB.query(query); } else { query = ` SELECT node_stats.public_key AS publicKey, IF(nodes.alias = '', SUBSTRING(node_stats.public_key, 1, 20), alias) as alias, CAST(COALESCE(node_stats.capacity, 0) as INT) as capacity, CAST(COALESCE(node_stats.channels, 0) as INT) as channels, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(nodes.first_seen) as firstSeen, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(nodes.updated_at) as updatedAt, geo_names_city.names as city, geo_names_country.names as country FROM node_stats RIGHT JOIN nodes ON nodes.public_key = node_stats.public_key LEFT JOIN geo_names geo_names_country ON = nodes.country_id AND geo_names_country.type = 'country' LEFT JOIN geo_names geo_names_city ON = nodes.city_id AND geo_names_city.type = 'city' WHERE added = FROM_UNIXTIME(${latestDate}) ORDER BY capacity DESC LIMIT 100 `; [rows] = await DB.query(query); for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) { rows[i].country = JSON.parse(rows[i].country); rows[i].city = JSON.parse(rows[i].city); } } return rows; } catch (e) { logger.err('$getTopCapacityNodes error: ' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); throw e; } } public async $getTopChannelsNodes(full: boolean): Promise { try { let [rows]: any[] = await DB.query('SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MAX(added)) as maxAdded FROM node_stats'); const latestDate = rows[0].maxAdded; let query: string; if (full === false) { query = ` SELECT nodes.public_key, IF(nodes.alias = '', SUBSTRING(nodes.public_key, 1, 20), alias) as alias, node_stats.channels FROM node_stats JOIN nodes ON nodes.public_key = node_stats.public_key WHERE added = FROM_UNIXTIME(${latestDate}) ORDER BY channels DESC LIMIT 100; `; [rows] = await DB.query(query); } else { query = ` SELECT node_stats.public_key AS publicKey, IF(nodes.alias = '', SUBSTRING(node_stats.public_key, 1, 20), alias) as alias, CAST(COALESCE(node_stats.channels, 0) as INT) as channels, CAST(COALESCE(node_stats.capacity, 0) as INT) as capacity, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(nodes.first_seen) as firstSeen, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(nodes.updated_at) as updatedAt, geo_names_city.names as city, geo_names_country.names as country FROM node_stats RIGHT JOIN nodes ON nodes.public_key = node_stats.public_key LEFT JOIN geo_names geo_names_country ON = nodes.country_id AND geo_names_country.type = 'country' LEFT JOIN geo_names geo_names_city ON = nodes.city_id AND geo_names_city.type = 'city' WHERE added = FROM_UNIXTIME(${latestDate}) ORDER BY channels DESC LIMIT 100 `; [rows] = await DB.query(query); for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) { rows[i].country = JSON.parse(rows[i].country); rows[i].city = JSON.parse(rows[i].city); } } return rows; } catch (e) { logger.err('$getTopChannelsNodes error: ' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); throw e; } } public async $searchNodeByPublicKeyOrAlias(search: string) { try { const searchStripped = search.replace('%', '') + '%'; const query = `SELECT nodes.public_key, nodes.alias, node_stats.capacity FROM nodes LEFT JOIN node_stats ON node_stats.public_key = nodes.public_key WHERE nodes.public_key LIKE ? OR nodes.alias LIKE ? GROUP BY nodes.public_key ORDER BY node_stats.capacity DESC LIMIT 10`; const [rows]: any = await DB.query(query, [searchStripped, searchStripped]); return rows; } catch (e) { logger.err('$searchNodeByPublicKeyOrAlias error: ' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); throw e; } } public async $getNodesISPRanking(groupBy: string, showTor: boolean) { try { const orderBy = groupBy === 'capacity' ? `CAST(SUM(capacity) as INT)` : `COUNT(DISTINCT nodes.public_key)`; // Clearnet let query = `SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(nodes.as_number)) as ispId, geo_names.names as names, COUNT(DISTINCT nodes.public_key) as nodesCount, CAST(SUM(capacity) as INT) as capacity FROM nodes JOIN geo_names ON = nodes.as_number JOIN channels ON channels.node1_public_key = nodes.public_key OR channels.node2_public_key = nodes.public_key GROUP BY geo_names.names ORDER BY ${orderBy} DESC `; const [nodesCountPerAS]: any = await DB.query(query); let total = 0; const nodesPerAs: any[] = []; for (const asGroup of nodesCountPerAS) { if (groupBy === 'capacity') { total += asGroup.capacity; } else { total += asGroup.nodesCount; } } // Tor if (showTor) { query = `SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT nodes.public_key) as nodesCount, CAST(SUM(capacity) as INT) as capacity FROM nodes JOIN channels ON channels.node1_public_key = nodes.public_key OR channels.node2_public_key = nodes.public_key ORDER BY ${orderBy} DESC `; const [nodesCountTor]: any = await DB.query(query); total += groupBy === 'capacity' ? nodesCountTor[0].capacity : nodesCountTor[0].nodesCount; nodesPerAs.push({ ispId: null, name: 'Tor', count: nodesCountTor[0].nodesCount, share: Math.floor((groupBy === 'capacity' ? nodesCountTor[0].capacity : nodesCountTor[0].nodesCount) / total * 10000) / 100, capacity: nodesCountTor[0].capacity, }); } for (const as of nodesCountPerAS) { nodesPerAs.push({ ispId: as.ispId, name: JSON.parse(as.names), count: as.nodesCount, share: Math.floor((groupBy === 'capacity' ? as.capacity : as.nodesCount) / total * 10000) / 100, capacity: as.capacity, }); } return nodesPerAs; } catch (e) { logger.err(`Cannot get nodes grouped by AS. Reason: ${e instanceof Error ? e.message : e}`); throw e; } } public async $getNodesPerCountry(countryId: string) { try { const query = ` SELECT nodes.public_key, CAST(COALESCE(node_stats.capacity, 0) as INT) as capacity, CAST(COALESCE(node_stats.channels, 0) as INT) as channels, nodes.alias, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(nodes.first_seen) as first_seen, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(nodes.updated_at) as updated_at, geo_names_city.names as city FROM node_stats JOIN ( SELECT public_key, MAX(added) as last_added FROM node_stats GROUP BY public_key ) as b ON b.public_key = node_stats.public_key AND b.last_added = node_stats.added RIGHT JOIN nodes ON nodes.public_key = node_stats.public_key JOIN geo_names geo_names_country ON = nodes.country_id AND geo_names_country.type = 'country' LEFT JOIN geo_names geo_names_city ON = nodes.city_id AND geo_names_city.type = 'city' WHERE = ? ORDER BY capacity DESC `; const [rows]: any = await DB.query(query, [countryId]); for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) { rows[i].city = JSON.parse(rows[i].city); } return rows; } catch (e) { logger.err(`Cannot get nodes for country id ${countryId}. Reason: ${e instanceof Error ? e.message : e}`); throw e; } } public async $getNodesPerISP(ISPId: string) { try { const query = ` SELECT nodes.public_key, CAST(COALESCE(node_stats.capacity, 0) as INT) as capacity, CAST(COALESCE(node_stats.channels, 0) as INT) as channels, nodes.alias, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(nodes.first_seen) as first_seen, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(nodes.updated_at) as updated_at, geo_names_city.names as city, geo_names_country.names as country FROM node_stats JOIN ( SELECT public_key, MAX(added) as last_added FROM node_stats GROUP BY public_key ) as b ON b.public_key = node_stats.public_key AND b.last_added = node_stats.added RIGHT JOIN nodes ON nodes.public_key = node_stats.public_key JOIN geo_names geo_names_country ON = nodes.country_id AND geo_names_country.type = 'country' LEFT JOIN geo_names geo_names_city ON = nodes.city_id AND geo_names_city.type = 'city' WHERE nodes.as_number IN (?) ORDER BY capacity DESC `; const [rows]: any = await DB.query(query, [ISPId.split(',')]); for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) { rows[i].country = JSON.parse(rows[i].country); rows[i].city = JSON.parse(rows[i].city); } return rows; } catch (e) { logger.err(`Cannot get nodes for ISP id ${ISPId}. Reason: ${e instanceof Error ? e.message : e}`); throw e; } } public async $getNodesCountries() { try { let query = `SELECT geo_names.names as names, geo_names_iso.names as iso_code, COUNT(DISTINCT nodes.public_key) as nodesCount, SUM(capacity) as capacity FROM nodes JOIN geo_names ON = nodes.country_id AND geo_names.type = 'country' JOIN geo_names geo_names_iso ON = nodes.country_id AND geo_names_iso.type = 'country_iso_code' JOIN channels ON channels.node1_public_key = nodes.public_key OR channels.node2_public_key = nodes.public_key GROUP BY country_id ORDER BY COUNT(DISTINCT nodes.public_key) DESC `; const [nodesCountPerCountry]: any = await DB.query(query); query = `SELECT COUNT(*) as total FROM nodes WHERE country_id IS NOT NULL`; const [nodesWithAS]: any = await DB.query(query); const nodesPerCountry: any[] = []; for (const country of nodesCountPerCountry) { nodesPerCountry.push({ name: JSON.parse(country.names), iso: country.iso_code, count: country.nodesCount, share: Math.floor(country.nodesCount / nodesWithAS[0].total * 10000) / 100, capacity: country.capacity, }) } return nodesPerCountry; } catch (e) { logger.err(`Cannot get nodes grouped by AS. Reason: ${e instanceof Error ? e.message : e}`); throw e; } } /** * Save or update a node present in the graph */ public async $saveNode(node: ILightningApi.Node): Promise { try { const sockets = (node.addresses?.map(a => a.addr).join(',')) ?? ''; const query = `INSERT INTO nodes( public_key, first_seen, updated_at, alias, color, sockets, status ) VALUES (?, NOW(), FROM_UNIXTIME(?), ?, ?, ?, 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE updated_at = FROM_UNIXTIME(?), alias = ?, color = ?, sockets = ?, status = 1`; await DB.query(query, [ node.pub_key, node.last_update, node.alias, node.color, sockets, node.last_update, node.alias, node.color, sockets, ]); } catch (e) { logger.err('$saveNode() error: ' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); } } /** * Set all nodes not in `nodesPubkeys` as inactive (status = 0) */ public async $setNodesInactive(graphNodesPubkeys: string[]): Promise { if (graphNodesPubkeys.length === 0) { return; } try { const result = await DB.query(` UPDATE nodes SET status = 0 WHERE public_key NOT IN ( ${ => `"${pubkey}"`).join(',')} ) `); if (result[0].changedRows ?? 0 > 0) {`Marked ${result[0].changedRows} nodes as inactive because they are not in the graph`); } else { logger.debug(`Marked ${result[0].changedRows} nodes as inactive because they are not in the graph`); } } catch (e) { logger.err('$setNodesInactive() error: ' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); } } } export default new NodesApi();