import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, ViewChildren, QueryList } from '@angular/core'; import { Location } from '@angular/common'; import { ActivatedRoute, ParamMap, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { ElectrsApiService } from '../../services/electrs-api.service'; import { switchMap, tap, throttleTime, catchError, map, shareReplay, startWith } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { Transaction, Vout } from '../../interfaces/electrs.interface'; import { Observable, of, Subscription, asyncScheduler, EMPTY, combineLatest, forkJoin } from 'rxjs'; import { StateService } from '../../services/state.service'; import { SeoService } from '../../services/seo.service'; import { WebsocketService } from '../../services/websocket.service'; import { RelativeUrlPipe } from '../../shared/pipes/relative-url/relative-url.pipe'; import { BlockAudit, BlockExtended, TransactionStripped } from '../../interfaces/node-api.interface'; import { ApiService } from '../../services/api.service'; import { BlockOverviewGraphComponent } from '../../components/block-overview-graph/block-overview-graph.component'; import { detectWebGL } from '../../shared/graphs.utils'; import { seoDescriptionNetwork } from '../../shared/common.utils'; import { PriceService, Price } from '../../services/price.service'; import { CacheService } from '../../services/cache.service'; import { ServicesApiServices } from '../../services/services-api.service'; @Component({ selector: 'app-block', templateUrl: './block.component.html', styleUrls: ['./block.component.scss'], styles: [` .loadingGraphs { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: calc(50% - 15px); z-index: 100; } `], }) export class BlockComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { network = ''; block: BlockExtended; blockAudit: BlockAudit = undefined; blockHeight: number; lastBlockHeight: number; nextBlockHeight: number; blockHash: string; isLoadingBlock = true; latestBlock: BlockExtended; latestBlocks: BlockExtended[] = []; transactions: Transaction[]; isLoadingTransactions = true; strippedTransactions: TransactionStripped[]; overviewTransitionDirection: string; isLoadingOverview = true; error: any; blockSubsidy: number; fees: number; paginationMaxSize: number; page = 1; itemsPerPage: number; txsLoadingStatus$: Observable; showDetails = false; showPreviousBlocklink = true; showNextBlocklink = true; transactionsError: any = null; overviewError: any = null; webGlEnabled = true; auditSupported: boolean = this.stateService.env.AUDIT && this.stateService.env.BASE_MODULE === 'mempool' && this.stateService.env.MINING_DASHBOARD === true; auditModeEnabled: boolean = !this.stateService.hideAudit.value; auditAvailable = true; showAudit: boolean; isMobile = window.innerWidth <= 767.98; hoverTx: string; numMissing: number = 0; numUnexpected: number = 0; mode: 'projected' | 'actual' = 'projected'; transactionSubscription: Subscription; overviewSubscription: Subscription; auditSubscription: Subscription; keyNavigationSubscription: Subscription; blocksSubscription: Subscription; cacheBlocksSubscription: Subscription; networkChangedSubscription: Subscription; queryParamsSubscription: Subscription; nextBlockSubscription: Subscription = undefined; nextBlockSummarySubscription: Subscription = undefined; nextBlockTxListSubscription: Subscription = undefined; timeLtrSubscription: Subscription; timeLtr: boolean; childChangeSubscription: Subscription; auditPrefSubscription: Subscription; priceSubscription: Subscription; blockConversion: Price; @ViewChildren('blockGraphProjected') blockGraphProjected: QueryList; @ViewChildren('blockGraphActual') blockGraphActual: QueryList; constructor( private route: ActivatedRoute, private location: Location, private router: Router, private electrsApiService: ElectrsApiService, public stateService: StateService, private seoService: SeoService, private websocketService: WebsocketService, private relativeUrlPipe: RelativeUrlPipe, private apiService: ApiService, private priceService: PriceService, private cacheService: CacheService, private servicesApiService: ServicesApiServices, ) { this.webGlEnabled = detectWebGL(); } ngOnInit() { this.websocketService.want(['blocks', 'mempool-blocks']); this.paginationMaxSize = window.matchMedia('(max-width: 670px)').matches ? 3 : 5; =; this.itemsPerPage = this.stateService.env.ITEMS_PER_PAGE; this.timeLtrSubscription = this.stateService.timeLtr.subscribe((ltr) => { this.timeLtr = !!ltr; }); this.setAuditAvailable(this.auditSupported); if (this.auditSupported) { this.auditPrefSubscription = this.stateService.hideAudit.subscribe((hide) => { this.auditModeEnabled = !hide; this.showAudit = this.auditAvailable && this.auditModeEnabled; }); } this.txsLoadingStatus$ = this.route.paramMap .pipe( switchMap(() => this.stateService.loadingIndicators$), map((indicators) => indicators['blocktxs-' + this.blockHash] !== undefined ? indicators['blocktxs-' + this.blockHash] : 0) ); this.cacheBlocksSubscription = this.cacheService.loadedBlocks$.subscribe((block) => { this.loadedCacheBlock(block); }); this.blocksSubscription = this.stateService.blocks$ .subscribe((blocks) => { this.latestBlock = blocks[0]; this.latestBlocks = blocks; this.setNextAndPreviousBlockLink(); for (const block of blocks) { if ( === this.blockHash) { this.block = block; if (block.extras) { block.extras.minFee = this.getMinBlockFee(block); block.extras.maxFee = this.getMaxBlockFee(block); if (block?.extras?.reward != undefined) { this.fees = block.extras.reward / 100000000 - this.blockSubsidy; } } } else if (block.height === this.block?.height) { this.block.stale = true; this.block.canonical =; } } }); const block$ = this.route.paramMap.pipe( switchMap((params: ParamMap) => { const blockHash: string = params.get('id') || ''; this.block = undefined; = 1; this.error = undefined; this.fees = undefined; if ( && { this.blockHeight =; this.updateAuditAvailableFromBlockHeight(this.blockHeight); } let isBlockHeight = false; if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(blockHash)) { isBlockHeight = true; this.stateService.markBlock$.next({ blockHeight: parseInt(blockHash, 10)}); } else { this.blockHash = blockHash; } document.body.scrollTo(0, 0); if ( && { this.blockHeight =; this.updateAuditAvailableFromBlockHeight(this.blockHeight); return of(; } else { this.isLoadingBlock = true; this.isLoadingOverview = true; let blockInCache: BlockExtended; if (isBlockHeight) { blockInCache = this.latestBlocks.find((block) => block.height === parseInt(blockHash, 10)); if (blockInCache) { return of(blockInCache); } return this.electrsApiService.getBlockHashFromHeight$(parseInt(blockHash, 10)) .pipe( switchMap((hash) => { this.blockHash = hash; this.location.replaceState( this.router.createUrlTree([( ? '/' + : '') + '/block/', hash]).toString() ); this.seoService.updateCanonical(this.location.path()); return this.apiService.getBlock$(hash).pipe( catchError((err) => { this.error = err; this.isLoadingBlock = false; this.isLoadingOverview = false; this.seoService.logSoft404(); return EMPTY; }) ); }), catchError((err) => { this.error = err; this.isLoadingBlock = false; this.isLoadingOverview = false; this.seoService.logSoft404(); return EMPTY; }), ); } blockInCache = this.latestBlocks.find((block) => === this.blockHash); if (blockInCache) { return of(blockInCache); } return this.apiService.getBlock$(blockHash).pipe( catchError((err) => { this.error = err; this.isLoadingBlock = false; this.isLoadingOverview = false; this.seoService.logSoft404(); return EMPTY; }) ); } }), tap((block: BlockExtended) => { if (block.height > 0) { // Preload previous block summary (execute the http query so the response will be cached) this.unsubscribeNextBlockSubscriptions(); setTimeout(() => { this.nextBlockSubscription = this.apiService.getBlock$(block.previousblockhash).subscribe(); this.nextBlockTxListSubscription = this.electrsApiService.getBlockTransactions$(block.previousblockhash).subscribe(); if (this.auditSupported) { this.apiService.getBlockAudit$(block.previousblockhash); } }, 100); } this.updateAuditAvailableFromBlockHeight(block.height); this.block = block; if (block.extras) { block.extras.minFee = this.getMinBlockFee(block); block.extras.maxFee = this.getMaxBlockFee(block); } this.blockHeight = block.height; this.lastBlockHeight = this.blockHeight; this.nextBlockHeight = block.height + 1; this.setNextAndPreviousBlockLink(); this.seoService.setTitle($localize`:@@block.component.browser-title:Block ${block.height}:BLOCK_HEIGHT:: ${}:BLOCK_ID:`); if( === 'liquid' || === 'liquidtestnet' ) { this.seoService.setDescription($localize`:@@meta.description.liquid.block:See size, weight, fee range, included transactions, and more for Liquid${seoDescriptionNetwork(} block ${block.height}:BLOCK_HEIGHT: (${}:BLOCK_ID:).`); } else { this.seoService.setDescription($localize`:@@meta.description.bitcoin.block:See size, weight, fee range, included transactions, audit (expected v actual), and more for Bitcoin${seoDescriptionNetwork(} block ${block.height}:BLOCK_HEIGHT: (${}:BLOCK_ID:).`); } this.isLoadingBlock = false; this.setBlockSubsidy(); if (block?.extras?.reward !== undefined) { this.fees = block.extras.reward / 100000000 - this.blockSubsidy; } this.stateService.markBlock$.next({ blockHeight: this.blockHeight }); this.isLoadingTransactions = true; this.transactions = null; this.transactionsError = null; this.isLoadingOverview = true; this.overviewError = null; const cachedBlock = this.cacheService.getCachedBlock(block.height); if (!cachedBlock) { this.cacheService.loadBlock(block.height); } else { this.loadedCacheBlock(cachedBlock); } }), throttleTime(300, asyncScheduler, { leading: true, trailing: true }), shareReplay(1) ); this.transactionSubscription = block$.pipe( switchMap((block) => this.electrsApiService.getBlockTransactions$( .pipe( catchError((err) => { this.transactionsError = err; return of([]); })) ), ) .subscribe((transactions: Transaction[]) => { if (this.fees === undefined && transactions[0]) { this.fees = transactions[0].vout.reduce((acc: number, curr: Vout) => acc + curr.value, 0) / 100000000 - this.blockSubsidy; } this.transactions = transactions; this.isLoadingTransactions = false; }, (error) => { this.error = error; this.isLoadingBlock = false; this.isLoadingOverview = false; }); this.overviewSubscription = block$.pipe( switchMap((block) => { return forkJoin([ this.apiService.getStrippedBlockTransactions$( .pipe( catchError((err) => { this.overviewError = err; return of(null); }) ), !this.isAuditAvailableFromBlockHeight(block.height) ? of(null) : this.apiService.getBlockAudit$( .pipe( catchError((err) => { this.overviewError = err; return of(null); }) ), this.stateService.env.ACCELERATOR === true && block.height > 819500 ? this.servicesApiService.getAccelerationHistory$({ blockHash: }) : of([]) ]); }) ) .subscribe(([transactions, blockAudit, accelerations]) => { if (transactions) { this.strippedTransactions = transactions; } else { this.strippedTransactions = []; } const acceleratedInBlock = {}; for (const acc of accelerations) { acceleratedInBlock[acc.txid] = acc; } for (const tx of transactions) { if (acceleratedInBlock[tx.txid]) { tx.acc = true; } } this.blockAudit = null; if (transactions && blockAudit) { const inTemplate = {}; const inBlock = {}; const isAdded = {}; const isCensored = {}; const isMissing = {}; const isSelected = {}; const isFresh = {}; const isSigop = {}; const isRbf = {}; const isAccelerated = {}; this.numMissing = 0; this.numUnexpected = 0; if (blockAudit?.template) { for (const tx of blockAudit.template) { inTemplate[tx.txid] = true; if (tx.acc) { isAccelerated[tx.txid] = true; } } for (const tx of transactions) { inBlock[tx.txid] = true; } for (const txid of blockAudit.addedTxs) { isAdded[txid] = true; } for (const txid of blockAudit.missingTxs) { isCensored[txid] = true; } for (const txid of blockAudit.freshTxs || []) { isFresh[txid] = true; } for (const txid of blockAudit.sigopTxs || []) { isSigop[txid] = true; } for (const txid of blockAudit.fullrbfTxs || []) { isRbf[txid] = true; } for (const txid of blockAudit.acceleratedTxs || []) { isAccelerated[txid] = true; } // set transaction statuses for (const tx of blockAudit.template) { tx.context = 'projected'; if (isCensored[tx.txid]) { tx.status = 'censored'; } else if (inBlock[tx.txid]) { tx.status = 'found'; } else { if (isFresh[tx.txid]) { if (tx.rate - (tx.fee / tx.vsize) >= 0.1) { tx.status = 'freshcpfp'; } else { tx.status = 'fresh'; } } else if (isSigop[tx.txid]) { tx.status = 'sigop'; } else if (isRbf[tx.txid]) { tx.status = 'rbf'; } else { tx.status = 'missing'; } isMissing[tx.txid] = true; this.numMissing++; } if (isAccelerated[tx.txid]) { tx.status = 'accelerated'; } } for (const [index, tx] of transactions.entries()) { tx.context = 'actual'; if (index === 0) { tx.status = null; } else if (isAdded[tx.txid]) { tx.status = 'added'; } else if (inTemplate[tx.txid]) { tx.status = 'found'; } else if (isRbf[tx.txid]) { tx.status = 'rbf'; } else { tx.status = 'selected'; isSelected[tx.txid] = true; this.numUnexpected++; } if (isAccelerated[tx.txid]) { tx.status = 'accelerated'; } } for (const tx of transactions) { inBlock[tx.txid] = true; } blockAudit.feeDelta = blockAudit.expectedFees > 0 ? (blockAudit.expectedFees - this.block.extras.totalFees) / blockAudit.expectedFees : 0; blockAudit.weightDelta = blockAudit.expectedWeight > 0 ? (blockAudit.expectedWeight - this.block.weight) / blockAudit.expectedWeight : 0; blockAudit.txDelta = blockAudit.template.length > 0 ? (blockAudit.template.length - this.block.tx_count) / blockAudit.template.length : 0; this.blockAudit = blockAudit; this.setAuditAvailable(true); } else { this.setAuditAvailable(false); } } else { this.setAuditAvailable(false); } this.isLoadingOverview = false; this.setupBlockGraphs(); }); this.networkChangedSubscription = this.stateService.networkChanged$ .subscribe((network) => = network); this.queryParamsSubscription = this.route.queryParams.subscribe((params) => { if (params.showDetails === 'true') { this.showDetails = true; } else { this.showDetails = false; } if (params.view === 'projected') { this.mode = 'projected'; } else { this.mode = 'actual'; } this.setupBlockGraphs(); }); this.keyNavigationSubscription = this.stateService.keyNavigation$.subscribe((event) => { const prevKey = this.timeLtr ? 'ArrowLeft' : 'ArrowRight'; const nextKey = this.timeLtr ? 'ArrowRight' : 'ArrowLeft'; if (this.showPreviousBlocklink && event.key === prevKey && this.nextBlockHeight - 2 >= 0) { this.navigateToPreviousBlock(); } if (event.key === nextKey) { if (this.showNextBlocklink) { this.navigateToNextBlock(); } else { this.router.navigate([this.relativeUrlPipe.transform('/mempool-block'), '0']); } } }); if (this.priceSubscription) { this.priceSubscription.unsubscribe(); } this.priceSubscription = block$.pipe( switchMap((block) => { return this.priceService.getBlockPrice$(block.timestamp).pipe( tap((price) => { this.blockConversion = price; }) ); }) ).subscribe(); } ngAfterViewInit(): void { this.childChangeSubscription = combineLatest([this.blockGraphProjected.changes.pipe(startWith(null)), this.blockGraphActual.changes.pipe(startWith(null))]).subscribe(() => { this.setupBlockGraphs(); }); } ngOnDestroy() { this.stateService.markBlock$.next({}); this.transactionSubscription?.unsubscribe(); this.overviewSubscription?.unsubscribe(); this.auditSubscription?.unsubscribe(); this.keyNavigationSubscription?.unsubscribe(); this.blocksSubscription?.unsubscribe(); this.cacheBlocksSubscription?.unsubscribe(); this.networkChangedSubscription?.unsubscribe(); this.queryParamsSubscription?.unsubscribe(); this.timeLtrSubscription?.unsubscribe(); this.auditSubscription?.unsubscribe(); this.unsubscribeNextBlockSubscriptions(); this.childChangeSubscription?.unsubscribe(); this.priceSubscription?.unsubscribe(); } unsubscribeNextBlockSubscriptions() { if (this.nextBlockSubscription !== undefined) { this.nextBlockSubscription.unsubscribe(); } if (this.nextBlockSummarySubscription !== undefined) { this.nextBlockSummarySubscription.unsubscribe(); } if (this.nextBlockTxListSubscription !== undefined) { this.nextBlockTxListSubscription.unsubscribe(); } } // TODO - Refactor this.fees/this.reward for liquid because it is not // used anymore on Bitcoin networks (we use block.extras directly) setBlockSubsidy() { this.blockSubsidy = 0; } pageChange(page: number, target: HTMLElement) { const start = (page - 1) * this.itemsPerPage; this.isLoadingTransactions = true; this.transactions = null; this.transactionsError = null; target.scrollIntoView(); // works for chrome this.electrsApiService.getBlockTransactions$(, start) .pipe( catchError((err) => { this.transactionsError = err; return of([]); }) ) .subscribe((transactions) => { this.transactions = transactions; this.isLoadingTransactions = false; target.scrollIntoView(); // works for firefox }); } toggleShowDetails() { if (this.showDetails) { this.showDetails = false; this.router.navigate([], { relativeTo: this.route, queryParams: { showDetails: false, view: this.mode }, queryParamsHandling: 'merge', fragment: 'block' }); } else { this.showDetails = true; this.router.navigate([], { relativeTo: this.route, queryParams: { showDetails: true, view: this.mode }, queryParamsHandling: 'merge', fragment: 'details' }); } } hasTaproot(version: number): boolean { const versionBit = 2; // Taproot return (Number(version) & (1 << versionBit)) === (1 << versionBit); } displayTaprootStatus(): boolean { if ( !== '') { return false; } return this.block && this.block.height > 681393 && (new Date().getTime() / 1000) < 1628640000; } navigateToPreviousBlock() { if (!this.block) { return; } const block = this.latestBlocks.find((b) => b.height === this.nextBlockHeight - 2); this.router.navigate([this.relativeUrlPipe.transform('/block/'), block ? : this.block.previousblockhash], { state: { data: { block, blockHeight: this.nextBlockHeight - 2 } } }); } navigateToNextBlock() { const block = this.latestBlocks.find((b) => b.height === this.nextBlockHeight); this.router.navigate([this.relativeUrlPipe.transform('/block/'), block ? : this.nextBlockHeight], { state: { data: { block, blockHeight: this.nextBlockHeight } } }); } setNextAndPreviousBlockLink(){ if (this.latestBlock) { if (!this.blockHeight){ this.showPreviousBlocklink = false; } else { this.showPreviousBlocklink = true; } if (this.latestBlock.height && this.latestBlock.height === this.blockHeight) { this.showNextBlocklink = false; } else { this.showNextBlocklink = true; } } } setupBlockGraphs(): void { if (this.blockAudit || this.strippedTransactions) { this.blockGraphProjected.forEach(graph => { graph.destroy(); if (this.isMobile && this.mode === 'actual') { graph.setup(this.blockAudit?.transactions || this.strippedTransactions || []); } else { graph.setup(this.blockAudit?.template || []); } }); this.blockGraphActual.forEach(graph => { graph.destroy(); graph.setup(this.blockAudit?.transactions || this.strippedTransactions || []); }); } } onResize(event: any): void { const isMobile = <= 767.98; const changed = isMobile !== this.isMobile; this.isMobile = isMobile; this.paginationMaxSize = < 670 ? 3 : 5; if (changed) { this.changeMode(this.mode); } } changeMode(mode: 'projected' | 'actual'): void { this.router.navigate([], { relativeTo: this.route, queryParams: { showDetails: this.showDetails, view: mode }, queryParamsHandling: 'merge', fragment: 'overview' }); } onTxClick(event: { tx: TransactionStripped, keyModifier: boolean }): void { const url = new RelativeUrlPipe(this.stateService).transform(`/tx/${event.tx.txid}`); if (!event.keyModifier) { this.router.navigate([url]); } else {, '_blank'); } } onTxHover(txid: string): void { if (txid && txid.length) { this.hoverTx = txid; } else { this.hoverTx = null; } } setAuditAvailable(available: boolean): void { this.auditAvailable = available; this.showAudit = this.auditAvailable && this.auditModeEnabled && this.auditSupported; } toggleAuditMode(): void {; } updateAuditAvailableFromBlockHeight(blockHeight: number): void { if (!this.isAuditAvailableFromBlockHeight(blockHeight)) { this.setAuditAvailable(false); } } isAuditAvailableFromBlockHeight(blockHeight: number): boolean { if (!this.auditSupported) { return false; } switch ( { case 'testnet': if (blockHeight < this.stateService.env.TESTNET_BLOCK_AUDIT_START_HEIGHT) { return false; } break; case 'signet': if (blockHeight < this.stateService.env.SIGNET_BLOCK_AUDIT_START_HEIGHT) { return false; } break; default: if (blockHeight < this.stateService.env.MAINNET_BLOCK_AUDIT_START_HEIGHT) { return false; } } return true; } getMinBlockFee(block: BlockExtended): number { if (block?.extras?.feeRange) { // heuristic to check if feeRange is adjusted for effective rates if (block.extras.medianFee === block.extras.feeRange[3]) { return block.extras.feeRange[1]; } else { return block.extras.feeRange[0]; } } return 0; } getMaxBlockFee(block: BlockExtended): number { if (block?.extras?.feeRange) { return block.extras.feeRange[block.extras.feeRange.length - 1]; } return 0; } loadedCacheBlock(block: BlockExtended): void { if (this.block && block.height === this.block.height && !== { this.block.stale = true; this.block.canonical =; } } }