# mempool.space 🚨This is beta software, and may have issues!🚨 Please help us test and report bugs to our GitHub issue tracker. Mempool visualizer for the Bitcoin blockchain. Live demo: https://mempool.space/ ![blockchain](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EAETXWAU8AAj4IP?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) ![mempool](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EAETXWCU4AAv2v-?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) ## Dependencies * Bitcoin (full node required, no pruning, txindex=1) * NodeJS (official stable LTS) * MySQL or MariaDB (default config) * Nginx (use supplied nginx.conf) ## Bitcoin Core (bitcoind) Enable RPC and txindex in bitcoin.conf ```bash rpcuser=mempool rpcpassword=71b61986da5b03a5694d7c7d5165ece5 txindex=1 ``` ## NodeJS Install dependencies and build code: ```bash cd mempool.space # Install TypeScript Globally npm install -g typescript # Frontend cd frontend npm install npm run build # Backend cd ../backend/ npm install npm run build ``` ## Mempool Configuration In the `backend` folder, make a copy of the sample config and modify it to fit your settings. ```bash cp mempool-config.sample.json mempool-config.json ``` Edit `mempool-config.json` to add your Bitcoin Core node RPC credentials: ```bash "BITCOIN_NODE_HOST": "", "BITCOIN_NODE_PORT": 8332, "BITCOIN_NODE_USER": "mempool", "BITCOIN_NODE_PASS": "71b61986da5b03a5694d7c7d5165ece5", ``` ## MySQL Install MariaDB: ```bash # Linux apt-get install mariadb-server mariadb-client # macOS brew install mariadb brew services start mariadb ``` Create database and grant privileges: ```bash MariaDB [(none)]> drop database mempool; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> create database mempool; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) MariaDB [(none)]> grant all privileges on mempool.* to 'mempool' identified by 'mempool'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) ``` From the root folder, initialize database structure: ```bash mysql -u mempool -p mempool < mariadb-structure.sql ``` ## Running (Backend) Create an initial empty cache and start the app: ```bash touch cache.json npm run start # node dist/index.js ``` After starting you should see: ```bash Server started on port 8999 :) New block found (#586498)! 0 of 1986 found in mempool. 1985 not found. New block found (#586499)! 0 of 1094 found in mempool. 1093 not found. New block found (#586500)! 0 of 2735 found in mempool. 2734 not found. New block found (#586501)! 0 of 2675 found in mempool. 2674 not found. New block found (#586502)! 0 of 975 found in mempool. 974 not found. New block found (#586503)! 0 of 2130 found in mempool. 2129 not found. New block found (#586504)! 0 of 2770 found in mempool. 2769 not found. New block found (#586505)! 0 of 2759 found in mempool. 2758 not found. Updating mempool Calculated fee for transaction 1 / 3257 Calculated fee for transaction 2 / 3257 Calculated fee for transaction 3 / 3257 Calculated fee for transaction 4 / 3257 Calculated fee for transaction 5 / 3257 Calculated fee for transaction 6 / 3257 Calculated fee for transaction 7 / 3257 Calculated fee for transaction 8 / 3257 Calculated fee for transaction 9 / 3257 ``` You need to wait for at least *8 blocks to be mined*, so please wait ~80 minutes. The backend also needs to index transactions, calculate fees, etc. When it's ready you will see output like this: ```bash Mempool updated in 0.189 seconds Updating mempool Mempool updated in 0.096 seconds Updating mempool Mempool updated in 0.099 seconds Updating mempool Calculated fee for transaction 1 / 10 Calculated fee for transaction 2 / 10 Calculated fee for transaction 3 / 10 Calculated fee for transaction 4 / 10 Calculated fee for transaction 5 / 10 Calculated fee for transaction 6 / 10 Calculated fee for transaction 7 / 10 Calculated fee for transaction 8 / 10 Calculated fee for transaction 9 / 10 Calculated fee for transaction 10 / 10 Mempool updated in 0.243 seconds Updating mempool ``` ## nginx + CertBot (LetsEncrypt) Setup nginx using the supplied nginx.conf, replacing `example.com` with your domain name. ```bash apt-get install -y nginx python-certbot-nginx cp nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf certbot -d example.com # replace with your domain name ``` Make sure you can access https://example.com/ in browser before proceeding ## Running (Frontend) Build the frontend static HTML/CSS/JS, rsync the output into nginx folder: ```bash cd frontend/ npm run build sudo rsync -av --delete dist/mempool/ /var/www/html/ ``` ## Try It Out If everything went okay you should see the beautiful mempool :grin: If you get stuck on "loading blocks", this means the websocket can't connect. Check your nginx proxy setup, firewalls, etc. and open an issue if you need help.