#!/usr/local/bin/zsh PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:$HOME/bin HOSTNAME=$(hostname) LOCATION=$(hostname|cut -d . -f2) LOCKFILE="${HOME}/lock" REF=$(echo "${1:=origin/master}"|sed -e 's!:!/!') # get rpc credentials BITCOIN_RPC_USER=$(grep '^rpcuser' /bitcoin/bitcoin.conf | cut -d '=' -f2) BITCOIN_RPC_PASS=$(grep '^rpcpassword' /bitcoin/bitcoin.conf | cut -d '=' -f2) ELEMENTS_RPC_USER=$(grep '^rpcuser' /elements/elements.conf | cut -d '=' -f2) ELEMENTS_RPC_PASS=$(grep '^rpcpassword' /elements/elements.conf | cut -d '=' -f2) if [ -f "${LOCKFILE}" ];then echo "upgrade already running? check lockfile ${LOCKFILE}" exit 1 fi trap "rv=\$?; rm -rf "${LOCKFILE}"; exit \$rv" INT TERM EXIT touch "${LOCKFILE}" echo "Upgrading mempool to ${REF}" | wall update_repo() { local site="$1" echo "[*] Upgrading ${site} to ${REF}" cd "$HOME/${site}" || exit 1 git fetch origin || exit 1 for remote in origin hunicus mononaut;do git remote add "${remote}" "https://github.com/${remote}/mempool" >/dev/null 2>&1 git fetch "${remote}" || exit 1 done if [ $(git tag -l "${REF}") ];then git reset --hard "tags/${REF}" || exit 1 elif [ $(git branch -r -l "origin/${REF}") ];then git reset --hard "origin/${REF}" || exit 1 else git reset --hard "${REF}" || exit 1 fi export HASH=$(git rev-parse HEAD) } build_frontend() { local site="$1" echo "[*] Building frontend for ${site}" [ -z "${HASH}" ] && exit 1 cd "$HOME/${site}/frontend" || exit 1 if [ ! -e "mempool-frontend-config.json" ];then cp "${HOME}/mempool/production/mempool-frontend-config.${site}.json" "mempool-frontend-config.json" fi npm install --no-optional || exit 1 npm run build || exit 1 } build_backend() { local site="$1" echo "[*] Building backend for ${site}" [ -z "${HASH}" ] && exit 1 cd "$HOME/${site}/backend" || exit 1 if [ ! -e "mempool-config.json" ];then cp "${HOME}/mempool/production/mempool-config.${site}.json" "mempool-config.json" sed -i .orig \ -e "s!__BITCOIN_RPC_USER__!${BITCOIN_RPC_USER}!" \ -e "s!__BITCOIN_RPC_PASS__!${BITCOIN_RPC_PASS}!" \ -e "s!__ELEMENTS_RPC_USER__!${ELEMENTS_RPC_USER}!" \ -e "s!__ELEMENTS_RPC_PASS__!${ELEMENTS_RPC_PASS}!" \ "mempool-config.json" fi npm install --no-optional || exit 1 npm run build || exit 1 } ship_frontend() { local site="$1" cd "$HOME/${site}/frontend" || exit 1 mkdir -p "${HOME}/public_html/${site}/" rsync -av "./dist/mempool/browser/" "${HOME}/public_html/${site}/" || exit 1 } export NVM_DIR="${HOME}/.nvm" source "${NVM_DIR}/nvm.sh" for target in mainnet testnet signet liquid liquidtestnet bisq;do update_repo "${target}" done for target in mainnet testnet signet liquid liquidtestnet bisq;do build_backend "${target}" done for target in mainnet liquid bisq;do build_frontend "${target}" done for target in mainnet liquid bisq;do ship_frontend "${target}" done echo "${HOSTNAME} updated to \`${REF}\` @ \`${HASH}\`" | /usr/local/bin/keybase chat send --nonblock --channel general mempool.dev echo "${HOSTNAME} updated to \`${REF}\` @ \`${HASH}\`" | /usr/local/bin/keybase chat send --nonblock --channel general "mempool.ops.${LOCATION}" exit 0