replace rune parsing dependencies with minimal reimplementation

This commit is contained in:
Mononaut 2024-10-08 01:41:35 +00:00
parent 8b6db768cd
commit acae5a33b0
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: A3F058E41374C04E
28 changed files with 300 additions and 1812 deletions

View File

@ -7,23 +7,23 @@
<ng-container i18n="">
<span class="amount"> {{ minted >= 100000 ? (minted | amountShortener:undefined:undefined:true) : minted }} </span>
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="runeName; context: { $implicit: }"></ng-container>
<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="runeName; context: { $implicit: }"></ng-container>
@if (totalSupply > -1) {
@if (premined > 0) {
@if (runestone?.etching?.supply) {
@if (runestone?.etching.premine > 0) {
<ng-container i18n="ord.premine-n-runes">
<span class="amount"> {{ premined >= 100000 ? (premined | amountShortener:undefined:undefined:true) : premined }} </span>
{{ etchedSymbol }}
<span class="name">{{ etchedName }}</span>
<span> ({{ premined / totalSupply * 100 | amountShortener:0}}% of total supply)</span>
<span class="amount"> {{ runestone.etching.premine >= 100000 ? (toNumber(runestone.etching.premine) | amountShortener:undefined:undefined:true) : runestone.etching.premine }} </span>
{{ runestone.etching.symbol }}
<span class="name">{{ runestone.etching.spacedName }}</span>
<span> ({{ toNumber(runestone.etching.premine) / toNumber( * 100 | amountShortener:0}}% of total supply)</span>
} @else {
} @else {
<ng-container i18n="ord.etch-rune">
<span>Etching of</span>
{{ etchedSymbol }}
<span class="name">{{ etchedName }}</span>
{{ runestone.etching.symbol }}
<span class="name">{{ runestone.etching.spacedName }}</span>
@ -36,12 +36,6 @@
<!-- @if (runestone && !runestone?.etching && !runestone?.mint && !transferredRunes?.length && type === 'vout') {
<i>No content in this runestone</i>
} -->
@if (inscriptions?.length && type === 'vin') {
<div *ngFor="let contentType of inscriptionsData | keyvalue">
@ -68,8 +62,8 @@
<ng-template #runeName let-id>
{{ runeInfo[id]?.etching.symbol.isSome() ? runeInfo[id]?.etching.symbol.unwrap() : '' }}
{{ runeInfo[id]?.etching.symbol || '' }}
<a [routerLink]="id !== '1:0' ? ['/tx' | relativeUrl, runeInfo[id]?.txid] : null" [class.rune-link]="id !== '1:0'" [class.disabled]="id === '1:0'">
<span class="name">{{ runeInfo[id]?.name }}</span>
<span class="name">{{ runeInfo[id]?.etching.spacedName }}</span>

View File

@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
import { ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component, Input, OnChanges, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core';
import { Runestone } from '../../shared/ord/rune/runestone';
import { Etching } from '../../shared/ord/rune/etching';
import { u128, u32, u8 } from '../../shared/ord/rune/integer';
import { HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http';
import { SpacedRune } from '../../shared/ord/rune/spacedrune';
import { Runestone, Etching } from '../../shared/ord/rune.utils';
export interface Inscription {
body?: Uint8Array;
@ -22,79 +19,34 @@ export interface Inscription {
export class OrdDataComponent implements OnChanges {
@Input() inscriptions: Inscription[];
@Input() runestone: Runestone;
@Input() runeInfo: { [id: string]: { etching: Etching; txid: string; name?: string; } };
@Input() runeInfo: { [id: string]: { etching: Etching; txid: string } };
@Input() error: HttpErrorResponse;
@Input() type: 'vin' | 'vout';
toNumber = (value: bigint): number => Number(value);
// Inscriptions
inscriptionsData: { [key: string]: { count: number, totalSize: number, text?: string; json?: JSON; tag?: string; delegate?: string } };
// Rune mints
minted: number;
// Rune etching
premined: number = -1;
totalSupply: number = -1;
etchedName: string;
etchedSymbol: string;
// Rune transfers
transferredRunes: { key: string; etching: Etching; txid: string; name?: string; }[] = [];
transferredRunes: { key: string; etching: Etching; txid: string }[] = [];
constructor() { }
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
if (changes.runestone && this.runestone) {
Object.keys(this.runeInfo).forEach((key) => {
const rune = this.runeInfo[key].etching.rune.isSome() ? this.runeInfo[key].etching.rune.unwrap() : null;
const spacers = this.runeInfo[key].etching.spacers.isSome() ? this.runeInfo[key].etching.spacers.unwrap() : u32(0);
if (rune) {
this.runeInfo[key].name = new SpacedRune(rune, Number(spacers)).toString();
this.transferredRunes.push({ key, ...this.runeInfo[key] });
if ( && this.runeInfo[]) {
const mint =;
this.transferredRunes = Object.entries(this.runeInfo).map(([key, runeInfo]) => ({ key, ...runeInfo }));
if ( && this.runeInfo[]) {
const mint =;
this.transferredRunes = this.transferredRunes.filter(rune => rune.key !== mint);
const terms = this.runeInfo[mint].etching.terms.isSome() ? this.runeInfo[mint].etching.terms.unwrap() : null;
let amount: u128;
if (terms) {
amount = terms.amount.isSome() ? terms.amount.unwrap() : u128(0);
const divisibility = this.runeInfo[mint].etching.divisibility.isSome() ? this.runeInfo[mint].etching.divisibility.unwrap() : u8(0);
const terms = this.runeInfo[mint].etching.terms;
const amount = terms?.amount;
const divisibility = this.runeInfo[mint].etching.divisibility;
if (amount) {
this.minted = this.getAmount(amount, divisibility);
if (this.runestone.etching.isSome()) {
const etching = this.runestone.etching.unwrap();
const rune = etching.rune.isSome() ? etching.rune.unwrap() : null;
const spacers = etching.spacers.isSome() ? etching.spacers.unwrap() : u32(0);
if (rune) {
this.etchedName = new SpacedRune(rune, Number(spacers)).toString();
this.etchedSymbol = etching.symbol.isSome() ? etching.symbol.unwrap() : '';
const divisibility = etching.divisibility.isSome() ? etching.divisibility.unwrap() : u8(0);
const premine = etching.premine.isSome() ? etching.premine.unwrap() : u128(0);
if (premine) {
this.premined = this.getAmount(premine, divisibility);
} else {
this.premined = 0;
const terms = etching.terms.isSome() ? etching.terms.unwrap() : null;
let amount: u128;
if (terms) {
amount = terms.amount.isSome() ? terms.amount.unwrap() : u128(0);
if (amount) {
const cap = terms.cap.isSome() ? terms.cap.unwrap() : u128(0);
this.totalSupply = this.premined + this.getAmount(amount, divisibility) * Number(cap);
} else {
this.totalSupply = this.premined;
if (changes.inscriptions && this.inscriptions) {
@ -131,7 +83,7 @@ export class OrdDataComponent implements OnChanges {
getAmount(amount: u128 | bigint, divisibility: u8): number {
getAmount(amount: bigint, divisibility: number): number {
const divisor = BigInt(10) ** BigInt(divisibility);
const result = amount / divisor;

View File

@ -6,15 +6,14 @@ import { Outspend, Transaction, Vin, Vout } from '../../interfaces/electrs.inter
import { ElectrsApiService } from '../../services/electrs-api.service';
import { environment } from '../../../environments/environment';
import { AssetsService } from '../../services/assets.service';
import { filter, map, tap, switchMap, shareReplay, catchError } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { filter, map, tap, switchMap, catchError } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { BlockExtended } from '../../interfaces/node-api.interface';
import { ApiService } from '../../services/api.service';
import { PriceService } from '../../services/price.service';
import { StorageService } from '../../services/storage.service';
import { OrdApiService } from '../../services/ord-api.service';
import { Inscription } from '../ord-data/ord-data.component';
import { Runestone } from '../../shared/ord/rune/runestone';
import { Etching } from '../../shared/ord/rune/etching';
import { Etching, Runestone } from '../../shared/ord/rune.utils';
selector: 'app-transactions-list',
@ -261,7 +260,7 @@ export class TransactionsListComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges {
tx.vout[i].isRunestone = true;

View File

@ -3,10 +3,9 @@ import { catchError, forkJoin, map, Observable, of, switchMap, tap } from 'rxjs'
import { Inscription } from '../components/ord-data/ord-data.component';
import { Transaction } from '../interfaces/electrs.interface';
import { getNextInscriptionMark, hexToBytes, extractInscriptionData } from '../shared/ord/inscription.utils';
import { Runestone } from '../shared/ord/rune/runestone';
import { Etching } from '../shared/ord/rune/etching';
import { decipherRunestone, Runestone, Etching, UNCOMMON_GOODS } from '../shared/ord/rune.utils';
import { ElectrsApiService } from './electrs-api.service';
import { UNCOMMON_GOODS } from '../shared/ord/rune/runestone';
providedIn: 'root'
@ -18,27 +17,16 @@ export class OrdApiService {
) { }
decodeRunestone$(tx: Transaction): Observable<{ runestone: Runestone, runeInfo: { [id: string]: { etching: Etching; txid: string; } } }> {
const runestoneTx = { vout: => ({ scriptpubkey: vout.scriptpubkey })) };
const decipher = Runestone.decipher(runestoneTx);
// For now, ignore cenotaphs
let message = decipher.isSome() ? decipher.unwrap() : null;
if (message?.type === 'cenotaph') {
return of({ runestone: null, runeInfo: {} });
const runestone = message as Runestone;
const runestone = decipherRunestone(tx);
const runeInfo: { [id: string]: { etching: Etching; txid: string; } } = {};
const runesToFetch: Set<string> = new Set();
if (runestone) {
if ( {
const mint =;
if (mint === '1:0') {
runeInfo[mint] = { etching: UNCOMMON_GOODS, txid: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' };
if ( {
if ( === '1:0') {
runeInfo[] = { etching: UNCOMMON_GOODS, txid: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' };
} else {
@ -65,9 +53,10 @@ export class OrdApiService {
return of({ runestone: runestone, runeInfo });
} else {
return of({ runestone: null, runeInfo: {} });
return of({ runestone: runestone, runeInfo });
// Get etching from runeId by looking up the transaction that etched the rune
@ -78,11 +67,11 @@ export class OrdApiService {
switchMap(blockHash => this.electrsApiService.getBlockTxId$(blockHash, parseInt(txIndex))),
switchMap(txId => this.electrsApiService.getTransaction$(txId)),
switchMap(tx => {
const decipheredMessage = Runestone.decipher(tx);
if (decipheredMessage.isSome()) {
const message = decipheredMessage.unwrap();
if (message?.type === 'runestone' && message.etching.isSome()) {
return of({ etching: message.etching.unwrap(), txid: tx.txid });
const runestone = decipherRunestone(tx);
if (runestone) {
const etching = runestone.etching;
if (etching) {
return of({ etching, txid: tx.txid });
return of(null);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
import { Transaction } from '../../interfaces/electrs.interface';
export const U128_MAX_BIGINT = 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffffn;
export class RuneId {
block: number;
index: number;
constructor(block: number, index: number) {
this.block = block;
this.index = index;
toString(): string {
return `${this.block}:${this.index}`;
export type Etching = {
divisibility?: number;
premine?: bigint;
symbol?: string;
terms?: {
cap?: bigint;
amount?: bigint;
offset?: {
start?: bigint;
end?: bigint;
height?: {
start?: bigint;
end?: bigint;
turbo?: boolean;
name?: string;
spacedName?: string;
supply?: bigint;
export type Edict = {
id: RuneId;
amount: bigint;
output: number;
export type Runestone = {
mint?: RuneId;
pointer?: number;
edicts?: Edict[];
etching?: Etching;
type Message = {
fields: Record<number, bigint[]>;
edicts: Edict[];
export const UNCOMMON_GOODS: Etching = {
divisibility: 0,
premine: 0n,
symbol: '⧉',
terms: {
cap: U128_MAX_BIGINT,
amount: 1n,
offset: {
start: 0n,
end: 0n,
height: {
start: 840000n,
end: 1050000n,
turbo: false,
spacedName: 'UNCOMMON•GOODS',
supply: U128_MAX_BIGINT,
enum Tag {
Body = 0,
Flags = 2,
Rune = 4,
Premine = 6,
Cap = 8,
Amount = 10,
HeightStart = 12,
HeightEnd = 14,
OffsetStart = 16,
OffsetEnd = 18,
Mint = 20,
Pointer = 22,
Cenotaph = 126,
Divisibility = 1,
Spacers = 3,
Symbol = 5,
Nop = 127,
const Flag = {
TERMS: 1n << 1n,
TURBO: 1n << 2n,
CENOTAPH: 1n << 127n,
function hexToBytes(hex: string): Uint8Array {
return new Uint8Array(hex.match(/.{2}/g).map((byte) => parseInt(byte, 16)));
function decodeLEB128(bytes: Uint8Array): bigint[] {
const integers: bigint[] = [];
let index = 0;
while (index < bytes.length) {
let value = BigInt(0);
let shift = 0;
let byte: number;
do {
byte = bytes[index++];
value |= BigInt(byte & 0x7f) << BigInt(shift);
shift += 7;
} while (byte & 0x80);
return integers;
function integersToMessage(integers: bigint[]): Message {
const message = {
fields: {},
edicts: [],
let inBody = false;
while (integers.length) {
if (!inBody) {
// The integers are interpreted as a sequence of tag/value pairs, with duplicate tags appending their value to the field value.
const tag: Tag = Number(integers.shift());
if (tag === Tag.Body) {
inBody = true;
} else {
const value = integers.shift();
if (message.fields[tag]) {
} else {
message.fields[tag] = [value];
} else {
// If a tag with value zero is encountered, all following integers are interpreted as a series of four-integer edicts, each consisting of a rune ID block height, rune ID transaction index, amount, and output.
const height = integers.shift();
const txIndex = integers.shift();
const amount = integers.shift();
const output = integers.shift();
id: {
block: height,
index: txIndex,
return message;
function parseRuneName(rune: bigint): string {
let name = '';
rune += 1n;
while (rune > 0n) {
name = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'[Number((rune - 1n) % 26n)] + name;
rune = (rune - 1n) / 26n;
return name;
function spaceRuneName(name: string, spacers: bigint): string {
let i = 0;
let spacedName = '';
while (spacers > 0n || i < name.length) {
spacedName += name[i];
if (spacers & 1n) {
spacedName += '•';
if (spacers > 0n) {
spacers >>= 1n;
return spacedName;
function messageToRunestone(message: Message): Runestone {
let etching: Etching | undefined;
let mint: RuneId | undefined;
let pointer: number | undefined;
const flags = message.fields[Tag.Flags]?.[0] || 0n;
if (flags & Flag.ETCHING) {
const hasTerms = (flags & Flag.TERMS) > 0n;
const isTurbo = (flags & Flag.TURBO) > 0n;
const name = parseRuneName(message.fields[Tag.Rune][0]);
etching = {
divisibility: Number(message.fields[Tag.Divisibility][0]),
premine: message.fields[Tag.Premine]?.[0],
symbol: message.fields[Tag.Symbol]?.[0] ? String.fromCodePoint(Number(message.fields[Tag.Symbol][0])) : '¤',
terms: hasTerms ? {
cap: message.fields[Tag.Cap]?.[0],
amount: message.fields[Tag.Amount]?.[0],
offset: {
start: message.fields[Tag.OffsetStart]?.[0],
end: message.fields[Tag.OffsetEnd]?.[0],
height: {
start: message.fields[Tag.HeightStart]?.[0],
end: message.fields[Tag.HeightEnd]?.[0],
} : undefined,
turbo: isTurbo,
spacedName: spaceRuneName(name, message.fields[Tag.Spacers]?.[0] ?? 0n),
}; = (
(etching.terms?.cap ?? 0n) * (etching.terms?.amount ?? 0n)
) + (etching.premine ?? 0n);
const mintField = message.fields[Tag.Mint];
if (mintField) {
mint = new RuneId(Number(mintField[0]), Number(mintField[1]));
const pointerField = message.fields[Tag.Pointer];
if (pointerField) {
pointer = Number(pointerField[0]);
return {
edicts: message.edicts,
export function decipherRunestone(tx: Transaction): Runestone | void {
const payload = tx.vout.find((vout) => vout.scriptpubkey.startsWith('6a5d'))?.scriptpubkey_asm.replace(/OP_\w+|\s/g, '');
if (!payload) {
try {
const integers = decodeLEB128(hexToBytes(payload));
const message = integersToMessage(integers);
return messageToRunestone(message);
} catch (error) {

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
import { Cenotaph } from './cenotaph';
import { Runestone } from './runestone';
export type Artifact = Cenotaph | Runestone;

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
import { Flaw } from './flaw';
import { None, Option } from './monads';
import { Rune } from './rune';
import { RuneId } from './runeid';
export class Cenotaph {
readonly type = 'cenotaph';
readonly flaws: Flaw[],
readonly etching: Option<Rune> = None,
readonly mint: Option<RuneId> = None
) {}

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
import { u8 } from './integer';
import { opcodes } from './script';
export const MAX_DIVISIBILITY = u8(38);
export const OP_RETURN = opcodes.OP_RETURN;
export const MAGIC_NUMBER = opcodes.OP_13;

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
import { Option, Some, None } from './monads';
import { RuneId } from './runeid';
import { u128, u32 } from './integer';
export type Edict = {
id: RuneId;
amount: u128;
output: u32;
export namespace Edict {
export function fromIntegers(
numOutputs: number,
id: RuneId,
amount: u128,
output: u128
): Option<Edict> {
if (id.block === 0n && id.tx > 0n) {
return None;
const optionOutputU32 = u128.tryIntoU32(output);
if (optionOutputU32.isNone()) {
return None;
const outputU32 = optionOutputU32.unwrap();
if (outputU32 > numOutputs) {
return None;
return Some({ id, amount, output: outputU32 });

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
import { None, Option, Some } from './monads';
import { Terms } from './terms';
import { Rune } from './rune';
import { u128, u32, u8 } from './integer';
type RuneEtchingBase = {
divisibility?: number;
premine?: bigint;
symbol?: string;
terms?: {
cap?: bigint;
amount?: bigint;
offset?: {
start?: bigint;
end?: bigint;
height?: {
start?: bigint;
end?: bigint;
turbo?: boolean;
export type RuneEtchingSpec = RuneEtchingBase & { runeName?: string };
export class Etching {
readonly symbol: Option<string>;
readonly divisibility: Option<u8>,
readonly rune: Option<Rune>,
readonly spacers: Option<u32>,
symbol: Option<string>,
readonly terms: Option<Terms>,
readonly premine: Option<u128>,
readonly turbo: boolean
) {
this.symbol = symbol.andThen((value) => {
const codePoint = value.codePointAt(0);
return codePoint !== undefined ? Some(String.fromCodePoint(codePoint)) : None;
get supply(): Option<u128> {
const premine = this.premine.unwrapOr(u128(0));
const cap = this.terms.andThen((terms) => terms.cap).unwrapOr(u128(0));
const amount = this.terms.andThen((terms) => terms.amount).unwrapOr(u128(0));
return u128
.checkedMultiply(cap, amount)
.andThen((multiplyResult) => u128.checkedAdd(premine, multiplyResult));

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
import { u128 } from './integer';
export enum Flag {
TERMS = 1,
TURBO = 2,
export namespace Flag {
export function mask(flag: Flag): u128 {
return u128(1n << BigInt(flag));
export function take(flags: u128, flag: Flag): { set: boolean; flags: u128 } {
const mask = Flag.mask(flag);
const set = (flags & mask) !== 0n;
return { set, flags: set ? u128(flags - mask) : flags };

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
export enum Flaw {

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
export { u8 } from './u8';
export { u32 } from './u32';
export { u64 } from './u64';
export { u128 } from './u128';

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@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
import { None, Option, Some } from '../monads';
import { SeekArray } from '../seekarray';
import { u64 } from './u64';
import { u32 } from './u32';
import { u8 } from './u8';
* A little utility type used for nominal typing.
* See {@link}
type BigTypedNumber<T> = bigint & {
* ## This is just used to make each `BigTypedNumber` alias unique for Typescript and doesn't actually exist.
* @ignore
* @private
* @readonly
* @type {undefined}
readonly __kind__: T;
* ## 128-bit unsigned integer
* - **Value Range:** `0` to `340282366920938463463374607431768211455`
* - **Size in bytes:** `16`
* - **Web IDL type:** `bigint`
* - **Equivalent C type:** `uint128_t`
export type u128 = BigTypedNumber<'u128'>;
export const U128_MAX_BIGINT = 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffff_ffffn;
* Convert Number or BigInt to 128-bit unsigned integer.
* @param num - The Number or BigInt to convert.
* @returns - The resulting 128-bit unsigned integer (BigInt).
export function u128(num: number | bigint): u128 {
if (typeof num == 'bigint') {
if (num < 0n || num > U128_MAX_BIGINT) {
throw new Error('num is out of range');
} else {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(num) || num < 0) {
throw new Error('num is not a valid integer');
return BigInt(num) as u128;
export namespace u128 {
export const MAX = u128(U128_MAX_BIGINT);
export function checkedAdd(x: u128, y: u128): Option<u128> {
const result = x + y;
if (result > u128.MAX) {
return None;
return Some(u128(result));
export function checkedAddThrow(x: u128, y: u128): u128 {
const option = u128.checkedAdd(x, y);
if (option.isNone()) {
throw new Error('checked add overflow');
return option.unwrap();
export function checkedSub(x: u128, y: u128): Option<u128> {
const result = x - y;
if (result < 0n) {
return None;
return Some(u128(result));
export function checkedSubThrow(x: u128, y: u128): u128 {
const option = u128.checkedSub(x, y);
if (option.isNone()) {
throw new Error('checked sub overflow');
return option.unwrap();
export function checkedMultiply(x: u128, y: u128): Option<u128> {
const result = x * y;
if (result > u128.MAX) {
return None;
return Some(u128(result));
export function saturatingAdd(x: u128, y: u128): u128 {
const result = x + y;
return result > u128.MAX ? u128.MAX : u128(result);
export function saturatingMultiply(x: u128, y: u128): u128 {
const result = x * y;
return result > u128.MAX ? u128.MAX : u128(result);
export function saturatingSub(x: u128, y: u128): u128 {
return u128(x < y ? 0 : x - y);
export function decodeVarInt(seekArray: SeekArray): Option<u128> {
try {
return Some(tryDecodeVarInt(seekArray));
} catch (e) {
return None;
export function tryDecodeVarInt(seekArray: SeekArray): u128 {
let result: u128 = u128(0);
for (let i = 0; i <= 18; i++) {
const byte = seekArray.readUInt8();
if (byte === undefined) throw new Error('Unterminated or invalid data');
// Ensure all operations are done in bigint domain.
const byteBigint = BigInt(byte);
const value = u128(byteBigint & 0x7Fn); // Ensure the 'value' is treated as u128.
if (i === 18 && (value & 0x7Cn) !== 0n) throw new Error('Overflow');
// Use bigint addition instead of bitwise OR to combine the results,
// and ensure shifting is handled correctly within the bigint domain.
result = u128(result + (value << (7n * BigInt(i))));
if ((byte & 0x80) === 0) return result;
throw new Error('Overlong encoding');
export function encodeVarInt(value: u128): Uint8Array {
const bytes = [];
while (value >> 7n > 0n) {
bytes.push(Number(value & 0x7Fn) | 0x80);
value = u128(value >> 7n); // Explicitly cast the shifted value back to u128
bytes.push(Number(value & 0x7Fn));
return new Uint8Array(bytes);
export function tryIntoU64(n: u128): Option<u64> {
return n > u64.MAX ? None : Some(u64(n));
export function tryIntoU32(n: u128): Option<u32> {
return n > u32.MAX ? None : Some(u32(n));
export function tryIntoU8(n: u128): Option<u8> {
return n > u8.MAX ? None : Some(u8(n));
export function* getAllU128(data: Uint8Array): Generator<u128> {
const seekArray = new SeekArray(data);
while (!seekArray.isFinished()) {
const nextValue = u128.decodeVarInt(seekArray);
if (nextValue.isNone()) {
yield nextValue.unwrap();

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
import { None, Option, Some } from '../monads';
* A little utility type used for nominal typing.
* See {@link}
type BigTypedNumber<T> = bigint & {
* ## This is just used to make each `BigTypedNumber` alias unique for Typescript and doesn't actually exist.
* @ignore
* @private
* @readonly
* @type {undefined}
readonly __kind__: T;
export type u32 = BigTypedNumber<'u32'>;
export const U32_MAX_BIGINT = 0xffff_ffffn;
export function u32(num: number | bigint): u32 {
if (typeof num == 'bigint') {
if (num < 0n || num > U32_MAX_BIGINT) {
throw new Error('num is out of range');
} else {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(num) || num < 0) {
throw new Error('num is not a valid integer');
return BigInt(num) as u32;
export namespace u32 {
export const MAX = u32(U32_MAX_BIGINT);
export function checkedAdd(x: u32, y: u32): Option<u32> {
const result = x + y;
if (result > u32.MAX) {
return None;
return Some(u32(result));
export function checkedSub(x: u32, y: u32): Option<u32> {
const result = x - y;
if (result < 0n) {
return None;
return Some(u32(result));

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
import { None, Option, Some } from '../monads';
* A little utility type used for nominal typing.
* See {@link}
type BigTypedNumber<T> = bigint & {
* ## This is just used to make each `BigTypedNumber` alias unique for Typescript and doesn't actually exist.
* @ignore
* @private
* @readonly
* @type {undefined}
readonly __kind__: T;
export type u64 = BigTypedNumber<'u64'>;
export const U64_MAX_BIGINT = 0xffff_ffff_ffff_ffffn;
export function u64(num: number | bigint): u64 {
if (typeof num == 'bigint') {
if (num < 0n || num > U64_MAX_BIGINT) {
throw new Error('num is out of range');
} else {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(num) || num < 0) {
throw new Error('num is not a valid integer');
return BigInt(num) as u64;
export namespace u64 {
export const MAX = u64(U64_MAX_BIGINT);
export function checkedAdd(x: u64, y: u64): Option<u64> {
const result = x + y;
if (result > u64.MAX) {
return None;
return Some(u64(result));
export function checkedSub(x: u64, y: u64): Option<u64> {
const result = x - y;
if (result < 0n) {
return None;
return Some(u64(result));

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
import { None, Option, Some } from '../monads';
* A little utility type used for nominal typing.
* See {@link}
type BigTypedNumber<T> = bigint & {
* ## This is just used to make each `BigTypedNumber` alias unique for Typescript and doesn't actually exist.
* @ignore
* @private
* @readonly
* @type {undefined}
readonly __kind__: T;
export type u8 = BigTypedNumber<'u8'>;
export const U8_MAX_BIGINT = 0xffn;
export function u8(num: number | bigint): u8 {
if (typeof num == 'bigint') {
if (num < 0n || num > U8_MAX_BIGINT) {
throw new Error('num is out of range');
} else {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(num) || num < 0) {
throw new Error('num is not a valid integer');
return BigInt(num) as u8;
export namespace u8 {
export const MAX = u8(U8_MAX_BIGINT);
export function checkedAdd(x: u8, y: u8): Option<u8> {
const result = x + y;
if (result > u8.MAX) {
return None;
return Some(u8(result));
export function checkedSub(x: u8, y: u8): Option<u8> {
const result = x - y;
if (result < 0n) {
return None;
return Some(u8(result));

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
import { Edict } from './edict';
import { Flaw } from './flaw';
import { u128, u64, u32 } from './integer';
import { RuneId } from './runeid';
import { Tag } from './tag';
export class Message {
readonly flaws: Flaw[],
readonly edicts: Edict[],
readonly fields: Map<u128, u128[]>
) {}
static fromIntegers(numOutputs: number, payload: u128[]): Message {
const edicts: Edict[] = [];
const fields = new Map<u128, u128[]>();
const flaws: Flaw[] = [];
for (const i of [...Array(Math.ceil(payload.length / 2)).keys()].map((n) => n * 2)) {
const tag = payload[i];
if (u128(Tag.BODY) === tag) {
let id = new RuneId(u64(0), u32(0));
const chunkSize = 4;
const body = payload.slice(i + 1);
for (let j = 0; j < body.length; j += chunkSize) {
const chunk = body.slice(j, j + chunkSize);
if (chunk.length !== chunkSize) {
const optionNext =[0], chunk[1]);
if (optionNext.isNone()) {
const next = optionNext.unwrap();
const optionEdict = Edict.fromIntegers(numOutputs, next, chunk[2], chunk[3]);
if (optionEdict.isNone()) {
const edict = optionEdict.unwrap();
id = next;
const value = payload[i + 1];
if (value === undefined) {
const values = fields.get(tag) ?? [];
fields.set(tag, values);
return new Message(flaws, edicts, fields);

View File

@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
// Copied with MIT License from link below:
* Type representing any value except 'undefined'.
* This is useful when working with strict null checks, ensuring that a value can be null but not undefined.
type NonUndefined = {} | null; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
* Enum-like object to represent the type of an Option (Some or None).
export const OptionType = {
Some: Symbol(':some'),
None: Symbol(':none'),
* Interface for handling match operations on an Option.
* Allows executing different logic based on the Option being Some or None.
interface Match<A, B> {
some: (val: A) => B;
none: (() => B) | B;
* The Option interface representing an optional value.
* An Option is either Some, holding a value, or None, indicating the absence of a value.
export interface Option<T extends NonUndefined> {
* Represents the type of the Option: either Some or None. Useful for debugging and runtime checks.
type: symbol;
* Determines if the Option is a Some.
* @returns true if the Option is Some, otherwise false.
* #### Example
* ```ts
* console.log(Some(5).isSome()); // true
* console.log(None.isSome()); // false
* ```
isSome(): boolean;
* Determines if the Option is None.
* @returns true if the Option is None, otherwise false.
* #### Example
* ```ts
* console.log(Some(5).isNone()); // false
* console.log(None.isNone()); // true
* ```
isNone(): boolean;
* Performs a match operation on the Option, allowing for branching logic based on its state.
* This method takes an object with functions for each case (Some or None) and executes
* the corresponding function based on the Option's state, returning the result.
* @param fn An object containing two properties: `some` and `none`, which are functions
* to handle the Some and None cases, respectively.
* @returns The result of applying the corresponding function based on the Option's state.
* #### Example
* ```ts
* const optionSome = Some(5);
* const matchResultSome = optionSome.match({
* some: (value) => `The value is ${value}.`,
* none: () => 'There is no value.',
* });
* console.log(matchResultSome); // Outputs: "The value is 5."
* const optionNone = None;
* const matchResultNone = optionNone.match({
* some: (value) => `The value is ${value}.`,
* none: () => 'There is no value.',
* });
* console.log(matchResultNone); // Outputs: "There is no value."
* ```
match<U extends NonUndefined>(fn: Match<T, U>): U;
* Applies a function to the contained value (if any), or returns a default if None.
* @param fn A function that takes a value of type T and returns a value of type U.
* @returns An Option containing the function's return value if the original Option is Some, otherwise None.
* #### Examples
* ```ts
* const length = Some("hello").map(s => s.length); // Some(5)
* const noneLength = => s.length); // None
* ```
map<U extends NonUndefined>(fn: (val: T) => U): Option<U>;
inspect(fn: (val: T) => void): Option<T>;
* Transforms the Option into another by applying a function to the contained value,
* chaining multiple potentially failing operations.
* @param fn A function that takes a value of type T and returns an Option of type U.
* @returns The Option returned by the function if the original Option is Some, otherwise None.
* #### Examples
* ```ts
* const parse = (s: string) => {
* const parsed = parseInt(s);
* return isNaN(parsed) ? None : Some(parsed);
* };
* const result = Some("123").andThen(parse); // Some(123)
* const noResult = Some("abc").andThen(parse); // None
* ```
andThen<U extends NonUndefined>(fn: (val: T) => Option<U>): Option<U>;
* Returns this Option if it is Some, otherwise returns the option provided as a parameter.
* @param optb The alternative Option to return if the original Option is None.
* @returns The original Option if it is Some, otherwise `optb`.
* #### Examples
* ```ts
* const defaultOption = Some("default");
* const someOption = Some("some").or(defaultOption); // Some("some")
* const noneOption = None.or(defaultOption); // Some("default")
* ```
or(optb: Option<T>): Option<T>;
orElse(optb: () => Option<T>): Option<T>;
* Returns the option provided as a parameter if the original Option is Some, otherwise returns None.
* @param optb The Option to return if the original Option is Some.
* @returns `optb` if the original Option is Some, otherwise None.
* #### Examples
* ```ts
* const anotherOption = Some("another");
* const someOption = Some("some").and(anotherOption); // Some("another")
* const noneOption = None.and(anotherOption); // None
* ```
and<U extends NonUndefined>(optb: Option<U>): Option<U>;
* Returns the contained value if Some, otherwise returns the provided default value.
* @param def The default value to return if the Option is None.
* @returns The contained value if Some, otherwise `def`.
* #### Examples
* ```ts
* const someValue = Some("value").unwrapOr("default"); // "value"
* const noneValue = None.unwrapOr("default"); // "default"
* ```
unwrapOr(def: T): T;
* Unwraps an Option, yielding the contained value if Some, otherwise throws an error.
* @returns The contained value.
* @throws Error if the Option is None.
* #### Examples
* ```ts
* console.log(Some("value").unwrap()); // "value"
* console.log(None.unwrap()); // throws Error
* ```
unwrap(): T | never;
* Implementation of Option representing a value (Some).
interface SomeOption<T extends NonUndefined> extends Option<T> {
unwrap(): T;
* Implementation of Option representing the absence of a value (None).
interface NoneOption<T extends NonUndefined> extends Option<T> {
unwrap(): never;
* Represents a Some value of Option.
class SomeImpl<T extends NonUndefined> implements SomeOption<T> {
constructor(private readonly val: T) {}
get type() {
return OptionType.Some;
isSome() {
return true;
isNone() {
return false;
match<B>(fn: Match<T, B>): B {
return fn.some(this.val);
map<U extends NonUndefined>(fn: (val: T) => U): Option<U> {
return Some(fn(this.val));
inspect(fn: (val: T) => void): Option<T> {
return this;
andThen<U extends NonUndefined>(fn: (val: T) => Option<U>): Option<U> {
return fn(this.val);
or<U extends NonUndefined>(_optb: Option<U>): Option<T> {
return this;
orElse(optb: () => Option<T>): Option<T> {
return this;
and<U extends NonUndefined>(optb: Option<U>): Option<U> {
return optb;
unwrapOr(_def: T): T {
return this.val;
unwrap(): T {
return this.val;
* Represents a None value of Option.
class NoneImpl<T extends NonUndefined> implements NoneOption<T> {
get type() {
return OptionType.None;
isSome() {
return false;
isNone() {
return true;
match<U>({ none }: Match<T, U>): U {
if (typeof none === 'function') {
return (none as () => U)();
return none;
map<U extends NonUndefined>(_fn: (val: T) => U): Option<U> {
return new NoneImpl<U>();
inspect(fn: (val: T) => void): Option<T> {
return this;
andThen<U extends NonUndefined>(_fn: (val: T) => Option<U>): Option<U> {
return new NoneImpl<U>();
or<U extends NonUndefined>(optb: Option<U>): Option<U> {
return optb;
orElse(optb: () => Option<T>): Option<T> {
return optb();
and<U extends NonUndefined>(_optb: Option<U>): Option<U> {
return new NoneImpl<U>();
unwrapOr(def: T): T {
return def;
unwrap(): never {
throw new ReferenceError('Trying to unwrap None.');
* Creates a Some instance of Option containing the given value.
* This function is used to represent the presence of a value in an operation that may not always produce a value.
* @param val The value to be wrapped in a Some Option.
* @returns An Option instance representing the presence of a value.
* #### Example
* ```ts
* const option = Some(42);
* console.log(option.unwrap()); // Outputs: 42
* ```
export function Some<T extends NonUndefined>(val: T): Option<T> {
return new SomeImpl(val);
* The singleton instance representing None, an Option with no value.
* This constant is used to represent the absence of a value in operations that may not always produce a value.
* #### Example
* ```ts
* const option = None;
* console.log(option.isNone()); // Outputs: true
* ```
export const None: Option<any> = new NoneImpl(); // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
* Type guard to check if an Option is a Some value.
* This function is used to narrow down the type of an Option to SomeOption in TypeScript's type system.
* @param val The Option to be checked.
* @returns true if the provided Option is a SomeOption, false otherwise.
* #### Example
* ```ts
* const option = Some('Success');
* if (isSome(option)) {
* console.log('Option has a value:', option.unwrap());
* }
* ```
export function isSome<T extends NonUndefined>(val: Option<T>): val is SomeOption<T> {
return val.isSome();
* Type guard to check if an Option is a None value.
* This function is used to narrow down the type of an Option to NoneOption in TypeScript's type system.
* @param val The Option to be checked.
* @returns true if the provided Option is a NoneOption, false otherwise.
* #### Example
* ```ts
* const option = None;
* if (isNone(option)) {
* console.log('Option does not have a value.');
* }
* ```
export function isNone<T extends NonUndefined>(val: Option<T>): val is NoneOption<T> {
return val.isNone();

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
import { u128 } from './integer';
export class Rune {
constructor(readonly value: u128) {}
toString() {
let n = this.value;
if (n === u128.MAX) {
n = u128(n + 1n);
let symbol = '';
while (n > 0) {
symbol = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'[Number((n - 1n) % 26n)] + symbol;
n = u128((n - 1n) / 26n);
return symbol;

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@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
import { None, Option, Some } from './monads';
import { u64, u32, u128 } from './integer';
export class RuneId {
constructor(readonly block: u64, readonly tx: u32) {}
static new(block: u64, tx: u32): Option<RuneId> {
const id = new RuneId(block, tx);
if (id.block === 0n && id.tx > 0) {
return None;
return Some(id);
static sort(runeIds: RuneId[]): RuneId[] {
return [...runeIds].sort((x, y) => Number(x.block - y.block || x.tx - y.tx));
delta(next: RuneId): Option<[u128, u128]> {
const optionBlock = u64.checkedSub(next.block, this.block);
if (optionBlock.isNone()) {
return None;
const block = optionBlock.unwrap();
let tx: u32;
if (block === 0n) {
const optionTx = u32.checkedSub(next.tx, this.tx);
if (optionTx.isNone()) {
return None;
tx = optionTx.unwrap();
} else {
tx = next.tx;
return Some([u128(block), u128(tx)]);
next(block: u128, tx: u128): Option<RuneId> {
const optionBlock = u128.tryIntoU64(block);
const optionTx = u128.tryIntoU32(tx);
if (optionBlock.isNone() || optionTx.isNone()) {
return None;
const blockU64 = optionBlock.unwrap();
const txU32 = optionTx.unwrap();
const nextBlock = u64.checkedAdd(this.block, blockU64);
if (nextBlock.isNone()) {
return None;
let nextTx: u32;
if (blockU64 === 0n) {
const optionAdd = u32.checkedAdd(this.tx, txU32);
if (optionAdd.isNone()) {
return None;
nextTx = optionAdd.unwrap();
} else {
nextTx = txU32;
return, nextTx);
toString() {
return `${this.block}:${this.tx}`;
static fromString(s: string) {
const parts = s.split(':');
if (parts.length !== 2) {
throw new Error(`invalid rune ID: ${s}`);
const [block, tx] = parts;
if (!/^\d+$/.test(block) || !/^\d+$/.test(tx)) {
throw new Error(`invalid rune ID: ${s}`);
return new RuneId(u64(BigInt(block)), u32(BigInt(tx)));

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@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
import { concatUint8Arrays, hexToBytes } from '../inscription.utils';
import { Artifact } from './artifact';
import { Cenotaph } from './cenotaph';
import { MAGIC_NUMBER, MAX_DIVISIBILITY, OP_RETURN } from './constants';
import { Edict } from './edict';
import { Etching } from './etching';
import { Flag } from './flag';
import { Flaw } from './flaw';
import { u128, u32, u64, u8 } from './integer';
import { Message } from './message';
import { None, Option, Some } from './monads';
import { Rune } from './rune';
import { RuneId } from './runeid';
import { script } from './script';
import { SeekArray } from './seekarray';
import { Tag } from './tag';
export const MAX_SPACERS = 0b00000111_11111111_11111111_11111111;
export const UNCOMMON_GOODS = new Etching(
Some(new Rune(u128(2055900680524219742n))),
amount: Some(u128(1)),
cap: Some(u128(340282366920938463463374607431768211455n)),
height: [Some(u64(840000)), Some(u64(1050000))],
offset: [Some(u64(0)), Some(u64(0))],
// New: Esplora format instead of Bitcoin RPC format
export type RunestoneTx = {
vout: {
scriptpubkey: string
type Payload = Uint8Array | Flaw;
export class Runestone {
readonly type = 'runestone';
readonly mint: Option<RuneId>,
readonly pointer: Option<u32>,
readonly edicts: Edict[],
readonly etching: Option<Etching>
) {}
static decipher(transaction: RunestoneTx): Option<Artifact> {
const optionPayload = Runestone.payload(transaction);
if (optionPayload.isNone()) {
return None;
const payload = optionPayload.unwrap();
if (!(payload instanceof Uint8Array)) {
return Some(new Cenotaph([payload]));
const optionIntegers = Runestone.integers(payload);
if (optionIntegers.isNone()) {
return Some(new Cenotaph([Flaw.VARINT]));
const { flaws, edicts, fields } = Message.fromIntegers(
let flags = Tag.take(Tag.FLAGS, fields, 1, ([value]) => Some(value)).unwrapOr(u128(0));
const etchingResult = Flag.take(flags, Flag.ETCHING);
const etchingFlag = etchingResult.set;
flags = etchingResult.flags;
const etching: Option<Etching> = etchingFlag
? (() => {
const divisibility = Tag.take(
([value]): Option<u8> =>
.andThen<u8>((value) => (value <= MAX_DIVISIBILITY ? Some(value) : None))
const rune = Tag.take(Tag.RUNE, fields, 1, ([value]) => Some(new Rune(value)));
const spacers = Tag.take(
([value]): Option<u32> =>
u128.tryIntoU32(value).andThen((value) => (value <= MAX_SPACERS ? Some(value) : None))
const symbol = Tag.take(Tag.SYMBOL, fields, 1, ([value]) =>
u128.tryIntoU32(value).andThen((value) => {
try {
return Some(String.fromCodePoint(Number(value)));
} catch (e) {
return None;
const termsResult = Flag.take(flags, Flag.TERMS);
const termsFlag = termsResult.set;
flags = termsResult.flags;
const terms = termsFlag
? (() => {
const amount = Tag.take(Tag.AMOUNT, fields, 1, ([value]) => Some(value));
const cap = Tag.take(Tag.CAP, fields, 1, ([value]) => Some(value));
const offset = [
Tag.take(Tag.OFFSET_START, fields, 1, ([value]) => u128.tryIntoU64(value)),
Tag.take(Tag.OFFSET_END, fields, 1, ([value]) => u128.tryIntoU64(value)),
] as const;
const height = [
Tag.take(Tag.HEIGHT_START, fields, 1, ([value]) => u128.tryIntoU64(value)),
Tag.take(Tag.HEIGHT_END, fields, 1, ([value]) => u128.tryIntoU64(value)),
] as const;
return Some({ amount, cap, offset, height });
: None;
const premine = Tag.take(Tag.PREMINE, fields, 1, ([value]) => Some(value));
const turboResult = Flag.take(flags, Flag.TURBO);
const turbo = etchingResult.set;
flags = turboResult.flags;
return Some(new Etching(divisibility, rune, spacers, symbol, terms, premine, turbo));
: None;
const mint = Tag.take(Tag.MINT, fields, 2, ([block, tx]): Option<RuneId> => {
const optionBlockU64 = u128.tryIntoU64(block);
const optionTxU32 = u128.tryIntoU32(tx);
if (optionBlockU64.isNone() || optionTxU32.isNone()) {
return None;
return, optionTxU32.unwrap());
const pointer = Tag.take(
([value]): Option<u32> =>
.andThen((value) => (value < transaction.vout.length ? Some(value) : None))
if ( => {
if (flags !== 0n) {
if ([...fields.keys()].find((tag) => tag % 2n === 0n) !== undefined) {
if (flaws.length !== 0) {
return Some(
new Cenotaph(
etching.andThen((etching) => etching.rune),
return Some(new Runestone(mint, pointer, edicts, etching));
static payload(transaction: RunestoneTx): Option<Payload> {
// search transaction outputs for payload
for (const output of transaction.vout) {
const instructions = script.decompile(hexToBytes(output.scriptpubkey));
if (instructions === null) {
throw new Error('unable to decompile');
// payload starts with OP_RETURN
let nextInstructionResult =;
if (nextInstructionResult.done || nextInstructionResult.value !== OP_RETURN) {
// followed by the protocol identifier
nextInstructionResult =;
if (
nextInstructionResult.done ||
nextInstructionResult.value instanceof Uint8Array ||
nextInstructionResult.value !== MAGIC_NUMBER
) {
// construct the payload by concatinating remaining data pushes
let payloads: Uint8Array[] = [];
do {
nextInstructionResult =;
if (nextInstructionResult.done) {
const decodedSuccessfully = nextInstructionResult.value;
if (!decodedSuccessfully) {
return Some(Flaw.INVALID_SCRIPT);
const instruction = nextInstructionResult.value;
if (instruction instanceof Uint8Array) {
} else {
return Some(Flaw.OPCODE);
} while (true);
return Some(concatUint8Arrays(payloads));
return None;
static integers(payload: Uint8Array): Option<u128[]> {
const integers: u128[] = [];
const seekArray = new SeekArray(payload);
while (!seekArray.isFinished()) {
const optionInt = u128.decodeVarInt(seekArray);
if (optionInt.isNone()) {
return None;
return Some(integers);

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@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
namespace pushdata {
* Calculates the encoding length of a number used for push data in Bitcoin transactions.
* @param i The number to calculate the encoding length for.
* @returns The encoding length of the number.
export function encodingLength(i: number): number {
return i < OPS.OP_PUSHDATA1 ? 1 : i <= 0xff ? 2 : i <= 0xffff ? 3 : 5;
* Decodes a byte array and returns information about the opcode, number, and size.
* @param array - The byte array to decode.
* @param offset - The offset within the array to start decoding.
* @returns An object containing the opcode, number, and size, or null if decoding fails.
export function decode(
array: Uint8Array,
offset: number
): {
opcode: number;
number: number;
size: number;
} | null {
const dataView = new DataView(array.buffer, array.byteOffset, array.byteLength);
const opcode = dataView.getUint8(offset);
let num: number;
let size: number;
// ~6 bit
if (opcode < OPS.OP_PUSHDATA1) {
num = opcode;
size = 1;
// 8 bit
} else if (opcode === OPS.OP_PUSHDATA1) {
if (offset + 2 > array.length) return null;
num = dataView.getUint8(offset + 1);
size = 2;
// 16 bit
} else if (opcode === OPS.OP_PUSHDATA2) {
if (offset + 3 > array.length) return null;
num = dataView.getUint16(offset + 1, true); // true for little-endian
size = 3;
// 32 bit
} else {
if (offset + 5 > array.length) return null;
if (opcode !== OPS.OP_PUSHDATA4) throw new Error('Unexpected opcode');
num = dataView.getUint32(offset + 1, true); // true for little-endian
size = 5;
return {
number: num,
const OPS = {
OP_0: 0,
OP_TRUE: 81,
OP_1: 81,
OP_2: 82,
OP_3: 83,
OP_4: 84,
OP_5: 85,
OP_6: 86,
OP_7: 87,
OP_8: 88,
OP_9: 89,
OP_10: 90,
OP_11: 91,
OP_12: 92,
OP_13: 93,
OP_14: 94,
OP_15: 95,
OP_16: 96,
OP_NOP: 97,
OP_VER: 98,
OP_IF: 99,
OP_NOTIF: 100,
OP_VERIF: 101,
OP_ELSE: 103,
OP_ENDIF: 104,
OP_2DROP: 109,
OP_2DUP: 110,
OP_3DUP: 111,
OP_2OVER: 112,
OP_2ROT: 113,
OP_2SWAP: 114,
OP_IFDUP: 115,
OP_DEPTH: 116,
OP_DROP: 117,
OP_DUP: 118,
OP_NIP: 119,
OP_OVER: 120,
OP_PICK: 121,
OP_ROLL: 122,
OP_ROT: 123,
OP_SWAP: 124,
OP_TUCK: 125,
OP_CAT: 126,
OP_LEFT: 128,
OP_RIGHT: 129,
OP_SIZE: 130,
OP_AND: 132,
OP_OR: 133,
OP_XOR: 134,
OP_EQUAL: 135,
OP_1ADD: 139,
OP_1SUB: 140,
OP_2MUL: 141,
OP_2DIV: 142,
OP_ABS: 144,
OP_NOT: 145,
OP_ADD: 147,
OP_SUB: 148,
OP_MUL: 149,
OP_DIV: 150,
OP_MOD: 151,
OP_MIN: 163,
OP_MAX: 164,
OP_RIPEMD160: 166,
OP_SHA1: 167,
OP_SHA256: 168,
OP_HASH160: 169,
OP_HASH256: 170,
OP_NOP1: 176,
OP_NOP2: 177,
OP_NOP3: 178,
OP_NOP4: 179,
OP_NOP5: 180,
OP_NOP6: 181,
OP_NOP7: 182,
OP_NOP8: 183,
OP_NOP9: 184,
OP_NOP10: 185,
} as const;
export const opcodes = OPS;
export namespace script {
export type Instruction = number | Uint8Array;
export function* decompile(array: Uint8Array): Generator<Instruction, boolean> {
let i = 0;
while (i < array.length) {
const opcode = array[i];
// data chunk
if (opcode >= OPS.OP_0 && opcode <= OPS.OP_PUSHDATA4) {
const d = pushdata.decode(array, i);
// did reading a pushDataInt fail?
if (d === null) return false;
i += d.size;
// attempt to read too much data?
if (i + d.number > array.length) return false;
const data = array.subarray(i, i + d.number);
i += d.number;
yield data;
// opcode
} else {
yield opcode;
i += 1;
return true;

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
* This class provides a way to read data sequentially from a Uint8Array with automatic cursor management.
* It utilizes DataView for handling multi-byte data types.
* This replaces the SeekBuffer from the original runestone-lib!
export class SeekArray {
public seekIndex: number = 0;
private dataView: DataView;
* Constructs a SeekArray instance.
* @param array - The Uint8Array from which data will be read.
constructor(private array: Uint8Array) {
this.dataView = new DataView(array.buffer, array.byteOffset, array.byteLength);
* Reads an unsigned 8-bit integer from the current position and advances the seek index by 1 byte.
* @returns The read value or undefined if reading beyond the end of the array.
readUInt8(): number | undefined {
if (this.isFinished()) {
return undefined;
const value = this.dataView.getUint8(this.seekIndex);
this.seekIndex += 1;
return value;
* Checks if the seek index has reached or surpassed the length of the underlying array.
* @returns true if there are no more bytes to read, false otherwise.
isFinished(): boolean {
return this.seekIndex >= this.array.length;

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
import { Rune } from './rune';
export class SpacedRune {
constructor(readonly rune: Rune, readonly spacers: number) {}
toString(): string {
const rune = this.rune.toString();
let i = 0;
let result = '';
for (const c of rune) {
result += c;
if (i < rune.length - 1 && (this.spacers & (1 << i)) !== 0) {
result += '•';
return result;

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
import { None, Option, Some } from './monads';
import { u128 } from './integer';
import { FixedArray } from './utils';
export enum Tag {
BODY = 0,
FLAGS = 2,
RUNE = 4,
CAP = 8,
AMOUNT = 10,
MINT = 20,
NOP = 127,
export namespace Tag {
export function take<N extends number, T extends {}>(
tag: Tag,
fields: Map<u128, u128[]>,
n: N,
withFn: (values: FixedArray<u128, N>) => Option<T>
): Option<T> {
const field = fields.get(u128(tag));
if (field === undefined) {
return None;
const values: u128[] = [];
for (const i of [...Array(n).keys()]) {
if (field[i] === undefined) {
return None;
values[i] = field[i];
const optionValue = withFn(values as FixedArray<u128, N>);
if (optionValue.isNone()) {
return None;
field.splice(0, n);
if (field.length === 0) {
return Some(optionValue.unwrap());

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
import { Option } from './monads';
import { u128, u64 } from './integer';
export type Terms = {
amount: Option<u128>;
cap: Option<u128>;
height: readonly [Option<u64>, Option<u64>];
offset: readonly [Option<u64>, Option<u64>];

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
type GrowToSize<T, N extends number, A extends T[]> = A['length'] extends N
? A
: GrowToSize<T, N, [...A, T]>;
export type FixedArray<T, N extends number> = GrowToSize<T, N, []>;