import config from '../../config'; import * as bitcoin from '@mempool/bitcoin'; import * as bitcoinjs from 'bitcoinjs-lib'; import { AbstractBitcoinApi } from './bitcoin-api-abstract-factory'; import { IBitcoinApi } from './bitcoin-api.interface'; import { IEsploraApi } from './esplora-api.interface'; import blocks from '../blocks'; import mempool from '../mempool'; import { TransactionExtended } from '../../mempool.interfaces'; class BitcoinApi implements AbstractBitcoinApi { private rawMempoolCache: IBitcoinApi.RawMempool | null = null; private bitcoindClient: any; constructor() { this.bitcoindClient = new bitcoin.Client({ host: config.CORE_RPC.HOST, port: config.CORE_RPC.PORT, user: config.CORE_RPC.USERNAME, pass: config.CORE_RPC.PASSWORD, timeout: 60000, }); } $getRawTransactionBitcoind(txId: string, skipConversion = false, addPrevout = false): Promise { return this.bitcoindClient.getRawTransaction(txId, true) .then((transaction: IBitcoinApi.Transaction) => { if (skipConversion) { return transaction; } return this.$convertTransaction(transaction, addPrevout); }); } $getRawTransaction(txId: string, skipConversion = false, addPrevout = false): Promise { // If the transaction is in the mempool we already converted and fetched the fee. Only prevouts are missing const txInMempool = mempool.getMempool()[txId]; if (txInMempool && addPrevout) { return this.$addPrevouts(txInMempool); } // Special case to fetch the Coinbase transaction if (txId === '4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b') { return this.$returnCoinbaseTransaction(); } return this.bitcoindClient.getRawTransaction(txId, true) .then((transaction: IBitcoinApi.Transaction) => { if (skipConversion) { return transaction; } return this.$convertTransaction(transaction, addPrevout); }); } $getBlockHeightTip(): Promise { return this.bitcoindClient.getChainTips() .then((result: IBitcoinApi.ChainTips[]) => result[0].height); } $getTxIdsForBlock(hash: string): Promise { return this.bitcoindClient.getBlock(hash, 1) .then((rpcBlock: IBitcoinApi.Block) => rpcBlock.tx); } $getBlockHash(height: number): Promise { return this.bitcoindClient.getBlockHash(height); } async $getBlock(hash: string): Promise { const foundBlock = blocks.getBlocks().find((block) => === hash); if (foundBlock) { return foundBlock; } return this.bitcoindClient.getBlock(hash) .then((block: IBitcoinApi.Block) => this.convertBlock(block)); } $getAddress(address: string): Promise { throw new Error('Method getAddress not supported by the Bitcoin RPC API.'); } $getAddressTransactions(address: string, lastSeenTxId: string): Promise { throw new Error('Method getAddressTransactions not supported by the Bitcoin RPC API.'); } $getRawMempool(): Promise { return this.bitcoindClient.getRawMemPool(); } $getAddressPrefix(prefix: string): string[] { const found: string[] = []; const mp = mempool.getMempool(); for (const tx in mp) { for (const vout of mp[tx].vout) { if (vout.scriptpubkey_address.indexOf(prefix) === 0) { found.push(vout.scriptpubkey_address); if (found.length >= 10) { return found; } } } } return found; } protected async $convertTransaction(transaction: IBitcoinApi.Transaction, addPrevout: boolean): Promise { let esploraTransaction: IEsploraApi.Transaction = { txid: transaction.txid, version: transaction.version, locktime: transaction.locktime, size: transaction.size, weight: transaction.weight, fee: 0, vin: [], vout: [], status: { confirmed: false }, }; esploraTransaction.vout = => { return { value: vout.value * 100000000, scriptpubkey: vout.scriptPubKey.hex, scriptpubkey_address: vout.scriptPubKey && vout.scriptPubKey.addresses ? vout.scriptPubKey.addresses[0] : '', scriptpubkey_asm: vout.scriptPubKey.asm ? this.convertScriptSigAsm(vout.scriptPubKey.asm) : '', scriptpubkey_type: this.translateScriptPubKeyType(vout.scriptPubKey.type), }; }); = => { return { is_coinbase: !!vin.coinbase, prevout: null, scriptsig: vin.scriptSig && vin.scriptSig.hex || vin.coinbase || '', scriptsig_asm: vin.scriptSig && this.convertScriptSigAsm(vin.scriptSig.asm) || '', sequence: vin.sequence, txid: vin.txid || '', vout: vin.vout || 0, witness: vin.txinwitness, }; }); if (transaction.confirmations) { esploraTransaction.status = { confirmed: true, block_height: blocks.getCurrentBlockHeight() - transaction.confirmations + 1, block_hash: transaction.blockhash, block_time: transaction.blocktime, }; } if (transaction.confirmations) { esploraTransaction = await this.$calculateFeeFromInputs(esploraTransaction, addPrevout); } else { esploraTransaction = await this.$appendMempoolFeeData(esploraTransaction); } return esploraTransaction; } private convertBlock(block: IBitcoinApi.Block): IEsploraApi.Block { return { id: block.hash, height: block.height, version: block.version, timestamp: block.time, bits: parseInt(block.bits, 16), nonce: block.nonce, difficulty: block.difficulty, merkle_root: block.merkleroot, tx_count: block.nTx, size: block.size, weight: block.weight, previousblockhash: block.previousblockhash, }; } private translateScriptPubKeyType(outputType: string): string { const map = { 'pubkey': 'p2pk', 'pubkeyhash': 'p2pkh', 'scripthash': 'p2sh', 'witness_v0_keyhash': 'v0_p2wpkh', 'witness_v0_scripthash': 'v0_p2wsh', 'witness_v1_taproot': 'v1_p2tr', 'nonstandard': 'nonstandard', 'nulldata': 'op_return' }; if (map[outputType]) { return map[outputType]; } else { return ''; } } private async $appendMempoolFeeData(transaction: IEsploraApi.Transaction): Promise { if (transaction.fee) { return transaction; } let mempoolEntry: IBitcoinApi.MempoolEntry; if (!mempool.isInSync() && !this.rawMempoolCache) { this.rawMempoolCache = await this.$getRawMempoolVerbose(); } if (this.rawMempoolCache && this.rawMempoolCache[transaction.txid]) { mempoolEntry = this.rawMempoolCache[transaction.txid]; } else { mempoolEntry = await this.$getMempoolEntry(transaction.txid); } transaction.fee = mempoolEntry.fees.base * 100000000; return transaction; } protected async $addPrevouts(transaction: TransactionExtended): Promise { for (const vin of { if (vin.prevout) { continue; } const innerTx = await this.$getRawTransaction(vin.txid, false); vin.prevout = innerTx.vout[vin.vout]; this.addInnerScriptsToVin(vin); } return transaction; } protected $returnCoinbaseTransaction(): Promise { return this.bitcoindClient.getBlock('000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f', 2) .then((block: IBitcoinApi.Block) => { return this.$convertTransaction(Object.assign(block.tx[0], { confirmations: blocks.getCurrentBlockHeight() + 1, blocktime: 1231006505 }), false); }); } protected $validateAddress(address: string): Promise { return this.bitcoindClient.validateAddress(address); } private $getMempoolEntry(txid: string): Promise { return this.bitcoindClient.getMempoolEntry(txid); } private $getRawMempoolVerbose(): Promise { return this.bitcoindClient.getRawMemPool(true); } private async $calculateFeeFromInputs(transaction: IEsploraApi.Transaction, addPrevout: boolean): Promise { if ([0].is_coinbase) { transaction.fee = 0; return transaction; } let totalIn = 0; for (const vin of { const innerTx = await this.$getRawTransaction(vin.txid, !addPrevout); if (addPrevout) { vin.prevout = innerTx.vout[vin.vout]; this.addInnerScriptsToVin(vin); } totalIn += innerTx.vout[vin.vout].value; } const totalOut = transaction.vout.reduce((p, output) => p + output.value, 0); transaction.fee = parseFloat((totalIn - totalOut).toFixed(8)); return transaction; } private convertScriptSigAsm(str: string): string { const a = str.split(' '); const b: string[] = []; a.forEach((chunk) => { if (chunk.substr(0, 3) === 'OP_') { chunk = chunk.replace(/^OP_(\d+)/, 'OP_PUSHNUM_$1'); chunk = chunk.replace('OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY', 'OP_CSV'); b.push(chunk); } else { chunk = chunk.replace('[ALL]', '01'); if (chunk === '0') { b.push('OP_0'); } else { b.push('OP_PUSHBYTES_' + Math.round(chunk.length / 2) + ' ' + chunk); } } }); return b.join(' '); } private addInnerScriptsToVin(vin: IEsploraApi.Vin): void { if (!vin.prevout) { return; } if (vin.prevout.scriptpubkey_type === 'p2sh') { const redeemScript = vin.scriptsig_asm.split(' ').reverse()[0]; vin.inner_redeemscript_asm = this.convertScriptSigAsm(bitcoinjs.script.toASM(Buffer.from(redeemScript, 'hex'))); if (vin.witness && vin.witness.length > 2) { const witnessScript = vin.witness[vin.witness.length - 1]; vin.inner_witnessscript_asm = this.convertScriptSigAsm(bitcoinjs.script.toASM(Buffer.from(witnessScript, 'hex'))); } } if (vin.prevout.scriptpubkey_type === 'v0_p2wsh' && vin.witness) { const witnessScript = vin.witness[vin.witness.length - 1]; vin.inner_witnessscript_asm = this.convertScriptSigAsm(bitcoinjs.script.toASM(Buffer.from(witnessScript, 'hex'))); } } } export default BitcoinApi;