import { Component, OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy, HostListener, ViewChild, ElementRef } from '@angular/core'; import { ElectrsApiService } from '../../services/electrs-api.service'; import { ActivatedRoute, ParamMap, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { switchMap, filter, catchError, retryWhen, delay, map, mergeMap, tap } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { Transaction } from '../../interfaces/electrs.interface'; import { of, merge, Subscription, Observable, Subject, from, throwError } from 'rxjs'; import { StateService } from '../../services/state.service'; import { CacheService } from '../../services/cache.service'; import { WebsocketService } from '../../services/websocket.service'; import { AudioService } from '../../services/audio.service'; import { ApiService } from '../../services/api.service'; import { SeoService } from '../../services/seo.service'; import { StorageService } from '../../services/storage.service'; import { seoDescriptionNetwork } from '../../shared/common.utils'; import { BlockExtended, CpfpInfo, RbfTree, MempoolPosition, DifficultyAdjustment } from '../../interfaces/node-api.interface'; import { LiquidUnblinding } from './liquid-ublinding'; import { RelativeUrlPipe } from '../../shared/pipes/relative-url/relative-url.pipe'; import { Price, PriceService } from '../../services/price.service'; import { isFeatureActive } from '../../bitcoin.utils'; @Component({ selector: 'app-transaction', templateUrl: './transaction.component.html', styleUrls: ['./transaction.component.scss'], }) export class TransactionComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy { network = ''; tx: Transaction; txId: string; txInBlockIndex: number; mempoolPosition: MempoolPosition; isLoadingTx = true; error: any = undefined; errorUnblinded: any = undefined; loadingCachedTx = false; waitingForTransaction = false; latestBlock: BlockExtended; transactionTime = -1; subscription: Subscription; fetchCpfpSubscription: Subscription; fetchRbfSubscription: Subscription; fetchCachedTxSubscription: Subscription; txReplacedSubscription: Subscription; txRbfInfoSubscription: Subscription; mempoolPositionSubscription: Subscription; queryParamsSubscription: Subscription; urlFragmentSubscription: Subscription; mempoolBlocksSubscription: Subscription; blocksSubscription: Subscription; fragmentParams: URLSearchParams; rbfTransaction: undefined | Transaction; replaced: boolean = false; rbfReplaces: string[]; rbfInfo: RbfTree; cpfpInfo: CpfpInfo | null; sigops: number | null; adjustedVsize: number | null; showCpfpDetails = false; fetchCpfp$ = new Subject(); fetchRbfHistory$ = new Subject(); fetchCachedTx$ = new Subject(); isCached: boolean = false; now =; da$: Observable; liquidUnblinding = new LiquidUnblinding(); inputIndex: number; outputIndex: number; graphExpanded: boolean = false; graphWidth: number = 1000; graphHeight: number = 360; inOutLimit: number = 150; maxInOut: number = 0; flowPrefSubscription: Subscription; hideFlow: boolean = this.stateService.hideFlow.value; overrideFlowPreference: boolean = null; flowEnabled: boolean; blockConversion: Price; tooltipPosition: { x: number, y: number }; isMobile: boolean; featuresEnabled: boolean; segwitEnabled: boolean; rbfEnabled: boolean; taprootEnabled: boolean; hasEffectiveFeeRate: boolean; accelerateCtaType: 'alert' | 'button' = 'button'; acceleratorAvailable: boolean = this.stateService.env.OFFICIAL_MEMPOOL_SPACE && this.stateService.env.ACCELERATOR && === ''; showAccelerationSummary = false; scrollIntoAccelPreview = false; @ViewChild('graphContainer') graphContainer: ElementRef; constructor( private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private relativeUrlPipe: RelativeUrlPipe, private electrsApiService: ElectrsApiService, public stateService: StateService, private cacheService: CacheService, private websocketService: WebsocketService, private audioService: AudioService, private apiService: ApiService, private seoService: SeoService, private priceService: PriceService, private storageService: StorageService ) {} ngOnInit() { this.acceleratorAvailable = this.stateService.env.OFFICIAL_MEMPOOL_SPACE && this.stateService.env.ACCELERATOR && === ''; this.websocketService.want(['blocks', 'mempool-blocks']); this.stateService.networkChanged$.subscribe( (network) => { = network; this.acceleratorAvailable = this.stateService.env.OFFICIAL_MEMPOOL_SPACE && this.stateService.env.ACCELERATOR && === ''; } ); this.accelerateCtaType = (this.storageService.getValue('accel-cta-type') as 'alert' | 'button') ?? 'button'; this.setFlowEnabled(); this.flowPrefSubscription = this.stateService.hideFlow.subscribe((hide) => { this.hideFlow = !!hide; this.setFlowEnabled(); }); this.da$ = this.stateService.difficultyAdjustment$.pipe( tap(() => { =; }) ); this.urlFragmentSubscription = this.route.fragment.subscribe((fragment) => { this.fragmentParams = new URLSearchParams(fragment || ''); const vin = parseInt(this.fragmentParams.get('vin'), 10); const vout = parseInt(this.fragmentParams.get('vout'), 10); this.inputIndex = (!isNaN(vin) && vin >= 0) ? vin : null; this.outputIndex = (!isNaN(vout) && vout >= 0) ? vout : null; }); this.blocksSubscription = this.stateService.blocks$.subscribe((blocks) => { this.latestBlock = blocks[0]; }); this.fetchCpfpSubscription = this.fetchCpfp$ .pipe( switchMap((txId) => this.apiService .getCpfpinfo$(txId) .pipe(retryWhen((errors) => errors.pipe( mergeMap((error) => { if (!this.tx?.status || this.tx.status.confirmed) { return throwError(error); } else { return of(null); } }), delay(2000) )), catchError(() => { return of(null); }) ) ), catchError(() => { return of(null); }) ) .subscribe((cpfpInfo) => { this.setCpfpInfo(cpfpInfo); }); this.fetchRbfSubscription = this.fetchRbfHistory$ .pipe( switchMap((txId) => this.apiService .getRbfHistory$(txId) ), catchError(() => { return of(null); }) ).subscribe((rbfResponse) => { this.rbfInfo = rbfResponse?.replacements; this.rbfReplaces = rbfResponse?.replaces || null; }); this.fetchCachedTxSubscription = this.fetchCachedTx$ .pipe( tap(() => { this.loadingCachedTx = true; }), switchMap((txId) => this.apiService .getRbfCachedTx$(txId) ), catchError(() => { return of(null); }) ).subscribe((tx) => { this.loadingCachedTx = false; if (!tx) { this.seoService.logSoft404(); return; } this.seoService.clearSoft404(); if (!this.tx) { this.tx = tx; this.setFeatures(); this.isCached = true; if (tx.fee === undefined) { this.tx.fee = 0; } this.tx.feePerVsize = tx.fee / (tx.weight / 4); this.isLoadingTx = false; this.error = undefined; this.waitingForTransaction = false; this.graphExpanded = false; this.transactionTime = tx.firstSeen || 0; this.setupGraph(); this.fetchRbfHistory$.next(this.tx.txid); this.txRbfInfoSubscription = this.stateService.txRbfInfo$.subscribe((rbfInfo) => { if (this.tx) { this.rbfInfo = rbfInfo; } }); } }); this.mempoolPositionSubscription = this.stateService.mempoolTxPosition$.subscribe(txPosition => { =; if (txPosition && txPosition.txid === this.txId && txPosition.position) { this.mempoolPosition = txPosition.position; if (this.tx && !this.tx.status.confirmed) { this.stateService.markBlock$.next({ txid: txPosition.txid, mempoolPosition: this.mempoolPosition }); this.txInBlockIndex = this.mempoolPosition.block; if (txPosition.cpfp !== undefined) { this.setCpfpInfo(txPosition.cpfp); } } } else { this.mempoolPosition = null; } }); this.subscription = this.route.paramMap .pipe( switchMap((params: ParamMap) => { const urlMatch = (params.get('id') || '').split(':'); if (urlMatch.length === 2 && urlMatch[1].length === 64) { const vin = parseInt(urlMatch[0], 10); this.txId = urlMatch[1]; // rewrite legacy vin syntax if (!isNaN(vin)) { this.fragmentParams.set('vin', vin.toString()); this.fragmentParams.delete('vout'); } this.router.navigate([this.relativeUrlPipe.transform('/tx'), this.txId], { queryParamsHandling: 'merge', fragment: this.fragmentParams.toString(), }); } else { this.txId = urlMatch[0]; const vout = parseInt(urlMatch[1], 10); if (urlMatch.length > 1 && !isNaN(vout)) { // rewrite legacy vout syntax this.fragmentParams.set('vout', vout.toString()); this.fragmentParams.delete('vin'); this.router.navigate([this.relativeUrlPipe.transform('/tx'), this.txId], { queryParamsHandling: 'merge', fragment: this.fragmentParams.toString(), }); } } this.seoService.setTitle( $localize`:@@bisq.transaction.browser-title:Transaction: ${this.txId}:INTERPOLATION:` ); this.seoService.setDescription($localize`:@@meta.description.bitcoin.transaction:Get real-time status, addresses, fees, script info, and more for ${'liquid'||'liquidtestnet'?'Liquid':'Bitcoin'}${seoDescriptionNetwork(} transaction with txid {txid}.`); this.resetTransaction(); return merge( of(true), this.stateService.connectionState$.pipe( filter( (state) => state === 2 && this.tx && !this.tx.status?.confirmed ) ) ); }), switchMap(() => { let transactionObservable$: Observable; const cached = this.cacheService.getTxFromCache(this.txId); if (cached && cached.fee !== -1) { transactionObservable$ = of(cached); } else { transactionObservable$ = this.electrsApiService .getTransaction$(this.txId) .pipe( catchError(this.handleLoadElectrsTransactionError.bind(this)) ); } return merge( transactionObservable$, this.stateService.mempoolTransactions$ ); }), switchMap((tx) => { if ( === 'liquid' || === 'liquidtestnet') { return from(this.liquidUnblinding.checkUnblindedTx(tx)) .pipe( catchError((error) => { this.errorUnblinded = error; return of(tx); }) ); } return of(tx); }) ) .subscribe((tx: Transaction) => { if (!tx) { this.fetchCachedTx$.next(this.txId); this.seoService.logSoft404(); return; } this.seoService.clearSoft404(); this.tx = tx; this.setFeatures(); this.isCached = false; if (tx.fee === undefined) { this.tx.fee = 0; } if (this.tx.sigops != null) { this.sigops = this.tx.sigops; this.adjustedVsize = Math.max(this.tx.weight / 4, this.sigops * 5); } this.tx.feePerVsize = tx.fee / (tx.weight / 4); this.isLoadingTx = false; this.error = undefined; this.loadingCachedTx = false; this.waitingForTransaction = false; this.websocketService.startTrackTransaction(tx.txid); this.graphExpanded = false; this.setupGraph(); if (!tx.status?.confirmed) { if (tx.firstSeen) { this.transactionTime = tx.firstSeen; } else { this.getTransactionTime(); } } else { this.transactionTime = 0; } if (this.tx?.status?.confirmed) { this.stateService.markBlock$.next({ blockHeight: tx.status.block_height, }); this.fetchCpfp$.next(this.tx.txid); } else { if (tx.cpfpChecked) { this.stateService.markBlock$.next({ txid: tx.txid, txFeePerVSize: tx.effectiveFeePerVsize, mempoolPosition: this.mempoolPosition, }); this.cpfpInfo = { ancestors: tx.ancestors, bestDescendant: tx.bestDescendant, }; const hasRelatives = !!(tx.ancestors?.length || tx.bestDescendant); this.hasEffectiveFeeRate = hasRelatives || (tx.effectiveFeePerVsize && (Math.abs(tx.effectiveFeePerVsize - tx.feePerVsize) > 0.01)); } else { this.fetchCpfp$.next(this.tx.txid); } } this.fetchRbfHistory$.next(this.tx.txid); this.priceService.getBlockPrice$(tx.status?.block_time, true).pipe( tap((price) => { this.blockConversion = price; }) ).subscribe(); setTimeout(() => { this.applyFragment(); }, 0); }, (error) => { this.error = error; this.seoService.logSoft404(); this.isLoadingTx = false; } ); this.stateService.txConfirmed$.subscribe(([txConfirmed, block]) => { if (txConfirmed && this.tx && !this.tx.status.confirmed && txConfirmed === this.tx.txid) { this.tx.status = { confirmed: true, block_height: block.height, block_hash:, block_time: block.timestamp, }; this.stateService.markBlock$.next({ blockHeight: block.height }); this.audioService.playSound('magic'); } }); this.txReplacedSubscription = this.stateService.txReplaced$.subscribe((rbfTransaction) => { if (!this.tx) { this.error = new Error(); this.loadingCachedTx = false; this.waitingForTransaction = false; } this.rbfTransaction = rbfTransaction; this.replaced = true; this.stateService.markBlock$.next({}); if (rbfTransaction && !this.tx) { this.fetchCachedTx$.next(this.txId); } }); this.txRbfInfoSubscription = this.stateService.txRbfInfo$.subscribe((rbfInfo) => { if (this.tx) { this.rbfInfo = rbfInfo; } }); this.queryParamsSubscription = this.route.queryParams.subscribe((params) => { if (params.showFlow === 'false') { this.overrideFlowPreference = false; } else if (params.showFlow === 'true') { this.overrideFlowPreference = true; } else { this.overrideFlowPreference = null; } this.setFlowEnabled(); this.setGraphSize(); }); this.mempoolBlocksSubscription = this.stateService.mempoolBlocks$.subscribe((mempoolBlocks) => { =; if (!this.tx || this.mempoolPosition) { return; } const txFeePerVSize = this.tx.effectiveFeePerVsize || this.tx.fee / (this.tx.weight / 4); let found = false; this.txInBlockIndex = 0; for (const block of mempoolBlocks) { for (let i = 0; i < block.feeRange.length - 1 && !found; i++) { if ( txFeePerVSize <= block.feeRange[i + 1] && txFeePerVSize >= block.feeRange[i] ) { this.txInBlockIndex = mempoolBlocks.indexOf(block); found = true; } } } if (!found && txFeePerVSize < mempoolBlocks[mempoolBlocks.length - 1].feeRange[0]) { this.txInBlockIndex = 7; } }); } ngAfterViewInit(): void { this.setGraphSize(); } dismissAccelAlert(): void { this.storageService.setValue('accel-cta-type', 'button'); this.accelerateCtaType = 'button'; } onAccelerateClicked() { if (!this.txId) { return; } this.showAccelerationSummary = true && this.acceleratorAvailable; this.scrollIntoAccelPreview = !this.scrollIntoAccelPreview; return false; } handleLoadElectrsTransactionError(error: any): Observable { if (error.status === 404 && /^[a-fA-F0-9]{64}$/.test(this.txId)) { this.websocketService.startMultiTrackTransaction(this.txId); this.waitingForTransaction = true; } this.error = error; this.seoService.logSoft404(); this.isLoadingTx = false; return of(false); } getTransactionTime() { this.apiService .getTransactionTimes$([this.tx.txid]) .subscribe((transactionTimes) => { if (transactionTimes?.length) { this.transactionTime = transactionTimes[0]; } }); } setCpfpInfo(cpfpInfo: CpfpInfo): void { if (!cpfpInfo || !this.tx) { this.cpfpInfo = null; this.hasEffectiveFeeRate = false; return; } // merge ancestors/descendants const relatives = [...(cpfpInfo.ancestors || []), ...(cpfpInfo.descendants || [])]; if (cpfpInfo.bestDescendant && !cpfpInfo.descendants?.length) { relatives.push(cpfpInfo.bestDescendant); } const hasRelatives = !!relatives.length; if (!cpfpInfo.effectiveFeePerVsize && hasRelatives) { const totalWeight = this.tx.weight + relatives.reduce((prev, val) => prev + val.weight, 0); const totalFees = this.tx.fee + relatives.reduce((prev, val) => prev + val.fee, 0); this.tx.effectiveFeePerVsize = totalFees / (totalWeight / 4); } else { this.tx.effectiveFeePerVsize = cpfpInfo.effectiveFeePerVsize; } if (cpfpInfo.acceleration) { this.tx.acceleration = cpfpInfo.acceleration; } this.cpfpInfo = cpfpInfo; if (this.cpfpInfo.adjustedVsize && this.cpfpInfo.sigops != null) { this.sigops = this.cpfpInfo.sigops; this.adjustedVsize = this.cpfpInfo.adjustedVsize; } this.hasEffectiveFeeRate = hasRelatives || (this.tx.effectiveFeePerVsize && (Math.abs(this.tx.effectiveFeePerVsize - this.tx.feePerVsize) > 0.01)); } setFeatures(): void { if (this.tx) { this.segwitEnabled = !this.tx.status.confirmed || isFeatureActive(, this.tx.status.block_height, 'segwit'); this.taprootEnabled = !this.tx.status.confirmed || isFeatureActive(, this.tx.status.block_height, 'taproot'); this.rbfEnabled = !this.tx.status.confirmed || isFeatureActive(, this.tx.status.block_height, 'rbf'); } else { this.segwitEnabled = false; this.taprootEnabled = false; this.rbfEnabled = false; } this.featuresEnabled = this.segwitEnabled || this.taprootEnabled || this.rbfEnabled; } resetTransaction() { this.error = undefined; this.tx = null; this.setFeatures(); this.waitingForTransaction = false; this.isLoadingTx = true; this.rbfTransaction = undefined; this.replaced = false; this.transactionTime = -1; this.cpfpInfo = null; this.adjustedVsize = null; this.sigops = null; this.hasEffectiveFeeRate = false; this.rbfInfo = null; this.rbfReplaces = []; this.showCpfpDetails = false; this.txInBlockIndex = null; this.mempoolPosition = null; document.body.scrollTo(0, 0); this.leaveTransaction(); } leaveTransaction() { this.websocketService.stopTrackingTransaction(); this.stateService.markBlock$.next({}); } roundToOneDecimal(cpfpTx: any): number { return +(cpfpTx.fee / (cpfpTx.weight / 4)).toFixed(1); } setupGraph() { this.maxInOut = Math.min(this.inOutLimit, Math.max(this.tx?.vin?.length || 1, this.tx?.vout?.length + 1 || 1)); this.graphHeight = this.graphExpanded ? this.maxInOut * 15 : Math.min(360, this.maxInOut * 80); } toggleGraph() { const showFlow = !this.flowEnabled;!showFlow); this.router.navigate([], { relativeTo: this.route, queryParams: { showFlow: showFlow }, queryParamsHandling: 'merge', fragment: 'flow' }); } setFlowEnabled() { this.flowEnabled = (this.overrideFlowPreference != null ? this.overrideFlowPreference : !this.hideFlow); } expandGraph() { this.graphExpanded = true; this.graphHeight = this.maxInOut * 15; } collapseGraph() { this.graphExpanded = false; this.graphHeight = Math.min(360, this.maxInOut * 80); } // simulate normal anchor fragment behavior applyFragment(): void { const anchor = Array.from(this.fragmentParams.entries()).find(([frag, value]) => value === ''); if (anchor?.length) { if (anchor[0] === 'accelerate') { setTimeout(this.onAccelerateClicked.bind(this), 100); } else { const anchorElement = document.getElementById(anchor[0]); if (anchorElement) { anchorElement.scrollIntoView(); } } } } @HostListener('window:resize', ['$event']) setGraphSize(): void { this.isMobile = window.innerWidth < 850; if (this.graphContainer?.nativeElement) { setTimeout(() => { if (this.graphContainer?.nativeElement) { this.graphWidth = this.graphContainer.nativeElement.clientWidth; } else { setTimeout(() => { this.setGraphSize(); }, 1); } }, 1); } } ngOnDestroy() { this.subscription.unsubscribe(); this.fetchCpfpSubscription.unsubscribe(); this.fetchRbfSubscription.unsubscribe(); this.fetchCachedTxSubscription.unsubscribe(); this.txReplacedSubscription.unsubscribe(); this.txRbfInfoSubscription.unsubscribe(); this.queryParamsSubscription.unsubscribe(); this.flowPrefSubscription.unsubscribe(); this.urlFragmentSubscription.unsubscribe(); this.mempoolBlocksSubscription.unsubscribe(); this.mempoolPositionSubscription.unsubscribe(); this.mempoolBlocksSubscription.unsubscribe(); this.blocksSubscription.unsubscribe(); this.leaveTransaction(); } }