const config = require('../../../mempool-config.json'); import * as fs from 'fs'; import { OffsersData, TradesData, Currency } from './interfaces'; import bisqMarket from './markets-api'; class Bisq { private static MARKET_JSON_PATH = config.BISQ_MARKETS_DATA_PATH + '/btc_mainnet/db'; private static MARKET_JSON_FILE_PATHS = { cryptoCurrency: '/crypto_currency_list.json', fiatCurrency: '/fiat_currency_list.json', offers: '/offers_statistics.json', trades: '/trade_statistics.json', }; private subdirectoryWatcher: fs.FSWatcher | undefined; constructor() {} startBisqService(): void { this.checkForBisqDataFolder(); this.loadBisqDumpFile(); this.startBisqDirectoryWatcher(); } private checkForBisqDataFolder() { if (!fs.existsSync(Bisq.MARKET_JSON_PATH + Bisq.MARKET_JSON_FILE_PATHS.cryptoCurrency)) { console.log(Bisq.MARKET_JSON_PATH + Bisq.MARKET_JSON_FILE_PATHS.cryptoCurrency + ` doesn't exist. Make sure Bisq is running and the config is correct before starting the server.`); return process.exit(1); } } private startBisqDirectoryWatcher() { if (this.subdirectoryWatcher) { this.subdirectoryWatcher.close(); } if (!fs.existsSync(Bisq.MARKET_JSON_PATH + Bisq.MARKET_JSON_FILE_PATHS.cryptoCurrency)) { console.log(Bisq.MARKET_JSON_PATH + Bisq.MARKET_JSON_FILE_PATHS.cryptoCurrency + ` doesn't exist. Trying to restart sub directory watcher again in 3 minutes.`); setTimeout(() => this.startBisqDirectoryWatcher(), 180000); return; } let fsWait: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null; this.subdirectoryWatcher =, () => { if (fsWait) { clearTimeout(fsWait); } fsWait = setTimeout(() => { console.log(`Change detected in the Bisq market data folder.`); this.loadBisqDumpFile(); }, 2000); }); } private async loadBisqDumpFile(): Promise { const start = new Date().getTime(); console.log('Processing Bisq market data...'); try { const cryptoCurrencyData = await this.loadData(Bisq.MARKET_JSON_FILE_PATHS.cryptoCurrency); const fiatCurrencyData = await this.loadData(Bisq.MARKET_JSON_FILE_PATHS.fiatCurrency); const offersData = await this.loadData(Bisq.MARKET_JSON_FILE_PATHS.offers); const tradesData = await this.loadData(Bisq.MARKET_JSON_FILE_PATHS.trades); bisqMarket.setData(cryptoCurrencyData, fiatCurrencyData, offersData, tradesData); const time = new Date().getTime() - start; console.log('Bisq market data processed in ' + time + ' ms'); } catch (e) { console.log('loadBisqMarketDataDumpFile() error.', e.message); } } private loadData(path: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!fs.existsSync(Bisq.MARKET_JSON_PATH + path)) { return reject(path + ` doesn't exist`); } fs.readFile(Bisq.MARKET_JSON_PATH + path, 'utf8', (err, data) => { if (err) { reject(err); } try { const parsedData = JSON.parse(data); resolve(parsedData); } catch (e) { reject('JSON parse error (' + path + ')'); } }); }); } } export default new Bisq();