import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, ChangeDetectionStrategy, ChangeDetectorRef, Input } from '@angular/core'; import { Subscription, Observable, fromEvent, merge, of, combineLatest, timer } from 'rxjs'; import { MempoolBlock } from '../../interfaces/websocket.interface'; import { StateService } from '../../services/state.service'; import { Router } from '@angular/router'; import { take, map, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { feeLevels, mempoolFeeColors } from '../../app.constants'; import { specialBlocks } from '../../app.constants'; import { RelativeUrlPipe } from '../../shared/pipes/relative-url/relative-url.pipe'; import { Location } from '@angular/common'; import { DifficultyAdjustment } from '../../interfaces/node-api.interface'; @Component({ selector: 'app-mempool-blocks', templateUrl: './mempool-blocks.component.html', styleUrls: ['./mempool-blocks.component.scss'], changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class MempoolBlocksComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { specialBlocks = specialBlocks; mempoolBlocks: MempoolBlock[] = []; mempoolEmptyBlocks: MempoolBlock[] = this.mountEmptyBlocks(); mempoolBlocks$: Observable; difficultyAdjustments$: Observable; loadingBlocks$: Observable; blocksSubscription: Subscription; mempoolBlocksFull: MempoolBlock[] = []; mempoolBlockStyles = []; mempoolEmptyBlockStyles = []; markBlocksSubscription: Subscription; isLoadingWebsocketSubscription: Subscription; blockSubscription: Subscription; networkSubscription: Subscription; network = ''; now = new Date().getTime(); timeOffset = 0; showMiningInfo = false; timeLtrSubscription: Subscription; timeLtr: boolean; blockWidth = 125; blockPadding = 30; arrowVisible = false; tabHidden = false; feeRounding = '1.0-0'; rightPosition = 0; transition = 'background 2s, right 2s, transform 1s'; markIndex: number; txFeePerVSize: number; resetTransitionTimeout: number; blockIndex = 1; constructor( private router: Router, public stateService: StateService, private cd: ChangeDetectorRef, private relativeUrlPipe: RelativeUrlPipe, private location: Location ) { } enabledMiningInfoIfNeeded(url) { this.showMiningInfo = url.indexOf('/mining') !== -1;; // Need to update the view asap } ngOnInit() { if (['', 'testnet', 'signet'].includes( { this.enabledMiningInfoIfNeeded(this.location.path()); this.location.onUrlChange((url) => this.enabledMiningInfoIfNeeded(url)); } this.timeLtrSubscription = this.stateService.timeLtr.subscribe((ltr) => { this.timeLtr = !!ltr;; }); if ( === 'liquid' || === 'liquidtestnet') { this.feeRounding = '1.0-1'; } this.mempoolEmptyBlocks.forEach((b) => { this.mempoolEmptyBlockStyles.push(this.getStyleForMempoolEmptyBlock(b.index)); }); this.reduceMempoolBlocksToFitScreen(this.mempoolEmptyBlocks); => { this.updateMempoolBlockStyles(); this.calculateTransactionPosition(); }); this.reduceMempoolBlocksToFitScreen(this.mempoolBlocks); this.stateService.isTabHidden$.subscribe((tabHidden) => this.tabHidden = tabHidden); this.loadingBlocks$ = this.stateService.isLoadingWebSocket$; this.mempoolBlocks$ = merge( of(true), fromEvent(window, 'resize') ) .pipe( switchMap(() => combineLatest([ this.stateService.blocks$.pipe(map(([block]) => block)), this.stateService.mempoolBlocks$ .pipe( map((mempoolBlocks) => { if (!mempoolBlocks.length) { return [{ index: 0, blockSize: 0, blockVSize: 0, feeRange: [0, 0], medianFee: 0, nTx: 0, totalFees: 0 }]; } return mempoolBlocks; }), ) ])), map(([lastBlock, mempoolBlocks]) => { mempoolBlocks.forEach((block, i) => { block.index = this.blockIndex + i; block.height = lastBlock.height + i + 1; if ( === '') { block.blink = specialBlocks[block.height] ? true : false; } }); const stringifiedBlocks = JSON.stringify(mempoolBlocks); this.mempoolBlocksFull = JSON.parse(stringifiedBlocks); this.mempoolBlocks = this.reduceMempoolBlocksToFitScreen(JSON.parse(stringifiedBlocks)); this.updateMempoolBlockStyles(); this.calculateTransactionPosition(); return this.mempoolBlocks; }) ); this.difficultyAdjustments$ = this.stateService.difficultyAdjustment$ .pipe( map((da) => { = new Date().getTime(); return da; }) ); this.markBlocksSubscription = this.stateService.markBlock$ .subscribe((state) => { this.markIndex = undefined; this.txFeePerVSize = undefined; if (state.mempoolBlockIndex !== undefined) { this.markIndex = state.mempoolBlockIndex; } if (state.txFeePerVSize) { this.txFeePerVSize = state.txFeePerVSize; } this.calculateTransactionPosition();; }); this.blockSubscription = this.stateService.blocks$ .subscribe(([block]) => { if (block?.extras?.matchRate >= 66 && !this.tabHidden) { this.blockIndex++; } }); this.networkSubscription = this.stateService.networkChanged$ .subscribe((network) => = network); this.stateService.keyNavigation$.subscribe((event) => { if (this.markIndex === undefined) { return; } const prevKey = this.timeLtr ? 'ArrowLeft' : 'ArrowRight'; const nextKey = this.timeLtr ? 'ArrowRight' : 'ArrowLeft'; if (event.key === prevKey) { if (this.mempoolBlocks[this.markIndex - 1]) { this.router.navigate([this.relativeUrlPipe.transform('mempool-block/'), this.markIndex - 1]); } else { this.stateService.blocks$ .pipe(take(this.stateService.env.MEMPOOL_BLOCKS_AMOUNT)) .subscribe(([block]) => { if (this.stateService.latestBlockHeight === block.height) { this.router.navigate([this.relativeUrlPipe.transform('/block/'),], { state: { data: { block } }}); } }); } } else if (event.key === nextKey) { if (this.mempoolBlocks[this.markIndex + 1]) { this.router.navigate([this.relativeUrlPipe.transform('/mempool-block/'), this.markIndex + 1]); } } }); } ngOnDestroy() { this.markBlocksSubscription.unsubscribe(); this.blockSubscription.unsubscribe(); this.networkSubscription.unsubscribe(); this.timeLtrSubscription.unsubscribe(); clearTimeout(this.resetTransitionTimeout); } trackByFn(index: number, block: MempoolBlock) { return block.index; } reduceMempoolBlocksToFitScreen(blocks: MempoolBlock[]): MempoolBlock[] { const innerWidth = this.stateService.env.BASE_MODULE !== 'liquid' && window.innerWidth <= 767.98 ? window.innerWidth : window.innerWidth / 2; const blocksAmount = Math.min(this.stateService.env.MEMPOOL_BLOCKS_AMOUNT, Math.floor(innerWidth / (this.blockWidth + this.blockPadding))); while (blocks.length > blocksAmount) { const block = blocks.pop(); const lastBlock = blocks[blocks.length - 1]; lastBlock.blockSize += block.blockSize; lastBlock.blockVSize += block.blockVSize; lastBlock.nTx += block.nTx; lastBlock.feeRange = lastBlock.feeRange.concat(block.feeRange); lastBlock.feeRange.sort((a, b) => a - b); lastBlock.medianFee = this.median(lastBlock.feeRange); } return blocks; } median(numbers: number[]) { let medianNr = 0; const numsLen = numbers.length; if (numsLen % 2 === 0) { medianNr = (numbers[numsLen / 2 - 1] + numbers[numsLen / 2]) / 2; } else { medianNr = numbers[(numsLen - 1) / 2]; } return medianNr; } updateMempoolBlockStyles() { this.mempoolBlockStyles = []; this.mempoolBlocksFull.forEach((block, i) => this.mempoolBlockStyles.push(this.getStyleForMempoolBlock(block, i))); } getStyleForMempoolBlock(mempoolBlock: MempoolBlock, index: number) { const emptyBackgroundSpacePercentage = Math.max(100 - mempoolBlock.blockVSize / this.stateService.blockVSize * 100, 0); const usedBlockSpace = 100 - emptyBackgroundSpacePercentage; const backgroundGradients = [`repeating-linear-gradient(to right, #554b45, #554b45 ${emptyBackgroundSpacePercentage}%`]; const gradientColors = []; const trimmedFeeRange = index === 0 ? mempoolBlock.feeRange.slice(0, -1) : mempoolBlock.feeRange; trimmedFeeRange.forEach((fee: number) => { let feeLevelIndex = feeLevels.slice().reverse().findIndex((feeLvl) => fee >= feeLvl); feeLevelIndex = feeLevelIndex >= 0 ? feeLevels.length - feeLevelIndex : feeLevelIndex; gradientColors.push(mempoolFeeColors[feeLevelIndex - 1] || mempoolFeeColors[mempoolFeeColors.length - 1]); }); gradientColors.forEach((color, i, gc) => { backgroundGradients.push(` #${i === 0 ? color : gc[i - 1]} ${ i === 0 ? emptyBackgroundSpacePercentage : ((i / gradientColors.length) * 100) * usedBlockSpace / 100 + emptyBackgroundSpacePercentage }%, #${color} ${Math.round(((i + 1) / gradientColors.length) * 100) * usedBlockSpace / 100 + emptyBackgroundSpacePercentage}% `); }); return { 'right': 40 + index * 155 + 'px', 'background': backgroundGradients.join(',') + ')' }; } getStyleForMempoolEmptyBlock(index: number) { return { 'right': 40 + index * 155 + 'px', 'background': '#554b45', }; } calculateTransactionPosition() { if ((!this.txFeePerVSize && (this.markIndex === undefined || this.markIndex === -1)) || !this.mempoolBlocks) { this.arrowVisible = false; return; } else if (this.markIndex > -1) { clearTimeout(this.resetTransitionTimeout); this.transition = 'inherit'; this.rightPosition = this.markIndex * (this.blockWidth + this.blockPadding) + 0.5 * this.blockWidth; this.arrowVisible = true; this.resetTransitionTimeout = window.setTimeout(() => { this.transition = 'background 2s, right 2s, transform 1s';; }, 100); return; } this.arrowVisible = true; let found = false; for (let txInBlockIndex = 0; txInBlockIndex < this.mempoolBlocks.length && !found; txInBlockIndex++) { const block = this.mempoolBlocks[txInBlockIndex]; for (let i = 0; i < block.feeRange.length - 1 && !found; i++) { if (this.txFeePerVSize < block.feeRange[i + 1] && this.txFeePerVSize >= block.feeRange[i]) { const feeRangeIndex = i; const feeRangeChunkSize = 1 / (block.feeRange.length - 1); const txFee = this.txFeePerVSize - block.feeRange[i]; const max = block.feeRange[i + 1] - block.feeRange[i]; const blockLocation = txFee / max; const chunkPositionOffset = blockLocation * feeRangeChunkSize; const feePosition = feeRangeChunkSize * feeRangeIndex + chunkPositionOffset; const blockedFilledPercentage = (block.blockVSize > this.stateService.blockVSize ? this.stateService.blockVSize : block.blockVSize) / this.stateService.blockVSize; const arrowRightPosition = txInBlockIndex * (this.blockWidth + this.blockPadding) + ((1 - feePosition) * blockedFilledPercentage * this.blockWidth); this.rightPosition = arrowRightPosition; found = true; } } if (this.txFeePerVSize >= block.feeRange[block.feeRange.length - 1]) { this.rightPosition = txInBlockIndex * (this.blockWidth + this.blockPadding); found = true; } } } mountEmptyBlocks() { const emptyBlocks = []; const numberOfBlocks = this.stateService.env.MEMPOOL_BLOCKS_AMOUNT; for (let i = 0; i < numberOfBlocks; i++) { emptyBlocks.push({ blockSize: 0, blockVSize: 0, feeRange: [], index: i, medianFee: 0, nTx: 0, totalFees: 0 }); } return emptyBlocks; } }