const config = require('../../mempool-config.json'); import bitcoinApi from './bitcoin/bitcoin-api-factory'; import { DB } from '../database'; import { IBlock, ITransaction } from '../interfaces'; import memPool from './mempool'; class Blocks { private blocks: IBlock[] = []; private newBlockCallback: Function | undefined; private currentBlockHeight = 0; constructor() { setInterval(this.$clearOldTransactionsAndBlocksFromDatabase.bind(this), 86400000); } public setNewBlockCallback(fn: Function) { this.newBlockCallback = fn; } public getBlocks(): IBlock[] { return this.blocks; } public formatBlock(block: IBlock) { return { hash: block.hash, height: block.height, nTx: block.nTx - 1, size: block.size, time: block.time, weight: block.weight, fees: block.fees, minFee: block.minFee, maxFee: block.maxFee, medianFee: block.medianFee, }; } public async updateBlocks() { try { const blockCount = await bitcoinApi.getBlockCount(); if (this.blocks.length === 0) { this.currentBlockHeight = blockCount - config.INITIAL_BLOCK_AMOUNT; } else { this.currentBlockHeight = this.blocks[this.blocks.length - 1].height; } while (this.currentBlockHeight < blockCount) { this.currentBlockHeight++; let block: IBlock | undefined; const storedBlock = await this.$getBlockFromDatabase(this.currentBlockHeight); if (storedBlock) { block = storedBlock; } else { const blockHash = await bitcoinApi.getBlockHash(this.currentBlockHeight); block = await bitcoinApi.getBlockAndTransactions(blockHash); const coinbase = await memPool.getRawTransaction(block.tx[0], true); if (coinbase && coinbase.totalOut) { block.fees = coinbase.totalOut; } const mempool = memPool.getMempool(); let found = 0; let notFound = 0; let transactions: ITransaction[] = []; for (let i = 1; i < block.tx.length; i++) { if (mempool[block.tx[i]]) { transactions.push(mempool[block.tx[i]]); found++; } else { console.log(`Fetching block tx ${i} of ${block.tx.length}`); const tx = await memPool.getRawTransaction(block.tx[i]); if (tx) { transactions.push(tx); } notFound++; } } transactions.sort((a, b) => b.feePerVsize - a.feePerVsize); transactions = transactions.filter((tx: ITransaction) => tx.feePerVsize); block.minFee = transactions[transactions.length - 1] ? transactions[transactions.length - 1].feePerVsize : 0; block.maxFee = transactions[0] ? transactions[0].feePerVsize : 0; block.medianFee = this.median( => tx.feePerVsize)); console.log(`New block found (#${this.currentBlockHeight})! ` + `${found} of ${block.tx.length} found in mempool. ${notFound} not found.`); if (this.newBlockCallback) { this.newBlockCallback(block); } this.$saveBlockToDatabase(block); this.$saveTransactionsToDatabase(block.height, transactions); } this.blocks.push(block); if (this.blocks.length > config.KEEP_BLOCK_AMOUNT) { this.blocks.shift(); } } } catch (err) { console.log('Error getBlockCount', err); } } private async $getBlockFromDatabase(height: number): Promise { try { const connection = await DB.pool.getConnection(); const query = ` SELECT * FROM blocks WHERE height = ? `; const [rows] = await connection.query(query, [height]); connection.release(); if (rows[0]) { return rows[0]; } } catch (e) { console.log('$get() block error', e); } } private async $saveBlockToDatabase(block: IBlock) { try { const connection = await DB.pool.getConnection(); const query = ` INSERT IGNORE INTO blocks (height, hash, size, weight, minFee, maxFee, time, fees, nTx, medianFee) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) `; const params: (any)[] = [ block.height, block.hash, block.size, block.weight, block.minFee, block.maxFee, block.time, block.fees, block.nTx - 1, block.medianFee, ]; await connection.query(query, params); connection.release(); } catch (e) { console.log('$create() block error', e); } } private async $saveTransactionsToDatabase(blockheight: number, transactions: ITransaction[]) { try { const connection = await DB.pool.getConnection(); for (let i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) { const query = ` INSERT IGNORE INTO transactions (blockheight, txid, fee, feePerVsize) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?) `; const params: (any)[] = [ blockheight, transactions[i].txid, transactions[i].fee, transactions[i].feePerVsize, ]; await connection.query(query, params); } connection.release(); } catch (e) { console.log('$create() transaction error', e); } } private async $clearOldTransactionsAndBlocksFromDatabase() { try { const connection = await DB.pool.getConnection(); let query = `DELETE FROM blocks WHERE height < ?`; await connection.query(query, [this.currentBlockHeight - config.KEEP_BLOCK_AMOUNT]); query = `DELETE FROM transactions WHERE blockheight < ?`; await connection.query(query, [this.currentBlockHeight - config.KEEP_BLOCK_AMOUNT]); connection.release(); } catch (e) { console.log('$clearOldTransactionsFromDatabase() error', e); } } private median(numbers: number[]) { if (!numbers.length) { return 0; } let medianNr = 0; const numsLen = numbers.length; numbers.sort(); if (numsLen % 2 === 0) { medianNr = (numbers[numsLen / 2 - 1] + numbers[numsLen / 2]) / 2; } else { medianNr = numbers[(numsLen - 1) / 2]; } return medianNr; } } export default new Blocks();