import config from '../config'; import DB from '../database'; import logger from '../logger'; import { Common } from './common'; class DatabaseMigration { private static currentVersion = 24; private queryTimeout = 120000; private statisticsAddedIndexed = false; private uniqueLogs: string[] = []; private blocksTruncatedMessage = `'blocks' table has been truncated. Re-indexing from scratch.`; private hashratesTruncatedMessage = `'hashrates' table has been truncated. Re-indexing from scratch.`; constructor() { } /** * Avoid printing multiple time the same message */ private uniqueLog(loggerFunction: any, msg: string) { if (this.uniqueLogs.includes(msg)) { return; } this.uniqueLogs.push(msg); loggerFunction(msg); } /** * Entry point */ public async $initializeOrMigrateDatabase(): Promise { logger.debug('MIGRATIONS: Running migrations'); await this.$printDatabaseVersion(); // First of all, if the `state` database does not exist, create it so we can track migration version if (!await this.$checkIfTableExists('state')) { logger.debug('MIGRATIONS: `state` table does not exist. Creating it.'); try { await this.$createMigrationStateTable(); } catch (e) { logger.err('MIGRATIONS: Unable to create `state` table, aborting in 10 seconds. ' + e); await Common.sleep$(10000); process.exit(-1); } logger.debug('MIGRATIONS: `state` table initialized.'); } let databaseSchemaVersion = 0; try { databaseSchemaVersion = await this.$getSchemaVersionFromDatabase(); } catch (e) { logger.err('MIGRATIONS: Unable to get current database migration version, aborting in 10 seconds. ' + e); await Common.sleep$(10000); process.exit(-1); } if (databaseSchemaVersion === 0) {'Initializing database (first run, clean install)'); } if (databaseSchemaVersion <= 2) { // Disable some spam logs when they're not relevant this.uniqueLogs.push(this.blocksTruncatedMessage); this.uniqueLogs.push(this.hashratesTruncatedMessage); } logger.debug('MIGRATIONS: Current state.schema_version ' + databaseSchemaVersion); logger.debug('MIGRATIONS: Latest DatabaseMigration.version is ' + DatabaseMigration.currentVersion); if (databaseSchemaVersion >= DatabaseMigration.currentVersion) { logger.debug('MIGRATIONS: Nothing to do.'); return; } // Now, create missing tables. Those queries cannot be wrapped into a transaction unfortunately try { await this.$createMissingTablesAndIndexes(databaseSchemaVersion); } catch (e) { logger.err('MIGRATIONS: Unable to create required tables, aborting in 10 seconds. ' + e); await Common.sleep$(10000); process.exit(-1); } if (DatabaseMigration.currentVersion > databaseSchemaVersion) { try { await this.$migrateTableSchemaFromVersion(databaseSchemaVersion); if (databaseSchemaVersion === 0) { logger.notice(`MIGRATIONS: OK. Database schema has been properly initialized to version ${DatabaseMigration.currentVersion} (latest version)`); } else { logger.notice(`MIGRATIONS: OK. Database schema have been migrated from version ${databaseSchemaVersion} to ${DatabaseMigration.currentVersion} (latest version)`); } } catch (e) { logger.err('MIGRATIONS: Unable to migrate database, aborting. ' + e); } } return; } /** * Create all missing tables */ private async $createMissingTablesAndIndexes(databaseSchemaVersion: number) { await this.$setStatisticsAddedIndexedFlag(databaseSchemaVersion); const isBitcoin = ['mainnet', 'testnet', 'signet'].includes(config.MEMPOOL.NETWORK); try { await this.$executeQuery(this.getCreateElementsTableQuery(), await this.$checkIfTableExists('elements_pegs')); await this.$executeQuery(this.getCreateStatisticsQuery(), await this.$checkIfTableExists('statistics')); if (databaseSchemaVersion < 2 && this.statisticsAddedIndexed === false) { await this.$executeQuery(`CREATE INDEX added ON statistics (added);`); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 3) { await this.$executeQuery(this.getCreatePoolsTableQuery(), await this.$checkIfTableExists('pools')); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 4) { await this.$executeQuery('DROP table IF EXISTS blocks;'); await this.$executeQuery(this.getCreateBlocksTableQuery(), await this.$checkIfTableExists('blocks')); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 5 && isBitcoin === true) { this.uniqueLog(logger.notice, this.blocksTruncatedMessage); await this.$executeQuery('TRUNCATE blocks;'); // Need to re-index await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks ADD `reward` double unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 6 && isBitcoin === true) { this.uniqueLog(logger.notice, this.blocksTruncatedMessage); await this.$executeQuery('TRUNCATE blocks;'); // Need to re-index // Cleanup original blocks fields type await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks MODIFY `height` integer unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks MODIFY `tx_count` smallint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks MODIFY `size` integer unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks MODIFY `weight` integer unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks MODIFY `difficulty` double NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); // We also fix the type so we need to drop/re-create the foreign key await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks DROP FOREIGN KEY IF EXISTS `blocks_ibfk_1`'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE pools MODIFY `id` smallint unsigned AUTO_INCREMENT'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks MODIFY `pool_id` smallint unsigned NULL'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks ADD FOREIGN KEY (`pool_id`) REFERENCES `pools` (`id`)'); // Add new block indexing fields await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks ADD `version` integer unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks ADD `bits` integer unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks ADD `nonce` bigint unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks ADD `merkle_root` varchar(65) NOT NULL DEFAULT ""'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks ADD `previous_block_hash` varchar(65) NULL'); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 7 && isBitcoin === true) { await this.$executeQuery('DROP table IF EXISTS hashrates;'); await this.$executeQuery(this.getCreateDailyStatsTableQuery(), await this.$checkIfTableExists('hashrates')); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 8 && isBitcoin === true) { this.uniqueLog(logger.notice, this.blocksTruncatedMessage); await this.$executeQuery('TRUNCATE hashrates;'); // Need to re-index await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `hashrates` DROP INDEX `PRIMARY`'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `hashrates` ADD `id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `hashrates` ADD `share` float NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `hashrates` ADD `type` enum("daily", "weekly") DEFAULT "daily"'); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 9 && isBitcoin === true) { this.uniqueLog(logger.notice, this.hashratesTruncatedMessage); await this.$executeQuery('TRUNCATE hashrates;'); // Need to re-index await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `state` CHANGE `name` `name` varchar(100)'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `hashrates` ADD UNIQUE `hashrate_timestamp_pool_id` (`hashrate_timestamp`, `pool_id`)'); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 10 && isBitcoin === true) { await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `blocks` ADD INDEX `blockTimestamp` (`blockTimestamp`)'); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 11 && isBitcoin === true) { this.uniqueLog(logger.notice, this.blocksTruncatedMessage); await this.$executeQuery('TRUNCATE blocks;'); // Need to re-index await this.$executeQuery(`ALTER TABLE blocks ADD avg_fee INT UNSIGNED NULL, ADD avg_fee_rate INT UNSIGNED NULL `); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks MODIFY `reward` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks MODIFY `median_fee` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks MODIFY `fees` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 12 && isBitcoin === true) { // No need to re-index because the new data type can contain larger values await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks MODIFY `fees` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 13 && isBitcoin === true) { await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks MODIFY `difficulty` DOUBLE UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks MODIFY `median_fee` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks MODIFY `avg_fee` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE blocks MODIFY `avg_fee_rate` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 14 && isBitcoin === true) { this.uniqueLog(logger.notice, this.hashratesTruncatedMessage); await this.$executeQuery('TRUNCATE hashrates;'); // Need to re-index await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `hashrates` DROP FOREIGN KEY `hashrates_ibfk_1`'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `hashrates` MODIFY `pool_id` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"'); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 16 && isBitcoin === true) { this.uniqueLog(logger.notice, this.hashratesTruncatedMessage); await this.$executeQuery('TRUNCATE hashrates;'); // Need to re-index because we changed timestamps } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 17 && isBitcoin === true) { await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `pools` ADD `slug` CHAR(50) NULL'); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 18 && isBitcoin === true) { await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `blocks` ADD INDEX `hash` (`hash`);'); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 19) { await this.$executeQuery(this.getCreateRatesTableQuery(), await this.$checkIfTableExists('rates')); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 20 && isBitcoin === true) { await this.$executeQuery(this.getCreateBlocksSummariesTableQuery(), await this.$checkIfTableExists('blocks_summaries')); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 21) { await this.$executeQuery('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `rates`'); await this.$executeQuery(this.getCreatePricesTableQuery(), await this.$checkIfTableExists('prices')); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 22 && isBitcoin === true) { await this.$executeQuery('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `difficulty_adjustments`'); await this.$executeQuery(this.getCreateDifficultyAdjustmentsTableQuery(), await this.$checkIfTableExists('difficulty_adjustments')); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 23) { await this.$executeQuery('TRUNCATE `prices`'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `prices` DROP `avg_prices`'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `prices` ADD `USD` float DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `prices` ADD `EUR` float DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `prices` ADD `GBP` float DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `prices` ADD `CAD` float DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `prices` ADD `CHF` float DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `prices` ADD `AUD` float DEFAULT "0"'); await this.$executeQuery('ALTER TABLE `prices` ADD `JPY` float DEFAULT "0"'); } if (databaseSchemaVersion < 24 && isBitcoin == true) { await this.$executeQuery('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `blocks_audits`'); await this.$executeQuery(this.getCreateBlocksAuditsTableQuery(), await this.$checkIfTableExists('blocks_audits')); } } catch (e) { throw e; } } /** * Special case here for the `statistics` table - It appeared that somehow some dbs already had the `added` field indexed * while it does not appear in previous schemas. The mariadb command "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS" is not supported on * older mariadb version. Therefore we set a flag here in order to know if the index needs to be created or not before * running the migration process */ private async $setStatisticsAddedIndexedFlag(databaseSchemaVersion: number) { if (databaseSchemaVersion >= 2) { this.statisticsAddedIndexed = true; return; } try { // We don't use "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS" because it is not supported on old mariadb version 5.X const query = `SELECT COUNT(1) hasIndex FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS WHERE table_schema=DATABASE() AND table_name='statistics' AND index_name='added';`; const [rows] = await this.$executeQuery(query, true); if (rows[0].hasIndex === 0) { logger.debug('MIGRATIONS: `statistics.added` is not indexed'); this.statisticsAddedIndexed = false; } else if (rows[0].hasIndex === 1) { logger.debug('MIGRATIONS: `statistics.added` is already indexed'); this.statisticsAddedIndexed = true; } } catch (e) { // Should really never happen but just in case it fails, we just don't execute // any query related to this indexing so it won't fail if the index actually already exists logger.err('MIGRATIONS: Unable to check if `statistics.added` INDEX exist or not.'); this.statisticsAddedIndexed = true; } } /** * Small query execution wrapper to log all executed queries */ private async $executeQuery(query: string, silent: boolean = false): Promise { if (!silent) { logger.debug('MIGRATIONS: Execute query:\n' + query); } return DB.query({ sql: query, timeout: this.queryTimeout }); } /** * Check if 'table' exists in the database */ private async $checkIfTableExists(table: string): Promise { const query = `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = '${config.DATABASE.DATABASE}' AND TABLE_NAME = '${table}'`; const [rows] = await DB.query({ sql: query, timeout: this.queryTimeout }); return rows[0]['COUNT(*)'] === 1; } /** * Get current database version */ private async $getSchemaVersionFromDatabase(): Promise { const query = `SELECT number FROM state WHERE name = 'schema_version';`; const [rows] = await this.$executeQuery(query, true); return rows[0]['number']; } /** * Create the `state` table */ private async $createMigrationStateTable(): Promise { try { const query = `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS state ( name varchar(25) NOT NULL, number int(11) NULL, string varchar(100) NULL, CONSTRAINT name_unique UNIQUE (name) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;`; await this.$executeQuery(query); // Set initial values await this.$executeQuery(`INSERT INTO state VALUES('schema_version', 0, NULL);`); await this.$executeQuery(`INSERT INTO state VALUES('last_elements_block', 0, NULL);`); } catch (e) { throw e; } } /** * We actually execute the migrations queries here */ private async $migrateTableSchemaFromVersion(version: number): Promise { const transactionQueries: string[] = []; for (const query of this.getMigrationQueriesFromVersion(version)) { transactionQueries.push(query); } logger.notice(`MIGRATIONS: ${version > 0 ? 'Upgrading' : 'Initializing'} database schema version number to ${DatabaseMigration.currentVersion}`); transactionQueries.push(this.getUpdateToLatestSchemaVersionQuery()); try { await this.$executeQuery('START TRANSACTION;'); for (const query of transactionQueries) { await this.$executeQuery(query); } await this.$executeQuery('COMMIT;'); } catch (e) { await this.$executeQuery('ROLLBACK;'); throw e; } } /** * Generate migration queries based on schema version */ private getMigrationQueriesFromVersion(version: number): string[] { const queries: string[] = []; const isBitcoin = ['mainnet', 'testnet', 'signet'].includes(config.MEMPOOL.NETWORK); if (version < 1) { if (config.MEMPOOL.NETWORK !== 'liquid' && config.MEMPOOL.NETWORK !== 'liquidtestnet') { if (version > 0) { logger.notice(`MIGRATIONS: Migrating (shifting) statistics table data`); } queries.push(this.getShiftStatisticsQuery()); } } if (version < 7 && isBitcoin === true) { queries.push(`INSERT INTO state(name, number, string) VALUES ('last_hashrates_indexing', 0, NULL)`); } if (version < 9 && isBitcoin === true) { queries.push(`INSERT INTO state(name, number, string) VALUES ('last_weekly_hashrates_indexing', 0, NULL)`); } return queries; } /** * Save the schema version in the database */ private getUpdateToLatestSchemaVersionQuery(): string { return `UPDATE state SET number = ${DatabaseMigration.currentVersion} WHERE name = 'schema_version';`; } /** * Print current database version */ private async $printDatabaseVersion() { try { const [rows] = await this.$executeQuery('SELECT VERSION() as version;', true); logger.debug(`MIGRATIONS: Database engine version '${rows[0].version}'`); } catch (e) { logger.debug(`MIGRATIONS: Could not fetch database engine version. ` + e); } } // Couple of wrappers to clean the main logic private getShiftStatisticsQuery(): string { return `UPDATE statistics SET vsize_1 = vsize_1 + vsize_2, vsize_2 = vsize_3, vsize_3 = vsize_4, vsize_4 = vsize_5, vsize_5 = vsize_6, vsize_6 = vsize_8, vsize_8 = vsize_10, vsize_10 = vsize_12, vsize_12 = vsize_15, vsize_15 = vsize_20, vsize_20 = vsize_30, vsize_30 = vsize_40, vsize_40 = vsize_50, vsize_50 = vsize_60, vsize_60 = vsize_70, vsize_70 = vsize_80, vsize_80 = vsize_90, vsize_90 = vsize_100, vsize_100 = vsize_125, vsize_125 = vsize_150, vsize_150 = vsize_175, vsize_175 = vsize_200, vsize_200 = vsize_250, vsize_250 = vsize_300, vsize_300 = vsize_350, vsize_350 = vsize_400, vsize_400 = vsize_500, vsize_500 = vsize_600, vsize_600 = vsize_700, vsize_700 = vsize_800, vsize_800 = vsize_900, vsize_900 = vsize_1000, vsize_1000 = vsize_1200, vsize_1200 = vsize_1400, vsize_1400 = vsize_1800, vsize_1800 = vsize_2000, vsize_2000 = 0;`; } private getCreateStatisticsQuery(): string { return `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS statistics ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, added datetime NOT NULL, unconfirmed_transactions int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, tx_per_second float UNSIGNED NOT NULL, vbytes_per_second int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, mempool_byte_weight int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, fee_data longtext NOT NULL, total_fee double UNSIGNED NOT NULL, vsize_1 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_2 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_3 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_4 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_5 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_6 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_8 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_10 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_12 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_15 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_20 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_30 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_40 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_50 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_60 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_70 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_80 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_90 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_100 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_125 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_150 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_175 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_200 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_250 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_300 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_350 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_400 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_500 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_600 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_700 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_800 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_900 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_1000 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_1200 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_1400 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_1600 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_1800 int(11) NOT NULL, vsize_2000 int(11) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;`; } private getCreateElementsTableQuery(): string { return `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS elements_pegs ( block int(11) NOT NULL, datetime int(11) NOT NULL, amount bigint(20) NOT NULL, txid varchar(65) NOT NULL, txindex int(11) NOT NULL, bitcoinaddress varchar(100) NOT NULL, bitcointxid varchar(65) NOT NULL, bitcoinindex int(11) NOT NULL, final_tx int(11) NOT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;`; } private getCreatePoolsTableQuery(): string { return `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pools ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(50) NOT NULL, link varchar(255) NOT NULL, addresses text NOT NULL, regexes text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4;`; } private getCreateBlocksTableQuery(): string { return `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS blocks ( height int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, hash varchar(65) NOT NULL, blockTimestamp timestamp NOT NULL, size int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, weight int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, tx_count int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, coinbase_raw text, difficulty bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, pool_id int(11) DEFAULT -1, fees double unsigned NOT NULL, fee_span json NOT NULL, median_fee double unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (height), INDEX (pool_id), FOREIGN KEY (pool_id) REFERENCES pools (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;`; } private getCreateDailyStatsTableQuery(): string { return `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS hashrates ( hashrate_timestamp timestamp NOT NULL, avg_hashrate double unsigned DEFAULT '0', pool_id smallint unsigned NULL, PRIMARY KEY (hashrate_timestamp), INDEX (pool_id), FOREIGN KEY (pool_id) REFERENCES pools (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;`; } private getCreateRatesTableQuery(): string { // This table has been replaced by the prices table return `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS rates ( height int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, bisq_rates JSON NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (height) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;`; } private getCreateBlocksSummariesTableQuery(): string { return `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS blocks_summaries ( height int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, id varchar(65) NOT NULL, transactions JSON NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX (height) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;`; } private getCreatePricesTableQuery(): string { return `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS prices ( time timestamp NOT NULL, avg_prices JSON NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (time) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;`; } private getCreateDifficultyAdjustmentsTableQuery(): string { return `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS difficulty_adjustments ( time timestamp NOT NULL, height int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, difficulty double unsigned NOT NULL, adjustment float NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (height), INDEX (time) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;`; } private getCreateBlocksAuditsTableQuery(): string { return `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS blocks_audits ( time timestamp NOT NULL, hash varchar(65) NOT NULL, height int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, missing_txs JSON NOT NULL, added_txs JSON NOT NULL, match_rate float unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (hash), INDEX (height) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;`; } public async $truncateIndexedData(tables: string[]) { const allowedTables = ['blocks', 'hashrates', 'prices']; try { for (const table of tables) { if (!allowedTables.includes(table)) { logger.debug(`Table ${table} cannot to be re-indexed (not allowed)`); continue; } await this.$executeQuery(`TRUNCATE ${table}`, true); if (table === 'hashrates') { await this.$executeQuery('UPDATE state set number = 0 where name = "last_hashrates_indexing"', true); } logger.notice(`Table ${table} has been truncated`); } } catch (e) { logger.warn(`Unable to erase indexed data`); } } } export default new DatabaseMigration();