import { AccelerationInfo, makeBlockTemplate } from '../api/acceleration/acceleration'; import { RowDataPacket } from 'mysql2'; import DB from '../database'; import logger from '../logger'; import { IEsploraApi } from '../api/bitcoin/esplora-api.interface'; import { Common } from '../api/common'; import config from '../config'; import blocks from '../api/blocks'; import accelerationApi, { Acceleration } from '../api/services/acceleration'; import accelerationCosts from '../api/acceleration/acceleration'; import bitcoinApi from '../api/bitcoin/bitcoin-api-factory'; import transactionUtils from '../api/transaction-utils'; import { BlockExtended, MempoolTransactionExtended } from '../mempool.interfaces'; export interface PublicAcceleration { txid: string, height: number, pool: { id: number, slug: string, name: string, }, effective_vsize: number, effective_fee: number, boost_rate: number, boost_cost: number, } class AccelerationRepository { private bidBoostV2Activated = 831580; public async $saveAcceleration(acceleration: AccelerationInfo, block: IEsploraApi.Block, pool_id: number): Promise { try { await DB.query(` INSERT INTO accelerations(txid, added, height, pool, effective_vsize, effective_fee, boost_rate, boost_cost) VALUE (?, FROM_UNIXTIME(?), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE height = ? `, [ acceleration.txSummary.txid, block.timestamp, block.height, pool_id, acceleration.txSummary.effectiveVsize, acceleration.txSummary.effectiveFee, acceleration.targetFeeRate, acceleration.cost, block.height, ]); } catch (e: any) { logger.err(`Cannot save acceleration (${acceleration.txSummary.txid}) into db. Reason: ` + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); // We don't throw, not a critical issue if we miss some accelerations } } public async $getAccelerationInfo(poolSlug: string | null = null, height: number | null = null, interval: string | null = null): Promise { if (!interval || !['24h', '3d', '1w', '1m'].includes(interval)) { interval = '1m'; } interval = Common.getSqlInterval(interval); if (!config.MEMPOOL_SERVICES.ACCELERATIONS || (interval == null && poolSlug == null && height == null)) { return []; } let query = ` SELECT * FROM accelerations JOIN pools on pools.unique_id = accelerations.pool `; let params: any[] = []; let hasFilter = false; if (interval && height === null) { query += ` WHERE accelerations.added BETWEEN DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ${interval}) AND NOW() `; hasFilter = true; } if (height != null) { if (hasFilter) { query += ` AND accelerations.height = ? `; } else { query += ` WHERE accelerations.height = ? `; } params.push(height); } else if (poolSlug != null) { if (hasFilter) { query += ` AND pools.slug = ? `; } else { query += ` WHERE pools.slug = ? `; } params.push(poolSlug); } query += ` ORDER BY accelerations.added DESC `; try { const [rows] = await DB.query(query, params) as RowDataPacket[][]; if (rows?.length) { return => ({ txid: row.txid, height: row.height, pool: { id:, slug: row.slug, name:, }, effective_vsize: row.effective_vsize, effective_fee: row.effective_fee, boost_rate: row.boost_rate, boost_cost: row.boost_cost, })); } else { return []; } } catch (e) { logger.err(`Cannot query acceleration info. Reason: ` + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); throw e; } } public async $getAccelerationTotals(poolSlug: string | null = null, interval: string | null = null): Promise<{ cost: number, count: number }> { interval = Common.getSqlInterval(interval); if (!config.MEMPOOL_SERVICES.ACCELERATIONS) { return { cost: 0, count: 0 }; } let query = ` SELECT SUM(boost_cost) as total_cost, COUNT(txid) as count FROM accelerations JOIN pools on pools.unique_id = accelerations.pool `; let params: any[] = []; let hasFilter = false; if (interval) { query += ` WHERE accelerations.added BETWEEN DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ${interval}) AND NOW() `; hasFilter = true; } if (poolSlug != null) { if (hasFilter) { query += ` AND pools.slug = ? `; } else { query += ` WHERE pools.slug = ? `; } params.push(poolSlug); } try { const [rows] = await DB.query(query, params) as RowDataPacket[][]; return { cost: rows[0]?.total_cost || 0, count: rows[0]?.count || 0, }; } catch (e) { logger.err(`Cannot query acceleration totals. Reason: ` + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); throw e; } } public async $getLastSyncedHeight(): Promise { try { const [rows] = await DB.query(` SELECT * FROM state WHERE name = 'last_acceleration_block' `); if (rows?.['length']) { return rows[0].number; } } catch (e: any) { logger.err(`Cannot find last acceleration sync height. Reason: ` + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); } return 0; } private async $setLastSyncedHeight(height: number): Promise { try { await DB.query(` UPDATE state SET number = ? WHERE name = 'last_acceleration_block' `, [height]); } catch (e: any) { logger.err(`Cannot update last acceleration sync height. Reason: ` + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); } } public async $indexAccelerationsForBlock(block: BlockExtended, accelerations: Acceleration[], transactions: MempoolTransactionExtended[]): Promise { const blockTxs: { [txid: string]: MempoolTransactionExtended } = {}; for (const tx of transactions) { blockTxs[tx.txid] = tx; } const successfulAccelerations = accelerations.filter(acc => acc.pools.includes(; let boostRate: number | null = null; for (const acc of successfulAccelerations) { if (boostRate === null) { boostRate = accelerationCosts.calculateBoostRate( => ({ txid: acc.txid, max_bid: acc.feeDelta })), transactions ); } if (blockTxs[acc.txid]) { const tx = blockTxs[acc.txid]; const accelerationInfo = accelerationCosts.getAccelerationInfo(tx, boostRate, transactions); accelerationInfo.cost = Math.max(0, Math.min(acc.feeDelta, accelerationInfo.cost)); this.$saveAcceleration(accelerationInfo, block,; } } const lastSyncedHeight = await this.$getLastSyncedHeight(); // if we've missed any blocks, let the indexer catch up from the last synced height on the next run if (block.height === lastSyncedHeight + 1) { await this.$setLastSyncedHeight(block.height); } } /** * [INDEXING] Backfill missing acceleration data */ async $indexPastAccelerations(): Promise { if (config.MEMPOOL.NETWORK !== 'mainnet' || !config.MEMPOOL_SERVICES.ACCELERATIONS) { // acceleration history disabled return; } const lastSyncedHeight = await this.$getLastSyncedHeight(); const currentHeight = blocks.getCurrentBlockHeight(); if (currentHeight <= lastSyncedHeight) { // already in sync return; } logger.debug(`Fetching accelerations between block ${lastSyncedHeight} and ${currentHeight}`); // Fetch accelerations from since the last synced block; const accelerationsByBlock = {}; const blockHashes = {}; let done = false; let page = 1; let count = 0; try { while (!done) { const accelerations = await accelerationApi.$fetchAccelerationHistory(page); page++; if (!accelerations?.length) { done = true; break; } for (const acc of accelerations) { if (acc.status !== 'completed_provisional' && acc.status !== 'completed') { continue; } if (!lastSyncedHeight || acc.blockHeight > lastSyncedHeight) { if (!accelerationsByBlock[acc.blockHeight]) { accelerationsByBlock[acc.blockHeight] = []; blockHashes[acc.blockHeight] = acc.blockHash; } accelerationsByBlock[acc.blockHeight].push(acc); count++; } else { done = true; } } } } catch (e) { logger.err(`Failed to fetch full acceleration history. Reason: ` + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); } logger.debug(`Indexing ${count} accelerations between block ${lastSyncedHeight} and ${currentHeight}`); // process accelerated blocks in order const heights = Object.keys(accelerationsByBlock).map(key => parseInt(key)).sort((a,b) => a - b); for (const height of heights) { const accelerations = accelerationsByBlock[height]; try { const block = await blocks.$getBlock(blockHashes[height]) as BlockExtended; const transactions = (await bitcoinApi.$getTxsForBlock(blockHashes[height])).map(tx => transactionUtils.extendMempoolTransaction(tx)); const blockTxs = {}; for (const tx of transactions) { blockTxs[tx.txid] = tx; } let boostRate = 0; // use Bid Boost V2 if active if (height > this.bidBoostV2Activated) { boostRate = accelerationCosts.calculateBoostRate( => ({ txid: acc.txid, max_bid: acc.feeDelta })), transactions ); } else { // default to Bid Boost V1 (median block fee rate) const template = makeBlockTemplate( transactions, => ({ txid: acc.txid, max_bid: acc.feeDelta })), 1, Infinity, Infinity ); const feeStats = Common.calcEffectiveFeeStatistics(template); boostRate = feeStats.medianFee; } for (const acc of accelerations) { if (blockTxs[acc.txid]) { const tx = blockTxs[acc.txid]; const accelerationInfo = accelerationCosts.getAccelerationInfo(tx, boostRate, transactions); accelerationInfo.cost = Math.max(0, Math.min(acc.feeDelta, accelerationInfo.cost)); await this.$saveAcceleration(accelerationInfo, block,; } } await this.$setLastSyncedHeight(height); } catch (e) { logger.err(`Failed to process accelerations for block ${height}. Reason: ` + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); return; } logger.debug(`Indexed ${accelerations.length} accelerations in block ${height}`); } await this.$setLastSyncedHeight(currentHeight); logger.debug(`Indexing accelerations completed`); } /** * Delete accelerations from the database above blockHeight */ public async $deleteAccelerationsFrom(blockHeight: number): Promise {`Delete newer accelerations from height ${blockHeight} from the database`); try { const currentSyncedHeight = await this.$getLastSyncedHeight(); if (currentSyncedHeight >= blockHeight) { await DB.query(` UPDATE state SET number = ? WHERE name = 'last_acceleration_block' `, [blockHeight - 1]); } await DB.query(`DELETE FROM accelerations where height >= ${blockHeight}`); } catch (e) { logger.err('Cannot delete indexed accelerations. Reason: ' + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : e)); } } } export default new AccelerationRepository();